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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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in some areas this approach may be better, this dialogue says a lot, therefore, in general, the fact that the norm now provides for approval by deputies of the state duma, this of course obliges us to a lot. and we are trying in this dialogue to approach the development of a decision, the approval of candidates scrupulously, i hope that this will also affect the work of the cabinet of ministers, that the next question: the procedure for approving candidates also includes answers to questions from the deputy, which deputies have prepared questions and what tasks the new composition of the cabinet of ministers will solve, that’s what the duma distinguishes.
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it’s important to emphasize this once again, the state duma meetings, i can’t imagine what question will be asked, we must be prepared for any question, so those who come today... at the committee meetings will not be envied, because these questions are formulated by our life, and let’s say a deputy was in his constituency yesterday, voters outlined this topic at a meeting, and he may consider it right to voice it before the minister or future deputy prime minister, but there are topics... which we have
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repeatedly raised within the state duma, and this, by the way, was discussed during the confirmation of mikhail vladimovich mishustin, we have a problem in healthcare, a shortage of personnel, more than 30 thousand doctors today the industry is waiting, but they are not there, this. problem, because the federal government, the government of the russian federation, the state duma are doing a lot to modernize healthcare, we are building new hospitals, we have a lot of equipment is purchased, but at the same time the main person in a medical institution is a doctor, a medical worker, is there a shortage of them?
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this relates to the responsibility of municipalities and regions for the purity of relations, these are their powers, but everywhere they are executed differently, if in moscow they are executed effectively, as well as in a number of other regions, then in some regions there is a problem simply, which itself already declares to himself.
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kh, i’ll emphasize once again, it’s at the regional and local level, but we still have to react to it, because we can’t talk, that everything is fine, because we are fulfilling our powers, it is important for us to ensure that powers are exercised in the regions in local governments, as effectively as at the federal level, because funds are allocated to resolve these issues, but at the same time we see that people constantly tell us and
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are faced with... young mothers, diapers, strollers, cribs, clothes for children, price increases, while over the past 5
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years it has amounted to 70%. yes, these will be questions for the relevant ministry, not there are enough pediatricians.
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it’s wrong, since you take part in the formation of the government personnel, it means you must bear responsibility for the one to whom you gave your vote in support, this is what we are talking about, and one more question, among those
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candidates whom the prime minister is now proposing as a member, is there a good person a well-known deputy, this is mikhailev, he used to work to sit down, the government proposes, yes, but he used to be. we all know, he worked in the state duma . of course, on the one hand, it’s easier for him, we headed the relevant committee for 9 years, then served with dignity as the governor of a huge. difficult region, the khabarovsk territory for 4 years, and of course, all this counts, but his candidacy has been proposed for the post of minister of sports, a ministry where
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there are a huge number of problems, we also talked about this at a meeting of the state duma, we must definitely do everything , so that the priority is in development...
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everything goes into payment, if the section is paid, if the competitions are paid, if... he can do it, like a person who has now come from the region and faced with this, he
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will work to create conditions for the development of sports and physical culture for everyone, and not for only a narrow part, when the entire system is configured to select the most effective ones further. to train in these closed clubs is often then sent abroad, but this is not the case, and moreover, we believe that it is unacceptable to treat work in this area in this way, so we will support it, but the priority should be obvious, development of mass sports, creation of a healthy lifestyle and...
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to a doctor who is selected according to this principle, everything is based on professionalism, experience, competence, a responsible attitude to the matter, only in this case will there be success, thank you, wake up, load up, we are about to have a big meeting, so get ready for the fact that as soon as the participants leave here,
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, exhibitions, concerts, film screenings, folk festivals, joy with tears in their eyes, they survived. survived, won, how the frosty, snowy, but at the same time the warmest may 9th passed in the capital, let’s talk about it right now. the legendary zis-3 gun of the salute battalion, which, according to a long tradition, lined up near the walls of the kremlin, the last time they stood in the snow during the winter battles of '43. with the help of this phone we receive the command, fire, see these and others. guns in an almost combat situation, moreover from the time of the great patriotic war, it was possible in patriot park, there they reconstructed the battle for sevastopol in every detail, they prepared for about 2-3 months, looked at historical documents, selected an episode, on poklonnaya hill this year there was continuous thread, russian history is felt especially, it can be seen, felt there is a connection between generations like never before, here in
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one place is an exhibition of weapons of victory, and nearby is charred western equipment, destroyed in novorossiya. grandchildren and great-grandchildren, soldiers of victory, this gives me goosebumps and takes my breath away. moscow is still helping. every week svetlana donates things needed on the front lines for the soldiers. this is so little we can do for these boys. a waltz that carries you along the waves of memory, a soldier's porridge with the smell of smoke and battles , a heady feeling of belonging to the big, the glorious, the great. this only happens in victory day. i'm proud. for our country, for our armed forces, for our ancestors, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who won the great patriotic war and gave us the opportunity to live in our wonderful, strong, great state. and everywhere.
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thank you, dear veterans, for the victory, thank you, dear muscovites, for your help and support, for your faith and love for russia. happy holiday, friends, happy victory day. festive fireworks in the evening sky over the capital, as a symbol of the true historical triumph of a large country, a triumph that does not exist the right not to conform. special attitude to victory day in the moscow region. in many areas in the west and north of the region, bloody battles were already taking place in the fall of '41. the enemy was rushing towards moscow, and he had to be stopped at all costs. the village of petrishchevo, where it took place. mozoi kosmodemyanskaya, dubasekov's patrol, which went down in history with the battle of 28 heroes ponfilosov, lobnya, where the nazis came closest to moscow , only a few
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kilometers remained to the capital. there are many such heroic, legendary places on the map of the moscow region, everywhere they remember and honor how the day of the great victory was celebrated by those who survived the german occupation; we walked along the roads of the great patriotic war near moscow. we cut half of it and take it with us. happily there to tashirovo, then to lyubanovo. residents of the village of novinskaya bring fresh tulips to the mass grave every year; it is located where the front line was at the end of '41. the battles were so terrible that the field behind the river village was littered with corpses of soldiers in several rows. this house in the village is the only one that has survived the war. the germans deployed in it communication center.
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no less, poets raised him to the stars, and he, looking immortality in the face, dreamed of how to meet... russia and how he would repair his mother’s porch. this is a gala reception for truly important people, war participants, home front workers, and those who
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survived fascist concentration camps. people of extraordinary destiny who have gone through many trials have gathered here. there are those who came to us from donetsk, there are those who went through the siege of leningrad, happy victory day. then a trip to moscow, to the main parade of the country, this is also a big, status award, about it then the children tell it to their grandchildren, and they tell it to their great-grandchildren, on every holiday, with tears in their eyes. victory day, how far it was from us, like giving embers to a fire. we brought this day closer as best we could.
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there hasn’t been such a winter-like snowy, windy, cold may in moscow for almost half a century, so that on victory day, melamitelya, the temperature dropped to negative values, few people really remember this, all these weather disasters couldn’t spoil the holiday, but they made us freeze, in shocked car owners, how to drive a summer car tires, if there is natural ice on the roads, everyone has only one question, when the may warmth will return, our anastasia makhina, this is of course too... i’m very worried about what’s going on, it’s amazing, this year, in early may, it wasn’t the thunderstorm that muscovites had to fall in love with against the backdrop of spring greenery, a real february blizzard.
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this is what the fountains would look like if they were launched on new year's eve. this is beauty. the reason for everything is the so-called arctic bag. a cold atmospheric front covered the capital with a white blanket. these are air the masses that we cannot influence, like songs are sung. weather is like fashion and feminine. temperatures dropped to record lows midweek . on the night of may 10, for the first time in 115 years, it was -4°. the frost even forced the boiler room to start up again. the heating system is operating normally, heating will also be completed when there are positive temperatures, a squally wind shook the capital, twisted the booms of construction cranes and broke trees, and a white willow fell victim to bad weather in the apothecary garden. it was planted by peter i, as experts say, it can be saved, the heat-loving magnolia suffered much more damage, the flowers froze, they are
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as hard as... mostly imported plants suffered, while domestic ones continue to delight with their aroma and vibrant colors. now it’s very good to take pictures, despite the cold, lilac and white lilac have also bloomed. the may frosts did not interfere and the sowing grain crops are resistant to low temperatures, which cannot be said about cherries; straw was burned in the kolomna to warm the trees with smoke. losses the summer residents, deceived by the early warmth, also suffered. those who planted seedlings ahead of schedule are counting the damage. that’s it, there won’t be strawberries anymore, the core is black, more experienced gardeners managed to save the harvest, i planted all the annuals here, all the heat-loving crops, and i was so worried and covered them with thin covering material, that’s it, everyone is alive and well. after such stress, the plants need additional feeding, but if the cucumbers and tomatoes are damaged, they will no longer produce tasty fruits. there is good news, because of the frosts there will be fewer pests,
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in particular may. you don’t have to wait at all, fungal diseases will only progress, so advice to all gardeners: fruit trees need to be treated with a fungicide solution. strangely enough, the snow helped save the harvest for many; if the frost had been dry, the plants would have definitely died. on may 9, for the first time in the history of observations, the snow cover reached 5 cm, but it seems that this did not spoil the mood of muscovites. friends said it would be ready in about 10 minutes, this is how they made unusual kebab even younger. a snow doll was given to a panda katyusha, the baby, was not allowed to go into the outer enclosure, but they could not leave her without a gift, and it seems that she liked it; probably only tourists are more happy than she is. i didn’t expect to see snow on this trip, it’s a wonderful gift for me, i ’ve never seen snow before. we didn’t expect snow, then we woke up, opened the window, and there it was snowing.
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may tale under. famous estates that everyone knows about, arkhangelskaya, kuskova, kolomenskaya, ostankino, almost everywhere large-scale restoration is either ongoing or is about to begin. and here the legendary estate of momonov on vorobyovy gory is not known to everyone, it is impossible to get there, there is a special regime, and these are the incredible beauty of the building, with which such iconic names for russian history as the dolgorukovs and yusupovs are associated, in such an emergency condition that it is time to sound the alarm , which is what we are doing, why is the estate not being restored?
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although even money was found for this, the historical and architectural investigation was carried out by our alexander karpov. the only estate near moscow for the 16th century, miraculously surviving on the very edge of the sparrow hills, for the last 80 years it could only be seen from a bird's eye view, a sensitive object since the time of beria. the institute of chemical physics was founded here in 1943; major scientists worked here who were involved in the creation of nuclear power. it’s a paradox: it was thanks to the regime of utmost secrecy that this royal royal palace was preserved, but today , alas, it is on the verge of complete destruction. we are seeing signs of failure, this wall is supported by supports, plus we have a slope here, that is, it can simply collapse, at any moment, quite calmly, the palace as a monument is absolutely unique in that three centuries, three eras and three of...


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