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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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maybe he drove a snowmobile, but i don’t know, hunting, this or this, what to call it, is it illegal or legal, i don’t know, but the fact that petin had already been convicted before, everyone here knows, some even attributed connections to him with members of the ryazan organized crime groups, petin himself allegedly also had fame in certain circles under the nickname simon, it is a well-known fact that hunting is a favorite pastime for authoritative businessmen; only by invitation you can get to certain people. to hunt, but they don’t want to see others there and don’t let them in. the hobby of hunting is one of the elite hobbies, all they think this is not involvement with the hunter, this is something mandatory, status, so i think that there are plenty of people who want to go hunting in such places, arrange a safari there on a snowmobile, on an atv, but we...
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we fight in our own lands. a hunter with thirty-five years of experience , ivan larionov has been actively fighting poachers for many years, he says everything like in the poems of yesenin, who was born in ryazan in this forest , fascinated by the fluffs of silver, i went hunting with a rifle loaded yesterday. now hunting in the ryazan region is under ban, the spring season is over, the summer season has not yet begun, but shots - according to club activists, hunting enthusiasts periodically sound, the results of bloody safaris are recorded by local residents. they killed him. the lass have already begun to butcher him. at the end of january last year , also in the ryazan region, a poaching hunt turned into a bloody massacre. several roe deer were killed. the mutilated carcass was discovered in the forest by a local huntsman. he also managed to identify the poachers, among whom was a law enforcement officer. after how the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, drew attention to this story. the case went to court. all participants in the massacre were detained. they, as it turned out, had neither a hunting permit nor a hunting license. were.
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numbers or shoot at the noise or towards the beaters, directly during the hunt, people go wrong with safety precautions when handling weapons or fail to comply with safety precautions , these are the moments that happen, that is , this hunt must be approached very... carefully, understandably, what a briefing, but important the very state of the hunter, the hunter must be sober, the hunter must know the minimum of hunting, how, for whom, now the hunt is open, so that there are no unnecessary shots, so that the animals do not make noise, and so on, accordingly, if all this is observed, there will be a minimum of accidents, in the recent story of the mysterious disappearance of a man while hunting in the ryazan region, there are still many questions: an accident or a deliberate murder. and was it there? if not, then where
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did the local resident go? it is known that in addition to the current employee, there was another former policeman, a certain stanislav kostin, was also arrested by the court. employees of the criminal investigation department of the ryazan police were involved in solving the crime. this is where their department is located behind a high fence with barbed wire and iron gates. for a long time they followed the trail of future defendants like hunters. not wanting to shoot, they drove large game into a trap, in the end they caught themselves, or rather their deputy boss, they say this happened only after they got involved in the work the main department of internal security of the ministry of internal affairs and the central apparatus of the investigative committee of russia. the mother of sergei pentelin, who disappeared during a vip hunt, is confident that the case got underway as soon as the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin , requested a report on the situation. if it weren’t for the investigative committee, then i...
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honest detective, subscribe, also our investigation and daily releases on the platform watch, go to the broadcast tab, turn on honest detective. and our episode is now complete, maxim was in the studio sheep. see you. and now to the news of the last hour, as a result of massive shelling of the ukrainian armed forces in belgorod, the entire entrance of a ten-story building collapsed. this happened after
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a shell hit. according to preliminary data, about ten people may be under the rubble. also, emergency services are now reporting that there are deaths. we will recognize our correspondent in the region igor pikhanov in direct communication with the studio. igor, greetings, what data do you have up to this minute, what information, because those the messages that come to the news agency’s feed are quite different. hello, daria, so far no one can say with certainty the number of victims and also confirm that there were deaths, at the moment search and rescue work is underway at the site, that’s about it for now.
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hits on cars that were parked, it is reported that they caught fire, were direct near residential buildings, there was also damage to other residential buildings right in the private sector, one of the shells was exactly confirmed, that a private estate collapsed, fortunately its residents survived and were not injured,
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now operational information is being clarified, in addition, today ukrainian militants fired at... the city of shibekina, it is located right on the border, about 3 km from it to the russian-ukrainian border , usu militants hit it with kamikaze drones, as a result there was damage to the residential sector, there was damage to industrial enterprises, but fortunately there were no casualties among the local residents. vyacheslav glodkov in his telegram channel reports about that all victims are provided with the necessary medical care, there is a need for this. equipment and specialists. dalie igor, thank you. our correspondent, igor pikhanov, was in direct communication from belgorod. our film crew is working directly at the site of today’s massive air strike, as a result of which the entire entrance of a ten-story building collapsed. well, now to the messages
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that are coming at these minutes to the news agency’s feed, riya novosti, with reference to emergency services, reports that the number victims of the collapse of part of a residential building in belgorod have grown to seven. residents are now being evacuated. in addition, a message from the investigative committee. also , a few minutes ago, the investigative committee is investigating the massive shelling of belgorod by the armed forces of ukraine. the necessary measures will be taken to identify all persons involved in the commission of these crimes. well, now a short advertisement, then we will continue the release. vtb! what do you think? cool, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription? replenish regularly and you will save up 16% faster. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on
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12:13 pm
chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin held a meeting with his deputies and heads of relevant committees of the lower house of parliament. the meeting was attended by the acting deputy prime minister dmitry grigorenko. the main issue on the agenda of deputies today is the consideration of candidates for positions. prime ministers and ministers, extended meetings of relevant committees are planned. and my colleague alexandra suvorova is working in the state duma today, she is joining the broadcast again. sasha, i welcome you once again to what is happening in the state duma at these moments and how the procedure for discussing candidates for members of the government will proceed. dasha, hello, but it’s already 12 o’clock, so 10 minutes, that’s how everyone works specialized committees, there is now an active discussion of proposed candidates for positions in the cabinet of ministers. let me remind you that according to.
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it sounds like we need to be prepared for any question, so
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you won’t envy those who come to committee meetings today, because these questions shape our lives. and if we talk about which candidates have already been proposed, then denis mantorov could become the first deputy prime minister; his candidacy has already been nominated. in addition, two ministers, now performing duties in their departments, this is vitaly saveliev, the acting head of bentrans and dmitry patrushek, the acting head of the ministry of agriculture, their candidacies have been proposed for...
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now it looks like this: in the event that one or another candidacy is not approved in the state duma at the plenary meeting prime minister, there are only three attempts to submit either the same candidacy or some other person for this or that position, but if even then the state duma refuses, then the president chooses directly deputy prime minister or minister from the three
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proposed candidates by the prime minister of the country, this is one story, the second is, of course, the power bloc, there are already several here. another procedure, the fact is that all the so-called law enforcement agencies, i remind you that these are mit, mineu, also the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of defense, it is the leaders of these areas, they will be directly proposed by the president to the federation council, after consideration by the federation council and approval or disapproval of these candidates, the president also signs a decree appointing these people to his positions, but in the meantime we continue to work here in the lower house of parliament and we will tell you what statements will be made. ministers of committees, based on the results of meetings of expanded candidates for the position of deputy prime ministers, and today my colleague
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alexander svorova works in the state duma. the list of candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers and ministers was sent to the state duma the day before. and maria kudryavtseva will tell you more about personnel decisions. president vladimir putin approved the structure of the new government. according to the decree of the head the cabinet of ministers will have 10 deputies and will retain 21 ministries. and mikhail mishustin has already submitted a new composition of the government to the state duma. the list of deputies includes the first deputy prime minister. the new composition of the cabinet of ministers has proposed a candidate for this position. ensuring technological leadership, the importance of which is stated in the new may decree of president vladimir putin, also in the list of deputy prime ministers, deputy prime minister, plenipotentiary representative of the president in the far eastern federal district,
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it is assumed that in this position yuri trutnev will remain, and the position of deputy prime minister will remain. head of the government staff, the candidacy of dmitry grigorenko has been proposed here, it is assumed that he will continue to oversee the financial and control and supervisory spheres. in addition, it is proposed to transfer digital development and communications, as well as antitrust policy, under its coordination. given the importance of the further development of transport and logistics, the new government will include the position of a specialized deputy prime minister. proposed as a candidate for this post vitaly savelelev. in recent years , they headed the ministry of transport, and before that, for many years, one of the largest domestic airlines. in connection with the transition to a new place of work, victoria abramchenko should be replaced as deputy prime minister by dmitry patrushev. let me remind you that before that he headed the ministry of agriculture. other candidates for the position of deputy prime minister include those who previously
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held this position. this is tatyana golikova, including, it is assumed, as deputy prime minister. will continue to supervise the activities of the ministry of health, the ministry of labor and social protection, the ministry of culture, and the scope of its work will also include the federal agency for national affairs. alexander novak has been proposed for the post of deputy prime minister, however, due to andrei belousov’s move to a new job, in addition to the energy sector, he will oversee the economic bloc. as the press secretary of the prime minister boris belyakov explains, alexander novak has the necessary managerial experience. for a long time coordinated economic and financial issues, both in business and in the municipal and public service, including holding the position of deputy minister of finance. it is believed that alexey overchuk, marat khusnulin and dmitry chernyshenko will retain their positions in the new government. as for dmitry chernyshenko, his areas of activity include the supervision of the ministry
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of science and higher education, the ministry of sports and the ministry of economics in terms of tourism development, the ministry of education and rosmolodezh will be added. moreover, he will continue coordination in the field of media, periodicals and publishing activities. in recent years, we have all achieved a lot in the digitalization of our country, everyone from... application portals have become an indispensable assistant for almost all citizens, where over 107 million people are already registered. the importance of digitalization and the ability to remotely receive government services was clearly demonstrated by the covid-19 pandemic, but in order for the maximum number of citizens of the country to be able to use government services and online services, it is necessary to consistently develop the digital . the effectiveness of state policy in recent years in the field of science education cannot be overestimated. the key to this effectiveness is
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dmitry chernyshenko’s personal involvement in a huge range of tasks, from artificial intelligence and innovation to science and high technology. it is very important that the center of this policy is the person, his well-being and harmonious development of the individual. concentration of the entire block of science education, areas of critical strategic importance for... the future of our country, ensuring its economic and technological sovereignty, in one person's hands fully justifies itself; thanks to the priority 2030 program, dozens of leading universities have reached a new level of efficiency and competitiveness. according to the presidential decree, the number of names of russian ministries in the new government remain the same, but there are new candidates proposed as their leaders. to the post of minister of sports instead of the transferring one. for another job of oleg matytsin, the candidacy of the governor of the khabarovsk territory mikhail dekterev was proposed. on sergei tsovilev has been proposed for the post of minister of energy, and
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the governor of the kursk region, roman starovoit, has been proposed for the post of minister of transport. as explained by the press secretary of the prime minister boris belyakov. in 2012-2018 , roman storovoyd headed rosavtodor, and in 2019 he headed the “safe and high-quality roads and road activities” group. on preparing the presidium of the state council for transport and knows the industry from the inside. oksana lut was proposed for the post of head of the ministry of agriculture, let me remind you that she is currently not acting duties of the first deputy minister of agriculture, for the post of minister of industry and trade, the candidacy of the governor of the kaliningrad region anton alikhanov was proposed. let me remind you that he previously worked at the ministry of industry and trade, and was also a member of the advisory council on industry at the board of the eurasian economic commission. your posts are new. alexander kozlov, anton kotyakov and sergei krovtsov are expected to remain in the government , and olga lyubimova is also expected to retain their positions,
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maxim reshednikov, anton syulanov and mikhail murashka, among the candidates from the previous government are irek faizolin, valery falkov, alexey chikunkov and maksud shadayev. as the press secretary of the prime minister boris belyakov explains, the final decision on the distribution of powers of deputy prime ministers. will be approved after consideration of the candidates of the state duma and additional consultations between mikhail mishustin and the president. sing in the knee, more in the back, maybe in the neck. pentalgin extragel contains the maximum dose of the substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel. it is profitable to retire with a savings bank. for pensioners - a free sber card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback with bonuses in pharmacies - a discount on
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more and more, classic grand burgers and a new one, grand picant with spicy tomato sauce, delicious, period. the water level in the river near the villages of ust and shim in the omsk region is approaching the mark. 9 m is significantly higher than the dangerous value; more than 300 residential buildings were flooded, hundreds of people were evacuated, and a state of emergency was declared in two more areas. rescuers are now strengthening dams to prevent flooding of the federal highway. my colleague neli from kobelkino is monitoring the development of the situation on the spot. the flood situation in the omsk region really continues to worsen. the water in the rivers is growing rapidly; only in the last 24 hours in rtsh the river level
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has risen again. and now exceeds the critical level by more than half a meter. due to the flood of the ishim and irtysh rivers in the north of the omsk region, more than 300 houses remain flooded; due to the flood, traffic on five more than two dozen settlements remain cut off from the world on sections of roads. at present, movement through flooded villages is only possible by boat. we will evacuate and calm down. thanks for your concern, thanks for your participation. and as i already said, the water level in the rivers continues to rise, now high water threatens not only those who have settled down, but according to information from omsk hydrologists, in the coming days, even approximately tomorrow, floods may come to the muromtsevo region in tara. before this, the threat of flooding loomed above tevriz, and residents who may be at risk are now being talked to, they are being asked to evacuate from their villages, temporary accommodation centers are also being set up here,
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embankments are being strengthened, the day before it was flooded. and the villages of the ustishimsky district also delivered water and food using special equipment, and at the same time, rescuers evacuated those who until the last hoped that the big water would not come to them. and, probably, the most difficult situation remains in the village of ashivany, here more than 100 houses, more than a hundred people were evacuated, according to the latest data , there are still people in the flooded village, one of the embankments in ustishim was washed away the night before, but fortunately there were no people in the village. a rescuer is on duty in heated areas; the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the peninsula from the nazi invaders is celebrated in crimea. on may 12 , 1944, soviet troops drove the third reich military out of simferopol, feodossia and yevpatoria. yana shcherbataya will continue the topic. this is a partisan detachment.


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