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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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we will win and the enemy will not pass. the memory of the bloody battles and the great victory of 1945 runs like a red thread through the history of every russian family. there is no family in which our ancestors did not fight or die. my three great-grandfathers died in the smolensk region, in rzhev. therefore, of course, we must honor the memory of all those who participated, remember what a tragedy this is, and know that russia cannot be defeated. and therefore.
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the parade on red square lasted just over 50 minutes; mechanized columns of modern military equipment, from armored personnel carriers to strategic mobile missile systems. the culmination was the long-awaited aviation part. pilots of aerobatic teams, russian knights swifts, flew over moscow on their su-30 sm and mig-29 combat aircraft.
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borders of our people and those who need our help, although our enemies spoke different languages ​​and had different weapons, the goals were always the same: to destroy the country, to take away our freedom, but we always courageously stood up in battles, history remembers everything, we will win strength helped the unity of the people and the courage of the troops. become a hero bringing victory closer, serve under a contract. odessa was a city that was founded by catherine. the don and zaporozhye cossacks played a major role in the development of donbass.
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and nothing could interfere, and still unknown details all this time putin and mishustina are talking face to face, and what is happening now in the highest echelons of power, the most complete picture of the historical events of this week, extremely interesting footage in the program that sees more than others, together will win, moscow, the kremlin, putin, let's see. on sunday at 22:00. the parliamentary hour is on the air and we continue. state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin, on behalf of
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russian president vladimir putin, awarded the order of friendship to moldovan deputy marina tauber. “she has done a lot to ensure that relations between our countries develop and strengthen,” the speaker of parliament noted. marina tauber is a member of the friendship group of the parliaments of russia and moldova. in difficult conditions, you have to work as a member of the parliament of moldova, who advocate friendship with our country, with the state duma, they are subjected to open pressure, blackmail, threats, given that they defend the interests of their country, its independence, because...
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it is difficult to move independently, they will receive manually controlled cars. at the beginning of the week , the state duma adopted such a law. my colleague, maria burkova, met with the heroes. in the fall of 2022, igor was mobilized to the isvo zone; he recalls that he received the summons with a smile and even thanked the military registration and enlistment office for it. he says that if it weren’t for the mobilization, he would definitely have joined the volunteers. served conscientiously awarded a medal for courage due to a number of successful operations. during the latter he received a serious wound. they introduced medicinal sleep, because the wounds were severe and the body seemed unable to fight on its own, i was in the er, there my heart stopped twice, that is, there was a bruise of all organs, the kidneys failed, well, in general, such a severe concussion on my whole sides , several
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operations, months of rehabilitation and life in a wheelchair, despite all this, the fighter assures that he does not regret anything, there was time for all this. analyze, i believe that i i did the right thing, and no matter what, even if, roughly speaking, tomorrow i wake up and i’m completely healthy, restored, then i don’t think twice about going back to my guys. doctors say igor has a good chance of walking again, but it still takes a long time for rehabilitation and social adaptation. now the fighter needs more independent mobility. for a driver with thirteen years of experience, being without a car is unbearable. for igor and for other svo participants who find it difficult to move independently due to injury, the state duma adopted a law allowing for manual cars. today we adopted a federal law that concerns those who participate in a special military operation and those who have received a disability when they themselves
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cannot move. help such as allocating a manual car will be an opportunity for self-realization.
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movement, supported by russian president vladimir putin. the chairman of the state duma instructed the committee on labor, social policy and veterans affairs to prepare amendments to the legislation. in priority the order of amendments was adopted in. the fatherland defenders foundation created by presidential decree, make a collegial decision, provide additional measures of social support and allocate technical means of rehabilitation. there is a large list of them, there are various kinds of strollers, there are now electric scooters for the disabled, there are bicycles for the disabled, including cars. this is an important addition; the amendments give the right to the defenders of the fatherland foundation. distribute such special means of transportation, create all the conditions for recovery
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return to normal life is the main goal of this decision, the deputies note. a car is not just a means of transportation, it will contribute to the socialization of a person, make him independent from other people, from public transport and will allow him to remain useful for his family to work. we are really talking about those guys who... cannot even use a prosthesis, only use a wheelchair, so it was simply our duty to pass this law, and it was naturally adopted unanimously. victor nasvo was among the first; during one of the operations, the tanker saved his colleagues at the cost of his health. we were moving as part of a convoy along a given route, the convoy came under mortar fire, and the car next to my crew was hit. so i, that is , it was necessary to act quickly and decisively at that time, made such a decision in order to
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block the car and evacuate the crew with which the car was hit. an explosion, shrapnel wounds to the spine and victor ends up in a wheelchair; he says he only managed it thanks to his wife. first year - i was with him, well, for the first 9 months i was in the hospital, and we were as we were. as a united team, i saw a lot when they were in the hospital, broken hearts of men, and then i understood how much he needed me there, yes, it was very difficult for him, and it was very difficult for me, a strong family withstood a difficult test, behind rehabilitation and treatment, now the hornets dream of a dacha, to which the head of the family will bring them in his own car, to the dream, thanks to the new law, victor, who before... only drove a tank, received a license for a car with a manual controls, i had experience driving, as if on
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a tank, there are of course completely different controls, but i don’t know about a car, for some reason it seemed to me much easier with manual control, that is, the legs are not involved at all, that is, you control everything with your hands , the easier it is to control a tank or vehicles, a tank is easier, vehicles and wounded soldiers will receive absolutely free, the next solution should be an accessible one, now there is a live broadcast again. from the state duma, meetings of the energy committee with the participation of deputies of the energy committee, and also deputies, the committee of others, the committee on economics, the committee on local government, the committee on property, so this is the supremacy of the intersectoral sector of the economy, which is supposed to be supervised by aleksanditenovych, within the framework of the committee meeting there were questions, there were discussions and there was a general mood. solving these problematic issues, you know that tech is the supporting structure of our economy, forms more than
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20% of gdp, forms the federal budget, solves many other issues, is a customer for large industries and economy, plays a very big role in the development of our country, which is why such close attention, this is the result of alexander ulintenovich, for more than 12 years, it was in may of the twelfth year that he was appointed minister of energy, he is directly involved in issues... all these years, the issue of sustainable development of the fuel and energy sector , it is extremely important, especially in the context of sanctions, sanctions in the fourteenth year, then the pandemic, now a new problem, this concerns the export of our energy products, this concerns the provision of affordable and rising prices on the domestic market, the task is complex, while it was necessary to ensure sustainable development of the technology, this goal is being achieved, but the most important thing is that there must be a continuation of the achievement of more ambitious goals for the development of our economy, which includes...
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i would like to say words of gratitude nikolai grigorievich shulkhin for his joint work over the past four years, you know, he was appointed minister of energy within the framework of also new procedures, it was very constructive work.
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to all deputies, committee members, as well as since this was an extended meeting of the committee, everyone who came to it, from other committees of the state duma, had a very meaningful business conversation, and about the prospects for the development of the fuel and energy complex, the economy of our country, about the implementation of those instructions that were given as part of the message , execution of the decree of the president of the russian federation to achieve national goals in...
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belgorod. the terrorist attack in belgorod is another bloody link in the chain of crimes of the kiev regime. he announced this today official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova. below is a quote. targeted shelling of civilians in civilian infrastructure, residential buildings, hospitals, schools, and social facilities has become the signature of zelensky’s criminal group, which is backed by western sponsors. end of quote. according to the ministry of defense, about 2 hours ago kiev was attacked. belgorod from the installations point at alha and vampire. fragments of a downed rocket. we ended up in a ten-story residential building. as a result, an entire entrance collapsed. at the site they are now continuing to clear the rubble, underneath there may be people. by this time , at least 12 people had been rescued, including two children. according to data from the ministry of health, 17 people were hospitalized.
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emergency services also report that there are deaths. the investigative committee opened a criminal case about a terrorist attack in the city. special operations shot down another ukrainian fighter mik-29. well, back to the state duma agenda, the state duma today is eagerly considering candidates for the posts of
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deputy prime ministers and ministers submitted by head of government mikhail mishusin. this extended meetings of relevant committees were devoted to the issue. state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin previously did not rule out that the discussion of candidates would cause heated discussions. he also noted that among the candidates there is no one who would come from... the field, so you can start work right away without rocking it. let me remind you that mikhail mishustin was previously confirmed as prime minister; his deputies and federal ministers are appointed by the president after approval by the state duma. the exception is the heads of the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of defense, ministry of foreign affairs and the ministry of justice, which the head of government will appoint after consultation with the federation council. candidates for the post of deputy prime minister will be considered by state duma deputies at a plenary session. may 13, to the post of ministers on may 14. now watch
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the continuation of the parliamentary hour program. with training, it should also be free and absolutely accessible. negotiations have already been held with dsaf, we met here with the new leadership of dsaf and discussed with them the possibility of training leaders on the basis of dasaf. such cars, this solution will help hundreds of former military personnel, participants of the northern military district, who, after being wounded, found themselves confined to a wheelchair and cannot walk independently, noted the head of the defenders of the fatherland foundation. i want to thank you for this prompt decision, because the allocation of manually controlled cars as a means of special transportation and rehabilitation for our wards is very important. no additional funding will be required; special vehicles will be provided at the expense of the fund. maria burkova, nikita kharaskin, anna melikyan, elena bogdan, duma tv, parliamentary hour. for
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other laws adopted this week, see our review. foreigners will not be able to participate in elections. the law was adopted by the state duma. until now, they had the right to be elected by indicating their status. we are with you. especially in today’s challenging situation, we must first of all think about protecting our state from foreign interference in internal affairs, and of course attempts to influence decision-making through representatives of public authorities. all loopholes in the electoral legislation need to be closed for attempts foreign interference in the internal affairs of russia, we must put a barrier here, so this law is very important, but either be citizens of your country, work in the interests of your country, or you cannot represent residents in government, the one who has already recognized the meaning of the law
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a foreign agent, he cannot participate in elections. currently , 10 foreign agents are deputies at various levels, but they are not automatically deprived of their powers and are given 180 days to withdraw from their status. housing and communal services will increase liability and fines for poor quality services for... this bill was adopted in the second reading, by the way, the current fines for resource supply companies have not changed since 2007, so for violating the rules , officials are punished with a maximum of one thousand rubles, and legal entities with 10,000. the threshold for initiating bankruptcy proceedings has been increased. the changes apply to legal entities. the minimum amount of creditors' claims upon reaching which. the process can grow from 300,000 to 2 million rubles. the document will help in considering disagreements, applications, petitions, complaints and other disputes. free
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an economic zone will be created in border regions. we are talking about the belgorod, kursk and bryansk regions. the bill was adopted in the first reading. investors who invest in the development of such territories, in their industry, logistics, will receive benefits on income tax, property, land, and privileges. when paying insurance premiums. another law of the week will protect children; it will help create an open register of malicious child support defaulters. it will include information about debtors brought to administrative criminal liability, and also wanted for non-payment of funds for the maintenance of children or disabled parents. as state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin explained, it is necessary to create conditions so that fathers, no matter how they treat their ex-wives, do not run away from their children. and that’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you on air.
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your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, such is the belly, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i don’t have a ration or a weapon for you, get ready to fly to moscow, your brother is listed as missing, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope is very much in him. and sergei
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gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, so there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militia, passenger, becomes.
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the entire entrance of a ten-story building collapsed. as a result of the ukrainian armed forces' strike on belgorod, there is dead, a rescue operation is underway. according to the ministry of health, 17 people have been hospitalized; we are waiting for direct input from our correspondents from the region. the state duma's agenda includes consideration of candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers and ministers. meetings of specialized committees have already taken place on okhotsk ryad. earlier, the state duma speaker did not rule out a spicy one.


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