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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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the entire entrance of a ten-story building collapsed as a result of an attack by the ukrainian armed forces on belgorod, there are casualties, a rescue operation is underway, according to the ministry of health, 17 people have been hospitalized, we are waiting for direct coverage from our correspondents from the region. the state duma's agenda includes consideration of candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers and ministers. meetings of specialized committees have already taken place at okhotsk ryad. previously, the state duma speaker did not rule it out. four more
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settlements were liberated by fighters from the north group of forces, we’ll tell you how the offensive of our troops is developing in kharkov region. the water level in the omsk region is critically dangerous, more than 300 houses are flooded, hundreds of people have been evacuated. rescuers are strengthening dams to prevent flooding of the federal highway. well, let's start with the situation in belgorod: targeted shelling of residents of civilian infrastructure became the signature of zelensky's criminal group, which is backed by western sponsors. this is how our foreign ministry commented on the terrorist attack in belgorod. the ukrainian armed forces hit the city with missiles and fragments of the downed point . a residential building was damaged, an entire entrance. at this moment
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, the search and rescue operation is ongoing, there may be people under the rubble, now our correspondent igor pikhanov is working directly at the site of the collapse, he is in direct contact with the studio, igor, greetings again, information is coming in that there are dead, can you do you confirm them and what is happening now at the site of the terrorist attack? hello, daria, we are already at the scene of the tragedy in belgorod, search and rescue work has been going on for more than 2 hours. operational services report that there are dead, but the exact number has not yet been announced, they have not named it, we are waiting for official data, and also the number of victims, according to preliminary data, has increased to 20 people, now emergency services employees are working on the site, these are employees of the ministry of emergency situations, rescuers, the work is in full swing, it should be noted that all specialists work at great risk to their lives, because there has already been one collapse,
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the threat of collapse continues, because all these dangerous structures of a panel destroyed residential building hang dangerously, now employees of the ministry of emergency situations are clearing this area, because now there is a column of smoke and in order for people to work, it is necessary to constantly knock down this smoke, this dust, now there is heavy equipment here, it is clearing away these rubble, people... are working extremely carefully, because there may be people under the rubble, the attack on belgorod and its suburbs was carried out on sunday morning, most of the people were at home, this is a densely populated microdistrict of belgorod, it is regularly shelled by ukrainian militants, and after signal about a missile danger, many people could hide in their hallways,
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there are also other operational services here, these are sappers, they are inspecting the surrounding areas, because the parts of the projectile scattered over a long distance, and it is necessary to exclude the possibility of detonation of unexploded parts of this ammunition, it was definitely not a shell from a vampire’s mlrs, it was something heavy; experts from the ministry of defense will provide more accurate information. a little later, let's give the floor to the local residents, i was there when the first blow was i felt on kitchen, the second blow and the subsequent one, i already jumped out into the hallway, where near the bathtub with a toilet, where there were no windows or anything, then i heard an explosion, and then i screamed, because my husband was still in the room, only i don’t remember in the hall or in the bedroom, so i say, oh, that’s all, but thank god we’re alive, that’s it. but ours was only
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damaged, three frames in the apartment were damaged, but they took out the entrance door and took out the door from the tambour. all emergency services are currently on site. from all over the region, in addition, information is received that acting head of the ministry of emergency situations of russia alexander kurenkov receives operational information from the site of rescue operations, it is reported that additional forces have been put on standby, including specialists from the rescue center and leader center detachments; at the first signal, they are ready to quickly move here, in addition, the minister of health announced that 17 victims were sent to hospitals, at the moment the preliminary number of victims has increased to 20 people, in addition, reserves have also been sent to belgorod, this specialists, we see that a large number of local residents continue to come here,
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these are additional volunteers, they are bringing builders, they are bringing shovels, other building materials, they are also bringing gloves, medicines, water, in order to help. victims, but - local authorities report that the threat of collapse continues, everything necessary for carrying out work on site is there, the main thing is not to cross these special barrier tapes so that in the event of a second collapse no one gets hurt, let's give our word one of the volunteers, we find out why people continue to come here and come, people were just relaxing at home on sunday, an ordinary peaceful day. how are you helping, well , they brought water, i don’t know, to help, if on the rubble, if necessary, an operational headquarters has been created at the site of the rescue work, the head of
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the region, vyacheslav glodkov, is here, he, along with the rescuers, also participated in the evacuation work, also and also helped clean up. adjacent territory - here are the vehicles for the passage of rescue equipment - here, in a big way , all the residents have been evacuated from this huge ten-story building - now - meetings are being held, all of them will be provided with housing - in order for people to find out what kind of help they can get from local authorities, they need to call the operational duty officer. the number 112 is open, let me remind you that it is available 24 hours a day. daria, yes, igor, thank you, our special correspondent igor pikhanov was in direct communication from belgorod, well, right at these moments the news agent comes on the feed new messages about what is happening at
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the site of the collapse of a residential building, such as a message from the ministry of emergency situations that when part of a house collapsed in belgorod , 16 people have already been rescued. also, one more message. three rescuers were injured during the repeated collapse of a house in belgorod, they have injuries of varying severity, and i’ll add that the ministry of defense has already officially confirmed that fragments of a downed rocket hit a residential building in belgorod.u. the ministry of health sent doctors from moscow to belgorod to provide assistance to the victims. according to mikhail murashka, 17 people were hospitalized. and our correspondent, alexander.
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who gave it, they are immediately placed in an ambulance and taken to city hospitals, here we are on duty next to one of the hospitals, several ambulances have just arrived here, apparently they have just brought the victims from the scene of the emergency, well, according to official information, they are now in hospitals there are 17 people in the city, two children are among the victims, they have various injuries of varying severity. all necessary medical help, it is also known that when the house structure collapsed again, three rescuers were injured, they are also now being taken to hospitals, they are also receiving all the necessary medical care, well, it is known for sure that there is no threat to their lives,
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special teams have been created in hospitals, they are on duty in the emergency department and immediately when the ambulance arrives , he receives victims. they examine and refer you for the necessary treatment; also , exactly the same groups work in other hospitals in the city, that is, if the victims storage... lungs, then they are transported further to other medical institutions, that is, in principle, the logistics of the doctors have been worked out, so everything is now in the works, colleagues, yes alexander, thank you, alexander korobov spoke about the condition of the victims of the collapse in the entrance of a high-rise building in belgorod. during a special operation, the north group of troops liberated four more settlements in... the kharkov region. gotishche, krasnoye, morkhovets and oleynikovo came under the control of our military. let me remind you that the day before, in the
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same place, in the kharkov region, they were taken under arrest. control of five more settlements in the dnepropetrovsk region, as reported by the ministry of defense. russian aviation, missile forces and artillery destroyed four mi-24 helicopters. the ukrainian armed forces hit an enemy mi-8 helicopter. also, during a special operation, russian air defense systems shot down another ukrainian one. it is profitable to retire with sberbank, for pensioners there is a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. i'm chef kut aganezov. on my blog i share simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important. astoria,
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khramtsova, is working on okhotny ryad today; she is in direct contact with the studio. elizaveta, greetings, what do you know up to this point and how is things going now? in the state duma floors, even in several buildings of the state duma, despite the day off, government formation is now actively underway, i would like to remind you that on may 10 , the candidacy of mikhail mishustin, proposed by the head of state, was approved by the lower house of parliament, the evening before, in the evening, the chairman of the government nominated candidates for deputy prime ministers and a number of ministers and... now at the committee level there is a discussion of these candidates, some committees have even announced that they will support or not support this or that candidate proposed by the head of government, and such active work that now we will only have time to talk about the social block in this inclusion. tatyana gollikova spoke today at the committee on labor,
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social policy and veterans affairs about what her work was focused on. in previous years about the emphasis that she plans to make in future activities if she is approved for the position, she said that russia is now at a record low point in unemployment, noted that in terms of in healthcare, active work continues on import substitution of medicines, as well as the development of fundamentally new drugs, and tatyana gollikova also plans to actively work in the post of deputy prime minister if approved in the future. work on the implementation of national projects related to healthcare, which the russian president previously spoke about during his address to the federal assembly. we decided that this national project should cover essentially all areas of healthcare development, primary, specialized, cardiovascular, oncological
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diseases, provision of medicines to those in need. patients with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis c, medical rehabilitation as a very serious block, prevention, another deputy prime minister who was asked to continue working in the new cabinet of ministers is dmitry chernishenko, he is responsible for a very wide range of issues, today he has already spoken at a meeting of the committee on higher education, but he oversees several areas at once, this is what he said today, in my block he is performing is probably after golikova, the largest number of presidential instructions, more than 800, of which 38% are related to the science of higher education, the second largest block is the figure of 28%, and then there are sports 15,
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tourism 8, we already have graduates will be able to submit an application through the state services portal for 38 days. admission to more than 1.80 universities in our country as part of the super service, apply to universities online, last year there were almost a million people, twice as many as a year ago. the day before, president vladimir putin signed a decree approving the composition and approving the bodies of the federal executive power. according to this document, the chairman of the government will have 10 deputies, as... in the previous political cycle, one of these deputy prime ministers will combine the position, there will be a deputy prime minister, permanent representative of the head of state in the far eastern federal district, here the candidacy of yuri trutnev. to date , more than 800 enterprises have been built with government support, and investors have actually
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invested 4 trillion rubles into the economy. general quantity sold. a post in the new government, this is also work in new regions, which concerns not only the direct staffing of cultural institutions, but also that patriotic
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work, well, now we again have a live broadcast from the state duma, the government of the russian federation, i must say that it was not at all easy a difficult discussion, because in fact... it revealed perhaps the most important quality of the minister of finance, which is necessary for a person in this position, he did not try to please anyone, but it was a very frank conversation on the most complex and pressing issues of budgetary and tax policy.
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let me remind you that when covid began, then the initial difficult period, like the fight against sanctions, essentially many standard budget procedures were replaced by accelerated procedures, this was necessary in order to make prompt decisions on the most difficult issues, but today we see that covid has been overcome, sanctions are in place, sanctions policy is passing. successful struggle, and at the same time the economy grows, the most important issues, which were raised by the budget committee
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over the last year, this is the return of normal budget procedures, that is, no longer an accelerated redistribution of budget funds within the framework of the executive activities of the government, but a full consideration... into the budget law, naturally, that issues that relate to the three-year budget, we will consider in the fall, but it is very important that today we agreed on how we will
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work on the president’s instructions in order to make budget planning more long-term, fulfillment of national goals, national projects, with the fact that we have agreed on a mechanism for considering these issues fully by parliament. this is the work that we will have to do as part of the next budget process. at the same time, today we agreed on how we will carry out the president’s instructions to fine-tune the tax system. let me remind you that the president instructed to ensure that the adjustment of the tax system is fair. tax system, but certainly balanced, so that it simultaneously ensured the fulfillment of all necessary functions of the state, first of all. these
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are growing social expenses, but at the same time the tax system must be stable so that its basic parameters do not change over the next six years. this is the task of transforming the tax system, of course, work on this has been carried out, of course, since the task was set by the president. today we agreed that it is necessary to begin a public discussion, a public discussion of approaches to transforming the tax system, because today there have been many various proposals were made by deputies of different factions, we agreed that there would be a public discussion. approaches to
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transforming the tax system will begin on may 20 at 12 o'clock at the expert council of the tax budget committee with the involvement of all business associations, experts, scientists, interested parties, at which , accordingly, we will be able to exchange views on which path to take, it is very important that today... we have a request from all businesses, regions, municipalities that these decisions be made in the spring session, so that taxpayers and budget recipients can better prepare for the implementation of this system, starting from january 1 next year, we also agreed on this today, and i say again, i am announcing the start date of these public
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discussions, they will... business, we will definitely invite representatives of the regions, we will definitely invite representatives of municipalities, and we will definitely connect the regions of the country in video conferencing mode, in communication mode, so that each region can actually participate in this discussion, then we will provide the widest possible...
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russian federation. thank you. the president defined national development goals and a list of national projects as tools to achieve these goals. and today we talked about ensuring these tasks, not only about financial support, but about those tools, including parliamentary control over the implementation of our joint national development goals. joint interaction between the government and the state duma, between the ministry of finance and the budget committee, it was a truly frank conversation, and the result of today’s meeting is the agreements that were determined, we will prepare three bases...


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