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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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on egor everything is only changing for the better, they changed the regulations a little, there are a lot of new guys, very high competition in this series, it’s very cool to go to take part in this shootout, last season i was called a very academic pilot, i kept driving exactly along the line and never i didn’t touch my baby anywhere, this season, during the day of training and the day of qualifying, we repaired the rear part of my car... since, thank god, we are plastic, all this is being solved, so, but in general, of course, we expect a cool one powerful race, if we talk about the geography of the participants, here, of course, most of the pilots represent the st. petersburg-leningrad region, neighboring karelia, there are also from the arkhangelsk region, but athletes also came from regions distant from st. petersburg, in particular from omsk region, from... the republic of kalmykia, in general, drift
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is such a fairly democratic discipline in motorsport, which is developing throughout the country, well, now the racers are preparing for the race, it’s really very noisy, bright, smoky, extremely spectacular, so the audience gathered, all the seats in the stands were largely occupied, in addition, this season on egor drive, even the spectators who came just to watch at first, they already have the opportunity. not only ride in a drift taxi, that is, with a professional athlete in the cabin, but even enroll in a drifting school yourself, in general, the motorsport season on egor drive has started, it started brightly, it was beautifully sunny, and the st. petersburg weather tried to match, which is certainly rarity, therefore including and these races look so bright. yuri, yes, stas, thank you, stas razikultsev.
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russian dream, the real history of novorossiya. in odessa, on the morning of december 28, they began to remove the fence around the monument to catherine ii. catherine herself is wrapped in a black bag. utility workers are gradually dismantling the wooden sarcophagus, after which it will be the turn of the monument. for safety the area and nearby.
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world, but chose to live and work in crimea, drawing inspiration from the natural beauty and strength of the southern russian land, his name glorified novorossiya, like hundreds of others, among which the name of catherine the great, empress of all russia, comes first. catherine the great was the august mother of the novorossiysk governorate. by decree of april 2 , 1764, she, the empress, established a new region and gave it a name. the first
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governor-general of the vast and undeveloped region was his serene highness prince grigory potemkin. as contemporaries recalled, he dreamed of turning wild steppes into fertile fields, building cities, plants, factories, and creating a fleet on the black and azov seas. all this was done in a short time. cities were built: kherson, nikolaev, nikopol, novomoskovsk, pavlograd, mariupol. on potemkin’s initiative, novorosiya grew into crimea, and instead of the village of khadzhibey , beautiful odessa, a pearl by the sea, arose. odessa was a city that was founded by catherine, which means she invited her there, which means the governor of odessa, which means duke dereshilier, actually a hadjibek, the village was not anything at all, he called odessa very cool, everyone remembered it there because... when entering
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odessa there was a post, well, quarantine, there, whatever, everyone who was leaving asked where are you going? if he spoke in khadzhibi, then he was hit right there with certain objects, one at a time. place, if you need it, please pass, everything else. it was, of course, potemkin who founded and generally created novorossiya. potemkin simply showed himself to be a brilliant creator of everything. today we will find ourselves in the holy of holies, in the repository of the russian state archive of ancient acts, where unique documents on the history of our country are stored behind such heavy doors. here are peter's autographs i. catherine’s documents and, of course, materials about the new russia of crimea are the unique sources of the volume. catherine wrote to the governor-general: wanting to expand trade on the black sea, respecting the advantageous position
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of gadzhebey and the sea-connected places, we considered it necessary to build a military harbor with a pier for merchant ships, that is , odessa is a military port and a city for trade, open for trade with many countries europe and the east, but we have documents signed by catherine ii, for example, the creation of sevastopol, look, maybe perhaps you will see grains of gold glistening on the signature, yes, this is either quartz or gold added to the sand that she sprinkled. according to the rules of that time. the creation of novorossiya and the annexation of crimea became the culmination of catherine’s golden age, the century of great dreamers and builders of the russian world. it was then that catherine’s greek project arose, a dream of reviving the orthodox byzantine
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empire. novorosiya and crimea were the first steps towards this goal, wanting to see new lands with their own eyes, in 1787 the empress committed. an unprecedented tauride voyage, her journey through novorossiya and crimea, accompanied by a retinue of three thousand, lasted six months. if we are talking about catherine ii’s journey to crimea, then of course a special place in her journey is occupied by a visit to bakhchesarai, which at the entrance to perekop, already the territory of crimea, was met by a large detachment of crimean tatars, and the horsemen were beautifully dressed in velvet jackets . equipped and armed , they met catherine ii and accompanied her on her journey through crimea under approaching bakhchesarai, and a very steep descent into the city, the situation became quite complicated when the horses carried catherine’s carriage. her
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carriage was quite voluminous, several dozens of horses carried this carriage, which could not stay on such a steep slope and...
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he was the richest, and probably then, landowner of the country, since these lands, taurida, northern taurida, were under the black sea steppe, in russia, well, the wealth is enormous, but he spent, yes, all the proceeds from these lands and from his estates, he directly, first of all, for the development of novorossia, the construction of cities, i even bought an estate, well, then the polish-lithuanian commonwealth in the bold area, where there is some kind of forest, so that this... forest, well, from voronezh, from other territories, it would be delivered directly to kherson, berths were built there, houses were built there, stone was delivered, that is, titanic work was going on, for potemkin it was probably the biggest project of his life, but he understood that this was not
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only his project, but also a project for the whole russia, well, probably this project, and i would so he singled out the largest, largest project during the entire era of catherine i... on his family coat of arms it was written in latin: fidelity, unbreakable forever. an aristocrat, an anglomaniac, and at the same time an ardent russian patriot, count varontsov in the 19th century forever changed the face of new russia.
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varontsov’s century is, of course, a golden age for the region, and it is no coincidence that his contemporaries recalled for a very long time this period of urban development, the creation of cities, several cities were created with direct participation, for example berdyansk and... yeisk on the banks the sea of ​​azov, and those cities that existed, kherson, nikolaev, odessa, the crimean cities, they, of course, received an impetus for their development, what is, for example, taurida, in stupidity, in general at the time of the visit, for example, of catherine ii, she could not even visit the southern coast of crimea, since the southern coast was completely cut off from the rest of the territory; there were none.
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in particular, on the southern coast, instead of the trails that connected the mountainous, uh, and coastal regions of crimea with the main steppe part, the peninsula now appears instead these top, real paved roads. the construction of cities, roads, the opening of libraries, museums, schools, vorontsov invested not only personal funds, but also his soul into the development of novorossia. however, today he is most often remembered in the small kryvsk town of olubka, where the count built an unusual
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palace in the english style, surrounded by an equally amazing park. why did he set up an estate here?
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they depicted these famous historical monuments, beautiful landscapes, and then in lithographs, in numerous, in in hundreds, in thousands of lithographs, these images spread throughout russia, attracting attention to these places, well, first of all, the upper strata of russian society, people who could buy land here to continue construction. the crimean land became a kind of mecca. for artists in 1886, a native of mariupol,
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artist arkhip kuindzhi bought a plot of land here with an area of ​​245 acres near the village of kikiniiz, now a landslide site, and lived there for some time with his wife in a hut. a small estate was soon built on this site, where queen he often came with his students to the open air and painted these amazing views of the crimean southern coast. well, naturally, he grew up there and was imbued with this truly wondrous nature, watched these sunsets since childhood, and he worked for a long time. not related to drawing, but he drew from childhood, drew on paper sticks, drew on both, drew everywhere, he always wanted to draw not people, but nature, because somehow nature, i think that since childhood he was in generally lonely since childhood, it is in nature that he is in
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the nature of his small homeland, the nature of mariupol, the nature of feodosia, then... where he walked on foot to gain knowledge of the basics of art from aivazovsky, this nature, i think, is precisely the imprint on all his work in the future. by 1880 , kuindzha staged a performance of one painting, which became a sensation. visitors to the unusual exhibition entered a dark, windowless hall with black walls. the electric light bulb came on, its light fell on the canvas, and a magical moonlit night on the dnieper. the moon in the painting shone with such a mystical light that visitors tried to look behind the painting to find the illumination there. of course, it’s an unusual picture,
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it’s still on all his booklets, everywhere, it’s a moonlit night, it’s really mesmerizing. and although he was accused of making some special devices there to make it all happen, i can imagine what it was like then, because he, together with his friend mendeleev, they were looking for some kind of composition so that it would flicker , well, unfortunately, with over time, it all seems to have faded a little, but you still just approach it, it’s impossible to move away, the rich and picturesque land of southern russia gave birth to and inspired not only artists, many russian writers, musicians and scientists considered it their small homeland. in 1801, in the town of lugansk zavod, the light of vladimir ivanovich dal, the future great
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surgeon, hero of several wars and compiler of the most famous dictionary, the living russian language, appeared in the family of a doctor, he was a man of colossal knowledge, this is a sailor, a naval officer, this is a doctor of medicine, this is a statesman and public figure, also a famous writer of the 19th century, the compiler of an explanatory dictionary of the living great russian language, of course, the contribution of vladimir ivanovich dal to russian culture is invaluable, because without a drop of russian blood, he was so russian and this... he was awarded for courage, but the main love of his life always remained the great and powerful
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russian language, even in between battles he questioned the soldiers in the distance, wrote down interesting... tuk said: “look, dal, what a crawl, i won’t crawl out of this crawl any time soon, i’ll write something like this in it.” but, unfortunately, all of alexander sergeevich’s plans were never destined to come true. and just on january 28, 1837, at two o’clock in the afternoon, vladimir ivanovich learned from
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the publisher bashutsky that pushkin was mortally wounded in a duel. he immediately went to moika 12 and spent about a day at the bedside of the dying poet, trying to fight for his life, he also tried to somehow save his friend, well, as we know, this is not succeeded, after the death of alexander sergeevich, he writes, he fraternized with him no longer for the sake of this world. donbass, the mining and metallurgical center of the empire, was destined to become the cradle of its cinema. here, in 1877, in the village of khandzhonkovka, alexander khanzhonkov was born into a noble family of the don army, his father was a cossack centurion, and his grandfather was a colonel. his ancestors, cossacks, don, who, probably, 18 men of this generation, uh, were
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all cossacks, from esaol to the colonel, this strong-willed character, it affected, of course, in the future, in his future profession, they were all famous, of course, for their bravery, courage, many participated in wars, so, naturally, everything was passed on to the future. to the heir alexander alekseevich khanzhonkov. khanzhonkov graduated from the novocherkassk cossack junker school and was accepted into the first don cossack regiment. participated in the russian-japanese war. in 1905, in chin near esaola, he retired to the reserve for health reasons, receiving a payment of 5,000 rubles. with this money he founded his own in moscow, cinematic enterprise. the first film is
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the dispatch of an officer of the don cossack army to lead and organize, that’s exactly the filming of a large number of people, the fleet, the russian army, parts of the russian army, which was kindly provided by emperor nicholas ii. among the natives of voros there are those who became famous for their spiritual exploits, one of the most unusual saints of the russian orthodox church, the archbishop. luke, warrior isenetsky. a world famous surgeon, author of scientific works, laureate of the stalin prize. on his icons depicted with a set of surgical
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instruments. he healed people in word and deed, saving their lives as a doctor on the operating table, and as a priest, their souls in the temple. the last battles of the civil war took place on crimean soil, and from here came the so-called russian exodus, or rather. more correctly, the tragic evacuation of that old christian russia, which was replaced, displaced, swept away by red russia, but again fate would have it so that it was in this red russia, in the communist soviet union, that it shone an amazing personality, who is now considered one of the greatest saints of all time, is st. luke, the warrior yasenetsky, who became a bishop here in crimea, became famous precisely as luke the crimean, and the whole world knows him precisely as a crimean saint. god wanted
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our future saint to be born here in crimea, in the city of kerch, and to return here just when he was already 69 years old, he returned from the tambov diocese to our simferopol crimean diocese. this was in 1946 in the month of may. to the share of saint luke glory and trials came. in civilian life , he lost his wife and was left alone with four children. a world-famous surgeon and scientist, he was repressed three times, survived torture in exile, but did not renounce his convictions and faith. even being practically blind, for the last three years of his life, archbishop luke served in the temple and healed people. he once said when i... saw how they mock my god, my church, organize so -called komsomol christmases, break
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glass in churches, kill priests, they laugh, they subject them to ridicule, everything that is dear to me is sacred, i said: i can’t be silent, that’s why i can’t be silent, perhaps refuted such a widespread proverb: one in the field is not a warrior, but no, there is only one there was a warrior in the field, and this warrior was truly a warrior of christ. that’s how inscrutable are the ways of the lord, crimea several times in our history, in world history, became - if you like, the center of christian civilization and... that is why now is such a turning point, i would say, for the destinies not only russia, but for all of humanity, times when we have already come to the point that
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we have no christianity. there is no future ahead, crimea once again becomes the point on which the russian state, russian civilization must rely in order to confidently step into this somewhat frightening, but nevertheless very, i would say, promising future from the point of view of the transformation of humanity .
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, serious amounts, in russia has a clear and clear signal. russian industry to replace foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world? got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? evolution occurs in any structure.
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back to the events in belgorod, after the missile threat was lifted
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, search and rescue work on site was resumed in the city. violation of the entrance to a high-rise building, a message comes that a person was found alive under the rubble people, in belgorod.


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