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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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back to the events in belgorod in the city, after the missile threat was lifted , search and rescue work was resumed at the site of the collapse of the entrance to a high-rise building.
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a message comes that a living person was found under the rubble, our correspondent, igor pikhanov, works in belgorod, he got in direct contact with the studio, igor, once again, hello, what is the latest information, what is known about the person found under the rubble? hello, yuri, the victim was seriously injured, he is now hospitalized in a medical institution, this regional clinical hospital, meanwhile, search and rescue work continues at the site of the tragedy in belgorod, they are already underway. more than 4 hours, all employees are on site, employees of the ministry of emergency situations from all over the belgorod region, employees of municipal management companies also came to their aid, heavy equipment continues to arrive here, now the removal of rubble is also continuing here, all this is done quickly, these heavy concrete blocks this huge pile is removed from this area, it is promptly removed, and this is also where the watering is carried out...
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the place of the emergency, because after the explosion occurred, a fire began, perhaps wood and some things are smoldering there, the threat of the building collapse continues, and the ten-story building, it is panel, received significant damage, all residents were evacuated, provision for people is provided places are located in temporary accommodation centers, there are buses on duty here, people can approach them and... they immediately take them and with this transport people are immediately sent to these temporary accommodation centers, according to official data, they were injured during shelling from the side there are 19 ukrainian militants, including two children; there is no official information about the dead at the moment; in total , there were 40 apartments in this entrance that collapsed. let's give the floor to a local resident.
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rescue services, as well as employees of territorial self-defense, these are doctors, they...
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did a tour of all the apartments, they provided first aid, you understand, someone had a breakdown, panic, hysteria, they helped evacuate grandparents, hit civilians, children's schools, houses, residential buildings, large-caliber, there, i’m not a military man, i can’t, i don’t know all these shells, but large-caliber, you see for yourself the destruction, these are points y, there, well, hit large and even small ones. according to the civilian population, these are not
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the military, this is not a military structure, from us, why they are not fighting with the military, they tell me that in belgorod, where ours is included from. sent doctors from moscow to belgorod, five teams from the capital’s center for medical disasters also went there, the capital’s doctors also joined in providing the necessary assistance to the victims, about this was announced by moscow mayor sergei sobyanin. 10 ambulance teams and eight specialized doctors flew to belgorod. in the very first minutes after the report of the terrorist attack. in belgorod, the authorities of other regions offered their help, including the oryol region, crimea and kuban, chelyabinsk and kursk regions. the authorities of the moscow region are ready to support the residents of belgorod. governor andrei vorobyov announced this. foreign sponsors are directly related to the terrorist attack in belgorod, and the kiev regime will certainly answer for what happened. about
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this was stated by radeon miroshnik, ambassador-at-large of the russian ministry of foreign affairs for the crimes of the kiev regime. in his telegram channel, he emphasized that it was the westerners who supplied the ukrainian militants with weapons, trained them in war and paid them. they, according to miroshnik, cover them up on international platforms, in essence, by legalizing war crimes they hide international criminal responsibility. during the special operation, the north group of troops liberated four more settlements in the kharkov region, under the control of our the military crossed gotishche, krasnoye, maryakh and oleynikovo. let me remind you that the day before , five more settlements were taken in the same place in the kharkov region. in the dnepropetrovsk region, according to the ministry of defense, russian aviation and missile forces. and artillery destroyed four mi-24 helicopters of the ukrainian armed forces , hit an enemy mi-8 helicopter, and russian air defense systems shot down another ukrainian mig-29 fighter during a special operation. now to the state duma, where today
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committees are discussing candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers and ministers of the federal government, there is already a decision on deputy prime ministers, the head of the ministry of industry and trade, the minister of finance, transport, energy, and agriculture. in direct contact with... my colleague alexandra suvorova. alexander, hello again, tell us how the discussion is going, what other solutions are known? yuri, greetings, in fact, the decisions of a much larger number of committees that are today considering candidates for the post of deputy prime ministers and ministers of the state duma are already known. let me remind you that among those candidates nominated by the head of government mikhail mishustin is now running for the post of first deputy prime minister, denis mancherov, the head of the ministry of industry and trade, who previously held the position of vice. they have already visited the relevant committee and received recommendations on accepting these candidates, let’s listen: so, if we take 6-year retrospectives, the index of manufacturing
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industries increased by 21%. the accumulated safety margin allowed us to launch a new investment cycle in the civilian segments. and spin up the flywheel of the military-industrial complex as much as possible. in trade large-scale work to develop the commodity distribution network helped get through covid without fighting in the spring of twenty-two. we all remember well what happened in other countries, we didn’t even allow ourselves to do that. industry is the backbone of our economy, the key. its sovereignty, further stable development, this is especially evident in such critical moments, turning points, historical moments, it was on the manufacturing sector that our country relied when it was necessary to overcome external crises, the consequences of the pandemic, the first sanctions. all committees are represented by
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the candidates themselves for certain positions, as well as the heads of the committees. of course, first of all , we discuss the tasks that the industry faces today after just the twentieth year of the pandemic.
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if it has not been issued, i will remind you that if we take the composition of the previous government, then two acting ministers are now vying for the positions of deputy prime ministers, this is dmitry patrushev, now...
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the decree we are talking about today, dated may 7, this is really a list of the main tasks and goals outlined by our president today. the state duma committee on energy also supported the candidacy of the head of the department for the post of this department, sergei sevelev. words of gratitude for today's meeting, to words of gratitude to everyone who participated in this meeting for their unanimous support. my candidacy - and also for the willingness to work as one team for the benefit of our homeland
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to work in the lower house of parliament, a little later we will get in touch again. yuri, yes, alexandra, thank you, alexandra suvorov from the state duma, where the relevant committee is today discussing candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers and federal ministers. we always show more. but this time we will be even more surprised by what happened in the kremlin during the inauguration, only we found the author of this picture, a parade that no one and nothing could interfere with, and still unknown details all this time putin and mishustin are talking with... and what is happening now in the highest echelons
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of power, the most complete picture of the historical events of this week, extremely interesting personnel in the program that sees more than others, together we will win. moscow, kremlin, putin, watch on sunday at 22:00. we continue to monitor the work in the state duma, a decision will be made by this time. several more candidates for the government have already been accepted, the relevant committees supported olga lyubimova for the post of head of the ministry of culture, mikhail dekterev for the post of minister of sports of russia, dmitry chernyshenko for the post of deputy prime minister, yuri trutnev for the post of deputy prime minister and presidential envoy in the far eastern federal district, and the state duma committee on information policy recommended that the lower house of parliament approve maksud shadayev for the post of head of the ministry of digital development. my colleague elizaveta khramtsova is again in direct contact with the studio; we will learn all the latest details from her. elizaveta, hello again. the committees recommend
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that candidates who have already performed their duties be approved for positions; in addition, they have secured the support of those, including, for example, heads of regions, who have been asked to go to work for governments; of course, the social sphere is in the spotlight government work. russia, including a large range of issues today was devoted to the development of education, including school education, the minister of education, acting minister of education sergei krovtsov today spoke about the processes that were implemented under his leadership in past years, so he emphasized implementation of the unified history textbook project, it is still available in high schools, but active work is underway to create such a manual for fifth to ninth grades. it is also planned to begin in the near future
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work on the development of a development strategy , sergei krovtsov noted today that in school education until 2035, and the relevant committee today recommended that the duma approve kravtsov’s candidacy. today the committee discussed in detail current issues and problems, including personnel issues, and i made a decision. if the state duma approves on may 14 the creation of a specialized department for forecasting, personnel forecasting in the field of education. within the structure of the ministry of education, this is a department, and this division will deal with integration and analysis of the personnel needs that exist in every school, kindergarten, college, correlation with the work of pedagogical universities, not only those that are part of the ministry
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of education, but also with all pedagogical universities that implement teacher education. plan for resolving these issues, the strategy that the ministry of education of the russian federation has, sergei sergeevich answered questions from deputies of the state duma, representatives of other people also came to our committee committees and also asked questions, of course we consider it very important that today we discussed those topics that relate to the implementation of the message, instructions based on the results of the message of the president of the russian federation, those.
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noted that alexey verchuk has done a lot for the development of eurasian integration; the acting deputy prime minister himself also noted that one of the most important areas in his work is the development of cooperation within the framework of the ias, as well as joint work in moscow and minsk within the framework of the union state. we presented plans, visions of the government about how these areas will develop, of course, the main parameters, they have already been outlined in the president’s message to the federal assembly, in the presidential decree of may 7,
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the main tasks are there, they were voiced by the chairman of the government of the russian federation.
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khusnulin maratov kirizhanich for the post of deputy chairman of the government and irek invarovich fayzulin for the post of minister of construction of housing and communal services. thank you. sergey alexandrovich, how do you assess the interaction with the government and what are the vectors for further interaction. well, in this case, maybe it was a little easier for us than for many committees. over the course of 3 years, we have been building work with the relevant block of the government and the ministry. and those results are in terms of bills passed, decisions made. which are already producing results have already shown their effectiveness not only in construction, but in housing policy, improvement, housing and communal services, we generally assess our interaction as maximum.
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over the past period, 110 laws were adopted and 520 amendments to laws, which made it possible to reduce the time frame in the investment and construction cycle, thanks to... these are the ones to carry out so many legislative changes with deputies today , of course, we discussed how housing will develop further, how mortgages will develop,
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what will happen with the modernization of communal infrastructure, how new territories will be developed, which means what issues there are related to improvement, with increasing labor productivity, but i want to say that 2 hours in a very constructive dialogue with very detailed...
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so, this was a live broadcast following the meeting of the construction committee, we were just able to see the press approach, marat khusnulin, erek fayzdulin and sergei pokhomov talked about the discussion that just took place in profile office, i remember that before, let me remind you that the construction sector faces very ambitious tasks in all regions. this applies to russia, especially now in new regions, this was also discussed today at a meeting of the relevant committee, and how completely it recently became known that the relevant
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state duma committee recommended the council. shadayev as the head of the ministry of digital development, a substantive conversation also took place here, and the chairman is...
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acting as minister of the environmental protection agency, but his speech today concerned not only environmental protection issues, but also economic ones, for example, geological exploration, here that today, following the results of the committee meeting, it was said: we have created a good legislative framework that will allow us to timely join those instructions that our president said in his message in the decree that was signed
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recently. ecology is present, and this is very important for the life of every person who lives in our country, regardless of income, party affiliation and his position, because ecology surrounds him in everything and everywhere, the experience of working together that we have gained, believe me, these were difficult days of work, will allow us to timely complete a new national project, ecology, and immediately begin implementation these instructions, with one person abstaining... i supported the candidacy, because we have been working for a long time, we cannot slow down the pace, we have a very complex project, a national ecology project, at one time we stood at the origins of its creation, today the president of the russian federation is vladimir vladimirovich putin set before us an even more ambitious task about the environmental well-being of the population, i think that this work is already coming from the national ecology project,
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and will already become. system basis, there should no longer be enterprises that they believe that they can stay away from this movement. today, the work in the committees is already reaching the finish line, and one could notice that the power bloc and the ministry of foreign affairs are not discussed in the state duma, and indeed, according to the constitution , candidates for these departments are submitted to the federation council by the president of russia, so in this...


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