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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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i think that this work is already coming from the national ecology project, it will already become a systemic basis, there should no longer be enterprises that believe that they can stand aside from this movement. today, work in committees is already reaching the home stretch, and one could notice that the security bloc and the ministry of foreign affairs are not discussed in the state duma, and indeed, according to... the constitution for these departments, candidates are submitted to the federation council, the president of russia, therefore in this part government formation will continue already next week. yuri. yes, elizabeth, thank you. our correspondent elizaveta khramtsova was in direct contact with the studio. on other topics, in the omsk region , children, women, elderly and people with limited mobility are being evacuated due to flood damage from the flood-damaged ustishimsky district. a state of emergency has been declared there, about this. governor vitaly khotsenko said
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that today he visited the affected areas, more than 300 residential buildings remain flooded, and a state of emergency has been declared in two more areas region. in lugansk, where the tenth anniversary of the formation of the lpr is being celebrated, the head of the republic, leonid pasichnik, as well as social activists, guests and city residents, paid tribute to the victims of ukrainian aggression and militias who died for the freedom of the lpr, laying flowers at the “unhealing wound of donbass” memorial. it was also about...
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their positions firmly decided that we are russian people, we need to go home, we need to go to russia, so of course, the main result of these generally 10 years is that on september 30, 2022, the republic returned to her native harbor, became part of russia, the latest book premieres, publications on history, psychology, business, fiction, as well as lectures and meetings with authors. today, on the second sunday of may, the book festival veranda alpinye is traditionally held in st. petersburg. this year's theme is emotions as an important part of life experience. our book festival is always communication, communication with our authors, where you can come live, ask them a question, sign a book, and we introduce our readers to our new products, and as always, we present our bestsellers, which are always interesting and relevant. the swedish city
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of malmö, where the eurovision took place, was gripped by protests, loud scandals one after another, this music competition in the european media has already been called the devil's holiday, and it ended in a sensation, with details from maria skorodilka. screams, screams, palestinian flags, literally everywhere , swedish malmü has never seen such intensity of passions. shame, shame, shame, thousands of people from all over the world. demands to stop the music competition, they don’t need such eurovision. all the young people gathered here strive show your attitude towards israel. it is very important to show your position. we all say no to the terrible, ruthless destruction of people in palestine. the protesters are terrified, there is an israeli singer in the eurovision final, some can do everything, others can do nothing - they are chanting in the crowd. look at how... everything is developing
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unbearably, this is injustice spitting in the face of the world. it is impossible to look, but it is also impossible to unsee. israel entered the eurovision song contest with the composition october rain, in which many noticed hints of the october hamas terrorist attack. they were all good children. each of them is stated in the text. the alliance in europe said israel's war with hamas will not affect the country's participation in the competition. the title of the song was later at least changed, but the public demands more. for example, take russia, we treat it well, but it was sidelined, everyone is discussing it, condemning it for no reason, and israel bombs palestine every day, and this has been proven, the reasons are clear, it is genocide, but israel can do anything. the crowded hall of the malno arena is shaken by whistles. last year's eurovision winner warns organizers, if israel wins, she will break the protocol and will not hand over the chief priest. israeli representatives accuse
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in response. we repeat once again, we bring love, only love, and behind me you see the foak, so they are real monsters. i'm here to do what i love, the main thing is music. to be languid, this competition stopped a long time ago, and even the european media disdainfully wrote back, eurovision, the place of the implored, shouts the headline, naked on stage and satanic dances are shocking, but more that same cynicism. european organizers show, streamlined formulations, total politics in everything. just before the final , the main favorite of the competition, a participant from the netherlands, was suddenly removed from participation. eost klein allegedly hit a member of the film crew, she reported to the police in amsterdam, they made excuses, the singer did not hit anyone, but simply
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pushed him away harshly with his hand. the fans are shocked. i'm upset, he's my favorite. i think everyone is very disappointed because this man told the truth everywhere, to everyone. in person, but the truth is that eurovision is not a friend. information appeared in the shestsk media that the singer should be punished and producers from the netherlands could have collaborated with russian artists now that the west has declared a total abolition of russian culture. after the withdrawal of russia and a number of other countries from the eurovision participants, the organizing committee of the competition is in every possible way dragging ukraine by the ears. eurovision 24 has surpassed any orgy, the funeral of western europe is taking place as usual. no surprises - wrote on social networks the representative of the russian mit maria zakharova and even. the main prize , a statuette in the form of a crystal microphone, did not last even a minute in the hands of the winner, a participant from switzerland accidentally broke it on stage as soon as it was handed to them. maria skradilka, anton dadykin and marina khachinova, lead. the oktyabrsky district court of st. petersburg
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sentenced the bus driver who fell into the moika river in the city center to july 9. let me remind you that the accident occurred on may 10, killing seven people. according to authorities, the driver lost control. he himself admitted guilt, but claims that the bus’s brakes failed. criminal cases have been opened regarding the accident, violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles, as well as the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. the head of the convoy was also detained, who, according to investigators, did not give the driver a day off for several days. and one more thing about effective registration of foreign citizens. today an investigative committee was opened. according to him , the suspect fictitiously registered the payment in february-march. now the latest information about what is happening in belgorod, several dozen construction organizations , almost all construction equipment in belgorod are working at this moment on the site of a multi-storey building damaged by shelling of the ukrainian armed forces. governor vyacheslav glotkov reported that
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no dead were found. by this time , 17 people had been rescued, one of them was pulled out from under the rubble just half an hour ago. the threat of collapse still remains. the investigative committee opened a criminal case. about the terrorist attack. criminologists, as well as experts from the central office of the department, have been sent to the city. explosive technicians were dispatched to inspect the area after the emergency. this was reported by the russian national guard. the spas and leader center detachments are ready for departure. all residents of the damaged high-rise buildings were evacuated. some had to be lifted out using lifts. temporary accommodation centers with 600 beds were organized for residents. the operational services reported that they were establishing the location of ten residents who could have been in... the house at the time of the collapse, as for the victims, there are currently 19 people, they are now in hospitals, moscow colleagues joined belogord doctors to provide the necessary help. according to the ministry of defense, this morning kiev was shelled by belgorod, fragments of the downed rocket.u hit a ten-story residential
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building, as a result of which an entire entrance collapsed. it's 2124 now, sounds plausible. this is kosya from the future, 100 years in the future. contract military personnel receive regional support measures. combat veteran status, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits. from the state, everything is fair here, serve under a contract, this is america, program about a country that is difficult to understand, hello, exactly 6 months before the most
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unusual presidential elections in the united states in more than a century of observation. for 12 years there was no such thing that both its former and its current owner came together in the battle for the white house, wars, litigation, the deepest disagreements in... within america, it would seem, introduced an element of complete uncertainty into the race, but something we can predict it now, let’s try. perhaps the main change that occurred in the american media space over the past few weeks, is that the majority of american television channels, websites and newspapers that cover the course of the presidential race, in their assessments of the situation in it, have reached the stage of acceptance, acceptance that... donald trump's victory is not only possible, but quite real.
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according to a new poll, donald trump is ahead of his opponent in terms of trust on most issues, including inflation, migration and the fight against crime. however, president joe biden is gaining points on key personal qualities, leaving the question wide open about who will win in the future. if you exclude people who say they won't vote, trump has 46% support. the demographic picture has changed significantly compared to the last elections, if in 2020, mobilized by blm protests, young people went to the polls en masse, this left-wing electorate joined biden, now biden has lost young people, biden has lost african americans and biden has lost latinos, this is direct can't help but affect the results in the so-called states of arizona, nevada and georgia. if
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the last time 4 years ago, biden was successful there, now this is not at all the case, the key states for him remain the so -called rust belt, they are also called the blue wall after the color of the democratic party, these are wisconsin, pennsylvania and michiga. the main fight is for them, in principle, if biden loses in the sun belt states and loses at least one of these states, for example michigan or pennsylvania, then he loses trump. there is very interesting sociology going on here; they find out that, by and large, the president of the united states in a country of three hundred million this time will be elected by no more than 81 thousand voters, that is, only 6-8% of even the total number of voters. but from the population of these swing states. about 244 million americans will have the right to vote, but 99.5%
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of us will not decide, we either will not vote or we always vote the same way. the biden-trump election will likely be decided by about 6% of voters. in just six states. each side will spend billions to reach these voters in the remaining six months. naturally, the candidates continue. pump up media and financial muscles, but as for money, biden’s situation is better, because trump is saving, his technologists mean how things happened 4 years ago, then they were actively wasting money on television advertising, in the end at a key moment, a few weeks before the elections, their cup was empty, they - they save, but biden doesn’t save. in the first 3 months of 2024, biden's company raised more money, spent more
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and ended the quarter with more money in the bank than trump's company. according to the data, at the end of march, biden's company had more than $85.5 million set aside, and trump's company had just over $45 million. in addition to financial investments , democrats have to spend a lot of time and effort on changing their image. biden, biden continues to be the oldest president in the history of the united states states, in this regard, even his entourage behaves differently now, they cover biden when he arrives or departs by helicopter so that the cameras cannot film his senile gait, biden now talks less and less about his age, he used to joke about this topic, now he has stopped, more often he talks about the youth of his ideas, well, here's what...
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here he himself helps partly his rivals, here in russia it turned out to be somewhat unnoticed, but in the united states his interview, a written interview with a magazine, created quite a stir, liberal the journalist, who appeared before trump to grateful listeners, managed to get him to talk, and, as they say, well, in the jargon
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, in a sense, split trump into unpleasant and - in some sense, even defamatory. his stories, you would use the military on the border inside the country, if the national guard can’t handle it, then yes, we have millions of people who weren’t here 2 years ago. the law says you cannot use the us military against civilians. these are not civilians, these are people who are in our country illegally, this is an invasion of our country, we must do everything to solve this problem. are you concerned about the potential for political violence with... with the november election, i think we'll win and there won't be any violence, but what if you don't win? i think we will win, and if not, you know, it depends on the situation, it always depends on the fairness of the elections. you said that you want to become a dictator for a day, what does that mean? i said this as a joke, when they asked me if i wanted to become a dictator, i answered that i wanted to become one
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just for one day to close the border to drill for gas and oil, that’s all, it was sarcasm, a joke. this, of course, was used by the democrats and their sympathizers. if politicians are still somehow limited in their rhetoric, then prominent supporters of the democrats, like actor robert denir, do not restrain themselves at all. i don't think people understand how dangerous it would be if trump became president. hitler was not taken seriously; he was considered a clown. the same thing happened with mussolini. they look like clowns, they act like clowns, but somehow way. receive public support, this is in coin, the actions of the biden administration in well, trump responds to such as denira, the same will be chaos, which is difficult to imagine, in relation to himself, he compares with the actions of the nazi gestapo, but speaking objectively, then of course it is now under incredible pressure that is republican candidate, a key phase
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includes a criminal trial in a new york court in the case of payments to a porn actress. stormy daniels, the real sensation was the appearance of stormy daniels herself in court, they expected her to in general, routine testimony, no one thought that she would begin to tell her life, and to tell episodes related to their acquaintance and closeness with donald trump, in such detail that even some of those present in the courtroom were ashamed. according to daniels, she told trump that someone should spank him with a magazine with his picture on it. i can’t say this on air, sorry, nevertheless, all this played and could not help but play into the hands of the prosecution, because everyone understands that the task there is more political than criminal, even if trump is not imprisoned, then it is precisely such episodes that discredit him in front of
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the female part of the electorate, that is, if this allows him to break away from the base. trump has 1-2% of the vote, then we can already say that the liberal new york prosecutor alvin brack’s efforts were not in vain. a separate plot in this story with trump’s criminal case is trump’s interaction or constant squabbles with judge juann merchin, he began attacking him even before the case began, but in particular accused merchin of the fact that his daughter once worked for company of democrats, well, there was a very interesting moment when even...
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the storage of secret documents in his maralaga estate, which was about to begin at the end of june, was postponed, and postponed indefinitely, and this decision was made by the judge, who at one time trump appointed to this position, in general, in the united states, too, personnel decides everything. as for the further court schedule, by about mid-june the verdict of the jury in new york will be clear. may come out by the end of summer, and this is, of course, according to the idea, probably those who ordered this case cannot but influence... the general situation, however, everything here is also very contradictory, 80% of voters believe that the guilty verdict against trump will not affect their
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choice in any way, but the struggle is taking place for the votes of 20% , whose choices will be affected by the jury's decision against trump. so, mid- june is the jury's verdict in the storme daniels case, and already in early july trump must decide on his candidacy. vice-president, but then complete chaos arose in the choice, because suddenly, already, i guess you can say so, a rather serious contender for this role, the governor of south dakota, christinoem, christinoem, a longtime ally of trump, they have a warm, good relationship, but for some reason kristinoe took it into her head to publish her book of memoirs, where she uses the counter method ... pala, this is when they set fire to a forest during a forest fire, trying to stop its progress, using this method, she decided to expose herself and told
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several details about herself that, in general , politicians usually do not advertise, but we are not here acted out of the contrary, they say, it would be better if she was the first to say it herself, than to be caught doing it later, but it was not the best idea, in particular, but she told them how at one time on her farm she killed a... adds fuel to the fire, everyone knows the story of biden's shepherd dog named commander, the commander was not very well
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behaved, he ate half of the secret service employees, and was eventually evicted from the white house, but someone seemed to pull her tongue, she decided to comment on this one too plot, at the end of the book you write that once in the white house, the first thing you will do is make sure that the dog... campaigns indicates that a truly american voter wakes up only in the fall, at this stage
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any surprises are possible, it happens that even presidents with very low ratings they can still be re-elected for a second term, such examples happened relatively recently, as was the case with george w. bush or barack obama, but in any case there is a place in any. presidential race in the united states and the october surprise, this is an event that usually occurs immediately before elections; in general, we can say that, on the one hand , we can already predict something regarding the outcome of the confrontation between republicans and democrats for the white house, on the other hand, everything is just beginning. this was america, all the best to you.
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film series kuznetsov, people's commissar kuznetsov is too young, he does not have enough combat experience, there will be no war this year, but what will the people's commissar of kuznetsov tell us about this? we can no longer save the fleet, but we can save the sailors, soldiers, women and children obliged, your husband violated the order of comrade stalin, especially for victory day, all episodes of the admiral kuznetsov series are free, on the website in the application.
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let's return to the main topics, rescuers had to interrupt their work three times at the emergency site in belgorod due to the missile threat, at these moments the work continues, let me remind you.


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