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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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returning to the main topics, rescuers had to interrupt their work three times at the scene of an emergency in belgorod due to the missile danger. at these moments, work continues. let me remind you that this morning belgorod and the belgorod region were subjected to massive shelling from the outside.
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work, operational services report that there are deaths, but the exact number has not yet been announced, we are waiting for official data, and also the number of victims, according to preliminary data, has increased to 20 people, now employees of operational services are working on site, these are employees of the ministry of emergency situations, rescuers, work is in full swing, it should be noted that all specialists are working at great risk to their lives, because there has already been
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one collapse, the threat of collapse continues, because all these dangerous structures of a panel destroyed residential building are hanging dangerously, now the ministry of emergency situations employees are carrying out clearing this, this territory, because now there is a column of smoke here, and in order for people to work, this dust must be constantly knocked down, now there is heavy equipment here, it is clearing away these rubble, people are working extremely carefully, because under the rubble... there may be people, there are other operational services here, these are sappers, they are inspecting the surrounding area, because the parts of the projectile have scattered over a long distance, and it is necessary to exclude the possibility of detonation of unexploded parts of this ammunition, this it was definitely not a shell from a vampire’s mlrs, it was something heavy, i was there when the first blow was still in the kitchen, the second blow and the subsequent one i had already jumped out.
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moment the house is a densely populated part of the city, there are educational institutions nearby institutions, as well as social institutions, here now, as i remind you, heavy equipment is working here, the first to arrive here at the scene of the incident were the rescue services, as well as employees of the territorial self-defense, these are doctors, they helped, provided assistance to the wounded, and also helped people evacuate from home , we provided first aid and, naturally, evacuated all people in the entire house.
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they went through all the apartments, provided first aid to those who, you understand, someone had a breakdown, panic, hysteria, helped evacuate grandparents, beat in civilians, for children, schools, houses, residential buildings, large-caliber there, i’m not a military man, i can’t go there, i don’t know all these shells, but large-caliber, you see the destruction yourself, these are points u there, well, large and even small.
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receive operational information from the site of rescue operations, it is reported that additional forces have been put on alert, including specialists from the rescue center detachment and the leader center, continued here. he is the operational headquarters, the head of the region, vyacheslav glodkov, is here, he and rescuers also participated in the evacuation work, all residents were evacuated, to the story of our correspondent igor pikhanov, i will add that
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the ministry of health sent doctors from moscow to belgrade, five teams from the capital’s medical disaster center also went there, the capital’s doctors also joined in providing the necessary assistance to the victims , moscow mayor sergei sobyanin announced this. 10 ambulance teams and eight specialized doctors flew to belgorod. in the very first minutes after the report of the terrorist attack, in belgorod its authorities of other regions offered assistance, including the oryol region, crimea and kuban, chelyabinsk and kursk regions. the authorities of the moscow region are ready to support the residents of belgorod, said governor andrei vorobyov. kiev used weapons supplied by nato countries during the latest attack on belgrade. this is a commentary from the permanent mission of russia to the organization for security and cooperation in europe. they also noted that there should be no double standards in the osce when it comes to severe violations of the kiev international humanitarian law. the commissioner for human rights in russia addressed the international community. tatyana moskalkova called for condemning acts of terrorism against civilians by ukrainian nazis and
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taking measures to stop them. foreign sponsors are directly related to the terrorist attack in belgorod and the kiev regime will certainly answer for what happened. this was stated by the poso ambassador. on behalf of the russian ministry of defense on the crimes of the kiev regime, radion miroshnik. in his telegram channel, he emphasized that exactly westerners supplied ukrainian militants with weapons, trained them in war, and paid them. they , according to miroshnik, cover them up on international platforms, essentially legalizing war crimes and hiding them from international criminal liability. the state has abolished commissions for transfers between their accounts in different banks, from may 1 , russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free, the law has come into force, now you can receive a salary in one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to
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who may be difficult to please the first time, opportunities to gain new impressions, new impressions, a storm of new impressions, apply for a loan in sberbank before june 10 and win money for repayment, it’s more profitable with sberpray. now to the state duma, where today the committees discussed candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers and ministers. decisions have been made on all applicants. the relevant structures supported the composition of the government proposed by prime minister mikhail mishustin. and now my colleague, alexandra suvorova, has come into direct contact with me. alexander, hello again, tell us how the work went and any recommendations gave committees? yuri, greetings. the most important result of today is that all relevant committees supported it. all the candidates proposed by mikhail mishustin for the posts of deputy prime ministers and ministers, and
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the discussion and work of the committee lasted differently according to the regulations, they planned that they would be around an hour, a maximum of one and a half, but there are even precedents when she was within 4 for hours, deputies asked questions to candidates for certain positions. let me remind you that, according to the presidential decree , there are 10 deputy prime ministers in the new government and 21 ministries. of the ten deputy prime ministers , there are three new names, proposed. over the course of 2 hours, we went over all the key issues in detail. i am sure
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that we will continue to develop this interaction, and we have made a big leap in the field of construction and not only housing, but in general the modernization of this system. now our turn is housing and communal services, and today we also talked about this in great detail. the discussion was about future plans; all deputies were concerned about how housing construction will continue to develop, as will mortgages. especially housing issues , housing and communal services,
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there are a lot of issues that require changes. among the issues that were raised within the framework of the committees’ work were, of course, the results of the government’s work, but also , of course, plans, prospects and how the main points of the may presidential decree will be implemented. and of course, it is also worth noting that among the 21 ministries in question, five new names have been proposed for positions.
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those economic tasks set by the president, how will we develop the economy, how will we support investments, how will we support small-medium businesses, how will we increase labor productivity in the economy? and overcome the shortage of personnel that exists, how we will develop the regions and how we will continue to support the regions, how we will develop tourism and saturate the market with tourism services and products, because now there is clearly more demand than supply, including issues regarding prices were discussed , and how to create further the conditions are favorable, the further procedure
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for considering candidates for the positions of both deputy prime ministers and ministers is as follows: today according to...
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bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. mvidio and eldorado have a 50% discount on the second household appliance product. built-in oven gorenes for only 16,500 rubles. in mvidio and eldorado. now to what is happening in zone, a group of northern troops during a special operation liberated four more settlements in the kharkov region. gotishche, krasnye, morakhovets and oleynikovo came under the control of our military. let me remind you that the day before , five more settlements were taken in the same place in the kharkov region. in the dnepropetrovsk region, according to the ministry of defense, russian aviation, missile forces and artillery destroyed four mi-24 helicopters of the ukrainian armed forces. in the artyomovsk direction
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, flamethrowers from the southern group are practicing their shooting skills, and pavel prokapenko is observing the maneuvers. the bumblebee hits so hard that our equipment can’t stand it. it's very loud at the training ground, so the team's ears are here.
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heavy downpours hit, the rain has not stopped for the second day, and a section of the federal highway leading to adler is flooded. utility services eliminate the consequences of flooding. the river level in dagomys has risen to a critical level. the resort is under a storm warning: wind gusts reach 15 m per second. and, as forecasters warn, heavy rains and thunderstorms will continue at least until wednesday. this week's olympic flame from greece brought to france. who carried it through the streets and how are preparations going in general ? the olympic torch relay was revived again in 1928 at the olympic games in amsterdam. torchbearers are always a symbol of the country, an open message to the whole world. usually it is carried by olympic champions, outstanding talented people who earned this right. in france, the flame in the hands of an openly gay man with a lilac wig, repeating the outlines of the olympic torch, carl sanchez, under the stage name nicky dol, parades
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, this brings me. pleasure, it's damn important for sexual minorities. already today , the olympic flame arrives in arles, where it is carried by another representative of sexual minorities, the frenchman nicky dol, or carl sanchez. true, now he has little connection with his homeland. 13 years ago, openly talking about your sexual...
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say what happened, our technicians will conduct an investigation to understand what happened and so that it does not happen again. in marseille, the olympic flame was awaited by other thorns and rubbish heaps due to a utility strike in the city mountains of waste were formed. while the marseillaise was playing in the port of marseille and the olympic flame was being celebrated, the city's residents were indignant. there are problems in my area, because
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there is a lot of garbage on the streets, which is a bit of me.
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