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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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this is more than the population in the entire metropolitan area, and the police can barely cope without such overloads. natalya goncharova, lead. the swedish city of malmo, where the eurovision took place, was gripped by protests and loud scandals one after another. this music competition has already been called the devil's festival in the european media.
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it is very important to show our position, we all say no, to the terrible, ruthless extermination of people in palestine, the protesters are horrified, at the eurovision final an israeli singer, some can do everything, others can do nothing, chanting in the crowd. look at how everything is is developing unbearably, this is injustice spitting in the face of the world. it’s impossible to watch, but it’s also impossible to unsee, israel entered the eurovision composition with the composition october rain, in which many are for... for example, take russia, we treat it well, but it was removed, everyone discusses it, condemns it, no matter what why, and israel bombs palestine every day, and this has been proven, the reasons are clear, this is genocide.
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european show organizers, streamlined formulations, total politics in everything. just before the final, i suddenly stopped participating the main favorite of the competition, a participant from the netherlands, was removed. joost klein allegedly hit a member of the film crew, she reported to the police in amsterdam, they made excuses. the singer did not hit anyone, but simply pushed them away harshly with his hand. the fans are shocked. i'm upset, he's my favorite. i think everyone is very disappointed because this man told the truth throughout. in everyone's face, but the truth is that eurovision is not a friend, information appeared in the sheikh media that a singer and producer from the netherlands could be punished for collaborating with russian artists now, when the west has announced the total abolition of russian culture, after russia’s withdrawal of a number of other countries from the eurovision participants, the organizing committee of the competition is dragging ukraine by the ears in every possible way. eurovision 24 has surpassed any orgy, the funeral of western europe is taking place as usual. no surprises, wrote maria zakharova, a representative of the russian mit, on social networks. and minutes, a participant from
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switzerland accidentally broke it right on stage as soon as it was handed to them. maria skradilka, anton dadykin and marina khachinova, news! now let's return to the first topic of the issue. vladimir putin listened to reports from the acting minister of emergency situations, kurenkov and the governor of the belgorod region, glotkov, on the situation around the destroyed entrance of a residential building in belgorod as a result. kiev regime, said presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. all necessary instructions have been given, dmitry peskov emphasized. and a few more messages this time from the telegram channel of vyacheslav glatkov. rescuers, housing and communal services employees and builders are now installing additional lighting. in the evening and at night, work on collecting rubble will continue. there is information that people may remain under the rubble. rescuers do. anything to save their
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lives. two dead people were pulled out from under the rubble, their identities are being established, and an investigative committee is working on the spot. we are closely monitoring the incoming information, we will return to this topic on our broadcast.
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in central europe, it is also flat, meaning that if you move from west to east, or more likely from east to west, you're moving through hungary, and of course it's been like this for hundreds of years, so for hungarians the question is how to keep hungary a sovereign country, how can it stay hungarian, that's the trick, don't try this at home, it's very hard, that's it somehow they did it, and if you look at what happened in hungary, or rather what... didn’t happen, no one captured it, we can say that it’s a miracle. the last time the soviets invaded and expelled it was more than 30 years ago, since then the hungarians have done quite well have maintained their sovereignty despite nato membership, the key to this is prime minister viktor orbán, but he is not
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the only orbán who keeps hungary hungarian. balazs orbán, his political advisor, he is a public intellectual in hungary, as well as a major political figure and writer, his... the new book is called the hussar way, a hungarian interaction strategy, i hold it in my hands, and today we have the honor of talking with its authors. thank you for coming, thank you very much for the invitation, i'm glad to be here. i was amazed after two or three trips to hungary, and of course, i don’t speak hungarian, i’m a complete layman, but you don’t have a secret code, i don’t have the iq to speak hungarian, but it’s like a very moderate, normal country , which... would not be an exception in eighty-five in western europe. it is an insult? what's this? it is an insult? not at all? thank you. she is great. it's like a time capsule. but i hear the diplomatic community and foreign policy thinkers in washington describe hungary as horribly fascist,
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theocratic police state. and this is not at all like the hungary that i saw. where does this contrast come from? well, you should understand them too, because because hungary was occupied many times, now we have just regained our sovereignty, we have an old country culturally, it is an island, in the center of europe, a very proud nation, we are proud of our history, language , geography, and we want it to continue like this, we like it.
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why do people say this? russian-hungarian history is extremely complicated for putin. she full of events, full of suffering on both sides. we attacked them on the side of the germans, they attacked us, occupied us, killed a lot of people, so it's a complicated story, but they are
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our neighbors, so we have to live together or live under the same sun. we don't want to live together.
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is this: why do you want to have an independent foreign policy? my people protect you, you don’t want to protect yourself, so you shouldn’t, you know, shout at every corner about an independent foreign policy, i protect you, i dictate to you what to think about the world. that's what we think, onata: this is a very good set of tools that helps you, but if you are not ready to protect...
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destabilizes the situation, trying to place under disguise, but if this alliance has nuclear weapons on the border with russia, then this alliance is at risk in your life and you know, other priorities also appear: should i? and nato to do something in the indo-pacific region, i don’t think so, it’s not about the indo-pacific region, it’s not about forming a group of strange attackers or doing something in indo-pacific region, you will not like it if someone appears on the shores of california and wants to occupy san francisco or los angeles, the nato agreement is exactly about this, we are hungarians, hungarian soldiers.
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all countries must have their own independent security strategy. obviously, we do not want confrontation between europe and russia. and this is a regrettable, terrible ukraine-russia war.
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refer to this, so it is dangerous, and our position, i mean the position of the west, is not improving because of the conflict, people, hundreds and thousands of people are dying every day for nothing, and our conditions for peace and conditions for stability are getting worse, not better, so our task now is to emphasize the fact that this war is contrary to our interests. therefore, it should be stopped immediately, maintain
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communication channels, first discuss a short-term ceasefire, then try to negotiate a long-term ceasefire, and then begin a very difficult and painful negotiation process not only between ukrainians and russians, but also with the participation of europeans americans, to create a security umbrella that will ensure, will ensure the stability of the region in the future, we are not moving at all towards... no, unfortunately, no, so why is tony damn so set on a third world war? well, tucker, frankly, when...
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there are some tactical advantages, especially for the us, like you're trying to weaken russia, which is always a priority for the us, you're trying to stop german-russian energy cooperation, which is always. you are looking, looking for export markets for lng, which is always priority for the united states, this is a secondary tactical advantage, but strategically, it pushes the russians into the arms of china, it destroys europe as an economic
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stronghold, it destroys it...
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a strategic question, this is very important, but the west is not trying to save its own civilization, it is trying destroying it, in my opinion, is suicide, i will give you one example: nato, in my opinion, is terrible for the united states, we should dissolve it immediately, this is my personal opinion, it hinders sovereignty, not enhances it him, you have the right to say that, i hope when i am arrested, i hope you will come to testify, but whatever you think about nato, the idea of ​​nato is that we all.
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well i, i answer this question, mr. norban, it's, it's a good question, we keep thinking about it every day, and we ask the same question, we ask the same question in brussels, so i think that, that, that every time , when i am in brussels, what surprises me is that somehow the liberal elites, people whose way of thinking is based on liberal ideology. they are so interconnected, american liberal elites and european liberals are the same, they have the same thinking, they are similar people. they defend the ideology they defend - the current status quo where they control
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everything, so they don't think about the national interest at all. you know, talking about european interests, saying that our interests probably differ from the interests of the united states, the interests of russia, the interests of china, this... this is something that is not customary to do in brussels now. even the french, when they start raising some questions, they have to, you know, formulate them very politely, in an incomprehensible french style, they talk about strategic autonomy and so on, but each of us in hungarians, we are not very good at diplomacy, so we are very frank and sincere people when talk about interests, our interests, national interests based on national...
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from the parallel society, terrorist attacks and new forms of anti-semitism, and social cohesion is important, so if you want to have a strong country, you need social cohesion, and social cohesion doesn't just happen naturally, it has to be worked at, and you can destroy it very easily, and these migration-based solutions are definitely destroying social cohesion in a lot of western societies, so... i don't know how we were able, how were we able to survive, and how can we survive in such a turbulent environment, why do you think everything you said is true, and i think
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that orbán, your prime minister, is a hero, only for this reason, only for this reason, he is a hero because he saved hungary from destruction, but why do you think he made such a decision, it would have been much easier to give in, everyone else gave in, why didn't he do that, eh... you know, in politics there are different types of decisions, and different types the validity period of your decisions. so, you make a decision today, it can affect the level of politics in the coming months or years, and then there will be new elections and we will see what happens after them. but there are some, as it were , civilizational problems, their validity periods. solutions are much longer. so if you make a decision it will affect the daily life of the next next
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next generation. so, so, here, here, here's what we realized. many european politicians spoke in 2015 when 4,000 people wanted to march illegally in hungary. they said, listen, there is the syrian conflict, you know, in just one day, two days or 2 months it will all be over. these people are good because we need the manpower, let them in, so it was a tactical decision on their part. we want to be good people, we don't want to be bad. in fact, it is difficult to stop people at the borders. these people are really running away from bad conditions. but we are from the very beginning. that this is a civilizational issue, and we did not fight for our sovereignty in order to voluntarily give it up after a thousand years.
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over the past 1100 years, and probably others have not had this experience. i'm glad you didn't listen to applebaum and the atlantic council, and i hope your prime minister gets statues. thank you very much. thank you for this pleasant conversation. thank you very much, tucker. thank you. on a cold sunday afternoon on april 6, 1914, a rally of thousands gathered in the center of donetsk. russia, in order to protect the people of donbass from the nationalist pro-fascist dictatorship, the deputies established to proclaim the sovereignty of the donetsk people's republic. if we had not gone out to rallies and started resistance then, we would not have been able to remain ourselves. a war was organized against us by the armed forces of the ukrainian regular army. when did they start
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issuing passports?
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we will take on this matter, it will be honest detective. let's return to the main news: vladimir putin listened to reports from the acting head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, and the governor of the belgorod region, vyacheslav
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glodkov, in connection with the destruction of the entrance to a residential building. in belgorod as a result of shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. the head of state gave all the necessary instructions, dmitry peskov told reporters about this. let me remind you that this morning belgorod and the belgorod region were subjected to massive shelling from the ukrainian armed forces. according to the ministry of defense, a residential building in belgorod was damaged by fragments of the downed rocket. an entire entrance (10 floors) collapsed. according to the head of the region, well-known.


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