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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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putin listened to reports from the acting head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, and the governor of the belgorod region, vyacheslav glodkov, in connection with the destruction of the entrance to a residential building in belgorod as a result of shelling by the armed forces of ukraine. the head of state gave all the necessary instructions. dmitry peskov reported this to reporters. let me remind you that this morning belgorod and the belgorod region were subjected to massive shelling from the ukrainian armed forces. according to the ministry of defense, fragments were shot down by a missile. a residential building in belgorod was damaged, and an entire 10-story entrance collapsed. according to the head of the region is aware. for two dead and
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twenty injured, among them two children. they are in a state of moderate severity, as reported by the russian presidential commissioner for children's rights, maria lvova belova. the fate of seven people is still unknown, the operational services reported. according to vecheslav glotkov, the removal of the rubble will continue in the evening and at night, since there may still be people there. moscow colleagues joined belgorod doctors to provide the necessary assistance. for residents of the house organized temporary accommodation centers for 600 places. based on the shooting, the investigative committee opened a case of terrorism. the relevant state duma committees approved all candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers and ministers in the new russian government. today there were meetings and consultations in all 18 committees. as first deputy speaker of the duma alexander zhukov said, all candidates showed absolute competence, a clear and precise understanding of what they will do in their positions in the government. state duma introduces... and on may 14 for positions
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ministers. well, i’ll add that regarding the candidacies of the heads of the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of defense, mita and the ministry of justice, there are separate procedures; they are appointed by the president after consultations in the federation council. in lugansk, where the tenth anniversary of the formation of the lpr is celebrated, the head of the republic leonid pasechnik, as well as social activists, guests and residents of the city, paid tribute to the memory. victims of ukrainian aggression and militias who died for the freedom of the lpr laid flowers at the “unhealed wound of donbass” memorial. a minute of silence was announced. let me remind you, 10 years ago on may 11 a referendum was held in which residents of the lugansk region of ukraine at that time cast their votes for the sovereignty and independence of the future republic. they tried to tell us, instill in us, in general. new history, to distort it,
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they tried to force us to change our faith, well, probably, to quarrel with our brothers, russians, and so on, but we remained in our positions, firmly deciding that we are russian people, we need to go home, we need to go to russia, therefore, of course, the main result of these generally 10 years is that in september, september 30, 2022, the republic returned to its native harbor and became part of russia. well, continuing the theme, the documentary film elena erofeeva and donbass 10 years about the events of the russian spring on the choice that millions of people made, about how the fate of the first militias developed, watch in a few minutes. well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need halva. you take out
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on a cold sunday afternoon on april 6 , 1914, thousands of people gathered in the center of donetsk on lenin square. rally, this was not the first anti-maid speech, but it became a turning point in the history of donbass, russia and, perhaps, everything peace. russia, russia, russia, the gray high-rise buildings of the regional administration on
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pushkin boulevard had not yet removed the ukrainian trident, but the yellow-bladed ensign was no longer on the flagpole. weeks earlier, in the presence of thousands of donetsk residents, the old flag was torn down and russia was raised.
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i also like this in english, in my opinion, yes, yes, look how interesting it is, they wanted to appeal to the world community, they addressed the world community. here is the will of the people, a referendum, in the rebellious spring of the fourteenth, the keeper of the funds of the croevian museum left i ran from work earlier than usual to lenin square in worn-out sandals. every day more and more people came, the barricades, reinforced with tires and sandbags, resembled winding labyrinths. there were improvised guard posts at every turn, and the city was seething. it started gradually in 1991.
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from the crowd he suggested marching to visit the oligarch akhmetov, let's go to rinat akhmetov, why did we go there, well, let's go, suddenly we stop, and i was walking there almost in the first rows, and there is this machine gunner, there so he pointed the machine gun at us, well, naturally we all stopped, he said everything, we didn’t go any further, back then you couldn’t even believe that they could kill you, it didn’t fit into your thoughts that ukrainians could kill? peaceful people, just like that, the young donetsk republic was gradually gaining strength
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and preparing for a referendum. the printers printed leaflets urging people to make a historic choice. on may 11, 2014, donbass lined up in long lines for freedom. everyone was crawling, and lame and crooked people were crawling, a lot of people were walking, they abandoned everything they were doing went to a referendum. it was like a straw for us, i probably don’t know, we grabbed it.
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the first militia detachments, we are coming under fire, planes are flying, at first it was scary when they just started flying, well, we are coming, we know, we are coming, the plant was working constantly, in the summer of the fourteenth donbass did not yet have its own army, it was just emerging, the militia metallurgists and miners walked, armed with hunting sawed-off shotguns. we didn’t come to you, you came to us, you put your boot on our land, believe me, we know how to knock down boots in a mine, believe me, remember this, we won’t just give up our land, these are not people, these are fascist golims, here are all the miners, we will give up everything, we will go to war, but we will fight with these non-humans, this is no good anymore when it started on the maidan this is such nonsense, of course, it was wild for us. people at each other, misha, when i came here, mom, you see what to do, our berkut is beating,
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i see, son, what can we do, what can we do, next time he will call her from slavyansk, war in life no more son will leave, mikhail tolstykh took the call sign giva, rather out of self-irony. he was not a georgian at all, he just looked so dark, with a sharp nose and big black eyes, he fought bravely and selflessly, for the lives of people, wives, grandmothers. small children, we answer, people in uniform answer, that’s it, no one else will answer for them except us, givi is the armor of the donetsk people’s republic, where givi, there
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in ilovaisk, the samals really resembled african pirates, but that was at the very beginning, he trained his battalion from morning to evening at the training ground in the gym according to programs training of russian special forces. and today i begged the battalion commander for the flag, my only car so far was without a flag, the flag is good, i always liked it, everyone had it, but i didn’t. he gave me the campaigns for the last one. because of their harsh disposition and emphasized isolation, they were even afraid of their own people. givi was often accused of cruelty, recalling the scene with the captured ukrainian cyborg. the battalion commander made him live chevron. and that's all you've done. a one-month-old child will be left without a mother, without a father? lieutenant colonel of the ukrainian army oleg
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on this day, the kuzmins were brought to the site of a terrible tragedy by ukrainian militants, which sent tons of deadly metal.
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people who know me from those days, they understand who motorola is, because they know that little boy in a helmet is always dirty in a mask, they brought him a chocolate bar, they knew that this is motorola, this is the signalman of the tactical battalion commander groups behind the maidan, first watched it on tv, then went to kiev himself, where he decided everything for himself. the main motive is to protect the people, to protect civilians, which destroys in every possible way, if some. people call it a revolution, some people call it war, i call it genocide, i always said that a russian is here, so he came, he stood up for the russian people,
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and i think donbass has always been a russian city, despite the fact that. ..
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4 months after the death of arsen pavlov , his best friend, mikhail tolstykh, will be blown up at the samali battalion. a shell fired from a shmel grenade hit the office window. at 7 pm misha called me, we talked, he told me that mommy, i i love you very much, i tell you, son , i love you, we wished good night to each other, in the morning my son was gone, i knew and he knew that after the motorola he would not be... when the bear was buried, when they were already remembering the bear, zakharchenko came , hugged me, i said, mother, the next one, i... it so happened, the next one is from a mining family, but there are many of them in donetsk, he himself worked in a mine,
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then went into business and politics, headed the donetsk branch of the fertilization organization. it was an accidental twist of fate. zakharchenko saw in there is a video on the internet from the euromaidan, where a greek catholic priest called for hanging communists and muscovites. then the struggle began for him with those who wanted to destroy.
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lay down your arms and leave, you are fighting the wrong people, you have it, you have a chance, you have it.
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partisan detachments, speculators raised
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prices, the economic blockade did not give the opportunity to develop, i say, the only thing i ask you, son, is that bread does not become more expensive, pensioners are not offended, yes, mother, she says, this is the main thing, this is the main thing, i say, i know the war, my parents are here mom told me how they shared this bread, a piece of bread, they cleared the mugs from the table, there was bread even after heavy shelling, the broken lines were quickly restored and production started, when bombs tore the sky over donetsk, hot bread was delivered under shelling, we want peace except bread, peace, so that we can calmly... raise children, rejoice with them, go, walk with them, go to the theater, go to the circus, to exhibitions, to concerts, so that we can live peacefully. alexander
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zakharchenko also wanted peace, he fought for peace, on august 31, 1918, the head of the republic arrived at the sepr cafe, he often dined here, and an explosive device disguised as a lighting device went off in the room. many didn’t even immediately believe that the legendary dad was dead, but my mother’s heart ached that day. sasha thought all the time about russia and he thought from the first second, from the first minute. and he even told me, we will soon be with russia, we should be together, when they recognized us, she came up to the portrait, and i said: son, we were recognized, you wanted this so much, you strove for this, with a gray cloud of smoke, oh, what a pity that you left, my son.
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what a pity, at the foot of the saur grave there was a burnt forest, in august 14 ukrainian nationalists watered it with hail, the height was held by 40 fighters of the battalion to the east, in the morning there were 40, by the evening seven remained alive, the guys were buried at the very top of the hill, wounded...
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in what - units and send them to the donbass so that they, already deformed from the point of view of the use of violence, this all-permissiveness, well, somehow use themselves where they don’t feel sorry for us it was definitely not a pity, armed battalions of radicals and neo-nazis began to gather in mariupol shortly before the referendum, residents of the city on victory day saw what nazism looks like in ukrainian, you came to kill mine... on may 9, 2014, right -wing militants opened fire in mariupol at the local police building to civilians who did not agree with the current regime in kiev. it was a planned punitive operation to intimidate all those who were pro-russian in this
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russian-spirited city. despite this, already 2 days later, on may 11, people were not afraid to come to the referendum and speak out for the independence of the donetsk people's republic, how great was their desire to break out of nazi ukraine? what do you think? it’s cool to save up a vtb savings account for a subscription. replenish regularly and you will accumulate 16%. faster magnet - the price is what you need! sausage vyazanka, 1299. thanks to purchases at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. again a leap into the past, time travel is not a toy. if you knew how
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