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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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and yes, yes, yes, yes, that’s exactly where he is, right, it’s just - now there’s no one in the office, then we usually have people coming out to meet people, so let’s try to recreate the history of that fateful ascent to elbrus, program included many stages, at the beginning several days of acclimatization, some tourists abandoned the trip in the end. 16 people went to the top of elbrus, they were accompanied by denis alimov’s subordinates, two guides: ilya chuikov and anton nikifarov, and two more assistant guides, taulan kipkeev and igor dankov. all they considered themselves experienced climbers who had climbed elbrus more than once, and the route was familiar to them. nit the price is what
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elbrus has two peaks - western and eastern. usually tourists strive to reach western, because it is higher - 5.642 m. at... they move at night to meet the dawn at the top to take beautiful photos as a souvenir, this time was no exception, the group started from the base camp at 2:00 am, to an altitude of 5.100 m, tourists we got there by airtruck, then on foot, the group overcame the so -called saddle, the space between the two peaks of elbrus, the tourists reached a height of 5.642 m by 10:00 am. git, twenty-eight-year-old ilya chuikov, told us what happened next. he led tourists to the top. now this young the person is a defendant in a criminal case. in literally 20 minutes of descent, the group turned from a walking, adequate, cheerful group into
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participants who absolutely physically could not control themselves; by that time, probably two people were able to walk with their own feet. as soon as the railings ended, due to a strong snowstorm, the guides tied up the participants, we made two bundles out of them, but we could not move away from the railing, probably 10 m, somehow due to the same state of health, due to well-being, and both bundles fell apart, first first, then literally about 10 seconds later the second one rolled behind her, rolled out onto the saddle, and during this rolling one of the participants tried... to slow down with a cat, what to do, well, you can’t, let’s just say, we taught this, and as it turned out, well below this was confirmed, he broke his leg in three places, judging by chuikov’s words, at the height panic began among the travelers among the accompanying people,
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no one knew how to act in an extreme situation. chuikov insists that he took all measures to save people. i had a satellite phone, all the guides there were navigators. that is, technically the guides were provided, and the problem was complicated by the fact that in such a snowstorm, and indeed i had never seen such a snowstorm, but it was impossible to work, because their sensors stopped responding to icy fingers, i just shouted at this satellite, i shouted our coordinates, i shouted how many of us there were, where we were, and called for rescuers, that is, there was a satellite, we contacted it, successfully, unsuccessfully, at that moment we could not understand, and as it turned out, they did not confirm that some kind of then the signal that’s when i decided to start the descent and contact the rescuers from the section called the oblique shelf, this is the section from 5300 to 5.100. chuikov’s story does not sound very convincing, it is still unclear why
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it was impossible to sound the alarm immediately after the weather turned bad, why the guides were stalling for time, the accused ilya chuikov... could not answer these questions, i am the person who took responsibility for this group, who met them there in pyatigorsk, who, let’s say, was supposed to return them in this pyatigorsk, no one intentionally tried to harm, no one intentionally saved their lives there, exposing the lives of the participants, so it’s hard for me to say, that is, in any case, i am as a guide, as a person...
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now all questions to the guide, you the culprit behind all this? and the culprit - depending on what, but you didn’t bring back the clients alive, even if frozen, but alive, well, most people, they went down alive, that is, that client who died, she died almost before my eyes, with her, starting from the top , according to my observations, swelling has begun, i not a doctor.
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turned around and made attempts to lower her down, the rest continued on their way, one of the groups was the first to climb while already at the top, literally within 2-3 minutes, well , as everyone explains in their testimony, the weather began to deteriorate sharply, weather conditions, wind and guides we decided to quickly deploy the team to descend; we found ourselves in bad weather conditions, and this is what all this led to. the investigation’s version was confirmed by the participants in the ascent; indeed, the weather
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began to deteriorate literally before our eyes, that’s what says one of the rescued tourists, dmitry dolgov. but for some reason the guys at the top all fell down, they were all just lying around, i don’t know, or there was some kind of euphoria, in fact everyone felt bad, but it seemed to me that the guys were somehow very tired, so they just everyone was lying around and didn’t want to get up. anton. i got everyone up quickly and realized that the wind had changed a lot, literally in those two minutes, and the wind had changed a lot, because there wasn’t such a strong wind at the rise. anna makarova, who together with the guide's assistants went down, felt even worse, according to igor dankov, who accompanied her, the girl lost consciousness and died in his arms, then the young man descended.
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according to denis venersky, at that time almost no one from the group could move on their own, one of the guides, the same ilya chuikov, went for help, my group at that time, i led them to the poles on the saddle, contacted, well, before ... contacted anton, contacted taulan, clarified their location, they said they were finishing pass the railing, and my group was right under the railing, accordingly, believing that they would come out on it in any case, it so happened, they seemed to be following you, yes, yes, there was already a small gap there, so taulan and anton were with the group for a long time, and these are really heroes, well, in my eyes and... and anton are the heroes who gathered the group there, who stayed with them until the end, who, well, they really
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found taulan with pulmonary edema, already blind practically, that is, these are people who, well, the latter could have stayed there forever, let’s just say, the organizers of this ascent claimed from the very beginning that the cause of death was bad weather. according to the guides, they did everything possible to save the tourists, but were powerless against the elements. the wife of the main accused director of the travel agency denis alimov, elena, tried to explain to our film crew how the events on elbrus unfolded. the storm came out of nowhere, hit with enormous force , and the pressure dropped very sharply, e.g. one of our guides said that his watch showed, well
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the barometer on the watch showed an altitude of 6.220, despite the fact that they were actually at an altitude of 5300, 5400, this tragedy largely happened due to the fact that there was a quick, sudden, sharp and fatal change in weather conditions, they went to the top in excellent weather, in a calm, they began to descend in the sun and... there was a light breeze, and then terrible bad weather came and then they began to save the situation on their own and constantly got in touch... with the ministry of emergency situations and there are records about this them in their phones, oh that they were making outgoing calls from a satellite phone in an attempt to call for help. however, the investigation is confident that the organizers of the trip could not have been unaware of the impending storm. this is what assistant guide igor dankov said before the ascent.
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he posted the video on his social networks on the eve of the tragedy. everyone. good snowy morning, tonight we are going to go to the top, the forecast is not very good, let's see how it will be, but winter has already arrived, almost to albrus. on the day of ascent, september 23, 2021 , there are gusts of wind in the area of ​​the western peak of elbrus could reach. 85 km/h, despite alarming signals from the hydromidcenter, denis alimov’s private guides still took the risk and led people to the height. but experienced guide karina mezova, who herself takes tourists to the mountains, assures that several of her colleagues refused to climb that day, precisely because of
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the bad forecast, they saved the lives of their clients. here i have a screenshot.
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the authorities have no right, the ministry of emergency situations can only warn of danger, and the police have the right to check whether tour organizers are conducting business legally? here one of the raids by employees of the department for combating economic crimes of the ministry of internal affairs of kabbardino-balkaria. the police arrived at the azao clearing, where most tour groups start. it is located at the foot of elbrus, there are many guests here.
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the powers of the police officers only allow them to check the documents of the organizers and make sure that they warned the ministry of emergency situations about the hike. these must be equipment certificates. here, for example, they were not found. the rental owner promised to find all the necessary papers and bring them to the department. nobody knows how much
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people climb elbrus every year, and although each group must register with the ministry of emergency situations, indicating the number of participants, the dates of the ascent and descent, they do it far away. not everyone, hello, albrus detachment, i’m listening to you, and you want to register, no, it is advisable to approach the service to officially register by phone, registration is not recommended, yes, well, we are waiting for you, come in, that’s it, we’ll register you and the weather forecast, say, after the descent of the senior group must... inform the ministry of emergency situations that all tourists completed the hike safely, if there is no such signal at the appointed time and it is not possible to contact the group, then
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rescuers have every reason to believe that an emergency has occurred and they immediately move to help. according to the ministry of emergency situations of kabardino-balkaria , for the 2021 season elbrus climbed 2.421. group is 19,528 people. 148 times rescuers had to go to the aid of tourists. in 2021, 23 people died on the mountain, six were missing. these are official numbers. how many people are actually trying to reach the height is unknown. there are tourists who even climb elbrus alone. does not warn anyone, our film crew met such a desperate climber at the foot of the mountain. sergey loginov came from the kemerovo region and
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works as an air traffic controller in his native novokuznetsk. nel brus came here for the fourth time. do you usually go alone or with a group? well, alone, how do you even lift one? and if something happens there, well, you will feel bad, already... this is a certain training, hypoxic training, well, there are a lot of different things there, well, how would you still look at the weather forecast and it’s simpler, well, not like that everything is simple, of course, well, there is a risk, there is always a risk, and you notify the ministry of emergency situations that you are going, or sometimes like this, no, i don’t notify, you don’t notify, but if something happens to you there, it’s there, well, i just there is a contact phone number for the person who lives here, i’ll call you if there’s a connection, there is a risk, it’s always there when there ’s no escape from it, that is, you... well, probably yes, why? well, try going, you will understand everything yourself. climb a mountain and you will understand this feeling when standing on a mountain,
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well, like on a mountain at the very top, the feeling, i don’t say, victory, the mountain cannot be defeated, it is invincible, defeat yourself, this feeling, of your own importance, probably pushes you, probably, there. our. information: the first climbers went to ilbruz in 1931, since then statistics on tragic incidents have been kept. according to it, 121 people died at the summit. by comparison, victory peak, which is considered a more difficult mountain to climb above ilbrus, took 76 lives. the most widespread death was tourists on elbrus in may 2006. then a group of twelve people climbed to the top. due to a sharp deterioration in the weather, they had to stay for a cold night.
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the investigative department for the extreme balkar republic carried out an analysis of incidents in the mountains specifically related to the death of climbers; in order to prevent the prevention of such incidents, the investigative department developed a number of proposals, in particular this is the certification of guides who climb with citizens, as well as a proposal make mountain tourism activities licensed, that is, so that random individuals, random companies cannot provide their services, as a rule, these services are provided based on... but also experience in
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saving lives in extreme conditions. so far, only denis alimov, the owner of the elbrus git company, is in the season. and the remaining defendants in the criminal case, ilya chuikov and anton nikiforov, are undergoing treatment. relatives of the deceased tourists vyacheslav borisov, anastasia zhigulina, irina golchuk, anna makarova and elena nesterova they are looking forward to the start of the trial. hope that the perpetrators will receive a well-deserved punishment, and while groups with new tourists continue to climb to the top , accompanied by private guides, no one controls their amateur activities. climbing elbros.
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this is a dangerous occupation, experienced rescue guides need professional training, and local authorities today have another task: to urgently restore order in this industry in order to avoid new tragedies. this was our investigation from the republic of kabbardino-balkaria and from stavropol the edges. it’s up to you to draw conclusions, see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
7:58 pm
just funny, i haven’t experienced something like this for a long time. awesome, very cool, energizing, high, emotions, actors, just gorgeous, mom, this is alice, i liked alice and her boyfriend, and sasha petrov actually really, really made this film, i see everything, i'm a fan of konstantin khabensky, for now. the ideas are ok, we can start, i liked kira the most, yuri borisov is the best actor, everything was just done very cool, it came right off, i don’t know if this will actually be the case in 100 years, but i would like it to be like this, you are so sensory, hands, we will meet in the future. 100
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8:00 pm
seven people were killed and 20 were injured when
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a residential entrance collapsed. at home in belgorod, as a result.


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