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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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a residential building in belgorod, a 10- story entrance collapsed, here are the latest data on the progress of the rescue operation from igor pikhanov, he joins us live . igor, greetings, well, we are waiting for details from you. judging by, let's start with what's happening now, let's start with what's happening now, at the moment, ukrainian militants again attacked the belgorod region, all the employees of the ministry of emergency situations, police officers, volunteers had to take refuge in the basement, just now something was said , that the alarm has been canceled, work is now will continue, we heard several explosions in the air, air...
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well, as you can see, we have certain problems with communications, because a missile warning signal was previously announced, igor pikhanov took refuge in the basement , as soon as he gets contact , we will broadcast him live, now we bring to your attention the material that he previously recorded for our broadcast. already at the scene of the tragedy in belgorod, search and rescue work has been going on for more than 2 hours. operational
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services report that there are dead, but the exact number has not yet been announced, we are waiting for official data, and also the number of victims, according to preliminary data , has increased to 20 people, now emergency services employees are working on the site, these are employees of the ministry of emergency situations, rescuers, the work is in full swing, it should be noted that all specialists are working with great risk to life, because it happened already... but the collapse , the threat of collapse continues, because all these dangerous structures of a panel destroyed residential building hang dangerously, now the ministry of emergency situations employees are carrying out watering this, this territory, because now there is a column of smoke here, and in order for people to work, it is necessary to constantly knock down this dust, now there is heavy equipment here, it is clearing away these rubble, people are working extremely carefully, because under the rubble they can find ... people,
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there are other operational services here, these are sappers, they are inspecting the surrounding area, because the parts of the projectile scattered over a long distance, and it is necessary to exclude the possibility of detonation of unexploded parts of this ammunition, it was definitely not a projectile from vampire, this is something heavy, i was there when the first blow was still in the kitchen, the second blow and the subsequent one, i already jumped out into the hallway, where near... with the toilet, where there were no windows, nothing, then i heard everything exploded, and then i screamed, because my husband was already in the room, i just don’t remember, in the living room or in the bedroom, so i say, oh, that’s all, but we, thank god , are alive, here, but we only had damage, three frames in the apartment were damaged, but they took out the entrance door and took the door out of tambur, a missile strike was carried out on belgorod in day off, many people were at home at that moment, this is... a densely populated part
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of the city, there are educational institutions nearby, as well as social institutions, here, as i remind you, heavy equipment is now working, and rescue workers were the first to arrive here at the scene services, as well as employees of the territorial self-defense, these are doctors, they helped, provided assistance to the wounded, and also helped people evacuate from the house, we provided first aid, naturally the evacuation of all people in the entire house, bypassing all apartments they did, they provided first aid, you know, someone had a breakdown, panic, hysteria, they helped evacuate grandparents, hit civilians, and children at school.
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shout loudly, loudly, someone hears us, there are voices, in addition, information is received that the acting head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, is receiving operational information from the site of rescue operations, it is reported that additional forces have been put on alert, including specialists from the rescue center team and the leader center continue to come here a large number of.
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the head of the region, vyacheslav glodkov, is here; he, along with rescuers, also participated in the evacuation work, all residents were evacuated. the relevant state duma committees supported all candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers and ministers in the new russian government. today there were meetings and consultations in all eighteen committees. our correspondent knows how the work went and what recommendations the candidates received.
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that real transport workers come to such positions and will work for the benefit of russia. it was proposed to the former head of the men's agricultural enterprise, dmitry patrushev, to oversee the agricultural sector and ecology in the post of deputy prime minister. his place will most likely be taken by the first deputy head of the department, oksana lut; patrushev himself reported in the state duma on the main achievements of the industry. since the eighteenth year , our agricultural production has grown by more than 16%, and the index... of food production over the same period has increased by almost 20%. and most of the indicators of the food security doctrine have been achieved. morat khusnulin will most likely continue to oversee the construction sector in the government. we reported on the key issue,
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this is the future national project, infrastructure for life, which we must approve in the near future. we have made a big breakthrough in the field of construction and more. complex in our country for the next 6 years, in accordance with the tasks set by the president of the russian federation in his message, including gasification, achieving certain target levels, these are issues related to technological sovereignty, development of russian technologies, energy technologies, including nuclear ones. most likely, alexey overchuk, in
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the status of deputy prime minister, will continue to be responsible for international cooperation. it is expected that tatyana gollikova will be in charge of the social sphere, and dmitry grigorenko will continue to be responsible for the financial and supervisory spheres, and will also deal with issues of digital development of communications. yuri trutnev was recommended to confirm the plenipotentiary president in the far east as deputy prime minister. the candidacy of dmitry chernyshenko was discussed representatives of six committees. his area of ​​responsibility, the work of the ministry of science and higher education, the ministry of sports, the tourism sector, and now the activities of the ministry of education and the russian youth committee can be added. from the point of view of global target designations, everything here is very clear, extremely understandable, the president formulated this, including with financial parameters, in an address to the federal assembly, enshrined this in his may decree with a new one, the task is formulated.
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further stable development, this is especially evident in such acute moments,
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turning points, historical moments, it was on the manufacturing sector that our country relied; the relevant committees will send their conclusions to the duma council, and on may 13 and 14 the lower house of parliament will approve the candidacies of deputy prime ministers and ministers. senators, according to the constitution, will consider the candidacies of the heads of the security bloc, the ministry of foreign affairs and the accounts chamber, and their proposals for these departments. carried by president elizaveta khramtsova, alexandra suvorova, polina anishchenko, and naloshchenova, anna tarasenko. news. for headaches there is askafen p, at an affordable price. and askaffen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. benefit generator in bambi eldorado. buy at a super discount and pay in installments with em-money. bulet tv tcl for only 64.999 in embidio and eldorado. what is
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minutes. it extinguishes and extinguishes the goon. prinibal. magnet. ice cream, salted caramel, 79.99. magnet, price, what you need. the shelling of belgorod is believed to have been launched from high up in the kharkov region, where the north group of troops is pushing enemy forces away from the border. this is the military task the president set. several settlements have already been liberated; more than fifty are in captivity.
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push the formation of the kiev regime away from the border and make shelling physically impossible belgorod with multiple launch rocket systems, but i remind you that vladimir putin, the president of russia, actually set such a task for the russian army in order to protect the residents of the belgorod region, who have actually been under fire from the formation for several months. regime, and the militants of the ukrainian armed forces are specifically hitting residential areas, the air raid signal has literally just ended, and it is already the seventh or eighth today in the belgorod region, and today is the whole day, and the formations of the armed forces the ukrainians are firing at belgorod, here it is worth
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saying that the worse the enemy’s position at the front, the harder the enemy hits. attacked belgorod and other cities of the belgorod region, it is worth noting that the northern russian army group conducted a targeted, constant systematic hunt
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for the crews of the rocket systems that were involved in terrorist attacks, some of the czech-made vehicles, another missile attack, we hear a signal air raid, part of the rszzo vehicles, czech vampire production and crews were destroyed, it was often possible to destroy the rszz crews even before they opened fire, but it is clear that in order to protect the residents of belgorod, well, what is actually called... it is necessary to push the enemy back from the border to the tui line, from where the enemy actually simply will not be able to use rocket systems due to the limited range and... are going well, and one of the important circumstances and success factors is the large number of prisoners of war who are now in
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at the disposal of the fighters of the russian army, these are militants of neo-nazi formations, the kraken and the brotherhood battalion, also a neo-nazi formation, in fact a sect, which operates under the control of the main intelligence department of the kiev regime and... this is what the enemy militants said about the circumstances of how they were captured. we entered, was captured on may 10, entered the position on may 9, at about 3:00 a.m. they began to cover us tightly, well, it clearly flew straight into the trench, well, in general, there were signs that there would really be an assault, in the morning happened, we received information about the movement of groups, that well, they were moving towards us and... at some point, when we left the poems, it happened, well, like an oversight, russian servicemen ended up in a trench, we started to fuss, well
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we didn’t expect this, we missed the moment, may i, we fought with a russian detachment, they threw grenades at us, and we took cover in the dugout, after that we laid down... our weapons and raised our hands up and asked us not to kill, we came to the surface , yes, basically they either send to these are for problem areas of the front, yeah, well, that is, we use reserves, well, the fire brigade, anton, well, here it’s worth noting that right now fierce fighting continues, the tense situation in the belgorod region. exactly until the enemy is driven back from the state border, yes, evgeny, thank you, let’s hope this happens as quickly as possible,
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our war correspondent evgeny podubny was in direct contact with the studio.
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our country's library network is approximately 40,000 libraries, in total they contain about 880 million documents, books, newspapers, magazines, sheet documents, this is a huge fund, many of this large list of documents are very valuable, very rare and are subject to special storage conditions, and of course, we must take care of them, there are tens of millions of such documents. take care, share your unique experience with others, perhaps attract new associates to this amazing profession, because restoration is an incredibly rare skill,
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there are only 450 specialists in the whole country, the process is painstaking, each artifact has a special approach, these two ancient maps of the caspian basin and the northern ocean from the storages of the russian state library were not spared by time, the paper is contaminated with old grease stains, it seems like relics... are always disfigured, but restorers give such documents a chance for a new life . and after all the processing, all the washings, the restoration will be carried out, all losses will be made up, creases and tears will be fixed, and if necessary, the item can be duplicated on thinner paper, this will give it strength and durability. looking at the result of this work, the average person will call restoration art and it will be. but the masters themselves more often compare their work with the craft of doctors, whose task is to diagnose a disease and find the most effective method of treatment, and it does not matter what kind of patient needs
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help. posters, maps, photographs, various leaflets and dating from the first quarter of the 20th century up to the 10th-11th century. library restoration is very different from museum restoration; work on each document can last from months to a whole year. specialists eliminate tears, creases, replace lost pages, clean from dust, dirt, mold infections, restore bindings, covers and decorative elements of books, and endpapers. and i have been weaving it from the very beginning, i selected threads from the floss similar to those that were originally selected for us on the old coptal, which
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we still have. from this captal from this binding the cover on under the skin on this cover we found a section of thread, that is, this is the thread for it we selected a thread for our captal, and work from restorers there is always a lot, the russian state library is the custodian of one of the largest collections of rare and valuable books, about a million book monuments, rare copies that have an extremely high historical, cultural and...
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place in the library’s collections. the first printed russian book, precisely dated by the apostle ivan fedorov, which has an exact publication date, 1564, from which we actually begin to count the russian book publication. monument books require certain storage conditions. temperature mode no more than 18°, humidity within 50-60%. in order to guarantee. rare books are issued only to researchers for scientific purposes, and for ordinary readers book monuments are available in digitized form. at the moment we are scanning the book project book monuments from the book museum with high resolution. muscovites can request pdf files of unique publications from large metropolitan libraries, which have been digitizing their impressive collections for a long time. we have digitized
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enough. a large number in particular the complete collection of goggol's works, which every scientist, working at the dacha to form references, can easily take with him, even in his pocket, and then refer to this publication when compiling this or that article. gogol's house on nikitsky boulevard, where the great russian writer lived the last 4 years of his life, combines a museum and a library. the rarest and most complete books are kept here. collected works of a classic in chinese to rare handwritten folios in western european languages, as well as unique collections of sheet music and much more, in total, the library's collection numbers 206,000 volumes, its special pride is nine lifetime editions of gogol, one of them from the evenings at the village near dekanka. of course, those publications or albums that are very well illustrated attract attention. look how amazing the book is, it is
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large format. here are illustrations by makovsky and other famous artists, all of them were done, you see what interesting works. the most interesting publications are carefully preserved by the nikrasov central universal scientific library, for muscovites known as nikrasovka. this is really the oldest publication in our collection, a book published in 1562, this is an architectural treatise when... once belonged to count sukhtelen, what does his bookmark on the flyleaf tell us? the library dates back to 1919, during which time it has acquired an impressive book collection, more than 1 million copies. since 2008, the most valuable titles have been allocated to a special department of rare publications and collections. ours is about.


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