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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm MSK

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on my blog i share simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important. astoria, now it’s definitely delicious, just like you, cool, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, replenish it regularly, you’ll save up 16% faster, thanks to purchases at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in... who will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, the megamarket is just growing with us, pairs of grand and grand savory at an attractive price, only delicious, period, it was so cold in may, it was not at least at least a quarter of a century, how the fierce cold from the stratosphere made its way to...
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this is the old thing that soviet tank crews welded to the armor of the legendary thirty-fours when they took berlin, and the star is furious, a strong magnetic storm has hit the earth, auroras are observed throughout the country , is this the maximum of the solar cycle, or is it still ahead? you are watching the main weather program, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, hello, let’s start the episode with unprecedented cold. in european russia, what kind of
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may is it here, at best it’s november, but otherwise it’s quite it’s winter, why the ultrapolar invasion happened, when it ends, we’ll tell you right after the review of the snow apocalypse in early may. victory day in moscow became the snowiest in the history of weather observations. the military men measured their pace along the pavement of red square through the may snowstorm. the capital has not seen such a cold may 9th for a quarter of a century. frosts were observed throughout the central region. moscow was swept away for several days in a row. by friday , a temporary snow cover of 1 cm high had formed at the vdnkh weather station. and in the area of ​​moscow state university there was 5 cm of snow. blizzard in the capital was accompanied by stormy winds and trees fell. visibility on the roads was almost zero. muscovites remembered winter fun and began building snowmen. some are very tiny, some are quite impressive in size. deficit.
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there was clearly no material for snow sculptures; it covered the entire russian plain; snowfalls occurred in st. petersburg, nizhny novgorod and many other cities; the storm raged especially hard in the koma republic. based on the results of the natural disaster, we can say with confidence that the most indomitable people live in irkutsk. victory day was celebrated here despite a terrible snowstorm. the wind gusted up to 29 m/s. the snowstorm reduced visibility of everything. up to several hundred meters, the roofs of houses and billboards could not withstand the onslaught of the elements, but the weather could not prevent the celebration. as a result of a powerful arctic invasion , temporary snow cover was even restored in the capital. it must be said that at this time of year this rarely happened only in the cold era of the 19th century, and for the entire period of existence of the vdnkh weather station, later on april 28 from... there was no
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has never appeared yet, not only moscow suffered from the vagaries of nature, in general the relapse of winter also turned out to be truly record-breaking, look, by the end... of april, snow cover remained only in the far north of the russian plain, and by victory day the borders of this zone had advanced to the south by more than 1.00 km, and even certain areas of the black soil were covered with snow. the arctic invasion reached its peak just on may 9th. in many areas of european russia, the holiday turned out to be the coldest in the entire era of global warming, and in places, for example, arkhangelsk and ryazan, such low thermometer readings have not been observed since the victorious 1945, but now the cyclone has begun to pump warmer air onto the russian plain, so that the cold anomaly will decrease, but these air masses
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are spreading from the northern part of the atlantic , therefore, the warming will not be as significant as we would like, and even at the beginning of the new week, when the clouds over... the regions are dispersed by the anticyclone, the temperature regime will not yet be able to return to normal climatic norm for may. for example, in moscow on saturday-sunday there will be light rain, and the daytime temperature will no longer be march, but april, in the afternoon +8, +10. with the beginning of the new week, the probability of precipitation will be small; by wednesday the sun will be able to warm the air to +13, well, this is almost 5° below but. in kansas we will tell you further in our program, don’t miss it. on other topics: nato countries have backed down.
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information has appeared in the western media that at the next summit of the north atlantic alliance a declaration on refusal to send troops to... russia's nuclear forces, the only people who are still fussing are the militant lithuanians, who for some reason decided that the west-east transfer of air masses would somehow save them from retaliatory attacks, my colleague evgeniy teshkovets will continue the topic . evgeny, apparently, only nuclear deterrent forces can cool down the ardor. hotheads in the west. vadim, they don’t understand in a good way, so we have to regularly remind ourselves of russia’s capabilities to protect our national interests by military means. and our answer the country can do so in a way that will not seem enough to anyone, the range of russian weapons is much larger, and the possibilities are wider. for
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example, the quasi-ballistic iskander is not at all affected by any modern pro systems that nato has. russia now has at least one and a half hundred at its disposal. iskander complexes of various modifications. these vehicles are capable of carrying, among other things, missiles with nuclear warheads, the power of which, according to military experts, can range from 5 to 50 kilotons. let's hypothetically consider a potential retaliatory strike against the nato base, from where the act of aggression was committed against our country. nato usually does not place its bases far from populated areas, a couple of kilometers at most. on average they occupy about 500-700 hectares. so, let's launch a thought experiment, the russian federation defines the object as a direct threat. i think this is my personal point of view, that directly under the gun are facilities with nuclear weapons, large military and military bases,
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land, sea, air forces, there are probably airfields where the base is located. aviation of the united states and nato, aircraft carrying tactical or strategic offensive weapons. in our case , the main targets for the strike will be the military base and airfield itself, in order to turn both of them into ashes, only two warheads are enough, this is a salvo from one launcher, but the trouble is, the power of even tactical nuclear weapons is extremely high. if the warheads are 50 kilotons, and this is several times. more than the americans dropped on hiroshima, then the total the area of ​​the affected area will be almost 60 km, so neighboring settlements will probably be affected. let's assume that there is a certain million-plus city that is unlucky enough to have a north atlantic
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alliance base under its block. in europe, where there are most nato countries, such a metropolis would have an area of ​​about 300-500 km. it, of course, is located on some large river... it has its own airfield, agricultural holding fields in the surrounding area, and so on. 50 kilotons, well, they can essentially wipe it off the face of the earth, well, let’s say it’s large enough. microdistrict or part of a small city, if we are talking about some military bases, yes, this is the destruction of a military base, this is the destruction of a complex of headquarters, a complex of buildings, this is the destruction of a naval port, this is the destruction of an airfield. russia has sent an unambiguous signal to the west that in the event of further escalation, we are ready to take the conflict to a new level. once again, point by point, we consider the f-16 as carriers of nuclear weapons. reserves the right to retaliate against british military targets outside ukraine. and finally, armed
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russian and belarusian forces began preparing for exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons. it would seem that transparent hints reached the leaders of the main european states. they toned down the belligerent rhetoric. but then, like a jack-in-the-box, the head of the lithuanian government, ingrida simonita, appears and declares her readiness to send lithuanian troops to ukraine. the threat of retaliatory nuclear strikes does not bother the prime minister; in her opinion, russia will not strike lithuania, because, quote: the winds blow from west to east, in which case radioactive fallout could allegedly affect russia itself. to begin with, let us remind the prime minister of lithuania that tactical nuclear weapons generally do not care which way the wind blows. unlike the strategic one, its affected area is significantly limited, and the contamination of the area will be insignificant. according to some estimates, in two or three. the blast
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wave will destroy everything in its path. russia’s logic is extremely simple: everything has been announced many times already. no one is going to attack nato countries, but we are ready to fight. and if someone starts sending their regular troops to ukraine, the answer will follow. and the question arises: are the same lithuanians, for example, ready to pay with their lives for recklessness and russophobia? their politicians. now let's move directly to the front line. here our soldiers demonstrate miracles of ingenuity. the ssu cannot do anything with a tank equipped with the so-called king-barbecue. and this type of anti-drone protection is becoming more common on the front lines. about new engineering discoveries - our next material. assault garage. the boys sewed up the motolyga and survived into the 21st century.
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the russian military is showing savvy. in addition to tanks entirely covered with sheets of metal to protect against drones. the list of highly protected equipment has been supplemented by the mtlb armored personnel carrier-tractor. behind the new thick armor he is unrecognizable. the first samples of equipment with structures welded on top of standard armor were jokingly nicknamed the tsar. but now these are real mobile fortresses, which continue to acquire protection from enemy weapons, they help assault groups overcome the most dangerous sections of the front, for example, in battles for populated areas of donbass, saw the actions of these tsar vangals in the krasnogorovka area, when they ensured the passage of armored columns through the forefield and took on themselves, including fpv strikes and explosions, various shelling, missions. this armored unit is to carry out a column, conduct, and land troops through the forefield and
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the first line of enemy defense, that is, in essence, this is such an improved, well, one might say, armored personnel carrier to overcome this dangerous zone. armored vehicles are reinforced with electronic warfare systems, setting up a smoke screen and additional protection structures sent by factories. schemes have been developed for rimbats to improve the survivability of vehicles. at this car. for example, a track mine trawl with an electromagnetic emt attachment is installed in front. protective grilles are also welded across almost the entire area of ​​its solid shell. today, drones are one of the key, cheapest tools for combating equipment on both sides of the front, so protection against them cannot be neglected. as a rule, mm grenades from - hand-held anti-tank grenades of the rpg type, these grenades damage armor, or rather burn through
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armor through the use of the so-called cumulative effect. one of the simplest ways to avoid burning through armor with a cumulative effect is to make the cumulative action work earlier, before the moment it touches our armor. as a result, the jet is washed out and does not have a fatal effect on the armor. ultra-protected russian tanks began to receive color video cameras. this option significantly improves visibility and allows you to maneuver more freely. terrain. history can be traced in the engineering solutions of the russian military. continuity, in berlin in the spring of forty -five , metal meshes were also welded onto the legendary thirty-four. in his memoirs, a military engineer who went through the entire war, anatoly petrovich shvebik, says that this was done to protect against faust cartridges. there were heavy losses in berlin, mainly from the faustians. then we came up with the idea to weld the meshes. i gathered
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the deputy brigade commanders for technical matters, and this proposal was made there. the germans were surprised what kind of tanks they were. the kind of protective screens in the most famous photograph of t-3485 at the brandenburg gate were most likely made from a section of a mesh fence with a wicket; at least the hinge of the canopy and the sign with the address are visible; there were also simple sheets of iron. after 80 years, metal plating again saves our tanks from shaped charges, but no longer from faust cartridges or enemy fpv drones. and now tsarmangals can be seen on more and more russian equipment. and again let's return to weather disasters on russian plain, because snowfalls and freezing are not the worst thing that could happen during an ultra-polar invasion, the center of the country got off easy, but the full power of the disaster was felt by the more southern regions, through
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which a whole series of tornadoes swept through. these are shots from a long-suffering city. efremov in the tula region, exactly 11 years ago, in may 2013, the settlement suffered from a devastating hurricane, and history repeated itself: strong gusts uprooted trees, demolished buildings, and tore off roofs. next epic video - hurricane in kursk. a tornado spun up on the highway near the city. in addition to the wind , there was rain and thunderstorms in the region. due to the rampant nature of the disaster , more than 6,000 residents of the region were left without electricity. it must be said that tornadoes, or as they are also called tornadoes, are an extremely atypical weather phenomenon for russia. previously , only 14-15 vortexes per year were recorded throughout the country, including the black sea coast, where
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up to eight vortexes usually spun over the sea per season, in the 20th century. the frequency of whirlwinds immediately increased sevenfold, they began to be noticed even in the north siberia. the reason for this is a sharp increase in the contrast of atmospheric fronts. as a result of the collision of extreme heat and cold, powerful supercell cumulonimbus clouds, more characteristic of the tropical belt, began to form in the temperate latitudes of eurasia. the fact is that such clouds are observed in the area. in the front part , superheated air rises from the ground, stratospheric cold falls in the rear part, when these jets collide at the base of the cloud , a mesoscale cyclonic circulation occurs, counterclockwise rotation, gradually it captures the underlying layers
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of the atmosphere and the resulting trunk descends to the surface, but sometimes the trunk can... to the cloud and from the surface, a downward flow, carrying very cold air from the lower stratosphere to the ground, forms a so-called squall in the front part of the thunderstorm front storm, an area of ​​extremely strong wind that has a horizontal axis of rotation, at some point part of this gate is pulled into the area of ​​​​a cloud, the axis of rotation acquires a vertical component. and now ours traditional section: space weather forecast, which we compile together with our colleagues from the iran space research institute. the sun is experiencing its biggest surge in activity in years. isn't this the very maximum
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of the cycle that everyone is talking about? a continuous increase in solar activity has been observed since march 3rd. 11 high-grade flares were recorded at the time, and half of them occurred over the past couple of days, in total, this is more than in the last 6 years combined, for understanding, a flare of the highest score x has an energy of 10 to the twenty-sixth power of joules, that’s 10 followed by 26 zeros, and also for comparison it’s 10,000 times more than the whole... poorly predicted, that is, we don’t see the reservoir, we don’t know , how much energy is there, how much will it be enough, unfortunately, all this happens opposite the earth, the second,
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unfortunately, happens in areas where there is a lot of free mass, from may 7 to may 9, the sun threw four clouds of plasma of exceptional size towards our planet, part emissions on the way to the ground merged into a single a larger object, all the main... world astronomical centers immediately announced a strong magnetic storm at the beginning of the weekend, without ruling out the possibility that it would reach the highest level of g5, which has not happened since 2005, already on friday evening in the skies over many russian cities the light show began, and the aurora zone covered almost the entire country, the aurora was visible in moscow and samara. chelyabinsk and yekaterinburg, ufa and kurgan, rostov-on-don and voronezh. the only thing that calms me down is that the sun rotates, and quite quickly, in a month
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is making a full revolution, so we can say with confidence that the active centers that are now bombarding the earth will go to the far side of the star around tuesday, so the geomagnetic situation on our planet will stabilize. disturbances of the magnetosphere are still possible on monday, tuesday and even wednesday, then in the middle of the week the situation will calm down, which cannot be said about the sun, the peak has not yet been passed and activity on the star is increasing, which means the maximum of the cycle is ahead, that’s all, enjoy the weather, what whatever she is, goodbye! you are silent, like a fish, shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​​​taste, only tasty, period, you smiled, it means
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you recognized it, you smiled, it means it’s real, they recognize you, they love you. remember, appreciate, truly, bsb - bank for the present, magnet, tea-black akhmad t, erol gray 3999, magnet - price, what is needed, can be sucked in anyone. appetite, dad can, dad can, only dad will tame it, dad can, dad can, have a beastly appetite, a snack won’t hurt, sausages will help, sportsmaster
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to the main topic of this day: vladimir putin made a proposal to the federation council on the appointment of heads of law enforcement agencies, there are many changes, that’s what the press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov said. decrees on security forces were received by the federation council. speaking about the security forces, these are the heads of departments of the security bloc, which is located in the department.
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uh, the budget of the ministry of defense and the security bloc, uh, he was in the area quite recently 3%, then it rose to 3.4%, and most recently it rose to 6.7%. uh, this is together with all the law enforcement agencies,
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including the ministry of defense... it is clear that it occupies key positions, since it is the ministry of defense that is responsible for placing all orders in industry, this is not yet a critical figure, but we are gradually getting closer, due to known reasons , due to the well-known geopolitical circumstances around us, to the situation in the mid-eighties , when this...
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what is important to note is today on the battlefield the one who is open wins, is more open to innovation, is more open to the most rapid implementation, so it is natural that at the current stage the president decided that the ministry of defense should be headed by a civilian and... this is not just a civilian, but a person who headed a very successful ministry of economic development of russia, who for a long time was the assistant to the president on economic issues, and was also first deputy in the previous cabinet of ministers chairman of the government.
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there must be a ministry of defense. this assignment will in no way change the current coordinate system.


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