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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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it is expected that tatyana golikova will be in charge of the social sphere, and dmitry grigorenko will continue to be responsible for the financial and control and supervisory areas, and will also deal with issues of digital development of communications. yuri trutnev was recommended to be approved as deputy prime minister of the presidential plenipotentiary envoy in the far east, the candidacy of dmitry chernyshenko was discussed by representatives of six committees, because his area of ​​responsibility is the work of the ministry of science and higher education, the ministry of sports, the tourism sector, and now activities may be added.
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down to the level of specific activities that will work to achieve these goals. there are 21 ministries in the russian government, and it appears that most of the leaders will remain in office. it is expected that four new ministers will be appointed, all heads of russian regions. governor of kuzbass sergei tsovilev has been nominated for the post of the ministry of energy; the head of the kursk region, roman starovoyt, may become minister of transport. the candidacy of khabarovsk governor mikhail dekterev was approved for the post of head of the ministry of sports.
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unfriendly western countries obsessively they provoke moscow and immediately accuse it of a nuclear threat, and the kiev regime continues to believe in nato handouts and shoots funny videos. with tsipso actors posing as disgruntled russians. we’ll tell you more about everything right now in the stop fake program on russia-24. so, russia is blackmailing the whole world with weapons of mass destruction, and most importantly, it can use them for no apparent reason. this is exactly how foreign propaganda interpreted the data from our ministry of defense on preparations for exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces. foreign agent radio headline freedom, dedicated to some kind of simulation of the apocalypse. the politician comes off as paranoid. article according to which vladimir putin is unreasonably swinging the atomic saber. the european union, through its foreign policy representative peter stan, accuses the kremlin of, quote , “irresponsible behavior.” for some reason, ursula vonderlein is addressing china in the spirit that it should force russia
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to change its mind, and hard-line blackout garbage dumps are predictable in trend. some people dream of nuclear blackmail, others try to make strained jokes about a nuclear stick. in general, resonance huge, and emotions in essence... but pay attention, in none of the cases is absolutely nothing said about the prerequisites for maneuvers, no one in the west understands that in russia nuclear weapons are a deterrent factor, they are not an offensive factor , in the west, more and more voices are being heard that it is necessary to start negotiating, it is necessary to agree on peace, but everyone is already tired of military operations, everyone is already tired of losses, and in order to silence these voices, from time to time.. . facilities the media in the west are throwing out the narrative that russia, along with iran , along with north korea, is an axis of evil, and that in fact the comprehensive answer is given by the presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, talking with the author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program pavel zarubin, is directly related to the latest threatening,
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provocative and escalating tensions on the continent statements by a number of european representatives, of course. and president macron and the british foreign secretary were joined by us senators these statements about readiness to send military contingents to the territory of ukraine so that they take part in hostilities are unprecedented and unprecedented statements; they require a very responsible, prompt and effective response. on our side, what's going on? here is also an explanation from the russian mine about the inadmissibility of certain actions by the west, including the promise to transfer f-16 aircraft to kiev, which can be carriers of nuclear weapons. moscow has repeatedly warned that it would regard the supply of these fighters as a step towards a sharp escalation. yes, the defense ministry, with
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whose statements the foreign attack of panic began, immediately explained that the exercise would be a reaction to the threats of individual officials in europe and america. the context is extremely transparent, but... it is more profitable for some people not to notice it, it has come to the point where they are already openly saying that in order to solve some of their internal political problems there, we will bring french troops there, let our fighters come there. and we will kind of fight openly there, they say that the f16 will fly in there , the atacams will come in, and look where we can to finish off, we can finish off there to kursk, to rostov, to belgorod, there further we can go there towards koluga, orel all the way to minsk, it is not we who came to this rhetoric, at the same time there is also enough outright absurdity, for example, the gur of the terrorist budanova defiantly puts ... nuclear exercises in quotation marks and clearly wants to hint that
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russia has neither tactical nuclear weapons nor a means of delivering them, this, by the way, is a long-standing narrative among those in the know, but here we will have to finally dot the i. it is known for certain, at least about the existence of the iskander ems ballistic missile, for which a nuclear warhead is available , most of its flight takes place at an altitude of 50 km in a zone of weak reach of pro systems, and already upon approaching the target the missile accelerates to five or six machs, we are actively... lying drops traps, confusing enemy radars, but all this is coupled with an impressive range of up to 500 km. as for the warhead, its power is up to 50 kilotons, but even with an explosion of 10 a fireball with a radius of about 220 m is formed. meanwhile, on at a distance of approximately 500 m from the epicenter , heavy concrete fortifications will be destroyed; a kilometer from the detonation point, the shock wave will demolish ordinary buildings and cause severe damage. iskander missiles, they consistently hit targets on the territory of ukraine, and, well, ukraine
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admits this, it does not hide it. russia is one of the largest operators of nuclear weapons in the world, if not the largest, and of course, well, adequate people in any country in the world do not doubt the ability of the russian army, if necessary, to inflict nuclear weapons. hit. by the way, bandera’s skepticism about russian weapons is paradoxically combined with blind faith in western weapons. disappointing experience using highmars, jewellins, leopards, abrams and other scrap metal on the face. however, the gang from the bank with amazing tenacity steps on the same rake. now they have decided to advertise for the german concern rain metal, saying that the independent will receive from it unique artillery shells with a range of up to 100 km. it probably sounds impressive, but only if you don’t notice the word prototype. they treat these shells like pagan gods, so that they don’t send them, then there will be disappointment, because
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they create such an intensity, such a rise, as if now everything will be decided, every battle is like their last, because they don’t work for a long time, they solve some small tactical problems, select something for a date, this is how to pump soldiers up with drugs, this works in the short term, in the long term such an army cannot fight, how can one not remember that previous nato experiments, like gl bombs, sdb in ukraine is no longer took off, but galubnye ammunition, no matter how much it is positioned as a wunderwaff, risks becoming an even greater disappointment. hypothetically, they can be either guided or unguided, it must be admitted that both options are very doubtful: the first are guided by a gps signal, which easily jams our electronic warfare radio device, without communication with the satellite, such shells turn into the most ordinary high-explosive fragmentation, and low-power ones , because due to the specific design, the entire 5 kilo explosion is carried. for
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for clarity, let’s simulate a shot of m-795 shells from an m37 cannon. already at a distance of 22 km from the target, the circular probable deviation reaches 139 m. accordingly, the ammunition will fall into a circle with a diameter of almost 280 m, at a distance of 100 km, the dispersion will inevitably be so great that the chance of hitting will tend to a minimum. in general, it is distinguished by its loud statements around this conflict in ukraine, well, you can remember that they have already opened factories for the production of tanks and armored vehicles in ukraine about three times, well, now here they are they are trying to somehow attract attention to themselves with some mysterious shells with a range of 100 km, whether they appear or not is the question. well , the fact that ukraine has turned into a testing ground for both russian and
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western weapons, well, yes, this has long been a fact, and besides, some ukrainian officials are proud of this and boasted about it, and if they give something, then to whom will they to use gifts, the catastrophic shortage of personnel in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine has not been canceled, however, according to trukha, the regime will soon solve the problem due to a truly unprecedented an influx of volunteers, supposedly hundreds of boys are standing in lines in front of the shopping center in the heat. just to leave for avdiivka, well, you can’t argue that there are really quite a lot of people, hence the question: has a so -called patriotic impulse suddenly emerged in ukraine, and the number of people willing to give their lives for zelensky has increased sharply, of course,
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to the mobilization point, then to be transferred to the combat zone actions, they still know very well on the territory of ukraine that no one wants to go like that en masse, so the number of draft dodgers is not decreasing in ability you can’t refuse to surprise them, let’s say, someone changed into a skirt, put on makeup and ran, taking his sister’s passport, but more often the news is tragic, what is the cost of another drowning caught in the tisza river, only according to official estimates, this one is already the twenty- fifth, and so no less tisa remains a very popular route for escape, or... for a life-saving swim from the ukrainian world of the dead to the world of the living, but there are other options in the area of ​​the city of magelev-podolsky, vinnytsia region, near the border with moldova, you can swim across the dniester, it is not wide there , only about 200 m, and land-based attackers are increasingly rushing to the moldavian backyards. the fugitives are caught in the odessa region on a seven-kilometer section of the highway between the villages of mayaki and udobnoye and near the village of topaly, from where moldova
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is literally just a stone's throw away some 2.5 km through the fields, a little more difficult, the path to freedom is through the village, but... petrovka, there you need to take a car, drive 20 km to the village of velikoplostskoye and make a four-kilometer forced march on foot to the same moldovan territory. anyone can fact-check and open telegram channel of the border service to see what a large number of detentions, what a large number of people are now trying to escape from ukraine, who are trying to cross rivers at the risk of their own lives, who are trying to crawl through barbed wire, this is the information. it is published in the public domain and it speaks for itself that there is no large number of people willing, no large number of pseudo-patriots who are lining up, it’s all a myth, it’s all fake. be that as it may, there is no doubt, the junta they will devote all their efforts to making its borders with romania and moldova truly impassable, but it seems that they have approached the construction of defensive lines in the donbass much less scrupulously. on paper, the invaders
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built powerful lines there, that is, they allegedly fulfilled zelensky’s promise to stop the advance of the russian army, and... there ukraine faced its typical problem, which means, well, waste of funds, theft, in general, corruption. in some areas these may simply be generation trenches, which, as if by counting exist, when they are occupied by units, it turns out that they are not there. next to the crafts
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of information and psychological operations centers, they still cook up content non-stop, but do not care about quality at all. for example, interesting. the case was highlighted by the adviser to the head of crimea oleg kryuchkov, who caught the eye of the so-called doctors’ appeal to sergei aksenov. it's pure hell going on here, we're out of antibiotics and running out of painkillers. patients are rotting alive in hospital wards. the actors are so mediocre ones, who didn’t even bother to learn the text, read from a piece of paper, and the props were noticeably let down. the character on the left is dressed in a women's medical gown with short sleeves, and his partner has disposable clothing for rationing. finally, both are on the walls of the hospital, well, it's just nonsense, they are strictly prohibited by the russian sanpin. crimea for them, for the kiev regime, is of course such a red rag, they are trying to create, well , invent problems, they are trying to throw it into the information space, as into their own information space, to show, look, citizens of ukraine in crimea, everything is so good for them,
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there are problems there, no food, no medicine, no medicine, no nothing. and ordinary, supposedly, in quotes, ordinary people, this is what they report to you, it is trivial that you need to collect information from alternative sources, double-check it, these are fakes, they literally collapse in just a few minutes of fact-checking, here is another vivid example of chick creativity , allegedly in the kursk region, pensioners treated russian paratroopers with bags of poison and instantly dozens of fighters were brought out of the line, the message of the stuffing is clear, they say in the border region there are many opponents of the svo who organized. about the kiev underground and are engaged in sabotage to the best of their ability, but the primary source was an unknown telegram channel that previously lied about the situation on the left bank of the dnieper and attributed imaginary successes to the summer counter-offensive in... the us, these are the anonymous channels there airborne forces for justice and so on there - and other nonsense, of which there is a lot, it starts from the ukrainian grid, and there it
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fueled by these subscribers, by the way, they buy advertising from our channels, look, here they are cutting the truth , like a patriotic channel, they happily sell advertising right out of the blue, and then it turns out that there is such news from the left, little in addition to... they do stuffing, they also set up collections there, and these collections go to the ukrainian army, that is, they finance the armed forces of ukraine, and sometimes fact-checking even requires the publication of seemingly serious and respected structures. american the space agency posted a strange post on the social network x, dedicated to the anniversary of the mercury 3 mission. they say its participant, astronaut alan shepard, was the first to make a manned flight into space. employees of the russian embassy in south africa noticed under the log and responded without further ado, famous.
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well, maybe, knowing how we generally feel about gagarin’s primacy in space, well, in this way they decided to somehow tease it a little. in short, the west is not abandoning the course of rewriting history and is trying to impose its interpretations of certain other events wherever you can reach, the more important it is to maintain information hygiene and not fall into the traps of ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stopfake program on the russia 24 tv channel
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. i have been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright. the russian exhibition
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blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for spring. now spring is waiting for you. at the exhibition russia. vladimir pusin proposed for consultation to the federation council andrei's candidate for the post of minister of defense, which was previously held by
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sergei shaigu. composition of the belousov government worked as first deputy prime minister. sergei shaigu himself has already been appointed by presidential decree as secretary of the russian security council. nikolai patrushev has been relieved of this position. in connection with a transition to another job. the president proposed the candidacy of sergei lavrov.


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