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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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the joy of victory and confirmation of readiness to defend today's russia, everything was beautiful. a snowstorm unexpected for may added a special note of masculinity. we somehow got used to considering our victory as a victory over hitler’s germany. yes, and back then these medals were given to front-line soldiers for victory over germany. for example, my father has one. but today it is appropriate to remember that not only the germans fought against us, having defeated europe, hitler carried almost everyone with him to the east, with him divisions from spain and the french legion, and also italians, romans, finns, czechs, hungarians, croats, austrians, and also albanians, slovaks, dutch and swiss, latvians, lithuanians. and estonians, among the prisoners
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there were many poles, even luximbourgers, norwegians, swedes and danes, we don’t even say anything about the japanese, nothing reminds us, but... almost like today, because even today almost all of europe is on the side of nazism. the worm of revanchism gnaws at her. and perhaps that is why in europe victory day is not celebrated at all. it's not a holiday for them. about how they celebrated in russia day of victory over fascism, alexey golovko. troops line up on red square half an hour before the start of the parade. 9.00 people stand at attention at the stand. at this time, in the kremlin, the president meets the guests of the celebration, the presidents of nine friendly countries, these are the leaders of belarus, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan, as well as the presidents of cuba, laos and guinea bissau, together they go to the central podium at the kremlin wall, take places next to
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the veterans, as if the chimes were striking. red square told a lot, but the parade victory under snowfall is the first time, but even the extreme weather for may cannot interfere with the measured step of the banner group, the minister of defense tours the troops, congratulates the military personnel on the main holiday of the country, and sergei shaigu reports to vladimir about the readiness of the troops. on this day, it is especially important to remember that 79 years ago nazism was defeated, but not completely destroyed, the ideas and symbols of hitler’s ideology are again used against russia, today we see how
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they are trying to distort the truth about the second world war, it interferes with those who accustomed to base their essentially colonial policy on hypocrisy and lies, they demolish memorials. true fighters against nazism, puts traitors and accomplices of the nazis on pedestals, crosses out the memory of the heroism and nobility of the liberating soldiers, the great sacrifice they made in the name of life, revanchism, a mockery of history, the desire to justify the current followers of the nazis, this is part of the general the policies of western elites to incite all... regional conflicts, interethnic and interreligious hostility, to contain sovereign independent centers of world development. we reject the claims of any state or alliance to exclusivity; we know what the exorbitance of such
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ambitions leads to. russia will do everything to prevent a global conflict, but at the same time we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always in combat readiness. victory day is a holiday that always reminds us of the readiness of the people of a large country to stand up against a common enemy, unite and overcome any difficulties. victory day unites all generations. we are going forward, relying on our centuries-old traditions and are confident that together we will ensure a free and safe environment. russia, our united people. glory to the valiant armed forces for russia, for victory. hooray. hooray! hooray! hooray!
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265 m along the cobblestones at a speed of 120 steps per minute. the arithmetic of the parade only emphasizes the beauty of this passage in full view of the whole country. each of the parade participants will, of course, remember this day - may 9th - for the rest of their lives to be included in the parade squads here. a soldier must be the best of the best, excellent student in combat and combat training. vladimir putin watches the parade and occasionally talks with the veterans sitting nearby. this is evgeny kuropatkov and alexander alyoshna. the front-line soldiers turned 100 years old, and soldiers in field uniforms and body armor are marching along red square. on the chest
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of each there are orders and medals. this is a parade squad made up of current participants in a special military operation. veterans of military operations to defend donbass and novorossiya were invited to the parade and as spectators, i was at the last victory parade bakhmut, and my son was marching along... red square, and today i am present here, and i can see for myself how he marches, equipment begins to move from the side of the historical museum, the mechanized part of the parade is opened by a t-34 tank, armored cars are in the ranks iskander and, of course, the yars strategic missile system armed with an intercontinental ballistic missile, drive on armor along the main square of the country. ceremonial squads,
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exactly in this sequence, in several rows we head towards the historical museum, now the main difficulty is to pass perfectly smoothly through the narrow lanes of the kremlin passage, we pick up speed downhill, but we don’t lose the synchronization of actions, military personnel. are pulled together along the smyrna post, the reference point begins. and here it is, the culmination, we enter the square of red square. on the left is a military band, on the right are stands. now the crew makes a small maneuver and rolls out straight ahead. we are slowing down the speed, the main thing now is to maintain a distance of 12 m. for the first time, samples are presented on red square special armored vehicles. we drive no more than 8 km/h, exactly along the yellow markings, perfect synchronization, literally wheel to
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wheel, the crew’s tension increases. now we are reaching the center of red square, i must say, the column has already stretched for several kilometers, we are driving a phoenix armored car, it is in the lead group and is taking part for the first time in faraz. in a convoy of over 70 vehicles, phoenix is ​​riding with another new item in the parade with lens ambulances. there has been no aviation at the parade for 3 years, this since even snow didn’t interfere and su-25 attack aircraft paint the sky in the colors of the russian flag. after the parade, vladimir putin thanked all the crew commanders from the podium to the president,
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and the audience applauded. the week in the schedule of the head of state is one of the busiest of the year, but the president still found time to meet in moscow with the commanders of the units participating in the special military operation. the conversation is important; officers can tell exactly the situation at the front and suggest how best to use technical innovations in the army. application here exactly this kind of technology. assault operations will allow you to save the lives of military personnel, it is also possible to install various light weapons on this equipment specifically for assault operations, you can also use it to evacuate the wounded, you must always be a little ahead in these developments, then success will be absolutely guaranteed, here there is no doubt, we have been able to do this lately, you know it yourself, well, there are fabs, afabs there... yes, the enemy reacts quickly, we see it on the battlefield, you see it, they actively use turnips,
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concentrates this rap in certain areas, but we manage to overcome this, our designers, scientists, engineers, believe me, also work day and night in order to slightly get ahead of the enemy and i repeat again, on the whole we are succeeding, it ’s a great day the whole country celebrated the victory on a grand scale ; 4,500 people marched across the palace square of st. petersburg, saluting the heroes, veterans and those who survived the siege. one of the largest, of course, is the parade in the renamed stalingrad for one day. military equipment took part in it, which specially arrived from the special operation zone. and in the city of heroes of novorossiysk , cadets of the kherson state maritime academy took part in the parade for the first time . and in crimea, this is already the tenth victory day, which the peninsula is celebrating together with. with the rest of russia and also a double holiday. the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of sevastopol is also celebrated.
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the battles for every centimeter of the city were brutal and bloody. these terrible moments are depicted in the famous painting by alexander deineka, who arrived in the city from the russian museum. we see the battle of the titans, light and no less powerful, but doomed to defeat , adepts of darkness. alexander deineko wrote it in the forty-second year, 2 years before the liberation of sevastopol, three years before the great victory, but when you look at... the picture there is not a second of doubt about victory, for security reasons the immortal regiment action this year took on new forms in moscow portraits of front-line heroes under the windshield of every communal car in omsk immortal regiment on the water, 15 yachts sailed along the irtysh river with portraits of heroes on board, victory banners and faces of winners on cars and motorcycles in lugansk, tomsk, saransk. the only
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region where the immortal regiment took place in the usual format. strategic and non-strategic, dozens of times. in themselves, the exercises that supreme commander-in-chief vladimir putin ordered to carry out, in fact, have little new, as it might seem, but at least three points about them are absolutely sensational. first: training
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in preparation for the use of our non-strategic nuclear forces are submitted in the statement of the russian ministry of defense viz. as a response to provocative statements of a threat from the west, that is, if previously such exercises were a planned army routine, now this is a concrete gesture, actions to prevent very specific threats, what threats are we talking about, but very simply: the idea of ​​sending western troops to ukraine. french president macron started this topic back in february. now he is offering his nuclear potential to the european union, he says for the creation strategic ambiguity for russia, so that moscow does not know exactly how amazing paris will behave. but excuse me, this is not strategic ambiguity, but strategic meaninglessness.
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macron's behavior looks like inappropriate coquetry, either yes or no, you'll worry, and of course, there is an obvious threat to us in the words of british foreign secretary david cameron, who calls on the junta in kiev to strike targets with british long-range missiles in the depths of russian territory. this all just the other day, on thursday, former supreme commander of nato allied armed forces in europe, american four-star admiral james stavridis. stated that in the event of war, kaliningrad will need to be neutralized, so what is this? maybe russia should then neutralize hamburg or neutralize london right away? specifically, in response to these threats, russia is starting exercises
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of non-strategic nuclear forces. in these actions there is clear determination and readiness to use weapons. which we used to be have never been used, we have never responded to anyone before. second, if we were to list something unprecedented, it would be a frank demonstration of nuclear cooperation with minsk. there was nothing like this before. at the request of president lukashenko, our nuclear weapons were recently deployed in belarus, and now we are training together.
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protect russian interests using our entire military arsenal. and now the time is such that it doesn’t leave much options. i've said it many times.
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that they have no red lines regarding russia, well then they must understand that in russia there will also be no red lines in relation to these states. this is specifically for macron with his strategic ambiguity. in defending russia, putin absolutely predictably remains faithful to the line he has taken. it is worth recalling the words of the president, spoken by him on the memorable date of february 24 , twenty-two. whoever tries to interfere with us, and even more so create threats for our country, for our people, should know that russia’s response will be
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immediate and will lead you to the same consequences that you have faced in your history have never encountered before. we are ready for any development of events. actually, the training of non-strategic nuclear forces, announced as a response to threats from the west, means. that russia is showing teeth, nuclear teeth, but what exactly are we talking about, and these are missiles, aerial bombs, torpedoes and even artillery shells of 152 mm caliber, where the destructive force is a nuclear explosion, different powers in wasted equivalent from tons to tens of kilotons, that’s it is a tactical nuclear weapon. if we talk about range, then a strategic weapon is always a range of more than 5,500 km, and a capacity
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of hundreds to millions of tons. there is less here, but there is still something to think about. for example, non-strategic missiles, sea-launched caliber, have a range of 2,500 km. and the power of a nuclear charge in tens of kilotons, is it a lot or a little? well, over japanese hiroshima in august 1945, the americans detonated an atomic bomb of 15 kilotons, a few days later with one-gasaki 20 kilotons. by today's standards, this is exactly not a strategic nuclear weapon; it is also called differently: tactical. tactical nuclear weapons are not subject to international registration. there are no agreements on it. and
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there are many such weapons in russia. so much on the best delivery vehicles in the world that just the announcement of the intention to train its practical use now caused macron to evaporate with the words “france is not at war with russia now.” well, yes, it’s not fighting yet, but where is the line in what france, or england, or romania and poland are doing, where is the line? in general, some actions in response to the growing threats against russia in lately it has been asking whether it was a nuclear explosion or something else on this topic. the west's approach to peace turned out to be successful thanks to.
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to split apart, however, the effect was such that the blast wave encircled the earth three times, the flash was visible 100 km away. the polar night sky lit up in norway, greenland and alaska. just after the explosion of the soviet tsar bomb, the united states agreed to many agreements on limiting nuclear weapons, and as a result , an era called detente began. these days, president putin also decides to respond to growing threats, respond with exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces. at this point...
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but incorrect calculations as a result of unplanned contact even knockouts occur. perhaps the most famous movie scene that began with non-contact karate in the film "way of the dragon with bruce lee and chuck norris." their duel in the roman coliseum. bruce lee's hero arrived in rome. to protect your family, this is a meeting with an arrogant anglo-saxon. the hero of chuck norris is a bandit, the attacking side. bruce lee, aware of his superiority, initially demonstrates him, making it clear that it’s better not to. but then it comes to contact combat. everything ends badly for the predatory bandit.
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in general, non-contact karate is practiced for educational purposes by children, but if...
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to support the defending troops and inflict unacceptable damage on the enemy. read more about what non-strategic nuclear weapons in russia are, the testing of the use of which will begin in the very near future, from our political observer alexander khristenko. unlike strategic nuclear weapons, which are called the great leveler, tactical is limited by range of application. and the power of the charge, it is less, but nevertheless measured in kilotons, that is , the equivalent of detonating thousands of tons of spent, which means extremely powerful and effective strikes during the operation of groupings of troops in the continental theater of operations. the launch , according to the russian ministry of defense, will involve missile
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formations of the southern military in exercises on the use of tactical nuclear weapons. district with the involvement of aviation, as well as naval forces. to the southern military district includes army corps, divisions and brigades for various purposes, as well as the black sea fleet, the caspian flotilla and the fourth air force command. the headquarters is the city of rostov-on-don, the personnel is at least 70,000 people, the area of ​​​​responsibility is extensive, the entire south of the european part of russia, including crimea and new regions. the district includes the first and... guards missile brigades, which are armed with iskander operational-tactical missile systems. they are actively used during svo, as a conventional thing, that is, conventional weapons, but can also be equipped with missiles with a nuclear warhead. the exact characteristics are classified; there is an assumption that the warhead's power could be at least 10 kilotons, that is , half the charge used by the americans in the nuclear- powered air strike on kheroshima.


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