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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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the eurovision song contest, the finals of which traditionally take place in early may, has finally turned into some kind of wild circus of freaks, you watch and are glad that we are no longer competing with anyone there. this year marks 30 years since russia first took part in eurovision. then it was serious and prestigious, but after winning the competition 10 years ago, the bearded woman was finished with wurst. and this was an uncle in a woman’s dress, everything began to rapidly degrade, now eurovision is not about songs, not high-quality music, all kinds of freaks, people with sexual deviations who want to make a political statement or just cause a scandal.
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it was unpleasantly squeamish to look at what was happening this year in swedish malmö, so we will limit ourselves to just some footage of the performances, so that those who still regret that russia does not participate in eurovision will have their last doubts dispelled. this is the winner of the competition, rapper nemo from switzerland, dressed up like a teenage girl.
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here is a participant from finland, hatching from an egg in a short t-shirt and a nude thong colors, imitating the absence of panties, jumps around the stage, performing a composition called without rules. a non-binary person from ireland depicted a witchcraft ritual to summon the devil on stage. and he appeared in the form of a charred demon, the demon tears off her clothes or even from him, and it screams in a bad voice. moreover , non-binary cannot leave the image even by leaving the stage, for example, at a press conference. ukraine hit eurovision with heavy artillery by fielding a duet.
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in short, eurovision is an image of modern european culture, but the image would not be full without a face, the upcoming paris olympics this summer. the mayor's office of the french capital chose a transvestite under the pseudonym minimage as the flagship of the torchbearers.
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in a direction that would be to appeal to all concerned for an olympic truce during the upcoming games. macron really wanted to please the chinese guest, took him to the places of his childhood, treated him to lamb and blueberry pie, as if he were the very essence of hospitality. in
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this regard, there are two versions of the appearance summit of the head of the european commission: either she herself imposed herself in order to correct macron’s friendliness and keep him under supervision, or the french president insisted on her. chinese products have flooded the european market, beijing continues to actively support its industrial sector, but the world cannot accept excess chinese products, so i called on the chinese government to respond to this structural overproduction. that is , the european union wants china to voluntarily reduce its production capacity and eliminate its positive balance in respect. with the eu, a permanent trade truce, otherwise it is difficult for europeans to compete, there are too many sanctions, they were introduced. brussels, paris and berlin have long been developing programs to reduce economic dependence on china, but these actions so far lack american determination. the wall street journal writes
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that as of may 14, the united states will impose 100% tariffs on chinese electric vehicles, and will also increase tariffs on imports of critical minerals and solar panels from china. another two dozen people. the pentagon assures that this was an accident, but the chinese still haven’t forgotten anything. serbs are reliable friends, i felt your sincerity and deepest resonance with china. there are few words, but they are very important. for the west, serbia is like a bone in
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the throat that prevents it from completely swallowing the balkans. and the emergence of another serious force behind it can provide belgrade with sufficient resistance to any takeover by strangers.
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the task is to integrate ukrainian industry into the defense ecosystem of the european union, strengthen and develop capabilities ukrainian defense industry, our task is to produce faster and more. if you can’t produce it yourself, buy from the americans. german defense minister estorius purchased three haimers missile defense systems for ukraine this week in washington. in addition, this week it was announced that the eu had prepared a draft agreement on
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security guarantees for kiev. like other bilateral agreements of this kind, it does not imply legal encumbrances in the form of military protection of ukraine in the future. the parties undertake to carry out consultation within 24 hours if the need arises. however, the kiev regime would not be itself if it had refrained from provocation and not started collecting signatures for petitions to invite foreigners.
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defender, we are clearly showing russia that we are capable of quickly transferring troops to the eastern flank of nato, strengthening positions and, if
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necessary, defending themselves; they plan to defend themselves by capturing the kaliningrad region, at least this is the strategic task set for the forces of the alliance by the former nato allied commander james tavridis. it is directly stated that the alliance will use its baltic sea to put pressure on the russian ex-clave to be neutralized. three largest testing grounds. on nato's eastern flank, poland and lithuania, are clearly becoming combat deployment areas in this scenario. chancellor scholz, in the company of lithuanian president nausėda, recently took a ride through one of them in an armored personnel carrier. it was for this reason that he refused to meet with the chinese leader in paris. after which he returned to berlin, where the finnish president stupa appeared. who else, just like scholz, is killing the economy of their country through anti-russian sanctions. these two had a lot to talk about. the goal is clear: russia must never succumb
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to the temptation to test our boundaries and our unity. germany itself reacted decisively to changes in security policy. we spend more than 2% of our gdp on defense. they spend, but there is still not enough money. the deployment of the bundeswehr brigade in lithuania is still not financially secured. germany does not have 10 billion euros for organization of permanent presence. military personnel and members of their families, says finance minister lintner, and in general, it would be something to be proud of. an amazing revelation, even more amazing epithets were heard in an interview with dominic cumings, a former adviser to the former british prime minister, boris johnson. this ukrainian corrupt, mafia state essentially deceived us all, and as a result, they screwed us all, after all, they have us now, because the fallen standard of living was a shock, the sanctions turned it into a thing. v a much greater disaster for european than for russian politics. what a lesson have we
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taught putin, except that we are a bunch of damn fools. i mean, putin knew this before the war, but what is happening emphasizes and broadcasts to the whole world that we are just clowns. we continued chatting about ukraine joining nato. russia has repeatedly said: “don’t do this, don’t accept ukraine into the alliance, otherwise we will destroy this place. why did we get involved in this stupid argument, about what? about a corrupt shitty country that has no meaning, after this only one question arises: excuse me, how did it work for johnson? however, the matter is not only and not so much in ukraine; it, as everyone has long understood, is just another instrument.
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this is how the immortal regiment in berlin is organized this year, it is not a march, the police allow people to the memorial in groups of 10 people. in the gdr, victory day was a national holiday. egan krenz, former chancellor of east germany, his position was then called chairman of the state council. despite his age
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and long journey, on may 9 every year he treptow park. song "holy war", you can imagine what people in russia think about this, this is a bad path that germany has taken. russia is mourning the 27 million citizens lost in this war. german officials must come here, the president and chancellor of germany. the german authorities, of course, can send wine, but they themselves don’t go to treptow park like that. it looks like helmut kohl, the last chancellor, who visited the main soviet memorial, and this was almost 30 years ago. on the last day august.
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percentage duties on direct supplies of chinese electric vehicles and chinese batteries for electric vehicles to the usa, but if the market for chinese electric vehicles in the usa is still only 1%, then the market for chinese batteries is as much as 70%, that is, more than 2/3 of the american market for batteries for electric vehicles is already occupied by the chinese, they are
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cheap and high quality, that’s why the americans missed it. having come to their senses, they declared a real trade war on china, which has never happened in our memory, and what do you order beijing to do, and beijing is asymmetrical, so far completely in the spirit of non-contact karate, the roots of which are precisely in china, it acts quickly, literally at lightning speed. already during president xi’s visit to france , an agreement was signed on the construction of a chinese electrical plant there. there is no doubt that factories in france and hungary will be built at the speed of assembling a covid hospital in an open field, and in order to prevent these european electric cars from entering
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the american market, the united states will have to declare a trade war. the european union, that is, nato partner countries. stock up on popcorn. in the meantime, the following will immediately happen according to the scenario more familiar to us called parallel import. chinese cars and batteries will enter the us through third countries, such as mexico. for now, we are talking about banning direct supplies from china. at the same time, china will increase its supplies to the rest of the world market, which is huge. and... from there, along the way , the chinese auto industry will throw out the remnants of the american one, but in fact it’s all short-lived, they ordered a fight. and we return to new ones the president's personnel proposal. let us recall
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that in general the power bloc of the government, including the heads of the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of defense and the ministry of emergency situations, is obviously preserved. as defense minister , putin sees a new person in this post, former first deputy prime minister andrei belousov. the president recommends sergei shaig to become secretary of the security council. the former secretary of the security council, nikolai patryshev, is leaving his post due to a move to a new job. in addition, the head of the accounts chamber, the president proposes appoint boris kovalchuk. shores of victory. this was the name of the concert, which took place on may 9 in ivangorod. the unusualness of the event is that it is from the russian city of ivangorod. to the estonian narva, some 130 m. thousands of estonian citizens gathered on the narva embankment to see the concert, listen to songs of the war years to honor
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the memory of the fallen, because in estonia any public events on the day of victory over fascism are strictly prohibited, for participation, a large fine, for organizing a prison sentence of up to a year. about how it was, salema zarif. this river bank can be heard well. on the other side of the river, you can clearly hear them, they were intimidated, threatened with fines, they said that victory day was not their holiday and not a holiday at all, but the residents of narova still came out to the embankment to sing and dance with ivangorod, there they are, lilechka, hello, you can you hear us, we can see you, we can already see you, they are afraid.
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recently, many people, having an apartment on one bank, worked or studied on the other. many families live here in two cities, separated only by a narrow river, across which a bridge of friendship is thrown, friendship is scary, annoying official so. thank you very much for an excellent concert, very well organized, thank you for this concert, we really need it, we came here to see it 90 km away, before may 9 the police sent letters to the residents of narva, saying that the celebration is support for the aggressor country, they forbade not only flowers, but also to remain silent in memory of those killed in the war.
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until now, we will take off our terkans, they will fly and give
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us their voices. realizing that bans alone could not change the situation, the estonian authorities tried to interrupt the agenda by organizing a on victory day, another concert in honor of europe day, even the president came, did not help. almost 90% of russians live in narva, and now the president of estonia has arrived there in order to divert attention from the concert that is taking place here. it won’t work out, just as he arrived with nothing, he’ll leave with nothing. is europe day not appreciated in narva? no, they are with us. the concert lasted almost 4 hours, all this time the norwegians stood on their shady shore. it's cold and windy, but they don't separate. and in ivangorod , portraits are raised up on the stage, near the stage veterans. the wreath lies on the waters of the river; it was red with blood when
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narva was liberated. more than 100,000 people died, only one war veteran now lives in ivangorod - dmitry nikolaenko, he is 99. with all my heart, we are with you every year, we hope that we will come here for another good ten years, or even 20, good health to you strong, thank you very much, we came home to congratulate him, it’s hard to move, but even from here you can hear the main song of this day thundering near the walls of the ivangorod fortress. day victory day victory, victory day, it ’s almost over, it would seem that everything is a dead end, indeed, the borders of russia are nowhere further than estonia, 130 m to the narva fortress, the distance of an arrow, but the powerful power of the song word, strong cossack voices break through any barriers, today saved europe is listening to little ivangorod, and in the evening there are also fireworks. the estonian authorities would probably like to close the sky over narva, but
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thousands won’t come out.
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