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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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a multi-constitutional country, so everything that akhmat hadji alazubal started with vladimir vladimirovich putin back then has been cleared today. hospitals, schools, gas and asphalt roads, even to those mountain villages where they did not exist in soviet times, one can say that the republic has not only been revived, but has changed in its essence. today, kadyrov’s team, akhmat khadzhi kadyrov’s, includes not only his children. the granddaughter of the first president of the chechen republic, aishad holds the post.
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memory of soviet soldiers who escaped from prison camps during world war ii joined the partisan resistance, it is known about at least several thousand soldiers of the red army who fought for the freedom of italy. italians still treat their memory with great respect and carefully look after the graves of soviet heroes. from italy, asya emelyanova. there is information, there will be execution, kolya’s detachment is taking civilians, women, children to the mountains along this road, saving them from death. kolya is he for us, for the italians nikola, for everyone new to the detachment, the partisans changed these unpronounceable russian names. at dawn on april 8, forty something, the commander gave the order to hold out until 11 am, they needed a couple of hours of head start and a volunteer. here we are
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, nikolai. nikola had a machine gun, a convenient position, and ammunition. he was found a day later. when the supply ran out, he went at the germans with his bare hands. they shot him at point-blank range, and then, in a frenzy, continued to bayonet his body. well, let's put things in order? yes. certainly. the feat of nikolai buyanov saved the lives of three towns. a squad of punitive forces was sent to the kostelny and sabioni area at the beginning of july 1944 and shot everyone. 200 people for 4 days, they still helped the partisans in order to remember the feat of the soviet partisan nikolai buyanov, who died at this place on july 8 , 1942, for the freedom of italy, a hero of italy, awarded a gold medal for military valor, a rare honor for a foreigner, buried with honors in the city cemetery, here at the scene of death, regularly touched up. not
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left, it was he who, as a child, sat near the river in the summer, it was his mother who gave this one photograph, they pave and clean roads even to places where there is no photo, no name, no surname, liguria, the town of mazonia, where every year the italians come with us with an immortal regiment. a huge stone with a sign, in this place in april 1945 the german military shot a russian soldier, their prisoner, his name remained unknown, this place in the forest is looked after by the second generation of the ottonello family, a bench was recently installed, this surprises me, but i’m not, this is what i’ve been doing for 20 years, i come here twice a year to see if everything is in order, if the stove is clean, i put things in order. in liguria, our
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soldiers who escaped from captivity in partisan there were a lot of detachments, nearby was a transshipment point where the germans transported labor in trains , and then scattered them to concentration camps, a soviet officer died here, his first name and last name were unknown, no documents were found on him, but there were witnesses, they came down from above the farm and my mother, these germans, and then they took a rope over there over the hill to hang him.
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soldiers, officers are the best, and most importantly, experienced commanders. well, what did the italians know about the war? everyone was enrolled as partisans, women, boys, the bolonian resistance, the most bloody pages of italian history. it was here that by the fall of '44 the most powerful partisan movement was a network on these hills of partisans at home. it was the americans who preferred not to stand on ceremony in foreign cities. liberating in their style is carpet bombing and a winning approach. how many partisans fell under their own shells? height of monte battaglia imola. this last bastion, a strategic height, had to be taken at any cost. the germans sat tightly here. the partisans of the thirty-sixth garibaldi brigade are the first to kick them out of here and hold them until they approach allies. it was a regiment of blue devils, americans. after 4 days of battle, this place is a bloody mess. the remains of the victims were found until 1998. alexander geoev, sandro,
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was one of those who survived this meat grinder and returned home. geoev will still look at these hills from his binoculars. in italy. will not return immediately, but as a hero, he didn’t even know how long they had been looking for him with awards, it was his thirty-sixth brigade that would cut off communications between florence and bologna, cut off the nazis’ telephone communications, bridges, trains, roads, gyoev didn’t talk about it home wrote, and when he returned, he did not tell what it was like to return from captivity, everyone knew, interrogations, questions, no rewards, to find our sandro, brezhnevo himself asked palmira tolyatti , having arrived in moscow, when they knocked on the door, goyev. was ready, asked his wife to pack his things, and he was taken to the gummies to the first section to get a suit, and then to the italian embassy, ​​where he was awarded two garibaldi gold medals. i understand very well why he didn’t say anything, he never said anything at all, here he is, and this is
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the only photo we still have there italian photographs, yes, there is a brigade there, yes, this is the thirty-sixth gorguard brigade, yes, yes, this is where they are during the photograph.
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strategic artery for the entire friuli region. soviet cavalry captain daniil fedorovich ovdeev, hero of italy. posthumously. in november, his brigade staged an ambush. the german column was destroyed, but daniel, an orthodox christian, died. therefore, he was buried behind the outer walls of the city cemetery clausetto. these were the rules, you can see how much they suffered, but how hard the partisans tried, knocking out these lines
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in cyrillic instead of the soft sign b, this is a place in all guidebooks, paths of memory, that’s what the italians call them, they definitely won’t get lost on these paths, with their memory, ordinary italians, everything is very good. asya emelyanova, anton chagaev and denis lesitsin, besti nedelya, italy. well that's all for today, all the best. and see you next sunday. the most exciting political
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program that took place in the kremlin during the inauguration begins and the unknown details of putin and mishustin talk face to face, about what is happening now in the highest echelons of power, the most complete picture of the historical events of this week together.
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probably, what is important to note is that today on the battlefield, the winner is the one who is open, more open to innovation, more open to... uh , the most efficient implementation . sergei shaigu at that meeting is also a frame from our program, who spoke on air for the first time with russian foreign minister lavrov, this is what he told our program on may 6, a few hours before the government’s resignation. the president's third is always extremely important things are summing up certain results, or more precisely
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, a certain stage, a stage that culminates in the appointment of a new office, evaluation of the work of this office, and, of course, everyone in this situation evaluates their work over the past period. shaigu, he was relieved of his post by decree of the president, minister of defense of the russian federation and was also appointed by decree of the president of the russian federation. secretary of the security council of the russian federation. nikolai platonovich patrushev, relieved of his position as secretary of the council security in connection with the transition to another job. he continues to work. and over the next few days, we will inform you where nikolai platonovich will continue his activities.
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the president proposed reappointing current leaders to the positions of heads of other law enforcement agencies. ahead, as... required by the updated constitution, is a consultation on the power bloc in the federation council. we are following developments with you. this week was particularly politically and historically important for each of us. vladimir putin took the oath of office to the people and took office as president of russia. a new cycle of the country's development has begun. the day after the inauguration, the president took part in the anniversary summit of the eurasian economic union. the leaders of the participating countries and the government arrived in moscow. observers to sum up the results of the first ten years and discuss further deepening of integration, and on may 9, vladimir putin, together with the whole country , celebrated the most important, sacred holiday: victory day. speaking at a military parade, the president honored the memory of the heroes who crushed nazism, thanked those who defend their homeland , today he assured that russia will do everything
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to prevent a global conflict, but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us, our strategic forces are always on alert , yes, this is a week of hyper-concentration of key events, but what was very important for us in this regard, again to show you more than others, look , you will see that everyone coped with this task, i swear, to defend sovereignty and independence. security and integrity state, to serve the people faithfully, i understand that this is a great honor, a sacred duty, this is what determined the meaning and
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content of my work in previous years, i assure you that this will continue to be the interests. that is , the people of russia will be above all for me, i will do everything necessary, everything in my power to justify your trust, we are a united and great people, together we will overcome all obstacles, we will realize everything we have planned, we will win together, a few meters away from the president, there are many such absolutely new personnel in our program right now: the inauguration of the president, a new look, for the first time on television. this happens,
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perhaps, only once every 6 years, people who call themselves cable masters have gained access. even to the main office of the country, and they laid a cable there too, but the operator has to go backwards, to go the entire presidential path. the design is heavy, how many kilograms? well, 25 kilograms, television screens have been installed in the kremlin in advance, the start of an event that definitely belongs to the category of historical events is about to begin. 55 minutes left until the beginning of the inauguration ceremony and... 45 minutes later the president of russia will come up to the car, the car will be leveled centimeter by centimeter near the red carpet, these are some
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freezing people, foreigners may allow you to come to the kremlin fairly warmed up. the weather today is unfriendly, so i dressed like that. direct participants in the ceremony do not have this opportunity. 35 minutes before the start of the inauguration ceremony, look, the presidential regiment has appeared in the courtyard of the first building of the kremlin, today the weather conditions are very difficult, but each of the soldiers must, of course, no matter what, it will look perfect, so it will be. special guests, just from the front, 3 weeks. back. his father, a hero of russia, died during a special military operation. putin promised during the meeting on national unity day. today he
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and his mother have the most honorable places in the hall. everyone lines up evenly , including the biggest leaders. and only photographers look for the most interesting angle for themselves, and from the outside it sometimes looks wrong. this is how it all begins, the first chords immediately fly up to the heights of tens of hundreds of smartphones, looking at what is happening from all possible angles, in the first building of the kremlin at that second there is complete silence, the president is working in his office,
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from that second the country begins to see a live broadcast from the first building of the kremlin: the president leaves his office, it is important for us to do our work without interfering with the main event , so you have to speed up. and quickly run to where you can take the best shots. putin walks along the kremlin corridors, greeting officers of the federal security service. sometimes, looking at the paintings on the walls of the kremlin. everything is complete ready, in suspense, of course, literally
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in 40 seconds a photographer flies down the stairs at great speed, it is also important for him to have time to take the best place for shooting, and of course there was no noise at all. it was with them that putin met with the first on the day he took office as president, russia has big plans for the future, all the possibilities, all the absolutely possibilities
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for all these tasks to be fully realized, but only under one condition, subject to your successful work on battlefield, the whole country understands this, so you see the whole country supports you, the main one. part of their conversation took place behind closed doors, it is clear that the military can talk about the meeting with the supreme commander-in-chief, excellent, excellent, they can’t do much, but we found out a little about everything, the main thing is victory, the president said that we will win, he wished everything - all the best, but we also said that victory will be ours when such difficult, key moments come, the russian people show their best qualities and courage and heroism in independence. age, this, apparently, is us in the extreme, you, your subordinates, worthy of our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, who fought on the fields of the great
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patriotic war and defended their... we will determine the fate of russia only ourselves, for the sake of today and future generations . you, citizens of russia, have confirmed the correctness of the country's course. this is of great importance right now, when we are faced with serious challenges. today, in fact, we are answerable to our thousand-year history, to our ancestors. they took seemingly inaccessible heights. because they always put their homeland first, they created a world power, our fatherland, they achieved such triumphs that inspire us today, the entire western community is working for our enemy, which sleeps and sees that russia in its current form no longer exists, apparently they believe, that in the system of confrontation that they create for themselves, russia was the weak point,
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the weak link, i’m sure, and not...
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and even then we hinted that there would be another big surprise at the inauguration, for the first time 11 new mirlon electric motorcycles in a motorcade. our main cars, they are named after the kremlin tower, this is the arsenal, the commandant, the senate, then the motorcycle was called merlon, and merlon is this.
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presidential climb up the stairs, then dr. rashal, a participant in the ceremony, decided to professionally assess his excellent physical shape, today we walked a marathon up the stairs there, without shortness of breath, everything is fine, thank god, of course, he could assess the condition, as they say, near putin, this happens extremely rarely, right during the ceremony, he deviated from route. i shook hands with the respected doctor, it was pleasant and unexpected, then another unexpected step to the side, a greeting to alexandra pakhmutova.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we
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often talk about money.


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