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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia.
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is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources. in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world? got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? does evolution occur in any structure?
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here is another person dear to the president, vladimir putin’s teacher, who is already ninety-one years old, but she came, came and stood at the ceremony, everyone, who is the mother, who is the grandmother, who is the great-grandmother? understands my feelings perfectly, of course, we all experience, moments of responsibility and such a shot is emphasized by the same staircase, literally crowded with people, and after all, every important person for the country, footage of the broadcast of vladimir putin’s inauguration is now all over the world, of course they are studying what is called special passion, and you and i have the opportunity to take the same presidential route along the first building of the kremlin and answer: to answer some questions, many people
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are always interested in what kind of paintings are here in the main building of the kremlin, so each of these paintings belongs to the artist sergei andriaka, a famous russian artist who is famous for his works done using the technique of multi-layer watercolor painting. putin looked at several paintings. but he even stopped at this one, which is why the kremlin guests, the whole country, were all the more glued to the screens. now let’s talk about what many found most interesting during the president’s passage through corridor of the first building of the kremlin. so, what kind of painting did vladimir putin look at with such interest? here she is. this is a painting painted in 1914 by one of the students at sergei’s academy. after all, it also
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turned out to be a surprise that it was her work there, to be honest, no, no, i didn’t know, she is no longer a student, but a teacher, interest in the painting has now, of course, just skyrocketed, a musical still life, it is dedicated to madest petrovich from musk. a shot of putin walking through the halls of the large kremlin palace was also shown to television viewers like this, so that everyone, as if they had been there themselves, for this, literally a meter away from the president , a cameraman walked or even ran, so that the country saw the hall through the eyes of the president, the cameraman had to move towards the people, but with his back to the president. and
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the main thing is not to interfere with the ceremony, because at some turns people with cameras joined the crowd of spectators and left the presidential path. i swear, when exercising the powers of the president of the russian federation, to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to respect and protect the constitution russian federation, defend sovereignty and independence, safely.
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even in his chair in the kremlin: say hello, hello, do you hear, anton, yes, yes, yes, why don’t you answer, you’re a well-mannered person, and hello, several months have passed, i dreamed of coming to putin’s inauguration, now it has come true, a frame that is especially important in a modern, extremely tense situation, in any weather, in the heat, in the cold, in such...
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the choice is theirs, whether they intend to continue the policy of aggression, the pressure on ours that has not stopped for years country, or seek a path to cooperation and peace. i repeat, a conversation, including on issues of security and strategic stability, is possible, but not from a position of strength, without any arrogance, conceit of one’s own exclusivity, only on equal terms, respecting each other’s interests.
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on victory day, our most important truly national sacred holiday , the shoes polished to a shine, the spectators of red square took off as a souvenir. also because they understood what it was like for the soldier who, despite losing his shoes, walked through and walked to the parade barefoot. the morning was beautiful with gentle light. the walls of the kremlin and green trees
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dusted with snow. the weather changed every 5 minutes. of course, i don’t remember exactly that on may 9 i had to dress in a down jacket, in such a down jacket, for example, i was on a business trip in chukotka, but today these are the weather conditions, and yet look, there is not a single empty seat in the stands, everything busy, in a fighting mood, and the young fighters, of course, couldn’t freeze in front of such spectators, so it’s easy to light a fire with your hands. the main guests of the central the stands, of course, are war veterans, just think about it, many of those who are here on the podium today are over 100 years old, but that’s what it means, veterans do not grow old in spirit, the presidents take care of them here, alexander lukashenko helps
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button up a woman’s veteran’s jacket. only then does he fasten his own. the president of uzbekistan covers a veteran with a blanket. you are not cold today. what’s normal, normal, normal, it’s cold, it was snowing, thank you guys, thank you, the gram helped, and you had 100 g with you, of course, how old are you, excuse me for asking such a question, 101, 101, and you are here today in this weather, and how important it is for them to hear that descendants will defend the truth about the war, it interferes with those who are used to building their essentially colonial policy on hypocrisy and lies. they demolish memorials to true fighters against nazism, put traitors and accomplices
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of the nazis on pedestals, cross out the memory of the heroism and nobility of the liberating soldiers, of the great sacrifice they made in the name of life. today vienna, the alps and the danube increasingly do not want to remember anything, but for in post-soviet countries, war is a family story. we were just riding here on the bus together and talking about it, counting how many veterans were left in the ranks. several leaders of foreign countries came to moscow for the parade, and these images show that on the morning of may 9 the mood was truly festive. look how clearly everything is organized. look at kurando, 3 minutes before the parade, here are the leaders at this particular one.
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before everyone who defends russia, guests of red square and spectators across the country bow their heads, civilians who died from barbaric shelling and terrorist attacks by neo-nazis, in front of our military... he realizes that dad is not there, and today, when he saw the parade where the paratroopers were marching, he
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stood all this time and saluted, for russia, for victory, hurray, hurray, hurray , hooray! the parade participants, their faces, truly charge with energy, the sun is shining again, but a few minutes earlier it was snowing and not melting, hello, mr. geach, aren’t you cold, frozen, we tried to dress specially, it’s very cold, but still. .. girls, military personnel, how else, in uniform, in skirts?
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yes, i’m the commander of a parade battalion, and what do you think, you’re not frozen, well , look right, well, i’m already in my fifth year, i’m already used to it, we were all worried about you, no, everything ’s fine, it’s surprising, of course, the sun came out breezy part of the parade did take place, despite the fact that until the last minute it was not clear whether this would happen, the first thing everyone started discussing was the planes. and in general , what i saw now, i saw more of russia once again. others told putin about their impressions of the aurus they saw because our for the first time, the program learned about the president’s own impressions of the updated car.
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look at these shots taken on may 6. dmitry patrushev and marad khusnulin communicate on the sidelines like this. but the answer of denis manturov, who is now proposed for the post of first deputy prime minister, already on the day of the government’s resignation before the inauguration, they asked
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about the mood, absolutely working, both festive today and pre-holiday. but during this time, everything that happened, here are the shots from the beginning of the twentieth year, then shocking to many, the decision to completely close the border with china, the coronavirus admitted that we are pursuing a fairly tough and correct policy in this area, it is true, planes do not fly, trains practically do not travel, business
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does not work, oil prices have fallen for the first time in history to negative values, someone there was paid extra. so that they don’t keep this somewhere, don’t give up because everything seems to be collapsing around me, i ’ve been in this position for several years now, when i don’t even have the right to think about what in general, in a critical situation, all the more so they can give up; on the contrary, they can mobilize to solve the problems facing the country, all this gave a corresponding, generally satisfactory result, only the pandemic receded, new challenges in the conditions of... the most acute confrontation with the west, unprecedented sanctions. i think that even the word unprecedented, somehow it seems very soft, very kind. in the most literal sense of the word - economic aggression against russia, then an endless number of sanctions were aimed at one thing: to destroy russia from the inside, and not only politically, but above all economically, to create problems in
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labor collectives, to cause mass unemployment in the country, nothing happened for our... opponents, the result was exactly the opposite of what was expected, it was done in difficult conditions, a lot was it would be right if we continued to work with you, and you continued to work as chairman of the government, we are proud to be part of your team, the government, according to putin, worked with full awareness of the importance of the tasks, responsibility, literally for every step, for every word and decision made. in modern conditions, everything is important: there are no trifles. the cost of our actions at this undoubtedly historical time for our country is extremely high. and clearly with such a question of extreme importance after the end of the meeting. thank you. lavrov approached putin. he obviously showed putin some kind of
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document, and then we saw that the minister was adding something to the text by hand. we invite you to take photographs. after a couple of hours. the ministry of foreign affairs spoke with a special statement in connection with russia’s holding exercises, is directly related to the latest threatening, provocative and raising tensions on the continent statements by a number of european representatives about their readiness to send military contingents to the territory of ukraine so that they take part in hostilities. russia will do everything to prevent a global crisis. collision, but at the same time we will not allow anyone to threaten us, our strategic forces are always on alert, especially macron behaves belligerently day after day. conscious escalation of tension, the europeans go to the bank, they see that the situation is rapidly changing, it is actually fraught with a complete collapse for the ukrainians, so they themselves are exalted by this
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situation, so the moment is very important, and of course, this is very provocative.
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and sanctions and the dismantling of many of the basic pillars of international trade. the shots taken before the start, no one has ever seen them. putin and lukashenko have just met, pashinyan is arriving. a conversation that can't be heard, but apparently it sounds like something surprising. it is not known what surprised pashinyan so much, but the growth figures for goods.
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that the protocol service was in some kind of very high-speed mode, they were preparing the halls, now for one meeting, now for another summit,
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the president of cuba was in one wing of the kremlin palace, the head of kazakhstan was heading from the other, and there was also bad weather that day, umbrellas for the leaders , the leaders' cars were simply twisted by gusts of wind. was covered with snow and the success of the summit largely depended on the clarity of the organization of the process, which itself was so eventful that only at 9:00 the evening is announced as an informal, but still a working lunch. the leaders also had one more reason for this dinner. the presidents congratulated putin on taking office. your convincing victory is clear evidence of the high recognition and support of the russian people,
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the enormous trust of the multinational people of russia in you. in moscow that evening and the president of turkmenistan, tajikistan, the footage of the protocol chronicle speaks about this, but it can hardly be called protocol. pavel, what is known about the president’s plans next week? the week will again be a very eventful one, and of course, we are all continuing to monitor the formation of the updated cabinet of ministers. one political cycle ends, another political cycle begins, but work in the interests of russia does not stop. that's why it's understandable. in the coming week, much of the president's work will be devoted to the continued formation of a new cabinet of ministers. i hope that you will be able to convince the deputies in the state duma about the candidacies
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of your deputies and... we'll see you again after a short break, i'm waiting for you in the studio on sunday evening, i hear a voice from a wonderful place, wow, very cool, energizing, awesome, downright funny, haven't you experienced such emotions in a long time
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, actor? it’s just that everything was done very cool, it just went right, i don’t know if it will actually be like this, in 100 years, but i would like it to be like this, you’re so sensory, hands, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years from now, i’ve thought a lot in the past these 100 years, got used to watching videos on the internet, stopped working, install, open, watch,
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russian channels all tv series cinema and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. look, look in the app or on the website.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what’s going on with production, raw materials in general and export. our product, call sign passenger, i suggest changing it to call sign rebin, no, call sign my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right, call sign passenger.
3:00 am


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