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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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i want to share, yesterday i watched zakhar prilepin’s program, in my opinion, a very good, interesting program that he dedicated.
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from kazakhstan, from tajikistan, in my opinion, more than 3000, despite the fact that the population was very small.
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because i think that the armenian people have never made such huge sacrifices in a war, and there was genocide, of course, but this is somewhat different here, and of course, i hope that this memory at the state level in armenia will still be preserved, i understand, so to speak, where, where the wind is blowing, all this is clear, we we see what is happening in armenia, but i hope that... the armenian family, the citizens
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of armenia, remember and understand what a huge role and what sacrifices the armenian people made, not only the citizens of armenia, because the armenians , let’s say, lived throughout the soviet union , in russia there is a huge number, but strictly speaking, my father was baku, he is a karabakh armenian, he was drafted from baku, he fought for 2 years, and it seems to me that this is just a shame in general for...
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you know, i’m in the government, fortunately never worked, but something tells me that government work in the government is like working in cinema, you know, everyone, everyone knows how to make a movie, like me...
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aviation, reserves were frozen, the supply of our energy resources was cut off, how during this time they managed to redirect all this, all this is like- then the automotive industry was practically destroyed in our country, our automotive industry was a screwdriver, it’s clear that they closed everything, that’s it, look, but it came back, yes, the chinese one, well, thank god, but this had to be agreed upon somehow , maybe, somehow organize everything.
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what is the minister of culture doing there, and why are they even sitting in this ministry? listen, few people understand that culture in russia, the minister of culture answers, these are
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millions of people who work in culture, this is not only a big theater or so to speak, there is a mahad, these are libraries, these are museums,
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yes, so, well, i think, after all, in this whole story, when we hear these statements from the west, really crazy,
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as you say, but there is one such, it seems to me, psychological nuance, it psychologically, but, but, in my opinion, it’s very important, i’ve talked about this several times and... i think it’s important to say this again, you understand, because they sincerely believe that they won the cold war,
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it was inevitable , but the british elite believes that this is the soviet union, if it weren’t for the soviet union, it would still exist like this, you know, but they also convinced themselves in relation to the ussr, in the ninety-first year, that we defeated the ussr, and this is, in their understanding, a huge victory, a huge victory, now look, now they dare dare. rebel and make some claims of their own, by the way, i
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remember the munich speech well, vladimir vladimirovich, yes, i remember the meen scène well, i well remember the faces of these western heads of state when they listened to this speech, this was written by them, it was written on their faces, what are you talking about, you lost, what are you talking about, what are you making, what claims are you making to us, you know, it seems to me that this moment needs to be broken, this, this is psychology, it’s like it’s not, it’s not weapons, it's not economics, but, but it's very important moment, the feeling of the winner of the vanquished, i have the feeling that partly in our elite the complex of the vanquished has been preserved, it must be thrown out, there was no loss, there were agreements that the west completely violated. this is exactly how it was, i remember well that the internal state of our people, who really wanted detente at that time,
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wanted to end the armed confrontation, it was, it was, in principle you can say, yes, they have us there, gorbachev is so and so, yes, but in principle it generally expressed the inner urge of the people that we need to end this cold war altogether, we had it, it’s not because we were weak and felt weak, even... with all our problems, listen, well , there were problems, yes, there’s vodka, that is, it’s all hers there’s a queue, why in ’42, so much so in ’42? the people had worse problems and nothing, we survived it, it cannot be said that we directly felt like losers then, but this is what in the nineties, this elite, which came to power, in my opinion, as a result of a coup d’etat, actually, yeltsin came to power, of course, in russia,
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in fact, they surrendered all the interests of russia, first of all they convinced themselves. is that we lost, therefore, and how would this be the reason, well, that’s why we have to do this and that, give up all positions, this is it, it seems to me, this is the moment, we still need to constantly take it into account, have in mind, because this is an important moment, the internal state of the winner and the loser, we haven’t lost anything, the last thing i want to say is, of course, when i look at these belgorod, the loss of people, here...
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dynamics from presidential decrees, including on historical memory, on historical education, enlightenment, and the may decrees, socio-economic, and to the structure of the government, but something like this, this is my inner feeling, without armored cars, without
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slogans, very calm tone, formed absolutely on...
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a little different, you know what you have done, and now the question is much worse, much deeper, much more dangerous, you understand what you
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have turned yourself into, you understand that you are europeans before everything, but americans too, this affected, unfortunately, the united states, you turned yourself into a rapidly nazified space, no, they don’t understand. do you know why they don’t understand? yes, because nazism and, in general, it was quite socially comfortable for many in europe, not only in germany, nazism, fascism, as one of, well, as a variant of radical ideologies, they were everywhere in europe, from austria to italy, to slovakia, in slovakia...
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but let’s leave this aside, let’s remember how the nazis fought in 1944-45,
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to the last, after all, breslau, berlin, the veslovolodar operation, these are terrible battles, terrible resistance, and we must very clearly understand that now they , the collective west, have entered a phase when the possibilities of what... they understand that they will have to cut off , and the more this is their favorite game, and now they are further away, the more they will have to cut off, and they may cut off so much that there will be nothing left, blinkin had a wonderful phrase that let’s keep ukraine and even join. european union, wherever it takes place its border, no matter what, i would even say, no matter what farm in ivano-frankivsk.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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where are you from, from the eleventh b, no hello, and i’m from the eleventh b, we are also from the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, i only need one boy, here he is, i had to come all this way to watch this good film , why are you so lucky, i really liked it, beautiful actors, young, beautiful filming, exciting, all this, this... all these emotions were, this it was very cool, this was the first film, which i was really delighted with, the humor is good, i need to get to school at 7:33, my nephew is there at night, but they haven’t done that before, i wait, hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask how i could even end up here, what kind of meeting, sometimes you want to cry, sometimes you want to laugh,
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super. oh, this is the situation, yes, this is the situation, we will meet in the future, 100 years in the future, watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch in application or website. so they understand that they cannot continue to play a non-zero sum game with us, and this is a very dangerous situation for us, we must realize it before they begin to act in practical terms, they are generally ripe for the idea of ​​​​starting real things with us confrontation, because that’s it, they don’t have the opportunity, and of course i will support that, of course. very strongly,
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because it poses the main question that in order to denazify ukraine, it is necessary to denazify europe.


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