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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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100 years ahead, we look to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website, and so they understand that they...
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a miscalculation of iosifarivich stalin personally is that france was included in the number of powers to win, this, of course, was a miscalculation, well, and the last thing i want, i want to remind a wonderful person, a basketball player, as we found out here on the programs of vladimir rudolfovich, the president of finland stubb, that the line of enkel, manerheim, it, if he, certainly, i forgot, maybe he just didn’t know. but
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now it is naturally located in the leningrad region and is a natural reserve, where our search engines are working there, maybe he forgot that he does not have the enkel line, mannerheim, to talk to russia like this, well, something like this, but this is also his fault our propaganda, we convinced ourselves that we almost lost the war with finland, it was terrible, that’s how... they hammered it into the heads of schoolchildren and students that the finnish war was an actual defeat of the soviet union, it’s simple, well this is one of those things that had catastrophic consequences, yes, in fact, and just look at the maps and you understand perfectly well that this is not a defeat at all, but if we had not started this war then, yes, then the distance to leningrad would have been completely different, the consequences were completely different. most likely he is on deck, well
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, at least, but history doesn’t know from the subjunctive mood, but it would definitely have been much harder, but how we strived for eurovision, i don’t, the whole country believed that how we were cut off, but i understand , what such things are parallel, but look, the eurovision has passed, that’s what it is, this is european culture, and what’s important is that after all, these freaks... the citizens of europe voted for, this is the voting when something from switzerland wins, something from the netherlands is being kicked out there, i don’t know what it is, but it’s all vomiting, yes, this is the eurovision winner nemo, i can imagine what captain nemo would say now, he won, yes, he is the winner, this is it, this is not it is clear that, that is, there. nothing to rattle, but
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yes, a witch from ireland, and this is generally satanism, absolutely pure, who says that it’s very cool that in general we defeated lgbt queer, won eurovision, eurovision is now an lgbt queer festival, and i’m also a witch, and most importantly i said, the main thing is that this is absolute satanism, this is satanic, this is that europe dares to say something about christianity, when europe talks about some values, some rules, what, what?
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note, this is the old testament, those who say, well, what are you in the new testament, no, i ’ll remind you for the pope, the message is clear it is said that homosexuals will not find the kingdom of heaven, so you can come up with whatever you want, although no, they will probably ban it now as politically incorrect and rename the old testament as old, right? well, so that it would be easier for them, that is why what is happening now, who we are fighting with, this is a holy war, we are on the side of the light, on the other side, here you go, pure satanism, which is how
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they position themselves, in including in culture, so today was kind, and i think that we are now placing a fundamental emphasis on a technocratic government; there is truly an outstanding professional there. it seems to me that the humanitarian component needs to be improved, it’s not a fact that it should be in the government, because as you rightly said, the minister of culture solves other problems, but the setting also needs to be dealt with, the basis is good, but the setting needs to be ideological we still have to resolve issues, this is what the chinese comrades showed, they carried out all the economic changes, maintaining the most severe control over ideology, only thanks to this... were able to carry out these amazing changes, and what will the fellow americanists say, who still believe that our little circle of nuclear maniacs is not worthy of existence, well, the first two such short remarks are about this,
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you are looking at some interesting things, i, for example, looked at them and am authorized to say, somehow i managed without these, that ’s why you live in the mid- seventies and don’t know modern implementers. i don’t know, just me as a historian i remembered that even before the old testament there were the laws of hamurabi, for this thing, it’s not easy to tie them up and throw them into the river, this is the most important thing, that if you tie up two people for sodomy and throw them into the river, well , it’s clear what happens next , the second thing, to be honest, you devoted a very long time to finland, now dima is talking about finland, you understand that you are pouring balm on their soul, no, they are a forgotten country, we are pouring riga balm for them. well, i don’t know what, but they remembered them, you know, now the whole country will rejoice, because the fact is that the finns have an injury, it is still there, this injury has been since botanical bay, when barclay crossed it, yes, when they occupied it, this is an injury that is
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here all the time, here it is will float out, hate for russians, constantly, so when they remember them at all, they are always this stupa, now they jump up to pay attention, i joined nato, but why, strictly speaking, does not treat me like that, how does finn really feel, or do you still want to be macron, you know, they are discussing macron, but i am not, well , as for, of course, i cannot agree with karan georgivich, if again we continue the winter war, and this finnish topic, and you remember how much in the soviet textbook was devoted to this winter war , not just a paragraph, not a paragraph, a paragraph - this is a lot of paragraphs, this was the battle of stalingrad. and there are two lines in the winter war, the fact that it preceded the second world war, and the fact that they pushed the border, that’s all, there’s no more talk about it it was said, and after, of course, the collapse of the soviet union, this topic disappeared, so for discussion, let’s discuss what the winter war was there. the fact is that any
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historical event, and the cold war, for me is a war. let her, it was not, not on the battlefield, people did not die there, although they died in local conflicts, because any cold war. involves a series of more or less large local conflicts, and we have learned a lot from this, the fact is that the political goal, which has been for a long time telegrams, in these long telegrams , keneda, and nsb-68, the destruction of the soviet union, gave 35 years, if we imposed it like this, and kenen was sure, the soviet leadership would accept these rules of the game, it would be isolated, it would create its own bloc, we were a state after all.
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i learned a lesson from this, that we shouldn’t accept the western rules of the game, we didn’t try to leave all international organizations and slam the door, but we shouldn’t do that, we should, on the contrary, from... the un, an organization that was created after
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systematic murder of 6 million jews, disregards the fundamentals of the charter and promotes a new genocidal regime that threatens the existence of the jewish people. and i would like the whole world to remember this moment, to remember this immoral act. so today i will hold up a mirror for you, this is your mirror, so that you can see exactly how much damage you are doing to the charter with this destructive vote. you are destroying the un charter with your own hands.
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yeah, that's what you do, destroy the charter un. shame on you. well, it should be noted that this is something new in the history of creation. yes, in fact, it is forbidden to carry any symbols, posters, objects, etc. into the hall. so he. i didn’t know, but it was created precisely because 6 million jews died in the terrible genocide, that is, that is why the united nations organization was created, that is, not because 27 million soviet citizens died, not because 40 million died chinese, that is , not not for this reason, not because the gypsies were killed, that is, it was created precisely because of the disaster jewish. people, i simply did not see such
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wording in the fundamental documents of the un, correct me, maybe i’m wrong, there was no such thing, it was created for completely different purposes, initially for governance, which does not cancel the terrible tragedy of the jewish people, that does not cancel, excuse me, the blood of other peoples is not water either, it was precisely assumed that this organization would be the body that would prevent the possibility of new wars, that is , the occurrence... and in particular for the same united states, whom i remembered, it didn’t matter much
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, listen, well, the united states was created, in fact created on the edge, so there is a big result here, well, the question is about numbers, but the zeros explained to us that what difference does it make, if there is political expediency, then what the difference is how many millions of people need to be killed, just kill them quickly, that’s the point, when so to speak, so you say, for example, again you talk about the united states, that they are... states, right now , when you you say the americans will be scared, they won’t strike, but you mean people who have their hearts set on their country, their people, i mean the obnoxious american military, who once already called their chinese colleagues and said, we won’t , we won’t be with kolyans, there are, there are only military people, by the way, i won’t be here. talk, evaluate whether they are cowardly or not, they are just smart, so they
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are closer to what to use, so really, whether they hit or not, well, that’s what i did miles, but who knows, who knows, if they now have admirals, well , even i, but you started with these all sorts of these queer plus, and all sorts of this, something like that in the transitional transgender so . there to new zealand, but to hell with it in the northern hemisphere, everything is a mutual blow there, but in the south we might survive, they won’t have time to get to new zealand, our rocket flies faster than they get to new zealand, how to say , they may already be giving orders from there in advance, well, that’s what as for, as for europe, there
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really has been a lot of work here, for a long time, so to speak, and occupied.
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how much europe lost everything over the course of 3-4 years, somehow even unexpectedly, by god, it gradually sank under the united states, but was constantly there, over the course of 3-4 years, i was even before the svo, svo just accelerated this process, europe actually accepted as its american interests, not even american interests, the american order, the order of the united states to involve us in struggle. macron back and forth, back and forth, that’s how his pendulum swings, because apparently it’s necessary, he really wants to lead this united europe there, because in the current political political arena macron is a politician, yes, even, even macron is
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in general, it can already be a leader, on the other hand, now the european union is here. they say that he agreed on a draft strategic agreement with ukraine, where there is actually no point in protecting ukraine, but the whole thing is repeated, then what’s the point, this is the whole set that already exists, that is, sanctions we will support, accordingly provide political assistance, economic assistance, in other words, we will give you money, we will give you money, and where will they get it from, they know where they will get it, but in any case, well, i don’t know, they will give us steal, so to speak. this issue is being discussed all over, the americans directly say that the europeans should withdraw assets, but for the americans, as you understand, they have 4 billion dollars, this is not so, well, our assets, their assets will end with the european ones, and will end, that’s why the europeans and afraid, but for the united states, europe doesn’t care, they will support the euro,
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whether stability will be maintained or not, the united states doesn’t care, the main thing for them is that the candle burns, that is... the conflict is constantly maintained, the ukrainians will end, they tell me: here europe cannot fight, but there is no need for it to fight, it needs to be there all the time, now moldovan is being prepared, yes, so that there is someone there, well , moldovan will end quickly, now the army will come out, oh, there are poles there, there are the poles really don’t want it, by the way, they wouldn’t want it like that, he says that they have troops there, but apparently they don’t want to go further, here you go, macron, he wants it again, well, let’s show it.
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so, this is the fact that european parliaments are turning into eurovision, this is this, this is this, this is interesting, this
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is happening so quickly, this is if you remember, you remember, the world in our memory was a shambles, well, we just we’ve been living with you for a very long time, that’s how long it’s been, here we’re already in the new generation, yes, yes, well, i don’t remember these ones at all, i mean the post-bipolar ones. i wanted to show you macron, but then i thought, why do you need this insignificance, advertising. slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank, just a moment, the scammers would have had access to the money, but svetlana
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petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, damn, your card number so they could send the money to a secure account, i’ll call the bank and hang up no matter who the scammers pretend to be in order to extract money from you, hang up without talking. here the germans played trump cards, but when i don’t know what happened, blaming the russians, listen, on last week a plant producing air defense missiles burned in germany, more and more evidence is emerging that this is most likely sabotage, and we can expect that the russians had a hand in it, when i don’t know what the russians were right away. this is the head of the military committee nao herbava, a dutchman, he is a dutchman, yes, yes, herbavar, and why does he appear to be a dick, sorry, no, he doesn’t stop, so
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the dutch dick, yes, he told us here, what should we do, what what should we do, petrovich, how to communicate with such people, no, communicate with them, we communicated with such people at one time, but now, of course, it’s quite difficult to communicate with them, you know, we’ve been talking about... escalation, well, verbal escalation for what, what a week, macron, which you hint, what ’s going on in the kharkov province now, that’s good, so that’s macron or something like that , then so, then he sends troops, then he doesn’t fight with russia, then he sends troops again, the germans, pistorius speaks there, calls russia in the foreseeable future will remain the most important threat to european security, so with russia it is necessary... so to speak , fight, resist everyone, or maybe it’s better to immediately give up, centuries-old experience shows that everything ends exactly like this, yes, well, let
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them give up, i, when the president announced the preparation of our exercises, a lot was discussed, but still forced, so to speak, to return again, because it’s very there are a lot of comments that personally alarm me a little, because yes, we practice the use of nuclear weapons in almost all major exercises, this is one component, yes, they, as a rule, were practiced using the command post method, yes, computer modeling, yes, electronic launches, this is a teaching that is devoted exclusively to the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, of course i do not presume to judge, i naturally do not know everything.
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by the way, this was a measure following the presidential initiatives of 1991, when a lot of non-strategic, non-
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strategic nuclear weapons were destroyed. of various types, we have all non-strategic nuclear weapons concentrated at - centralized warehouses of the twelfth main directorate, which are sometimes located at a considerable distance from their bases and deployment sites carriers of these nuclear weapons, so it seems to me, i could be wrong, of course, but one of the tasks, the main tasks... of this exercise should be the reactivation of these munitions that are in warehouses, their delivery to the ships of the black sea fleet and the caspian flotilla, positional places areas of the skander missile, the carriers of these nuclear-powered cruise missiles are based at airfields, and after the completion of the exercise
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they must remain there. as i understand it, there are artillery, there are artillery, yes, well, i say the main ones, there are artillery ones, yes, they should remain there in order, so to speak, they were there, so that they would be at hand in immediate readiness for use, moreover, i don’t know how pleasant it is to watch andrey’s mood deteriorate , moreover, i would not rule out, for example, well, you can dream up, at the final stage it is very... possible on a new land, so to speak, well, to carry out some kind of, so to speak, training detonation of a nuclear weapon, well, americans in the fifties in one study they did this, they took, so to speak, up to the 2003.2 mm gaopis and fired an artillery shell, blew it up, nothing, there in texas then some kind of radiation actually fell there, but we have a new land, so to speak,
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why do we need a new land spoil the same yavr ones?
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sergey gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, they went there on reconnaissance, there were three of them, then, then i don’t know, anton shakin, that means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militia-passenger becomes full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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