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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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in any case, these exercises should demonstrate the seriousness of our intentions, because one gets the impression that they simply don’t believe us, the lithuanian prime minister there says it’s all bullshit, the russians will never use nuclear weapons, this is all, so to speak,
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even united troops, they do not pose a particular threat to the russian federation, military. even these 300,000, about which it will also be said in washington, that 300,000 rapid deployment forces, which was decided back in warsaw, have been confirmed in madrid, it will now be announced that they will, so to speak, have already been formed and are ready. by the way, for the first time, for the first time, the american commander-in-chief of the allied forces nadeau in europe, an american general, received the right to command these troops, so to speak, personally, without a political decision, the atlantic council, by the way, pistorius, who says that most of the bundeswehr will be transferred under nato command, but given that there is no such thing as a nato command, he means, of course, these 3000, and there will be 3500. be right here in the first
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queue, 1000 in 100 days, that is, the germans, so to speak, decided to participate there to the fullest in these rapid deployment forces, so 1000 in 100 days is the speed that we will destroy them, 1000 in 10, 1000 in 10 days and 2000 within another month, because it just hits the speed that we are destroying, yes, that’s why the only thing is...
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such exercises are being held, but this year they are being carried out, so to speak, with emphasis, firstly , air defense means, all means are involved. all national means that are in service with nato member countries, they are practicing tasks, the operation of multinational groups, air forces in terms of control, information exchange, exchange of intelligence data, communication of intelligence data, that is, they are preparing the air component, moreover, the americans are practicing maintenance for the first time aircraft and... 35 - without the participation of americans, that is, for example, a plane from great britain flies to a norwegian airfield and norwegian specialists service the f35 without the participation of americans, that is, with my point of view, the preparation
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of an aviation group of air defense systems is underway, what is said there, i don’t remember who there already said about this seventy-kilometer zone, what is needed, then the german, the germans, it’s the wind, yes the wind, yes, he said that it is necessary to shoot down, our missiles are modeled, so to speak, on how iranian missiles were shot down in israel, i think that such, if not a plan, then such an idea exists, the only thing that stops, of course, they are not completely sure that we will react like this, as dmitry anatolyevich said about it medvedev, well, for us then these installations are a legitimate target, of course, of course, the first missile that will be launched from the territory of poland or from the territory of romania, i am absolutely sure, an attack on this
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position area will follow, but i, for example, have no doubts , because so many words have already been said, if this is not done, then this is about... everything is fine, i hope that westerners are watching our program so that there are no illusions, for now we need to understand everything that our supreme one said commander in chief, everything is being implemented, yes, so this may be, some previous leaders of our
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country had a lack of political will, yes, there are the gorbachevs, the yeltsins, now they don’t, now what’s wrong with political will. well, nikolai nikolaevich, radolfovich, when they showed footage of eurovision, the sabbath that was going on there, well, in principle, all this already happened in europe, and the sabbath, and witches, and satanism and the catholic church forbade washing, in shivporiks, and so on and like that, there was no united germany, italy, france, all these were hundreds of principalities that fought among themselves, it was a plague, yes, it was around the 10th-11th century, for the entire economy of the collective west, it could fit into 2%. of global gdp, china accounted for 50%, someone says 70%, that is, it seems to me that this is what we are now seeing this carnivalism in western culture, or in ideology, it’s just that it’s just a superstructure , which reflects the collapsing basis of the economy, that is, everything is leaving the west
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again to the east, in those glorious times when china and india accounted for 70% of the world economy, and the countries around them also enjoyed this prosperity, thank god we came out quietly. we are also a country that has relations with india, with china, that is, in this regard, there is no doubt that a wonderful future awaits us, well, before moving on to the context of the discussion, the global and detailed visit of vladimir putin, without a doubt so historic, because this is a unique practice when leaders exchange visits after being appointed to a new term, it seems to me that this has never happened before there wasn’t, i’ll just comment on a few words about the government, well, i catch myself thinking that a governor who becomes a minister or... this is generally a chinese practice, well, it feels like really, that’s what i’m observing, but really in fact, this is not a chinese practice, this is a soviet practice, which the chinese adopted, modernized, and in general, in many respects in economics, in politics, we must not forget that
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the current chinese people's republic is a soviet project, this is a soviet state, in fact, which we just missed it at one time, they didn’t, they developed it further, and so on and so forth. but as for the global context of vladimir putin’s visit , westerners and liberals often say that this is how to say, hopelessness, here we are flying to china, we already have nowhere to go, so we are looking for everything to go in china. it means there are some refuges there and some kind of island of stability, but since 1919 the top five world economies have moved to the supra-pacific region, these are india, japan, china, well, in fact, if you count california, this also means part indo-pacific large economic center, that is, this is not in context , this trip is in no way connected with some kind of pressure from the west, in principle, this is a historical vector that has been set and which we continue to implement, what state is china in, too? the second mistake of western propagandists, they, or ukrainian propagandists there, they say that
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china is using some, which means it is selfishly achieving some of its own benefits, yes, it does not lose anything, and is not in confrontation west, absolutely wrong, china is already in confrontation with the west. biden announced a fourfold increase in duties on chinese electric cars, without war, without taiwan, without everything, it’s just complete, now it’s total, which already means tariffs are being introduced and so on, that is, actually already. china is eating, well, duties, yes, the viewer may not understand us, we need to make a clearer comparison with what this can be compared, this is the context of the limitation of china’s production capacity, the same as the ceiling on oil, that is, simply translating into russian language, you are exporting too much oil, so to speak, and you are making too much money on it, which means you are making too much money, you are producing too many goods, that is , sanctions similar to russian restrictions are being introduced against china and without any meaning...
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the russians have had their fill already with chinese cars, it is impossible to buy two, three, four cars and so on for a family there, you will have to force yourself, but we cannot force you, what am i talking about, the new government will certainly set the task absolutely correctly increase trade turnover, but we do not hold on to any specific figures: 300 billion, 240 billion, and so on, it is very important for us to be, after the collective decline, although after the united states , china’s second trading partner, because the center of economic life is being formed there. we must strengthen our influence there, so the task of increasing trade turnover is such a strategic geopolitical task,
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so that our presence in china is very powerful, it is impossible to increase it simply through simple commodity trade, joint production is definitely needed, yes potanin took a very powerful step, i am sure that it was fully agreed upon, this is part of large agreements with china on the creation of copper production in china, there is very little copper in china, there will be production there, which we can count on, well, dash on dash is normal chinese practice, something is needed for china... of spare parts, purchase of cars and so on, not only simple trade, purchase, that is, we are waiting for this, years of culture are the same, we need some kpis, that is, some target indicators, how many new people, who will learn the russian language, which means there are problems of the orthodox church, we have a lot of temples that are mothballed or a museum or something...
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before that it was just some kind of warehouse, or there was a bar there, i don’t remember there anymore, that means , what happened there, that is, this is the story, it must be resolved, that is, the same thing that we are saying about the state plan, these are not just indicative indicators, by the way, i completely agree that we have matured to the point that we have there was a new digital state plan, and it seems to me that mikhail vladivich mishustin, this is his now, whoever saw it, this is a control center, with absolutely data, this allows us to create this now and move forward, regarding growth to japan, well, of course we need 10% growth of the economy, that is, even high. annual growth of 10%, it cannot be without credit, without megaprojects, without the same high-speed
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railways, without science, investments in research and development, everything else, that is, it seems to me that here we could borrow our old soviet experience, which i went through some kind of refinement, modernization to the chinese, but i want to emphasize that just now i returned to moscow, it was literally a month, so in china, the feeling is that our country is not as bad as it is good in russia? that is, the time it takes is 40 minutes, i just got there by taxi, no problems, nothing, it’s fresh, the environment is excellent, which means, well, even if the weather is cool there, we are, after all, a northern country, and so on. but in general there is a feeling that, in principle, we are doing everything more or less correctly, we just need to speed up, in principle we have it regarding the government, of course, there was a lot of yeltsinism, everyone expected some kind of replacements there, all the changes and so on, the normal chinese way, a conservative scenario, when competent people, progressive development, experienced people are appointed to higher positions, i think that in china throughout
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the world this the practice will be appreciated as a foundation for decades on personnel policy, this would be to congratulate compatriots, but this is directly related to our conversation today, since our symbols are the direct successors of the soviet symbols, the symbols of the bssr, the belarusian soviet socialist republics, and we accepted them in may of ninety-five, then many in russia told us what you were doing, why, but i want to tell you, maybe in peru, so we
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openly say that the westerners, when they came to us , they were ready to... apply it there with privatization, with some other issues, they always told us the following things that need to be done first, here is less of this soviet symbolism, at least allow for another, here is the russian language no need for you here, in memory of great patriotic war, i remember one ambassador of a foreign country directly said, why are you even remembering this war, why do you need it, and of course, move away from russia, we understand everything, but well, step away. values, not economics, some issues, but give us pieces of property, values, because both the great patriotic war and the modern confrontation are still a struggle of values, so we talked here about how the europeans fell under american interests, let's be frank, there are no economic, geopolitical contradictions between germany,
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france on the one hand and the russian federation on the other hand, which would lead to an aggravation of the emergence. we talk a lot, and rightly so, about veterans, about the memory of our fighters, partisans, underground fighters, home front workers, northern military district soldiers, but i would like to express my gratitude to those brave people who came to the monuments in latvia, estonia, moldova and other countries , laid flowers,
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raised the red banner, st. george ribbons, and even in ukraine such people were found, in this is their... when they didn’t allow people to lay flowers, but let’s say thank you to these people who found the courage, went out and did it. slovakia, for example, as soon as the authorities simply did not interfere with people paying tribute to memory, thousands of people went to slovakia on may 8, may 9 to lay flowers and wreaths.
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there was an order about political commissars who had to be shot, they didn’t have any of this, they didn’t have the same attitude towards prisoners of war as they had towards soviet prisoners of war, towards serbian prisoners of war, by the way, they were also prisoners of war, they had a different war, hitler fought with them according to different rules, well, that’s why for them the great war is the first world war, where they would
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revere it more and even take some symbols from there and transfer them to the second world war, they want to forget our war, that’s me i think it’s very important when we talk about what happened, but the symbols, they are political, military-political, it seems to me, were made this week, but very... the army joined the exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear forces, we it is also clearly indicated: this is a su-25, that is
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our crews are preparing to load special ammunition, these are iskander missile divisions of the polones operational-tactical complexes, which can be used and it will be explained why: 90 thousand are concentrated around the belarusian border...
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the escalation has reached such a level, as our president said, that peace for our memory, but this is still a generation that experienced the cold war and did well. remembers all the events, has never been so close to a nuclear war as during that period, we all remember the caribbean crisis, the level of escalation has now passed the level of escalation of the caribbean crisis, we are closer to the use of nuclear weapons than it was in the sixties and during the short-range missile crisis in the eighties, it was not like it is now, the reason is the irresponsible policies of western leaders, including europeans.
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the eighties could talk to these people, understand that they heard us, and we speak the same language, why did europe then constantly cause irritation from the united states? europe might not support, for example, the same latin american pro-state regimes, which were and so on, because there were responsible politicians, now this is not the case, that is, the emancipation of europe is normal, increasing its subjectivity, sovereignty is an element of our national one.
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i don’t have an answer to this question, now there’s advertising, we’ll continue after it, i’ve been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, it’s finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious,
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there is a clear and clear signal in russia. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general , how to achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, shook yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure.
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military police, law enforcement structure
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within our ministry of defense, which is responsible. ensuring order and military discipline in the army. not released.


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