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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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senators of the federation council today begin discussing the candidates proposed by vladimir putin for the posts of heads of the security forces of russia and the foreign ministry. the president, in particular, believes that andrei belousov should head the ministry of defense; he previously worked as first deputy prime minister. early in the morning, russian air defense shot down several air targets over belgorod and the belgorod region. in belgorod itself, rubble is being cleared away at the site where the entrance to a high-rise building collapsed. the death toll by this hour had risen to 15 people. in the omsk region
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due to the flood, a state of emergency was introduced in three districts, about 800 houses were flooded, the most acute situation in the ustishimsky district, rescuers evacuated residents of nine settlements at once. in primorye , a local resident was detained on suspicion of espionage. according to the fsb, he worked on his own initiative for the military intelligence of the kiev regime. the curators ordered the collection of information about military installations. the federation begins today consultations on the candidates that vladimir putin proposed for the posts of heads of law enforcement agencies and the ministry of defense. so the president nominated andrei belousov, who previously worked as first deputy prime minister, for the post of defense minister. previously, this position was held by sergei shaigu. shaigu moves to a new post by decree of the head of state, becoming secretary of the country's security council. the former secretary of the security council, nikolai patrushev, was relieved of his post due to a transfer to another job. as for the foreign ministry,
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according to vladimir putin, it should still be headed by sergei lavrov; alexander kurenkov can also retain his post, in the previous government, who headed the ministry of emergency situations. the same situation is with vladimir kolokoltsev, acting head of the ministry of internal affairs. vladimir putin proposed boris kovalchuk for the post of chairman of the accounts chamber. konstantin chuichenko, who held the post of minister of justice, can... continue to work in this position, and the president also considers it correct to reappoint viktor zolotov as head of the russian guard, and dmitry kochnev as director of the federal security service. the head of state also positively assessed the work of sergei naryshkin as head of the foreign service intelligence. alexandra bortnikov, as director of the federal security service, both can retain their posts. in addition, vladimir putin proposed to retain alexander linz in his position. head of
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the main directorate of social programs of the president. the federation council will sum up the results of the discussion of candidates tomorrow, may 14. let me remind you that according to the constitution, the president appoints ministers responsible for defense and security of the state, as well as foreign affairs, after consultation with the federation council. we are now let's tell you more about andrei belousov, vladimir putin proposed him as a candidate for the post of minister of defense. andrei belousov was born in 1959. his father went through the great patriotic war, worked in it for the ussr state planning committee, and participated in the development of the successful kosygin economic reform in the 1960s. belausov graduated from physics school, then with honors from the faculty of economics and moscow state university, studied sambo and krate, worked at the institute of economics and forecasting scientific and technological progress, academy of sciences of the ussr, doctor of economic sciences. late 1990 advised prime ministers. from 2006 to 2008
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he was deputy minister of economic development and trade, then until 2012 he was director of the department of economics and finance of the russian government. during 2008 , belousov personally prepared anti-crisis documents for vladimir putin. in 2012 , he headed the ministry of economic development and trade, then was appointed assistant. several air targets were shot down over belgorod and the belgorod region early in the morning, as regional authorities say, there were no casualties, but there was noticeable damage, including in one of the villages a private residential building and other buildings were destroyed. in belgorod itself , debris is being cleared at the site where the entrance to a high-rise building collapsed. the death toll by this hour had risen to 15 people. our special
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correspondent, igor pikhanov, will talk about the progress of work. ukrainian militants burn houses and cars all day. they are hitting belgorod, the missile warning signal is almost never silenced, residential buildings and social institutions are under attack, a densely populated area of ​​the city is under fire. according to regional authorities, three people were killed during the evening attack, including including a seventeen-year-old girl, at least five other people were injured. i was there when the first blow happened, i was still in the kitchen, the second blow and the subsequent one, i had already jumped out into the hallway, near the bathtub with a toilet, where there were no windows or anything. and then an explosion was heard. everything, and then i screamed, because my husband was still in the room, i just don’t remember, in the living room or in the bedroom, so i said, oh, that’s all, but thank god we’re alive, here, but we only have damaged, three frames in the apartment were damaged, but i took out the front door and took the door out
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tambura, the air defense unit destroys most of the shells while still in the air, the vampire and lch missiles were shot down, as well as a tactical missile point at 11 o'clock... part of the broken missile fell on a ten-story building, an explosion occurred, an entire entrance collapsed, to help people operational services immediately arrived, including doctors from the belgorod self-defense, helped the wounded, and evacuated people from the building. we provided first aid and, naturally, evacuated all people to all over the house. they went through all the apartments and provided first aid; you understand, someone was having a breakdown, panic, hysteria. helped evacuate the grandparents. large-scale search and rescue operations are being carried out at the site of the tragedy; they are taking place in the dark. during the day , a living person was rescued from under the rubble. in order to get to it, emergency situations ministry employees dismantled the concrete structures for more than four hours.
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heavy equipment is working to eliminate the consequences of the shelling, it arrived here from all over the region, heavy concrete blocks promptly retrieved and transported. all victims are provided with necessary medical care. their colleagues from federal medical centers have also been sent to help local doctors. teams from the federal center arrived, held an introductory meeting, now we are going to examine the patients, based on the results we will understand who we send to the federal clinic and who we leave to treat on site. rescuers at the scene of the tragedy are working, despite the risk of concrete structures collapsing. work is suspended only during air alarms and shelling, hundreds of residents arrive on the scene. region offers help, brings food and water for rescuers, hot meals are organized, we brought masks, gloves, hot meals, we have hot tea, we have sandwiches for the guys, we also have blankets, and what residents and those need now , who
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is helping to sort out the rubble at the moment, people are responding in the belgorod region, in belgorod, whenever something happens, we all rally together, so everyone participates, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity, yes, probably not everyone has a need to come here, but we decided that the guys who are now clearing out the rubble of volunteer rescuers really need our help, so in fact we are here now, the residents of the apartment building have been allocated places in temporary accommodation centers, food and clothing are provided there , police officers will help, if necessary , restore lost documents, people were taken out, that is, the main part left. to their familiar relatives, some of them are placed in temporary accommodation centers in belgorod is a safe territory, so all the necessary food, accommodation, psychologists, doctors are there, they are all there. rescuers will carry out a complex of work, then an examination of the houses, and then, in
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accordance with the examination, we will make decisions about the future fate of the house. the suburbs of the regional center also came under fire. there is serious damage. municipal services promptly. eliminates the consequences of shelling. igor pikhanov, mikhail vidkin, alena zykova. news belgorod region. the roar of powerful explosions was heard the night before in the evening in different regions of ukraine. already in the morning, reports of a new series of attacks came from kharkov, where exactly this happened and what consequences the local authorities did not specify to the media. explosions also occurred in the city around midnight. a little earlier, the same information was received about the situation in mirgorod, poltava region. the detonation was reported in the controlled area. regime of kherson, air raid sirens were heard in five regions of ukraine in recent hours. in the special operation zone , the crew of the k-52m helicopter successfully hit a ukrainian armed forces unit. the pilots received combat task, they flew to the specified targets and
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struck with unguided aircraft missiles. as a result, the nationalist unit was destroyed. then the helicopter crew performed an anti-missile maneuver and returned to the airfield. a combat mission arrived, they carried out a combat sortie, along the route the pan suggested the coordinates of the target and worked with unguided missile weapons. hit the target targets against enemy personnel and returned to the airfield without incident. the offensive of russian troops in the kharikov region will weaken ukrainian defense on other sectors of the front. this statement was made by general of the french army francois chavoncy. he emphasized: “the armed forces of ukraine will be forced to transfer reserves from other directions, and this will inevitably lead to problems in the defensive lines. the offensive of the russian army in the kharkov direction may force kiev to transfer reserves there from
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other directions. if ukraine resorts to such a measure, then the positions of the armed forces of ukraine will be other directions will be weakened. active hostilities in the northeast will force ukrainian forces will redistribute ammunition and spend it more intensively outside the donbass. fsb officers detained a resident of primorye for espionage. according to operational data, the suspect. worked for ukrainian military intelligence, on the instructions of his curators, he collected and transmitted information about military infrastructure facilities in the region. a criminal case was initiated under the article of high treason. the man faces life imprisonment. now detained in custody, it is known that he is a native of vladivostok, a non-military himself, began working for ukrainian intelligence on his own initiative. this is the third resident of the primorsky territory recently detained for espionage. now the footage is from georgia in tbilis, but all night crowds of people rallied near
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the parliament building, now you can see very clearly on your screens eyewitness footage of how this happened, protesters came out demanding the withdrawal of the law on foreign agents, people built barricades, let’s show a few more frames , they built barricades, the police confronted them, security forces began to push back the demonstrators, fights broke out, and even power was cut off in the city center. a now economic news, konstantin churikov joins me. konstantin, good morning. the state duma will consider candidacies for deputy prime ministers today. what are the goals of the government’s updated economic block? yes, roman, hello, as the candidate for the post of first deputy prime minister denis manturov said. the main thing is technological sovereignty. the state duma today will consider the issue of approving ten deputy prime ministers of the russian government, including the first deputy prime minister. denis manturov is proposed for this post. previously he held the position of deputy head of the cabinet of ministers and also headed
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the ministry of industry and trade. his candidacy, among his other deputies, was submitted for consideration by prime minister mikhail mishustin, appointed by vladimir putin. the day before , deputies of relevant state duma committees met with the applicants. as denis manturov said, one of the most important tasks that he will deal with in his new position is the further development of industry and ensuring technological sovereignty.
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difficult weather conditions, despite frosts in some regions, we can
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to obtain the harvests that we need to ensure our food security, the same applies to livestock products, fisheries and processed products. previously , the ministry of agriculture promised to carry out re -sowing, where the seedlings died as a result of frosts, as... the department emphasized that all the necessary resources are available for this. nevertheless , there is still concern on the exchanges; grain futures quotes in chicago reached their highest values ​​since august. according to bloomberg, this happened because russia is the world's largest exporter of wheat, and some estimates for this year's harvest have already been reduced. well, at the end of the issue about currencies: the dollar today costs 90 rubles, 91 rubles, 82 kopecks. the euro exchange rate is 98.94. that's all i have for now. novel. konstantin, thank you, now to the latest message. today, the federation council
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begins consultations on the candidates proposed by vladimir putin for the posts of heads of law enforcement agencies. pemida, andrei belousov, former head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu has been appointed secretary of safbez. several air targets were shot down this morning over belgorod and the belgorod region. in the city, meanwhile, the rubble at the site of the collapse of the entrance to a high-rise building is being cleared away. the number of victims increased to 15 people. protests in tbilisi, crowds of people rallied outside the parliament all night, demanding the withdrawal of the law on foreign agents. barricades were erected in the square.
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the most difficult thing is in the ustishimsky district, where evacuation is taking place from nine settlements at once, the water level in rtsh and.
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i dug there, the water immediately gushed out, and we, i live there somewhere near the river, not far from the river, but in an hour we gathered there, left, what we had time to pack, we didn’t have time to do anything, that’s what we were wearing, we ran out, we just didn’t believe it, i didn’t believe it, that this is a container, it was a high container, that it will burn through, the entire container, if necessary, can accommodate 500 people, 300 places, there are in general.
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here about food and, as it were, about other conditions, so that everything is comfortable, dark, rescuers and heads of regional departments have been working in the usezhimsky district for several days now, the day before the head region, vitaly khotsenko flew to the flooded villages and talked with local residents, and just yesterday the first batch of humanitarian aid from ottom volunteers was delivered to ustishim, medicines, food, personal hygiene items and much more were sent to the affected villages. almost all
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districts of the omsk region participated in collecting funds for the purchase of wetsuits, boats, and rubber boots. as for forecasts, meanwhile, the water in the irtysh and ishim rivers continues to rise. at this hour, the level of the irtysh in the ustishimsky district already exceeds the critical level is more than half a meter. let me remind you that. more than 300 houses remain flooded, more than two dozen settlements remain cut off from the world, by this moment i have all the information so far, roman, neli, thank you, our correspondent, nelly skabelkina, was with the latest information captured by the floods of the omsk region. the third easter choir council was held in the main temple of the armed forces of the russian federation, seven military and orthodox vocal groups took part in it. they performed works of christian music.
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for the second month in a row, slutsky has been recognized as the best mentor in the top division of the chinese football championship. where does his team stand and how did they play last weekend. good morning, his club shanhai shanhua after eleven rounds has scored 27 points and is leading the table without a single defeat. this has never happened in the history of this team. and we are starting the release of the russian football championship, where the twenty-eighth round ended the day before. most goals were scored in sochi, where the last command of this. nizhny novgorod hosted the team this season and scored as many as six goals into the opponent’s goal; alexey sutarmin, who had not scored for two seasons, scored a double.
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thanks to this victory, sochi retained its chances of not being relegated directly to the first league, and parien was defeated in seven of the last eight matches. in voronezh, fakel played again with the score 0:0. on seros against the urals. this is already the seventh goalless strike of the season. lokomotiv beat orenburg a little earlier 2:0. maxim scored both goals. glushenkova, now he has 14 such assists in the season. well, after saturday’s matches, in which krasnodar and zenit lost to spartak and cska, dynamo moscow was able to take advantage of the mistakes of their competitors, beat baltika on the road and took clear first place. let me remind you that dynamo has not won the national championship in 48 years, it’s scary to imagine. let's move on to basketball, the semi-final stage continues in the vtb united league, and here, unlike football, cska. lost, however, the series score is still a draw 2:2. the match took place in moscow at megasport ended with a rather convincing victory for the club from st. petersburg 91-73.
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they became the most productive. who scored 21 points each. the next meeting of the series, which lasts up to four victories, will be held in the northern capital on may 16. in the other semi-final , lokomotiv-kuban leads kazan unics with a score of 2:1. russian tennis player karen khachanov reached the 1/8 finals of the masters in rome in the third round match, he beat the argentinean cherundala. the game ended in two games in favor of khachanov 6-2-6-4. became fifth in the history of their personal meetings, during all this time karen never conceded, after this victory he entered the fourth round, where he will meet with the chilean tabila, who in turn knocked out novak djokovic himself, although even before that they probably tried to knock out the serb in the literal sense words. after one of the matches , a bottle flew towards novak from the stands, as it turned out, the consequence was that one of the fans accidentally dropped it on djokovic’s head, who the very next
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day decided... to insure himself, he went out onto the cord of a plastic helmet, it saved him from bottles, from there is no defeat. meanwhile, alexander golovin , for the first time in his career, became the silver medalist of the french football championship with the monaco club, which, moreover, officially entered the group stage of the champions league 6 years later. the french ligue 1 was won again by the parisian club psg, for which kilian mbappe played his last match. he was able to score on his debut against toulouse. but his team lost 1:3 in a match that was no longer decisive for it, some fans booed mbappe, while others prepared a huge banner. previously, kylian announced that he would not renew his contract and would leave the team at the end of the season; official news about his transfer to real madrid is expected after the completion of the champions league final. in the women's handball super league, the second finalist of the season was determined; it was the rostov-don team,
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which defeated chernomoroch. the return game took place in rostov and ended with a confident victory for the local club with a score of 35-28. before that, the rostovites were stronger in the first match in novorossiysk (33:29). valeria kerdyasheva scored the most, she scored 10 goals, in the final rostov-don will play with cska. the first match will take place on the eighteenth in rostov-nadon, the return game on may 24 in moscow. that's all about sports for now, see you in the next one.
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