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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. serges' news, briefly. senators of the federation council today. discussion of candidates proposed by vladimir putin for the posts of heads of the imid security forces. the president, in particular, believes that andrei belousov should head the ministry of defense. previously, he worked as first deputy prime minister. early in the morning , russian air defense shot down several air targets over belgorod and the belgorod region. in belgorod itself, rubble is being cleared away at the site where the entrance to a high-rise building collapsed. number by this hour the death toll had risen to 15 people. in the omsk region, a state of emergency was introduced due to the flood. in three districts, about 800
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houses were flooded, the most acute situation in the ustishimsky district, the rescuer is evacuating residents of nine settlements at once. in primorye, a local resident was detained on suspicion of espionage; according to the fsb, he, on his own initiative, worked for the military intelligence of the kiev regime. the curators ordered the collection of information about military installations. the earth is experiencing a real geomagnetic storm, it began on friday for a couple'. here, the disturbance of the magnetosphere more than once reached the maximum level g5, but what is the danger of such flares and how often do they occur, evgeniy teshkovets will tell you. the solar storm continues. last weekend, our planet experienced several magnetic storms of maximum power g5. what usually happens once every ten years happened three times in just one day. how solar flares affected earthlings and earthly technology. what a unique event? became the reason for
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the incredible activity of our star when the magnetosphere will finally calm down. time for meteorological news on channel russia 24. i am evgeniy teshkovets, leading specialist at the fobas center. hello, solar activity is gradually decreasing, but it is too early to talk about the end of the storm. the past week will undoubtedly go down in the history of geophysical observations. it's been a while since our star behaved so restlessly. half a dozen powerful flares in just a few days. and time after time, our planet found itself in a stream of charged particles. the situation came to a head over the weekend. another magnetic storm has begun on friday evening. it intensified to a maximum class of g5 and lasted almost two days. then on sunday there was a short respite, but in the afternoon a storm arose in the magnetosphere again. the situation is absolutely unique. on may 11, three strikes were struck on the ground, three on ...
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the cloud, two of them came at night, at about one and about 4 o'clock moscow time, and one in the middle of the day, each of the strikes led to a storm of the fifth level, that is, it was said it was said correctly that there has been no fifth-level drill since 2005, that is, almost 20 years, here, essentially, we experienced three, three level five storms, essentially in one day. it must be said that, despite the anomalousness of the superstorm, the earth survived it without any problems, minor problems in the operation of local power grids. gps failure, deterioration in the quality of satellite internet, in general, no disaster, but fans of social networks managed to replenish their feeds with footage of the aurora, which this time fell in the eastern hemisphere to india and spain, in the west to mexico and even brazil. as for russia, aurora was seen, for example, in southern siberia, the volga region and the northwestern regions. today the magnetic storm on earth will continue, here is the solar activity curve.
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last weekend, those same three flares are three peaks on the graph, and right now we are in a stream of charged particles from the last emission, which was recorded from saturday to sunday, however... this is where the bad news ends and the good news begins. the fact is that all the storms of the past week were associated with one specific sunspot. it was formed in the southern hemisphere of the star and gradually grew to a huge size of 15 diameters of our planet. it itself will exist for some time, but fortunately the sun, like the earth, rotates around its axis. it is this center that is now going beyond the edge of the sun, on the same side of the sun as it is now. turns to the earth, it is significantly more friendly, from monday we will begin to gradually get out of this situation, from tuesday we will finally remove all risks, that is, everyone who is already waiting for these to end, in any case, tuesday is the very, very extreme border. so,
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another day of geomagnetic storm and another night of auroras awaits the earth. as for russia, most of our country is currently covered in clouds. in the anti-saclonal weather zone. godka is generally one of the most convenient regions of the country for observing aurora, as well as southern siberia and the european territory with the exception of the south and north-west. in other regions, unfortunately, you won’t be able to admire the aurora. breaks in the clouds will form over the lena valley this night. true, the magnetosphere is above yakutia will have calmed down by that time. in yakutsk today tomorrow +10:12. at night there is a slight minus. on wednesday the weather will worsen and it will rain. daytime. temperatures will gradually drop into the 80s on friday, but the frost will recede. in novosibirsk, the probability of an aurora coming night is about 10%. and the atmosphere will allow you to fully enjoy the celestial show if it takes place. during the day in the city it’s +23. at night, thermometers will show +10°.
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tomorrow the summer heat will peak at +27, and then southern siberia will be covered by atmospheric fronts. in rainy conditions the temperature will drop to +16. in in central russia, the week will pass according to the signs of the long-awaited warming, in moscow today it is still +10, this is 8° below the norm, but already on tuesday-wednesday we expect +14-16 with relatively no precipitation, on thursday it will be up to +20, a new portion of rain will arrive in the capital only by the end of the week. that's all for me, goodbye. now a short advertisement, then we will talk about the investment attractiveness of the far east. when you're happily cooking, dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. the tablet itself is gold with the intensive cleansing formula effectively removes baked-on stains. let you
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with discounts up to 15%. on yandex market. economic news. konstantin. the investment attractiveness of the far east is growing. yes, roman, as yuri trutnev said, we have already managed to attract more than 4 trillion rubles. the volume of investments in new enterprises in the far east by 2030. the candidate for the development of the far east and the arctic was stated by the duma committee position of deputy prime minister and plenipotentiary president in the far eastern federal district yuri trutnev. more than 4 three
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from the state duma budget committee said that the ministry of finance will prepare amendments to the budget code due to an increase in the planning horizon to 6 years. new financial plans will ensure that the budget is filled taking into account this extended period, while maintaining all social guidelines. this is support for citizens, support for people, primarily those who need government assistance, these are families with children, this is those people who... who need to be supported in their income, these are
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the people who need social assistance from the state; of course, all those tasks that were implemented as defined by the president will be fully provided with resources. experts do not rule out a jump in dollar volatility this week. on wednesday, the us will publish inflation data for april. she, according to preliminary data. may show the first slowdown in growth in six months, the core consumer price index is expected to rise by april by 0.3% month-on-month, and this is the first decrease since october; over the year, the figure could have grown by 3.6%, which would be the lowest value since april 2021, and this, in turn, would put pressure on the american currency, since market participants will again begin to bet on an earlier easing of the fed's monetary policy, but a non-negative surprise is also possible, as was the case with march inflation on april 10, then the dollar , on the contrary, will rise sharply due to the strict
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fawning sentiments of the federal reserve. well, at the end of the issue it’s just about the dollar, it today it costs 91 rubles 82 kopecks. the euro exchange rate is 9894. that's all the economic news for now. what if the bank? there will be only banking services, no vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, like that, ural sip bank, nothing more, today in the federation council they are starting to discuss candidates who... putin nominated for leadership positions foreign ministry and law enforcement agencies, in particular, the president
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proposed appointing andrei belousov as minister of defense. sergei shaigu will become secretary of the security council. shot down early in the morning in the belgorod region several air targets, no casualties. in belgorod itself, debris is being cleared at the site of the collapse of the entrance to a multi-storey building. the death toll rose to 15 people. it was restless all night in sberis, crowds of people rallied near the parliament. protesters are demanding that the law be withdrawn. at the agents, by the morning the police tried to push back the demonstrators, and clashes began between law enforcement officers. the first round of the presidential elections in lithuania has ended, none of the candidates received the number of votes required to win, the current head of state 46%, his rival the current prime minister a little more than 16%. in russia and belarus, preparations are in full swing for joint exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons...
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specific threats. what threats are we talking about? actions to prevent it are completely and very simple: the idea of ​​​​sending western troops to ukraine. french president macron started this topic back in february. now he is offering his nuclear potential to the european union, saying it is for creation.
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the junta in kiev to hit targets in the depths with british long-range missiles russian territory. this is all just the other day, on thursday, the former supreme commander of nato allied armed forces in europe, american four-star admiral james stavridis, said that in the event of war, kaliningrad will need to be neutralized. well, what is this? may be? should russia then neutralize hamburg or neutralize london straight away? specifically, in response to these threats, russia is beginning the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces. in these actions there is clear determination and readiness to use weapons that we previously never used. we
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have never answered anyone like this before. secondly, if we were to list something unprecedented, it would be a frank demonstration of nuclear cooperation with minsk. there was nothing like this before. at the request of president lukashenko, our nuclear weapons were recently deployed in belarus, and now we are training together. since it is located on the territory of belarus. not strategic nuclear weapons, then this time we offered our friends, allies, and the president of belarus asked about this to take part in one of stages of this exercise, we conduct them regularly, this time they are carried out in three stages, at the second stage, belarusian colleagues
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will join our joint actions, the ministry of defense and... the general staffs of our armies have given appropriate instructions, they have begun joint training. well , finally, thirdly, the training of our non-strategic forces in response to western threats was announced the day before the inauguration. this is precisely a gesture, a gesture that speaks of putin’s uncompromising intention to defend the interests of russia, using all our military arsenal. and now the time is such that there are not many options...
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with a caliber of 152 mm, where the destructive power is nuclear bombs, torpedoes and even artillery shells , explosion, different powers in wasted equivalent from tons to tens of kilotons, this is a tactical nuclear weapon, if we speak about the limits of reach, then a strategic weapon is always... there is less and less here, but still there is also something to think about. for example,
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it is not sea -based strategic missiles that have a range of 2,500 km, but a nuclear charge power of tens of kilotons, many or few? here you go. over japanese hiroshima in august 1945, the americans exploded an atomic bomb with a power of 15 kilotons, a few days later with a one-gasaki bomb of 20 kilotons. by today's standards, this is exactly not a strategic nuclear weapon; otherwise it is also called tactical. tactical nuclear weapons are not subject to international registration.
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romania and poland, where is the line? in general, some actions in response to the growing threats against russia have recently suggested themselves, either a nuclear explosion, or something else. topic. at one time, forcing the west to peace turned out to be successful thanks to demonstrative tests of the soviet tsar bomb at the test site of the polar archipelago of novaya zemlya. 1961 this is the world's first thermonuclear explosion, with a yield of 58 megatons. initially,
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it was planned to explode 100 megatons, the power is unlimited, but then they wisely stopped at half, otherwise the planet could split. however, even so the effect was such that the blast wave encircled the earth three times, there was a flash. just after the explosion of the soviet tsar bomb, the united states went to many agreements on the limitation of nuclear weapons, as a result, an era called détente began. these days , president putin also decides to respond to growing threats, to respond with exercises. strategic nuclear forces at this stage, but still, how is it to understand? if you want a metaphor,
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a kind of non-contact karate is now being played out. karate - an oriental martial art originated precisely as a non-contact one in the sense of first demonstrating with all determination the technique of blows without hurting enemy, but such blows, if they were carried out. masters of the highest class, but incorrect calculations, as a result of unplanned contact, even but...
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him happen, making it clear that it is better not to, but then it comes to contact combat, for the predator, the bandit, everything ends badly.
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in general, non-contact karate is also practiced by children for educational purposes, but if we continue the metaphor with non-contact karate now, then at the upcoming exercises everything will be like an adult. during the inspection. special ammunition will be supplied to missile and aircraft military units, loading them onto launchers and suspending aircraft. at the same time, aviation military units will prepare front-line su-25 attack aircraft with special ammunition to support the defending troops and inflict unacceptable damage on the enemy. your brother is there in the donbass in
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the aurora battalion, so he’s alive, no one will know anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, where is the war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you , get ready to blow your breath, we're listing your brother as missing, no no no he will go, i came for him, i have to find him, hope.
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the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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senators of the federation council today begin discussing the candidates proposed by vladimir putin for the posts of heads of law enforcement agencies of raya imida. the president, in particular , believes that andrei belousov should head the ministry of defense. previously, he worked as first deputy prime minister. early morning russian.


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