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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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senators of the federation council today begin discussing the candidates proposed by vladimir putin for the posts of heads of the security forces of the imid. the president, in particular, believes that andrei belousov should head the ministry of defense. previously, he worked as first deputy prime minister. early morning russian.
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the fvo shot down several air targets over belgorod and the belgorod region. in belgorod itself, they have completed clearing the rubble at the site of the collapse of the entrance to a high-rise building. the death toll by this hour had risen to 15 people. in the omsk region, due to the flood, a regime was introduced emergency in three regions. about 800 houses were sunk. the most acute situation is in the ustishimsky district. the rescuers are evacuating residents of nine settlements at once. in primorye , a local resident was detained on suspicion of espionage. according to the fsb. the federation council begins today consultations on the candidates proposed by vladimir putin for the posts of heads of law enforcement agencies and the ministry of defense. so the president nominated andrei belousov, who previously worked as first deputy prime minister, for the post of defense minister. sergei shaigui moved to a new post by order of the head of state. he
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becomes secretary of the country's security council. former secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev was relieved of his post due to a transfer to another job. as for the foreign ministry, according to vladimir putin, it should still be headed by sergei lavrov. alexander kurenkov, who headed the ministry of emergency situations in the previous government, may also retain his post. the same situation is with vladimir kolokoltsev, acting head of the ministry of internal affairs. vladimir putin proposed boris for the post of chairman of the accounts chamber. kovalchuk. konstantin chuychenko, who served as minister of justice, can continue to work in this position. the president also considers it correct to reappoint viktor zolotov as head of the russian guard, and dmitry kochnev as director of the federal security service. the head of state positively assessed the work of sergei naryshkin as head of the foreign intelligence service, and alexander bortnikov as director of the federal security service. both can keep their posts. in addition, vladimir putin proposed. retain
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alexander lints as chief main directorate of special programs of the president. the federation council will sum up the results of the discussion of candidates tomorrow, may 14. let me remind you that according to the constitution, the president appoints ministers responsible for matters of defense and security of the state, as well as foreign affairs, after consultation with the federation council. and the kremlin explained the choice of candidates made by vladimir putin, according to presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, each. does the decision have a clear rationale? decrees on villagers were received by the federation council, speaking according to security officials, these are the heads of departments of the security bloc, which are under the department of the head of state. they entered the federation council and you have already seen all this in the media. i want to tell you the following: sergei kuzhege shaigu, he was relieved of his post by decree of the president, the minister of defense of the russian federation. also appointed by decree
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of the president of the russian federation, secretary of the security council of the russian federation. nikolai platonovich patrushev, relieved of his post as secretary of the security council in connection with the transition to another job. he continues to work, over the next few days we will inform you where nikolai platonovich will continue his activities. andreyovich belausov, as you know, has been appointed minister of defense. this is where i wanted to be. to explain a little, the budget of the ministry of defense and the security bloc, it was quite recently around 3%, then it grew to 3.4%. and most recently it has grown to 6.7%. this, together with all law enforcement agencies, among which the ministry of defense, of course, occupies key positions, since it is the ministry of defense. is responsible
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for placing all orders to industry, this is not a critical figure yet, but we are gradually getting closer, due to known reasons. due to the well-known geopolitical circumstances around us, the situation in the mid -eighties, when this share of spending on the power bloc in the economy was 7.4%. i repeat this again, it is not critical, but it is extremely important and it requires special attention. it is very important to fit the economy of the power bloc into the economy of the country, to write it off so that it... corresponds to the dynamics of the current moment, the second thing that is probably important to note is that today on the battlefield, the winner is the one who is open, more open to innovation, more open to the most rapid implementation, so
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it is natural that at the current stage the president decided to have the ministry of defense head a civilian, and this is not just a civilian, but a person who...
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is currently being considered, as for sergei kuzhgevich shaigu, he is in the position of secretary of the security council, and will simultaneously be deputy president commission on the military-industrial complex, and he is deeply immersed in this work, he knows very well the pace of production of military-industrial products at specific enterprises, and often visits these enterprises.
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several air targets were shot down over belgorod and the belgorod region early in the morning, as regional authorities say, there were no casualties, but there was noticeable damage, including the destruction of a private residential building and other buildings in one of the villages. in belgorod itself, they have completed clearing the rubble at the site of the collapse of the entrance to a high-rise building, the number of deaths by this hour grew to 15 people. our special correspondent igor pikhanov will talk about the progress of work. burning houses and cars all day long , ukrainian militants have been attacking belgorod, the missile warning signal practically never stops, residential buildings and social institutions are under attack, a densely populated area of ​​the city is under fire, according to regional authorities, three people were killed during the evening attack,
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including a seventeen-year-old girl, at least five more people were injured. i was there when the first blow was still in the kitchen, the second blow and the subsequent one i was already ran out to the parish.
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provided first aid, you know, someone is having a breakdown, panic, hysteria, helped evacuate grandparents, large-scale search and rescue operations are being carried out at the scene of the tragedies, they are carrying out their... all victims are provided with the necessary medical care, also to help local their colleagues from federal medical centers have been sent to doctors, teams from... the center have arrived and held an orientation meeting, now we are going to examine the patients,
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based on the results we will understand who we are sending to federal clinic, whom we leave to treat on the spot. rescuers at the scene of the tragedy are working, despite the risk of concrete structures collapsing; work is suspended only during an air raid and shelling; hundreds of area residents arrive at the site, offer assistance, bring food and water for rescuers, and provide hot meals. we brought it. masks, gloves, hot meals, we have hot tea, we have sandwiches for the guys, what else do we have, what the residents and those who are helping clear the rubble now need at the moment, people are responding in the belgorod region, in belgorod, whenever something happens, our whole people unites, so everyone participates, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity, and probably not everyone has the need. to come here, but we decided that the guys who are now clearing away the rubble of volunteer rescuers really need our help, so
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in fact, we are here now, the residents of the apartment building have been allocated places in temporary accommodation centers, food, clothing, and staff are provided there the police will help, if necessary , restore lost documents. people were taken out, that is, the main part went to their familiar relatives, some of them were stationed at a gremenny accommodation center in belgorod, a territory safe from shelling. therefore, all the necessary food, accommodation, psychologists, doctors are there, they are all there. rescuers will carry out a complex of work, then an examination of the houses, and then, in accordance with the examination, we will make decisions about the future fate of the house. suburbs also came under fire regional center. there is serious damage. municipal services quickly eliminate the consequences of shelling. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, alena zykova, vesti belgorod region. bolt. powerful explosions were heard the night before in different regions of ukraine. already in the morning, reports of
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a new series of attacks came from kharkov. where exactly this happened and what consequences the local media did not specify. explosions in the city also occurred closer to midnight, a little earlier, the same information was received about the situation in mirgorod, poltava region. about detonations were reported in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime. air raid sirens have been heard in five regions of ukraine in recent hours. in the zaporozhye direction , the russian military improved its position in the battles for the liberation of rabotin, and the ukrainian armed forces unit lost the ability to stage surprise attacks. this is largely the merit of one of the attack aircraft, who alone for 3 weeks destroyed the militants and learned about their plans. our war correspondent, stanislav vasilchenko, will tell you how this was done. thousands of mine craters and rockets, hundreds destroyed to the ground houses and piles of burnt equipment. this is what the village of rabotina looks like today, where the fiercest battles are taking place in the zaporozhye direction.
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as part of the dnepr group of troops, fighters of the 71st motorized rifle regiment knock out the remaining ukronazis from their positions. the enemy has holed up in the surviving basements in the north of the village and from there, using kamikaza drones, is conducting a remote hunt for our military personnel. however, lately it has become impossible to act suddenly. this monitor clearly shows the territory of rabotin, including the one that is still held by ukrainian neo-nazis. information. almost impossible, the task was to advance as far as possible to the north of rabotin to gain a foothold. the fighter, remaining
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unnoticed, came almost close to the enemy positions and held his own for 21 days. in 3 weeks, he managed to capture several radios, an electronic warfare station, mine the paths along which the ukrainian military was advancing and destroy at least twelve militants. the ukronazis had no idea that all this time they were being opposed by only one russian serviceman. they... had no idea at all where they were being shot from, who was holding them, who was blowing them up, they had no idea at 21 days, they didn’t know where they were being shot from, i ... understood this, because when i he picked up their radio, and on the radio i heard everything about their conversations, their points, where and how they were moving. the enemy still discovered bely’s position and sent swarms of drones towards it, but the fighter managed to survive and return to his own. now he is undergoing rehabilitation in the hospital, he has shrapnel wounds, concussion and dehydration, but the task
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carried out, thanks to the action of bely , two enemy assault groups, a mortar, and information received through the enemy radio were destroyed. helped to build new tactics and move even further north. while bely was there, he was constantly in touch with us, not only was the enemy literally trampling on him there, that is, he hid and transmitted their communications to us through the station. it was always from him. commander, there is some kind of plan, there is something to do, that is, there was a constant initiative from him to smash the enemy. freeing up work russian soldiers perform heroic deeds every day, which cannot be said about the armed forces of ukraine, according to the words. riflemen, the morale in the ukrainian army is falling, neo-nazis have begun to surrender more often , abandoning their positions without a fight, and this, despite the fact that for kiev rabotin is a strategically important settlement through which the road to takmak and melitopol opens. in any case, this behavior of the enemy only simplifies the work of russian units. meanwhile, the command already knows about the fighter with the call sign belaya and on the local radio wave, where motorized riflemen are informed
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the latest news from the front, such information has already been announced. stanislav vasilchenko, valery vinakurov, irina zaborskaya. news: southern sector of military special operation. the american authorities are ready to do anything to relieve ukraine of responsibility for the shelling of russian cities. this statement was made by the russian ambassador to washington anatoly antonov. he called the policy of the collective west a cover-up for terrorism. according to the diplomat, the russian armed forces
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need to increase combat operations. antonov emphasized that there are no compromises unacceptable as long as kyiv. uses american weapons to attack civilians. the first presidential elections have ended in lithuania. none of the candidates managed to get the number of votes required to win. the current head of state, getanas nausėda, scored 46%. in second place is prime minister ingrida simonyte with 16%. the company's leaders have repeatedly proposed various ways to counteract russia, supported the idea of ​​ukraine joining nato, and
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, as scary as it may seem, one of the criminals attacked a man, he had to fight back, a fight broke out, there were no police nearby, the impudence with which the robbers act in the center of london is surprising, they are not embarrassed by eyewitnesses, or video footage, nothing, look how it all happens, big water has come to the omsk region, a state of emergency has been introduced in three areas in the north of the region, about 800 houses were flooded, almost half... including in the village of ashivan, where the dam broke. people have so far been taken to a neighboring area, but it is also under threat of flooding. the water level in the rivers is rising rapidly, in rtsh there is already more the roads were flooded by more than half a meter, exceeding critical levels, as a result, 20 villages were cut off from the mainland. everything you need
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is brought there by boat. rescuers are working in the affected areas. the first one was delivered the day before. a batch of humanitarian aid, including food, water, hygiene products and medicines. now economic news, konstantin churikov joins me. konstantin, good morning. the state duma will consider candidacies for deputy prime ministers today. what are the goals of the government’s updated economic bloc? roman, hello, how are you? said the candidate for the post of first deputy prime minister denis manturov, the main thing is technological sovereignty. so, the state duma today will consider the approval of ten deputy prime ministers of russia. including the first deputy prime minister. denis manturov is proposed for this post. previously, he served as deputy head of the cabinet of ministers and also headed the ministry of industry and trade. his candidacy, among his other deputies. the proposal was submitted by prime minister mikhail mishustin, appointed by vladimir putin. the day before , deputies from relevant areas met with the applicants state duma committees. as denis
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manturov said, one of the main tasks that he will deal with in his new position is the further development of industry and ensuring technological sovereignty. the continuity of the course of the ministry of industry and tourism will continue under the new head of the ministry. in terms of industry. even more attention needs to be paid to achieving technological sovereignty; for this , the format of new national projects will intensify work in interdisciplinary sectors, i mean the production of machine tools and fixed assets production, industrial robots, as well as the formation of a full production cycle for chemical products, for us the main guideline is the recent message of the president to the federal assembly and the new decree that was signed not so long ago on national development goals in terms of industry, this is, of course, first of all
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ensuring technological sovereignty, the real sector must make its contribution to several types of security, this includes food security, transport, information, energy, in order to keep our critical infrastructure running smoothly. russia will receive the harvests needed for food.
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sowing, where the seedlings died as a result of frosts. as it was emphasized earlier, the ministry of agriculture promised to carry out a repeat of the department, for this there are all the necessary resources. nevertheless, there is still anxiety on the stock exchanges. grain futures prices in chicago reached their highest levels. high values ​​since august, according to bloomberg, this happened after some estimates for the harvest in russia for the current year were reduced, while how our country is the world's largest exporter of wheat. well, at the end of the issue, as always, i’ll tell you about currencies: the dollar today costs 91 rubles, 82 kopecks. the euro exchange rate is 98.94, that ’s all i have for now. konstantin, thank you, now to the latest messages. today is the federation council. begins consultations on the candidates proposed by vladimir putin for the posts of heads of law enforcement agencies and the ministry of defense, andrei belousov was proposed as the minister of defense, and the former head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu was appointed secretary of the security council. several at once
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air targets were shot down this morning over belgorod and the belgorod district in the city completed clearing the rubble at the site of the collapse of the entrance to a high-rise building, 15 dead were pulled out of the rubble, and another 17 people were saved. protest rally in tbilisi, crowd of people all night. the current head of state, he has 46% of the votes; his opponent is the current prime minister, she got a little more than 16%. sports news, daniela makhalin, good morning, the playoffs continue in the national hockey league, how did russian hockey players perform in the past games? good morning, an assist from vladimir tarasenko and 16
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saves from sergei bobrovsky helped florida beat boston, the series score so far 3:1 in florida's favor. and we are starting the release of the russian football championship, where the twenty-eighth round ended the day before. most of the goals were scored in sochi, where the last team of this season hosted nizhny novgorod and knocked out the opponent's goal. six goals, a double scored by alexei sutarmin, who had not scored for two seasons. sochi, thanks to this victory , retained its chances of not being relegated directly to the first league, and parien has lost seven of his last eight matches. in voronezh, fakel played again with the score 0:0. this time against the urals. this is necha faykel's seventh scoreless goal of the season. lokomotiv beat orenburg a little earlier 2:0, both goals were scored by maxim glushenkov. now he has 14 such assists in the season. well, after saturday’s matches, in which krasnodar and zenit lost to spartak and cska, dynamo moscow was able to take advantage of the mistakes of their competitors, beat baltika on the road and took clear
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first place. let me remind you that dynamo is not won the national championship for 48 years. let's move on to basketball, the semi-final stage continues in the vtb united league, and here, unlike football, cska zenito lost, although the series score is still a draw, 2:2. the match took place in moscow at megasport and ended with a rather convincing victory for the club from st. petersburg 91:73; the most productive were trend fraser and vince hunter, who scored 21 points each. the next meeting of the series, which lasts up to four victories, will be held in the northern capital on may 16. in the other semi-final lokomotiv kuban leads with a score of 2:1 against kazan unics. russian tennis player karenkhanov reached the 1/8 finals of the masters in rome in the third round match, he beat the argentinean cherundala. the game ended in two games in favor of khachanov. 6:2, 6:4 and became the fifth in the history of their personal meetings. during all this time, karen
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never yielded. after this one. victory, he entered the fourth round, where he will meet with the chelean tabila, who in turn knocked out novak djokovic himself, although even before that the serbs probably tried to knock him out in the literal sense of the word, after one of the matches against novak a bottle flew from the stands, as it turned out, subsequently one of the fans accidentally dropped it on djokovic’s head, who the very next day decided to play it safe and went out to play in a plastic helmet, which saved him from bottles, but not from defeat. at the same time , bayern leverkusen no longer knows what defeat is at all. the german club broke its own european record and played its fiftieth match without losing. such a long series of the team, which is led by the spaniard xabi alonso, began precisely in the match against bochum 352 days ago, but did not loop on it. bayer confidently won 5:0 against this club this season and can still extend its unbeaten streak if it wins
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the last championship match. in the europa league final in the german cup final. russian judaists won two gold, two silver and three bronze at the grand slam rating tournament in astana. the victory was celebrated by lightweights ramazan abdullaev and murat chapana. second place went to sabina gilyazova and danil lavrentiev. the third place was taken by makhmatbek, makhmatbekov, nadezhda tatarchenko and eli startseva. the final start before the olympic games in paris will be the world championships. in abu dhabi, which will be held from may 19 to 23. that's all about sports for now, see you in the next hour.
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mid-hour news, briefly.


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