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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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who will head the government's military bloc? why did the president propose economist andrei belousov for the post of defense minister? well, the state duma will approve the candidates for deputy prime ministers today, what can we expect from the updated economic bloc of the cabinet of ministers? several enemy targets were shot down over the belgorod region in the morning; in the meantime, in belgorod , the clearance of the rubble at the site of a collapsed entrance was completed, killing 15 people. there is high water in the omsk region, a state of emergency has been introduced in several areas, the level of the irtash and ishim is rising. solar storm on earth, disturbance of the magnetosphere. what is the danger of such outbreaks and
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how often do they happen? the federation council begins today consultations on the candidates proposed by vladimir putin for the posts of heads of law enforcement agencies and the mido. so the president nominated andrei belousov, who previously worked as first deputy prime minister, for the post of defense minister. sergei shaigui moved to a new post by decree of the head of state, he becomes secretary. security council. former secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev relieved of his position due to a transfer to another job. as for the foreign ministry, according to vladimir putin, it should still be headed by sergei lavrov. alexander kurenkov, who was in the past as part of the government that led the ministry of emergency situations, can also retain his post. the same situation is with vladimir kolokoltsev, acting head of the ministry of internal affairs. vladimir putin proposed boris kovalchuk for the post of chairman of the accounts chamber. konstantin chuychenko, who held the post.
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the minister of justice can continue to work in this position, the president also believes it is correct to reappoint viktor zolotov as head of the russian guard, and dmitry kochnev as director of the federal security service. the head of state also positively assessed the work of sergei naryshkin as head of the foreign intelligence service, and alexander bortnikov as director of the federal security service. both can keep their posts. in addition, vladimir putin proposed retaining alexander lints as head of the main department. special programs of the president. the federation council will sum up the results of the discussion of candidates tomorrow, may 14. let me remind you that constitution, the president appoints ministers responsible for matters of defense and security of the state, as well as foreign affairs, after consultation with the federation council. well, the kremlin explained the choice of candidates made by vladimir putin; according to presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, each decision has a clear justification. indicates. according to
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the security forces, they entered the federation council, speaking according to the security forces, these are the heads of departments of the security bloc, which are under the department of the head of state, they entered the council federations and all this you have already seen in the media. i want to tell you the following: sergei kuzhege shaigu, he was relieved of his post by decree of the president, minister of defense of the russian federation and was also appointed secretary by decree of the president of the russian federation. security council of the russian federation. nikolai platonovich patrushev, relieved of his post as secretary of the security council due to his transfer to another job. he continues to work. and over the next few days we will let you know you, where nikolai platonovich will continue his activities. as you know, andrei iranovich belousov has been appointed minister of defense. here i would like to clarify a little: the budget of the ministry of defense and the security bloc.
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quite recently it was still around 3%, then it grew to 3.4%, and most recently it grew to 6.7%. this, together with all law enforcement agencies, among which the ministry of defense, of course, occupies key positions, since it is the ministry of defense that is responsible for placing all orders in industry, this is not a critical figure yet, but we are gradually approaching, for known reasons, due to known geopolitical circumstances around us, to the situation in the mid -eighties, when this share of spending on the rural block in the economy was 7.4%. i repeat, this is not critical, but it is extremely important, and it requires a special attitude, very important. write off the economy
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of the power bloc as the economy of the country, write it off so that it corresponds to the dynamics of the current moment, second: probably what is important to note is that this is today on the battlefield the one who is open, more open to innovation, more open to the most rapid implementation wins, therefore, naturally, at the current stage, the president decided that the ministry of defense should be headed by a civilian, and this is not just a civilian, but a person who led a very successful ministry of economic development of russia, who for a long time was the assistant to the president on economic issues, and also in the previous cabinet of ministers, was first deputy chairman of the government. the ministry of defense must be absolutely open to
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innovation, to introduce all advanced ideas, to create conditions for economic competitiveness, and so... that is why, that is why the president chose the candidacy of andrei rymich belous. as for the military component, this appointment will in no way change the current coordinate system. the military component has always been the prerogative of the chief of the general staff. he will continue his activities. there are no changes in this regard yet not currently provided. as for sergei kruzhgevich shalgu. in the position of secretary of the security council, will simultaneously be deputy president in the commission on the military-industrial complex, and he is deeply immersed in this work, he knows very well the rate of production of military-industrial products at specific
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enterprises, often visits these enterprises, and you already know that this was also the case before it is reported that date for the post of minister of defense. andrey belousov was born in 1959. his father passed great patriotic war. he worked at the state planning institute of the ussr and participated in the development of the successful kosygin economic reform in the 1960s. belousov graduated from physics school,
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then with honors from the faculty of economics and moscow state university, studied sambo and krate, worked at the institute of economics and forecasting scientific and technological progress of the ussr academy of sciences. doctor of economic sciences. in the late 1990s, he advised prime ministers yevgeny primakov and sergei stepashin. headed the center for macroeconomic analysis of short-term forecasting. from 2006 to 2008: deputy minister of economic development and trade. then, until 2012, he was director of the department of economics and finance of the russian government. during 2008, belousov personally prepared anti-crisis documents for vladimir putin. in 2012 he headed the ministry of economic development, then was appointed assistant to the russian president for economic issues. in january 2020, belousov took the post of first deputy chairman of the russian government.
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several air targets were shot down over belgorod and the belgorod region early in the morning, as they say regional authorities, there were no casualties, but there was noticeable damage, including the destruction of a private residential building in one of the villages. in belgorod itself, the analysis of the kutra was completed. rubble at the site of the collapse of a high-rise building entrance. our special correspondent igor pikhanov observed the progress of the work. he's live. igor, welcome, what is known about the results of the search and rescue operation. hello roman. well, let me start with the operational situation. last night was difficult for residents of the belgoruz region. ukrainian militants attacked with rockets. most of them were shot down by anti-aircraft units. defense, but as the head of the region vyacheslav glotkov reported in his telegram channel, in the border settlement of the belogorodsky region, one of the shells fell directly on a private estate, the structure received serious damage, but the owners
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miraculously survived, another village also came under fire, the shell collapsed in a field, the grass began to fall, now there are difficult weather conditions in the region, strong winds are blowing, the fire could flare up quickly, we arrived at the scene quickly emergency situations ministry employees extinguished this fire, and ukrainian militants also fired at the fire the night before. belgorod was hit with rockets, the residential sector came under fire, as a result, three people were killed, and five more were injured, five more were injured. search and rescue operations were carried out approximately all night at the site of the partial collapse of an apartment building, they were interrupted only during the signal missile danger, by approximately 6:30 am this work... was completed, the ministry of emergency situations reports, in as a result, the bodies of 15 people were found,
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in total, during the shelling of a residential building in belgorod, 17 people were injured, now all wounded patients are receiving the necessary medical care ; their colleagues from federal medical centers arrived to help belogorod doctors, now there are all the necessary specialists to treat patients and the equipment necessary for this, in addition, in all areas affected by shelling , the consequences of these shellings are being eliminated, municipal services are working, public utilities are working - this ten-story apartment building is no longer suitable for habitation, there is a threat of collapse, so the territory is cordoned off by police and russian guards, people, people are provided with places in temporary accommodation centers, there they are given all
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the necessary assistance, this is provided with hot food, clothing if necessary, are provided, in addition, if people have lost their documents, the police will help with their restoration. roman, igor, thank you, in direct communication from belgorod there was our special correspondent, igor pikhanov. pope francis expressed his condolences to the relatives of those killed in belgorod. he strongly condemned the attacks on civilians. this was reported by a representative of the world union of old believers. ekaterina radaeva will tell you how western politicians reacted to the terrorist attack. the ukrainian army is conducting terrorist attacks on belgorod, but the western press does not notice this. most newspapers, magazines and television channels, if they mention it, do so in short messages, carefully avoiding judgment. american agency. for example, i managed not to write at all who exactly struck the ten-story residential building.
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only the british agency reuters, the german magazine focus and the dubai tv channel al-arabiya pointed out the obvious guilt of ukraine, while officials at the un again limited themselves to the usual phrase. we oppose any attacks on civilian buildings anywhere. the permanent mission of russia to the osce expressed outrage at the double standards of this organization. its leaders demonstratively do not react militarily. crimes kyiv regime. we demand from the osce leadership, especially the maltese chairmanship-in-office, to condemn criminal acts as harshly as possible. it is unacceptable to ostentatiously ignore russian civilian casualties, whether in belgorod, donbass or anywhere else. there should be no double standards of political filters in the osce when it comes to the obvious brutal violations of international humanitarian law by the kiev regime. only some independent western... journalists are not yet afraid to call a spade a spade. i spent a lot of time in belgorod, where
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indiscriminate ukrainian shelling has been killing innocent civilians for too long. today ukraine struck a residential building, destroying it. this is terrorism sponsored by the north atlantic alliance. the biden administration said it did not see any violations in the way kiev was using the nato weapons supplied to it. as a result, the united states sent weapons worth another $400 million to the ukrainian armed forces. bloomberg agency directly indicates that in ukraine washington is waging a war by agreement against moscow, the goal is to cause the greatest damage to russia. the decrepit hegemon is trying to reduce the costs of his vassals, but so far it’s not working out well. the german budget is incurring multimillion-dollar losses due to the need to pay benefits to ukrainian refugees. the bild newspaper calculated that of the 1,100,000 ukrainian citizens who fled to germany, only about 20% work. scholz noted that only those who benefit dochland will be able to stay. germany is primarily for those who work and do not
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burden us with debt. such people will definitely be able to stay. citizens of ukraine have already have monopolized at least one sector of the german economy: prostitution. but now the german government is also being deceived with pleasure. the number of officially registered ukrainian prostitutes in germany has increased sixfold, but there are many more illegal ukrainians with low social responsibility; they do not want to pay taxes. many women from ukraine fall into the hands of the mafia. soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces do not know that their wives and sisters are being sent to the panel, said employees of public organizations. the women we deal with have not previously were engaged. constitution, as a rule, they are hired even at the stage of moving to germany with the help of online advertisements in ukrainian, most often they talk about work in the service sector, sometimes about massage, the truth, of course, is hidden. in poland , contradictions between the local population and ukrainians are growing. so in warsaw over the weekend , a large shopping center burned down on social networks and people immediately began blaming ukrainian
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migrants for the arson. ekaterina radaeva, anton dadykin, lead. the roar of powerful explosions was heard the night before in different regions of ukraine. already in the morning, reports of a new series of attacks came from kharkov, where exactly this happened and what consequences the local authorities did not specify to the media. explosions in the city also occurred closer to midnight; a little earlier, the same information was received about the situation in mirgorod, poltava region. the detonation was reported in khersoniya, controlled by the kiev regime. air raid sirens have been heard in five regions of ukraine in recent hours. in the kherson direction of the special operation , russian artillerymen hit the manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. during reconnaissance, a platoon commander was discovered stronghold with ukrainian nationalists. the coordinates were immediately transferred to the command of the crew of the mstas self-propelled guns. we quickly moved to firing positions and destroyed the militants. after this, the calculations quickly changed their position. the computer works for
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us. that is, there is no need to run to the soba, set the aiming point and busol, orient the car. in order not to risk your life, you can coordinate everything on the computer , shoot, arrive, aim, shoot. fsb officers detained a resident of primorye for espionage. according to operational data, the suspect worked for ukrainian military intelligence. on instructions from his curators, he collected and transmitted information about military infrastructure facilities in the region. a criminal case was initiated under the article of high treason. the man faces life imprisonment. now detained in custody, it is known that he is older. from vladivostok, not a military man himself, began working for ukrainian intelligence on his own initiative. this is the third resident of the primorsky territory recently detained for espionage. big water came to the omsk region, a state of emergency was introduced in three districts in the north of the region, about 800 houses were flooded, almost half of them in the ustishimsky district, where evacuation is underway in nine settlements at once,
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including in the village of ashivan, where a dam broke. people have so far been taken to a neighboring area, but they are under the threat of flooding, the water level in the rivers is rapidly rising, critical levels in the rtsh have already been exceeded by more than half a meter, the roads have been flooded, as a result, 20 trees have been cut off from the mainland, everything necessary is being transported there by boats, rescuers are working in the affected areas, the first batch of humanitarian aid was delivered the day before, these are food, water, hygiene products and medicines. now footage from yerevan. here they are at these moments in the capital of armenia, representatives of the opposition are blocking the central streets, the video is now being published a lot on social networks, eyewitnesses, this is literally how the blocking begins, i will now show a few more videos, they are using garbage cans, apparently they are also using benches, they are pulling protests to the place law enforcement forces, it is reported that arrests have begun, here is a fragment of the brawl now on
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your screens, the protesters are demanding resignation of the country's prime minister nikol pashinyan. the day before, the leaders of the protest movement called on supporters to completely paralyze the city, now we see how they are trying to do this this morning, here are some more shots from the streets of yerevan, well, this is from the bus where the first detainees are now. a new protest rally ended in tbilis; protesters spent the whole night near the parliament building demanding the withdrawal of the bill on foreign agents. a crowd of people gathered to set up barricades, but the police fought back harshly. in the center the city even cut off electricity, security forces pushed the protesters on rustavelli avenue away from the service exits. additional special forces teams are on duty outside parliament and are preparing gas masks and water cannons. no injuries were reported. let me remind you that tomorrow georgian legislators plan to consider the draft law on transparency
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of foreign influence in the final reading. and now economic news, konstantin churikov joins me. konstantin, good morning. the state duma will today consider candidates for deputy prime ministers, which what are the goals of the government's updated economic bloc? yes, roman, hello, well, as the candidate for the post of first deputy prime minister denis manturov said, the main thing today is technological sovereignty. the state duma today will consider the approval of ten deputy prime ministers of russia, including the first deputy prime minister. denis manturov is proposed for this post. he previously held the position. his candidacy, among his other deputies , was submitted for consideration by prime minister mikhail mishustin, appointed by vladimir putin. the day before with the applicants. deputies of the relevant committees of the state duma met, as denis manturov said, one of the most important tasks that he will deal with in his new position is the further development of industry
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and ensuring technological sovereignty, the continuity of the course of the ministry of industry and tourism will continue under the new head of the ministry of industry, even more attention must be paid to the achievements of technological ... signed long ago on national development goals in terms of industry, this, of course, firstly first of all, ensuring technological sovereignty, the real sector must make its contribution to several types of security,
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this includes food security, transport, information, energy, in order for our critical infrastructure to operate smoothly. russia will receive the harvests necessary for food security, even despite the frosts. this was stated by the candidate for the post of deputy prime minister dmitry. despite frosts in some regions , we can get the harvests we need to ensure our food security, the same applies to... livestock products, fisheries and processed products. previously, the ministry of agriculture promised to re-
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sow crops where seedlings died as a result of frost. as the department emphasized, all the necessary resources are available for this. well, nevertheless, there is still anxiety on the stock exchanges. grain futures prices in chicago reached their highest levels since august. according to bloomberg, this happened after some declines. unity of spain, the party of the former head of the region carles puigdimont is only in second place. however, the separatists of catalonia still
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hope that they will be able to form a government. now political forces have to begin negotiations on creating a coalition. let me remind you that 7 years ago a scandalous referendum on independence was held in catalonia, which was ultimately approved by the local parliament. after this, the spanish authorities introduced direct rule in the region and dissolved parliament. the separatist leaders were arrested or... left the country, now footage from indonesia, where the mount ibu volcano erupts on one of the islands, the ash rose almost 2.0 m into the sky, like this, such a video is now appearing on social networks, the spectacle is truly fascinating, local authorities have announced an increased level of danger, residents are urged to follow safety measures . sports news, issue will be presented. makhalin, good morning, olympic bronze medalist, boxer imam khataev won his seventh early victory in a row in the professional ring, just as he defeated his opponent this time. good morning,
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the russian boxer defeated latvian representative richard bolotnik by technical knockout in the sixth round. we are starting the release of the russian football championship, where the twenty-eighth round ended the day before. the most goals were scored in sochi, where the last team of this season hosted nizhny novgorod and scored a goal. the opponent scored as many as six goals, alexey sutormin, who had not scored for two seasons, scored a double in sochi, thanks to this victory , he preserved the chances of not being relegated directly to the first league, and parien was defeated in seven out of the last eight matches. faykel in voronezh again played with the score 0:0. on the seros against the urals, already the seventh zero torch of the season. lokomotiv beat 2:0 a little earlier. visiting orenburg, obiglevy account of maxim glushenkov. now he has four such assists this season.
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first place, let me remind you that dynamo has not won the national championship and it’s scary to imagine for 48 years. let's move on to basketball, the semi-final stage continues in the vtb united league, and here, unlike football, cska zenito lost, although the series score is still a draw 2:2. the match took place in moscow, in megasport it ended quite convincingly victory of the club from st. petersburg 9173. the most productive were trend fraser and wince hunter, who recorded 21 points each. the next meeting of the series, which lasts up to four victories, will be held in the northern capital on may 16, in the other semi-final lokomotiv-kuban leads with with a score of 2:1 against kazan unics. russian tennis player karen-khachanov reached the 1/8 finals of the masters in rome; in the third round match he beat the argentine cherundela. the game ended in two games in favor of khachanov. 6:2-6:4 became
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the fifth in personal history. meetings for all this keren never conceded time, and after this victory he entered the fourth round, where he will meet with the chelean tabilla, who in turn knocked out novak djokovic himself, although even before this they probably tried to knock out the serb in the literal sense of the word, after one of the matches in novak was hit by a bottle from the stands, and as it turned out, one of the fans accidentally dropped it on djokovic’s head, who the very next day decided to play it safe and went onto the court wearing a plastic bottle helmet. saved from defeat no. two gold, two silver three russian judaists won bronze at the grand slam rating tournament in astana. the victory was celebrated by lightweight, ramazan abdullaev and murat chapanov. second place went to sabin gelyazov and danil lavrentyev. the third place was taken by makhmatbek makhmatbekov, nadezhda tatarchenko and eli startsovo. the final start before the olympic games in paris will be the world championships in abu dhabi, which
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will be held. from may 19 to may 23. in the women's handball super league, the second finalist of the season was determined; it was the rostov-don team, which defeated chernomorochka. return game took place in rostov and ended with a confident victory for the local club with a score of 35-28. before that, the rostovites were stronger in the first match in novorossiysk 33-29. valeria kerdyasheva scored the most. she has 10 goals. in the final, rostov-don will play against csk. the first match will take place on the 18th in rostov-nadon, the return game on may 24 in moscow. that's all about sports for now.
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