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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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at what expense, what is the payback of the project, in what time frame is it planned to implement it? this is just one of these non-specific projects in earlier periods , well, when there was no time to think about it when the focus was on large industrial enterprises, now such projects are emerging for the development of agriculture there, just... the management of the fisheries complex, and here they play a positive role, here is the hydrographic network and the mild climate of our region, which allows us to create everything the necessary conditions just for a spawning farm where this is one of many projects, but nevertheless it is the closest in terms of implementation, now i think...
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all the necessary documents will be signed in the very near future - and yes, there is a small fish there, which will also be in demand in other reservoirs, but in general these are prerequisites for the development of the azov water area, this project will be implemented, the project includes investments of about 55 million rubles. the payback period is there, the implementation period is no more of the year. thank you, denis vladimirovich, i will remind you that the head of the dpr denis pushilin was in direct contact with the studio. now let's break in for a couple of minutes.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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in moscow 9:33 onwards, briefly about the main thing. so, while we move on to other topics, foreign sponsors have a direct connection to the terrorist attack. in belgorod, such a statement was made by radion miroshnik, ambassador-at-large of the russian ministry of foreign affairs for the crimes of the kiev regime. he noted that it was the westerners who supplied the ukrainian armed forces with weapons. they cover them up international platforms, essentially legalizing war crimes. now radion miroshnik is in direct contact with the studio. radion valerievich, hello. and belgorod was subjected to a massive attack by the ukrainian armed forces. how would you comment on this situation?
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here these are things that directly violate international humanitarian law or norms.
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their defeats due to these actions in relation to civilians, in relation to places of mass visit here, where, in principle, there is nothing military and that, in principle, prohibited by international humanitarian law, so now we really expect from
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a number of international organizations an honest assessment of ukraine’s actions, this applies to the osce, the un security council and a number of other international organizations in which we are directly involved. and these were a strike on the center of donetsk, where people died in a restaurant, a strike on an oil depot in rovenki in the lugansk people's republic, a whole series of strikes on civilian transport and on housing in
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bryansk, bryansk, kursk, here's a whole series other areas, so here is the general tension and redirection of strikes towards a civilian target. it is absolutely visible and visible, that is, kiev, having suffered defeat on the battlefield, is trying to take it out on civilians, trying to strike generally indiscriminately at housing, at medical facilities, at social facilities, in general, wherever they can reach, so that’s where they strike, so you know, when questions arise about why there was intensification in the kharkov direction, these are the people who live, they simply tell you will respond adequately, because without a cordon sanitaire, without depriving ukraine of the ability to reach people’s locations, they will continue to do this, they will use this in political, terrorist, and blackmail matters, for the sake
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of their achievements -their results, therefore, with such an inadequate enemy who, in principle, ignores any norms, here, in principle, the conversation only goes to the battlefield and... by the way, now for westerners this is a certain test, because now, at least according to the ministry of defense , czech missiles and other explosive objects have been used, identification is now underway, identification of fragments so that there are simply no mistakes in this sense, but the fact that the west is supplying a huge amount foreign weapons they are used to strike... civilians - this is an absolute fact, because well , at least on equal parts of the vlnr, the strike was delivered from atakam, this is one american- made system, the same story was is connected with donetsk, where hymarc missiles, also american-
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made, were flown in, and european manufacturers are very actively supplying ukrainians with shells and components for drones, which are now being massively used to carry out attacks. such a hunt for civilians, for civilian transport, to strike at construction and municipal equipment, that is , this is what is happening now in the front-line zone and which, in general, has nothing to do with... those who did not take measures and holidays which there were, they took place mainly in moscow,
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that is, at vdnkh, they were there, compatriots and fellow countrymen gathered here, and the leaders of the republics in the territories also came here, a regime was observed in order to ensure that people did not gather en masse into the group, because everyone understood perfectly well that if people were visible, these are the places where people would gather en masse, then there was a very high probability that on... may in the lugansk people's republic, in the donetsk people's republic this was all, but not at all however, this did not stop the nazis from striking civilian buildings and continuing to hunt for people, so here is the result of the 11th day of the proclamation of the donetsk people's republic. there, in my opinion, there were five people killed and about ten people were injured directly from
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the shelling that came from the ukrainian side. judging by the intensity of shelling of russian border areas, it turns out that the armed forces of ukraine do not have a shortage of shells, so what do you say about this, it turns out that there are reserves? you know, but it seems to me that the question associated with shell hunger, it is only partly realistic, because we are now seeing a change. only the arsenal, now there are fewer 155-caliber shells flying there, but at the same time , drones with a large number of well, explosive objects that they carry are being actively used, these are mines, these are grenades, these are homemade devices made from waste and other explosives substances, this is the massive use of mlrs and the use of shells or other types of combat equipment with...
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are heading towards kiev, including a whole range of ammunition, for example, such as kharm missiles, which have long expired their shelf life, but nevertheless they are heading to ukraine, so they can fly just incomprehensibly in which direction, because it simply expired... supplies that are sent for disposal to ukraine, and ukraine shoots anywhere, because, in principle, well , any norms that are related to the fact that civilian objects, civilian residents should not be subjected to any lethal danger, here these rules for ukraine do not work, so shell famine is not an entirely accurate definition, because ukraine continues to strike civilians and there may have been some decrease in activity in... military operations between military units, but ukraine redirected its strikes
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to civilian targets, so here we do not see a decrease in strikes on civilian targets, to my great regret. thank you, radion valerievich, i will remind you that there was a special ambassador in direct contact with the studio instructions from the russian foreign ministry on the crimes of the kiev regime, radion miroshnik. now let's turn to short advertising, then to economic news. what men are silent about is painful urination, erection problems, these are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. longitaza against prostatitis. attacked by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts into one. what a waste from sofcombank, we will refinance them for 24 we can conveniently repay it in a month, and with halva from
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order a free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. so, today the state duma will consider draft resolutions on the approval of deputy prime ministers of the new government. the day before, the relevant committees of the lower house approved the candidates proposed by mikhail mishustin. this also applies to ministers, but deputies will make a decision on them tomorrow. about what changes may be in konstantin churikov will talk about the economic bloc of the cabinet of ministers, he joins me. to the question, this is of course, how will possible changes affect the priorities in the work of the government in general? sasha, hello, but the appointment of a person from the ministry of industry and trade as first deputy prime minister speaks volumes; in this sense, the priorities are already clear. the state duma will consider candidacies for deputy prime ministers today and ministers for the new government tomorrow. the day before, 18 relevant
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committees approved mikhail mishustin’s proposal on personnel composition of the cabinet of ministers. all. this was a consequence of the presidential decree on the structure of federal executive bodies , appointing mikhail mishustin to the post of head of government. for the first time in the history of russia , the composition of the cabinet of ministers will be entirely formed according to new rules, taking into account the opinions of deputies and senators. this is the result of constitutional amendments adopted in 2020. let me remind you that the prime minister proposes to the state duma candidates for deputy prime ministers and federal ministers, except for the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs and law enforcement agencies. so, according to the president.
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the investment cycle allowed us to launch a new safety margin in the civilian segments. and spin up the flywheel of the military-industrial complex as much as possible. the candidate for the post of head of the ministry of industry and trade,
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governor of the kaliningrad region, anton alikhanov, also spoke about the importance of industrial development. industry is the framework of our economy, the key to its sovereignty and further stable development. this is especially evident in such acute moments, turning points, historical moments, namely in the manufacturing sector of our country leaned when required. company, according to the press secretary of the prime minister boris belyakov, vitaly savelev thoroughly knows the industry, has the necessary experience and management potential to solve all
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the problems facing the transport sector. the transport industry, like the whole country, over these 3 and a half years, since i headed the ministry, has had a lot of challenges, a pandemic, you remember, what happened was a separate story, when the transport complex was completely paralyzed due to... various reasons, and a huge problem for us was the removal of sanctions after the start of a special military operation; the post of minister of transport, which in recent years was held by vitaly savelev, should go to roman staravoit. now he holds the post of governor of the kursk region. the transport sector is not new to him. from the twelfth to the eighteenth year he headed rosavtodor, in the nineteenth year he headed the group of safe and high-quality roads to prepare the presidium of the state council for transport, so it’s possible. say he knows the industry from the inside, and these are not all the changes in the government. in connection with the transition to a new place of work, victoria abramchenko should be replaced as deputy prime minister by dmitry patrushev. before that, he served
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as head of the ministry of agriculture. in his new capacity , he will be responsible for agriculture, the agro-industrial complex and the environment. during his leadership of the ministry , quite a lot of positive changes took place in the industry. the agro-industrial complex is moving confidently. most indicators are food security doctrine. changes will also affect the powers of one of the deputy prime ministers. alexander novyk will now, in addition to the energy sector, oversee
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the economic block, including issues of economic support and anti-sanctions measures. as the press secretary of the head of government boris belyakov noted, alexander novyk has the necessary management experience. for a long time he coordinated economics and finance issues in various positions, both in business and business. both in the municipal public service, including holding the position of deputy minister of finance, discussed in great detail, meaningfully, in a business-like manner, the entire list of directions, the main directions of development of the fuel and energy complex in our country, for the next 6 years, in accordance with the tasks set by the president of the russian federation in his message, including gasification, achieving certain target levels, these are issues... relating to technological sovereignty, the development of russian technologies, the introduction of new modern energy technologies, including nuclear ones. minister responsible
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directly in charge of the economy, maxim reshetnikov should again become part of the new government. they proposed reappointing him to the post of head of the ministry of economic development. the issues traditionally discussed were how we will implement the economic tasks set by the president, how we will develop the economy, how... the necessary competencies to continue work, and the reform of control and supervisory activities carried out with his participation had a positive impact on the development of the economy.
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we have launched procedures through the state services portal pre-trial appeal, today almost all licenses and permits that a business receives can be obtained digitally through the government services portal, there by pressing a few buttons, well, it’s really convenient, but most importantly, it excludes any human factor at all, including some kind of bias, and we have closed this procedure in reverse, we can not only complain about any inspection through the state services portal, but about any... the position of deputy prime minister is also proposed to be retained for alexey overchuk. at a meeting with deputies , he spoke about his direction of work: international economic cooperation, as well as interaction between moscow and minsk within the framework of the union state. we presented plans and visions of the government on how these areas will develop. we today.
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we arrange our work in such a way as to link our internal development with our external agenda to create the best competitive conditions, the best conditions for managing russian producers of goods and services on external international markets. it is also proposed to retain the positions of deputy prime ministers in the new government for yuri trutnev and morat khusnulin. yuri trutnev, as before, will oversee development. far east, amarat khusnulin - construction sector and housing and communal services. and yet another economically significant decision, vladimir putin nominated boris kovalchuk for the post of chairman of the accounts chamber. in march , he became deputy head of the presidential control department, and before that he was chairman of the board of the energy company interrao. final the decision on the distribution of powers of deputy prime ministers will be made after consideration of their candidacies by the state duma and
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additional consultations. parliament demanding the withdrawal of the bill on foreign agents. people grouped up to build barricades, but the police gave a tough rebuff. electricity was even cut off in the city center, and security forces pushed protesters back toward rustavelli avenue. additional special forces units are on duty outside parliament. the georgian ministry of internal affairs reported the detention of 20 people. let me remind you that tomorrow georgian legislators are planning consider the bill on transparency of foreign influence in the last reading,
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the legal committee of parliament and... we watch, to spend time with children, russian cartoons and children's programs, watch the time, application or on the website.
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in capital 10 we continue our morning broadcast, this is what we have learned by this hour. in the federation council.


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