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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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under the professionalism program, together with industrial partners, 50 special educational institutions, colleges, technical schools were created and modernized, the same work is being done with the ministry of education on advanced engineering schools, 80 of them have already been formed and... and work will continue in this direction, of course, only by extensively recruiting specialists in the industry, we will not solve the problem associated with ensuring, not only personnel, but primarily with ensuring the production of competitive products, so we in parallel, we will continue to work on automation and the introduction of modern means of production, including robots.
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yesterday at vladimirovich gutinev’s profile committee we spoke in detail on this topic, i am sure that the work that was started with my colleagues will also be integrated into the national personnel project, and tatyana alekseevna and i have implemented this in this direction before and i am sure , what we will implement and... here is the immediate future, thank you, thank you, denis valentinovich, please, faction fair russia for the truth gartong, vale karlovich prepare plyakina, dear denis valentinovich, my analysis of the profitability of various industries showed that the profitability in the raw materials industries is higher than the profitability of high-tech industries that create the technological sovereignty of the country higher. approximately 10 times,
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given that we now have a key rate of 16%, makes investments in industries that create maximum products with maximum added value unprofitable, without budget investments without budget support are practically impossible, and if the government has a plan to change this situation by changing the imbalance in profitability, by demonopolizing the primary industries and...
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and in addition to the capital that the fund has, and it is repayable, and the funds are returned annually, they also continue to be reinvested, while there is also a task for comprehensive investment platforms, this is approximately another 200 billion rubles, this is compensation for interest rates on loans. which is attracted
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today provide an effective rate, with which business is interested in going into those industries that you mentioned, primarily mechanical engineering, small-scale chemistry, but as for the new mechanism, which today is not yet in an active phase, it is a public-private... partnership, this applies to those projects where there is either zero profitability or negative, but if the task is related to issues of national security, ensuring technological sovereignty, i believe that the state should take these support measures, creating conditions, compensating with a capital... grant
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for the costs of creating capacities, for the formation of these projects, and then the company will be operationally implemented.
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from 25 kg to 200, today the line is expanding, the number of enterprises has already expanded to seven, these are moscow, tatarstan, perm, and chelyabensk, and just recently the president visited one of the enterprises producing robots in chelyabinsk, this is chkpz, and i can say, that... today we have reached a qualitatively different level of production of this type of equipment, you are right, this is true, according to essentially a new industry, it has a separate place in the activities of a separate national
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project for the development of means of production, which contains the concept for all...
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in the twenty-first year, a level of almost 27% was reached, and we were even ahead of a certain point, but by the way today. we have attracted only defense industry enterprises, taking into account the fact that today, of course, it is not possible to solve the problems of increasing the volume of supplies of military products, about 850 citizens. enterprises that today are actively involved in the implementation of those tasks
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which were ordered by the presidents to supply law enforcement agencies, primarily the armed forces, with modern products. i really hope that at some point we will move into the next phase of conversion, and civilian enterprises will return. your products, you remember very well how ivl supplies were made during covid, these are
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defense industry enterprises, so we will continue, in parallel with increasing the volume of military production, not to forget about the civilian component, and you know that enterprises in the high-tech sector... “the military-industrial complex has always been the drivers of progress, so we will transfer the achievements of those technological achievements to the civilian sectors of the manufacturing industry. thank you, denis valentinovich, dear colleagues, questions were raised, as i want to emphasize again, yesterday during the consideration of candidates for committees, there were a lot of questions.” . more, the total number of them was 179, and
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the meetings lasted for several hours, so let’s move on to considering the next candidate, then there will be speeches by the faction leaders and then voting on candidates, thank you, denis valentinovich, thank you. the issue of approving tatyana alekseevna golikova as deputy chairman of the government of the russian federation is being considered; the presentation will be made by the plenipotentiary chairman of the government of the russian federation in the state duma. senenko, please, in accordance with part two of article 112 of the constitution of the russian federation, the chairman of the government of the russian federation, mishustin, has nominated a candidate for the state duma.
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meeting attended by leaders or representatives of four more committees of the state duma, as well as representatives of all duma factions, all had the opportunity to ask all those interested, all questions of interest, had the opportunity to speak, and the candidate in his speech identified all the vectors of further work to solve national goals that were primarily identified the president's message to the federal assembly, decrees. and current regulations, i take into account all
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the proposals made, yes, there was a discussion quite emotional, pressing questions were raised, we, on behalf of the committee, outlined the priority tasks that we face to jointly resolve these issues, these are issues related to family augmentation, issues related to supporting participants in a special military operation, members of their families, the struggle in general with poverty... current processes related to migration flows to our country, issues of industry wages and many others. taking into account the above, taking into account the discussions that took place, the committee decided support the candidacy and recommend that the state duma approve tatyana alekseevna gollikova for the position of deputy chairman of the state duma, for the position
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of deputy chairman of the government of the russian federation. thank you. thank you. based on the need to achieve national goals set by the president of the country. the first and main national goal is to preserve the population, strengthen the health and well-being of families, and support the family. and above all, this involves
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solving demographic problems, such as increase in birth rate increase. life expectancy. thanks to earlier decisions, we were able to slow down the decline in the intensity of births; the total fertility rate in the twenty-third year remained at the level of the twenty-second year. a new national family project will be aimed at increasing the birth rate, along with activities that will be implemented in other areas. we will continue to provide maternity capital funds and modernize them based on application analysis. measures to support families with children, measures, allowing us to combine the birth of children with study and work, together with the regions we will ensure the implementation of the presidential decree on measures of social support for large families, we will pay special attention to protecting the health of working citizens, the prevention of occupational diseases, we will expand the long-term care system, to cover
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500,000 of those most in need of such care by the thirtieth year senior citizens. and disabled people. special emphasis will be placed on maintaining reproductive health. the composition of the national project family will be included measures to protect motherhood, preserve the health of children and adolescents, expand the network of antenatal clinics, modernize perinatal centers, children's clinics and hospitals. in 25-30, we will allocate an additional 75 billion rubles. to support demographic programs of the regions, the total of which. the birth rate in the twenty-third year is lower than in the russian federation as a whole. the task of increasing the total fertility rate to 1.6 by the thirtieth year, and to 1.8 by the thirty-sixth year can only be solved with the participation of regions. yesterday we discussed this in detail at the committee, and not just together with the regions,
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taking into account the personal attention of the heads of regions to this extremely important task and this priority. therefore, dear colleagues, i ask for your support in this matter. the most important task is to support the participants of the special military operation and their families. we will continue to implement all social measures in full. everything must be provided without the obstacles of red tape. the second is the increase in life expectancy by the thirtieth year to 78 years to the thirty-sixth to 81 years. at the end of the twenty-third year , she reached. long active life national project new health saving technologies. as part of the first of them, we will continue to modernize primary health care, paying special attention to rural areas and small towns. this
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is important from the point of view of the development of supporting rural areas, where there is social infrastructure. should be at the same level as in cities. special emphasis on prevention: by the end of the thirtieth year 90% patients with chronic non-infectious diseases should be covered by dispensary observation. these measures will save 5 years in life expectancy. we will also provide for measures to develop emergency care, equip federal medical organizations, and continue the fight against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. provide medical rehabilitation assistance to at least 2 million of our citizens. the national project of technological sovereignty will include new health saving technologies
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supporting clinical research, new drugs, medical devices, biomedical cell products and tissue engineering products for regenerative medicine, introducing new prevention programs based on biological age, including personalized nutrition programs. an important block of this:
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a planning system for managing the personnel supply of the economy, based on an annually updated forecast of the labor market for a five-year period, on the basis of which... target figures for admission to universities and colleges will be formed, we will create an accessible retraining system for a quota for targeted training, and we will also throughout life. and finally, fourth, the national goal of developing the potential of every person, developing his talents, raising a patriotic and socially oriented personality. in its achievement, a special role belongs to the sphere of culture. we will continue to update the infrastructure of cultural institutions, but the most important thing is the content of their activities; cultural institutions should become points of attraction for residents, a place recreation and family leisure, create new opportunities for self-realization of our citizens.
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theatrical productions, exhibitions, films should be based on our history, traditions, spiritual and moral values, consolidating and uniting different generations of the people of our country, therefore the main guideline in this work is on the basis of the state... tatyana alekseevna, at present the issue of social payments to ambulance workers, the situation today is critical, to put it mildly, and there is a huge number of requests
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comes to the state duma. we will insist that justice in relation to the increase in social benefits for employees should soon be restored. the second question is what additional activities are planned to support rural medicine in the twenty- fourth and thirtieth year. and the third question concerns families with many children: the president issued his decree, and currently the regions are adopting their own. which is organized by emergency medical services, this work continues. the ministry of health held consultations with all regions where, according to
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addressed by emergency medical services workers, significant deviations were identified in the organization and financing of emergency medical care in the constituent entities of the russian federation. according to our estimates , approximately 9 billion rubles in the russian federation as a whole are diverted from purposes. therefore, the regions are instructed to eliminate the imbalances that they have developed, report, and finance emergency medical care, the ministry of health must submit the relevant information to the government of the russian federation by june 1, about which you you will be informed. secondly, as regards primary health care and its financing, i would like to say that in general in 2024, thanks to your support, we have increased it. volumes increased
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by 25% or about 176 billion rubles. this is without the funds that are separately provided for medical examinations and preventive examinations, and this is about another 28 billion rubles. now, as part of the monitoring that we carry out, we see that about 98 billion have already been received to increase funding for central district and district hospitals rub. actively, taking into account the comments that... were expressed by the state duma vyacheslav viktorovich during the discussion of the government report, we pay special attention to the personnel issue, despite the fact that in the twenty-third year we have slightly managed to reverse the trend of increasing the number of doctors - this is about 10 thousand for 2023, however, to provide personnel to the relevant settlements, especially remote, rural, sparsely populated areas,
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we will implement on... next, you know what, and you accepted it decision, thank you for this legislative decision that residents of the second year of training can work, and we assume that the number of such residents who can be involved in this work annually can, alexey vladimirovich, learn to comply with the regulations, one question from the faction, you understand,
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colleagues, one question from the faction. “we pass laws, we must be guided by them, when you start sketching out questions, then the answers must be made within the framework of other regulations, here are colleagues, you need to start with yourself, nikolai vasilyevich, sit there, sit there, to each his own, no need, hegemony is not appropriate here. people came, they must understand, there are regulations, there is order, and if we want to arrange a dialogue, an important issue, no one is talking about, yesterday it was possible to discuss it within the committee, we can, we want to position ourselves, of course, but if we start here to do this, in front of you stands the highest professional,
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therefore, we need to take care of the personnel, here they are all here, there is no one, a random person, two ministers are proposed for the positions of deputies, chairman of the government based on the results of the work, we approved sovelevo, we approved it. and today he has been proposed for the position of deputy, chairman of the government, patrushev has proven with his work that there is a result, so colleagues, question-answer, question-answer, then the political leader of the faction will summarize the discussion, it is important, there is an opportunity from the faction, please speak, nikolai vasilyevich, replace me, and you will lead differently, for me.
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to meaningfully disclose what is planned within the framework of this national project, what activities and what main goals are set, thank you, thank you yaroslav evgenievich for the question, i want to say that for the first time we will be designing a national project that will include a whole set of activities that start from organizing the provision of primary health care, including the creation of appropriate infrastructure and, most
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importantly, not just... and the content of the organization and activities, because more than a billion visits are made to primary health care annually.


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