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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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what is planned within the framework of this national project, what activities and what are the main goals? thank you. thank you, yaroslav evgenievich for the question. i want to say that for the first time we will be designing a national project that will include a whole set of activities that start from organizing the provision of primary health care, including the creation of appropriate infrastructure, and most importantly, not just infrastructure, but maintenance.
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support will receive a separate area that is related to the provision of specialized medical care, as well as such sensitive areas that are the leading causes of death in russia, these are cardiovascular oncological diseases, projects that you supported to combat diabetes mellitus, hepatitis c, and i also want to pay special attention to medical rehabilitation, which , which is now in serious demand, and we... will equip and
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equip 95% of medical rehabilitation departments by the thirtieth year in order to provide assistance not only to citizens, but participants in a special military operation and all those who need it, and of course, our key priority through the implementation of this national project is increasing life expectancy, and here we count on your support, you work with the regions, you know where what points are most sensitive in each region? and we will work to organize feedback with you and the residents of those regions who live in your territories. thank you. thank you, tatyana alekseevna, please, fair faction russia for the truth andrey anatolyevich kuznetsov, leonova will prepare. thank you, dear tatyana alekseevna, my question is about the demographic catastrophe, which we all recognize, in which the country finds itself. we know your position that a certain number of fertile women are missing.
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age and many other issues that you think justify this situation, but there is a point in which you and i agree and support that spiritual and moral values ​​are also a certain foundation for the development of demography, in this part, this is what the government is doing in order to implement the decree, the well-known presidential decree on the protection of spiritual and moral values, and how do you see future work in this direction? thank you. thank you, i just want to say right away that this is not my opinion, that the reduction in the number of women of reproductive age affects fertility rates, this, unfortunately, is the objective reality with which we live and in which we work, but this does not relieve us of responsibility , work actively with our population, explaining, including the need for a full-fledged family and, well, if i may say so. we always proceed
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exclusively from those traditional spiritual and moral values ​​of which our country has always been proud and proud, and of course we hear, we hear from young people that first education, material well-being, housing, and then maybe the birth of a child, as a result of which the first births are pushed back to 27-2. 9 years, and this is a very delicate, very emotionally sensitive topic, but we must work together here with you, because there is nothing more important than a family, there is nothing more important than a country in which a large number of our citizens live, and we have 190 nationalities living in the country, and for all 190 nationalities there was and is a family.
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remains the main value, and this is our main priority, which we must all support together, now i have already said that the president of the country... and you know this well, adopted a decree on the fundamentals of state policy for the preservation of traditional spiritual and moral values, literally in april of this year we held the first meeting of the government commission, which was newly formed to implement , among other things, the fundamentals, there are other areas of work, and we adopted a corresponding document that involves the implementation of these fundamentals, this is a plan for...
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and pharmaceuticals, which you spoke about, and accessibility social assistance, including the long-term care system that you are now rolling out, and promoting an active, active and healthy lifestyle, and of course, the size of pensions, which of these areas do you think should
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be a priority for solving this problem, that is, what you need to concentrate on first, thank you, thank you, oleg yuryevich, but you know, everything that you listed is all important. everything is a priority, i will explain why, because what you have listed is connected with the life and work of a certain generation of our citizens, young, middle-aged, elderly, it is very important that in two national projects, at least in the national project, the family in national project for a long active life, everyone must find their place activities to support the times...
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thank you tatyana alekseevna, united russia faction isaev, andrey konstantinovich, please. dear tatyana alekseevna, in my opinion, the implementation of one of the most important, i would even say, the most important national personnel project will fall on your shoulders. colleagues in this room in the regions have seen what personnel means. famine, the president spoke about this in his message, and we understand that without resolving this issue, neither economic nor social development is possible, it’s time to remember the slogan of the first five-year plans everything is decided, taking into account your experience, not everything, but you can probably solve a lot within
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the framework of this project, however, i would like you to say in more detail about what will be included in this project, what do you expect start, thank you, tatyana alekseevna, thank you andrey konstantinovich. well, the first thing i want to start with is that such a project will appear for the first time since january 1 , 2025, although we have implemented separate measures to support the labor market, both federal and regional labor markets. key basis for the formation of a national personnel project is a forecast of the personnel supply of sectors of the economy, such work has also begun on instructions from the president, and yesterday i reported to you at the committee that a preliminary assessment of the additional labor that we will need by the thirtieth year, taking into account the increase in labor productivity that i said denis valentinovich, taking into account the industry development strategy, this is 2.4 million people, and what are the sources, more precisely, this
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forecast is made by type of economic activities, we are now working to ensure that this forecast is made for professional qualification groups, so that it is easier for the education system, both secondary vocational and higher education, to formulate and generate admission target figures, because the forecast is precisely aimed at in order to overcome and... structural unemployment in order to solve the issues of providing personnel for the relevant industries, therefore , admission targets are formed on the basis of this forecast, it is clear that trends in education have longer periods than responding to the labor market, therefore, along with the target numbers for admission, there is another direction, this is active retraining of personnel, you know that we are also implementing this task, and working together with the regions to overcome shadow employment. in addition, now, on behalf of the head of state
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, in ten regions where unemployment rates according to the methodology of the international labor organization are higher than in the russian federation, this is in the main region of the north caucasus, applied comprehensive plans have been developed for reducing unemployment, involving unemployed citizens in the economic sectors, as well as the mobility of labor resources who live in...
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let's move on to the fourth issue, on the approval of dmitry yuryevich grigorenko, deputy prime minister of the russian federation, chief of staff of the government of the russian federation, word to the plenipotentiary chairman of the government russian federation in the state duma, alexander yuryevich sinenko, please. in accordance with part two of article 112 constitution of the russian federation, chairman of the government of the russian federation mikhailovich mishustin submitted to the state duma the candidacy of dmitry yuryevich grigorenko for approval for the post of deputy chairman of the government, chief of staff of the government of the russian federation. please review and approve. thank you. word for the report a. chairman of the control committee oleguvich morozov, please, oleg ivikovich, dear viktorovich, dear
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colleagues, dear applicants, i inform you that a meeting of the control committee took place yesterday, at which the submitted candidacy of dmitry yuryevich grigorenko for the post of deputy chairman of the government, head of the government apparatus was considered. representatives of all parliamentary factions took part in the committee meeting; five committees sent their representatives to discuss this candidacy. the applicant gave a detailed forty-minute report, where he outlined in detail his vision of the main areas of activity of the apparatus government, regarding control over executed decisions, coordination of the activities of government structural units, and digitalization. continuation of the reform of control and supervisory activities, all representatives of factions, all representatives
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of committees had the opportunity to ask questions to the applicant, received thorough and detailed answers, the committee unanimously supported this candidacy, prepared a draft resolution, which proposes to the chamber to approve the candidacy of dmitry yuryevich grigorenko for the position of deputy, chairman of the government, leader. government apparatus, please support. thank you, oleg kievich. the floor is given to speak. dmitriyovich grigorenko, please. dmitrievich, and then questions? good afternoon, dear deputies, good afternoon, dear vyacheslav viktorovich, dear colleagues, on the day of his inauguration, the president of the russian federation approved the national development goals of our country until
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the thirtieth year, and we understand that in order to achieve them, a foundation is needed. this means that all decisions must be completed efficiently on time, and better, probably even faster and with even better quality, our government processes more than 2 million documents annually through our government apparatus, and we understand that in order to efficiently manage such a volume, it is necessary to introduce a digital model of management, public administration, which used, among other things, for the implementation of national projects and state programs; in general, one of the main tasks facing the government apparatus today is to increase the speed of decisions made without loss of quality these solutions, and one of the tasks or an integral part of a larger task is the transition to
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electronic document management, today we have already with many...
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digitized and measurable in time with a specific image of the result, and we have moved away from the movement of money without changing indicators, then today we actually manage not so much money as we manage events, through money, of course, that is, we are talking about managing events, not a cash register, to simplify a little, i would like to emphasize that the very existence the digital management model is directly related to development. digital services, first of all, this concerns the development of domestic infrastructure, and we understand that for this it is necessary to continue to work on the task of developing our own production computer technology and , above all, to develop the creation of modern data processing centers, because all our platforms, all our
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information systems are naturally equipped with data processing centers, fast internet is needed throughout the country, we are talking about implementation of projects to simplify and improve the quality of mobile and fixed communications. the second is domestic software, the third task is digital security, cybersecurity, today we see what is happening from the point of view of digital security, this is one of the main tasks facing us today. the fourth is personnel. classic, personnel decides everything, we are big. we attach importance to personnel, including personnel in the digital industry, while we see that our it specialists, our guys, are in demand in general in the world, in principle everywhere, in fact, this is no longer internal competition for our personnel, probably external with other countries, these tasks will be included in the new
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national project on creating a data economy, which we will launch on behalf of the russian president. federation, a separate task facing us, we continue to work on it, is reducing the administrative burden on entrepreneurs, reducing bureaucratic procedures, easing control and supervisory activities, you know that we have completed a separate stage of reform on control and supervision, but we don’t stop here, we continue to work further, a separate area of ​​work is the development of services and not only through... the mfc, but also through the state services portal, the procedures should be even simpler, even faster, well, in fact, the best service - this is an inconspicuous service, like wi-fi, so i see colleagues with phones, but clearly through. internet, you don’t notice it , this wi-fi until it turns off, that’s what concerns services, our task is to make them so that we simply don’t notice them,
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in parallel we plan to create new ones services, well, of course, all the work, everything we do, we do on the basis of feedback from citizens, from businesses, i emphasize that feedback is a key element in our work, we use it not only to evaluate the quality of what is done. last july, you spoke here at the government hour and announced changes in control and supervisory activities. on december 21 last year
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, the concept of improving the control and supervisory activities of the russian federation was adopted. good document, here's a question is associated with the fact that budgetary institutions, kindergartens, and especially schools are exempt from liability if these violations are associated with... lack of funding to ensure their activities, the question is, when will this concept be fully operational and what other innovations are there? in this direction, you see, thank you, thank you for the question, we actually discussed the topic a year ago, probably more, and vyacheslav viktorich, by the way, raised a question related to the fact that due to the lack of funding for our schools or budget institutions may not comply with some rules, and then, as part of inspections , the supervisory state bodies themselves punish ...
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correcting them, if there are any, in our concept we actually provide for a transition to creating a certain kind of technological a map for correcting violations, if they are committed, so that, well, not just fixing them, but also fighting the reasons so that these checks do not continue in a circle, we will now sum up the results of the work on the inspection of budgetary institutions through the prevention procedure, then naturally all this will fall into implementation, taking into account the accumulated experience, we plan that by the end of the year we will come up with specific proposals, including here to the state duma, thank you, thank you. dear colleagues, we discussed this issue and contacted the government, the point was that we have control and supervisory authorities punish
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school principals, heads of preschool institutions, kindergartens, but at the same time monetary funds for solving certain problems were not allocated to either schools or kindergartens; directors who are in this situation are punished. is simply a hostage to the situation, so it would be correct to punish those who are obliged to allocate these funds, the result of this conversation was precisely the decision that dmitry yuryevich said, so that the control and supervisory authorities take into account that if funds are allocated, then they must ask for their implementation , but if funds are not allocated, there is no need to hold people accountable, especially since this is often not only fines, but administrative - a case is being initiated against school directors, now the good thing is that these decisions have finally been reached, all these problems, i hope, are a thing
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of the past, but this is precisely thanks to the person who is generally responsible for interaction with the state duma, heading the commission on lawmaking of the government of the russian federation. the ldpr faction, didenko, alexey nikolaevich, will prepare for gusev. dear dmitry yuryevich, yes, hello, president of the russian federation vladimirich putin in may decree outlined new development goals for russia and the region and municipality will finally receive long-awaited kindergartens, hospitals, schools, and speaking at this podium in early april , the prime minister of the russian federation supported the deputies, said that we will see many objects already when the budget is submitted, and not later, while we perfectly understand the tasks of the russian ministry of finance regarding timely development.
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on the other hand, their quality was not affected. thank you for your question, well , today we have all our tasks, all our events, or all objects, to answer here, through the prism of your question, are digitized and located in one information system. and we see the specific object, and the list of objects, and the date when each object should be, well, in particular, for example, built, and certain intermediate points that characterize the completion of the task and the implementation of a specific event, accordingly, money is tied to the object, this is actually, well, sort of the point, this is kind of
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the key idea. because if you take the money, you have to change the deadlines, or to evaluate the influence of money or the change in the amount of money on a specific final result, this is the first moment, the second moment, of course, it’s all at one point you can see what is being done better, what’s faster, what’s worse, what ’s slower, and what’s in what condition . the second most important thing is that when we see all this in one single information system, we can understand in advance where or for what specific object. something will not happen and something will not be done, that is , today we have this, well, in my opinion, this is key, this is a break in the paradigm, in general, the culture of event management, when we do not react to the fact that something has not been done, but understand in advance that something may not be done, and the main task facing colleagues is to make sure that this undone does not happen , that is , by anticipating events in advance, we begin
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to react to them, and not in the same way... as it was before, when something didn’t work out for us, and we begin to figure out why we didn’t order it, why it didn’t work out. as a matter of fact, based on this, we are in real time we see that in what condition it is, where in priority order we need to make our efforts. well , as results, you saw the results of national projects, well, in fact, in the context of each event, we are ready to unfold them, show them and, most importantly, explain, first of all, to ourselves why something did not work out. and the last thing is quality. remarks, i will say that we understand perfectly well that everything cannot be perfect, everywhere everything turns out on time and not on time, it is important to work after all not with a consequence, with the reasons why it doesn’t work out, that is, if the reasons don’t repeat themselves, then that’s the problem, this model gives us the opportunity, working with the reasons, not to create repeating situations when we haven’t done something, thank you , thank you, please, gusev, dmitry gennadievich, the faction is fair to prepare russia for the truth. good afternoon, dmitrievich,
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a question about the self-employed: this tax regime is 5 years old, about 10 million have registered, which means this is really needed for people, and people can work calmly, pay taxes and do it legally, however, during this time some changes have appeared in the life of the country, and some businessmen are using the self-employed regime in order to avoid paying taxes, in order to replace the actual labor relationship with this preferential regime, and we are all about it we know, we did the math. the social fund does not receive about a trillion rubles, that is, in retirement we have approximately a trillion a year that the social fund does not receive. on the other hand, it means that there are laws that have appeared that limit the regime of the self-employed, for example, the taxi law deprived 2.5 million people who worked part-time as taxi drivers using their cars. the chairman of the government and the chairman of the state duma in the faction discussed the creation of a joint working group with the government on this
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issue. the question is, when do we start work? well - after all, what you said are theses, and at a minimum they need to be worked out and, uh, that means somehow agreeing on the current situation regarding the self-employed, i’m not saying that everything is ideal there, in fact, the regime itself was created at one time precisely because - the labor market, the digital labor market does not allow, in the old methods in the old forms... to administer people who can remotely via the internet from anywhere in the world, well, in general, do what -operations, well, to earn money or carry out entrepreneurial activities, and why did it come out as a regime, actually as a ten-year, if my memory serves me correctly , of such an experiment, within which we had to evaluate some intermediate stages, results, well, strictly speaking correct ours.


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