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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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achieving the goals set by the president to enter the four largest economies in the world in terms of purchasing power parity, this is an issue that mainly concerns increasing production efficiency, reducing costs, introducing the latest advanced technologies, these are digital technologies, these are automated system management technologies, these changes in the overall management system are important issues concerning. increasing
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productivity, which we also touched upon today, is a matter of personnel training, these all directions in a complex in conjunction with my other colleagues, with other ministries and departments, will be decided, work has already been done to increase labor productivity recently, as you know, within the framework of the national project to increase labor productivity, it is being carried out for this purpose appropriate tools and a federal center of competence have been created in sixty regions. the russian federation has established branches and its own centers of competence that help enterprises ensure the transition to lean working methods increasing labor efficiency and productivity. i can say that already during this time such support has been provided to about 400 enterprises, and the effect has been obtained in the form of additional profits of more than 300 billion rubles. more than 110 thousand were trained. people,
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and this work will certainly be continued, continued together with all our colleagues, because indeed, this concerns not only large companies, this concerns medium-sized enterprises, according to the plans that we have, about 12,000 medium- sized enterprises will receive such , such support, will participate in the project, this will also affect... all our social institutions, state and municipal, and more than 200,000 institutions by 2030 will be covered by this project, so in my opinion, this is one of the key tasks that the government faces today, thank you, thank you, please, nazarova, natalya vasilyevna, final question from the united russia faction, good afternoon, the question is in light of the man-made incidents that have taken place.
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thank you very much, i have already said that for the fuel and energy complex, one of the main tasks are to provide the domestic market with reliable energy resources, including, of course, the supply of electricity at affordable prices, respectively, in the required volume in proper quality, with minimal interruptions, and if they exist, for technological reasons. must
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be restored as soon as possible, such work has been carried out for several, well, many years, this is a constant task, what is being done today in order to continue this work and increase efficiency? well in first of all, we have two directions: for some regions that need support, today federal support is provided, developed by the so -called program for increasing the reliability of the electrical power supply complex. first of all , this concerns distribution networks, the second direction, we are talking about increasing the efficiency of the distribution complex, as you know, 10 years ago we had about 4,000 network organizations in the distribution complex, often we see that not all organizations meet the criteria, qualifications, mostly accidents occur in such organizations, so criteria were developed, criteria were developed that tightened the requirements.
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to network organizations and today the number of such network organizations has already decreased to a thousand, we set a goal of 2025-26 so that on the market? there are no more than 300 - 400 such companies left, we have discussed this with you several times, and this is an important component, since it seriously increases the requirements and efficiency of the work of network organizations. and finally, the third direction, an initiative that was supported and today a draft law is in the state duma, i also ask you to support, upon closer examination, the draft law on the creation of systemically important ones.
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order: speech by the authorized representative of the president of the russian federation in the federation council artur alekseevich muravyov, speech by the chairman of the federation council valentina ivanovna matvienko, questions to the candidate, discussion. i give the floor to the authorized representative of the president
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of the russian federation in the federation council, artur alekseevich muravyov, who will present the candidacy in accordance with the established procedure. please, artur alekseevich. constitution of the russian federation, i present, for the purpose of consultations , the candidacy of lavrov, sergei viktorovich for the post of minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation, the candidacy of the president. i ask for your support, please, thank you, are there any questions for artory alekseevich, i don’t see any questions, thank you, dear colleagues, as you know, in accordance with the amendments
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made to the constitution of the russian federation federation, the powers of the federal assembly, the state duma, and the federation council have been significantly expanded. including in terms of identifying candidates for certain positions. the federation council, in accordance with the constitution, must hold consultations on the candidates submitted by the president for the heads of the ministry and departments, the security bloc, defense, emergency situations, foreign policy, and security. and today we begin a hearing in the committee on international affairs.
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representative of the russian federation in the united nations, a person with vast diplomatic experience, experience in interacting with...
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we want to wish this to you, we hope that this interaction will become even closer, constructive and mutually beneficial, so we can continue our consultations. thank you, valentina ivanovna, we invite to the podium the candidate for the post of minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation, sergei viktorovich lavrov. i would encourage committee members to ask questions. please. thank you, please. thank you very much, grigory borisevich. dear sergey viktorovich, does
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the conference on the ukrainian issue, which is convened by the west in switzerland in june, pose a potential danger to russia’s foreign policy interests? how do we generally plan to resist, counteract those destructive plans of the kiev regime and its external curators? the conference has long been rumored. all those who are trying to defeat russia on the battlefield, without abandoning diplomatic methods, as they say, but all diplomatic methods and conferences in switzerland are no exception, only the continuation of the so-called copenhagen process comes down to formulating an ultimatum to russia, so today i read again how my swiss colleague, inazio casis, was here at the weekend , who back in january in new york, when we... were at a meeting of the security council on palestine, one on one, asked for a meeting , told me that they were planning such
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a conference, and that so that we don’t worry that we won’t be invited there, because they will first talk among themselves, and then they will call us, you know, like a double student, he’s coming the special council, they expelled him, they decided everything among themselves, then they called him in, announced the verdict, well, you can’t talk to anyone like that, let alone us, i told him. he explained all this frankly, he again read, here is his quote, he said the other day, we are gathering, and i confirm that without russia it is pointless to discuss anything, if it is pointless, why are you gathering, zelensky has already directly told me what this swiss said in private that we must first put together a coalition to finally consolidate this formula, and then present it.
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the beginning of a special military operation, they all have the initiative, the chinese have the most comprehensive, aimed at first considering the root causes and working to eliminate them, the rest have emphasis. on humanitarian aspects, the exchange of prisoners, bodies, access of humanitarian organizations, but barel said that we are preparing for a conference in geneva, this event will be dedicated to the zelensky formula, all other initiatives disappeared, deciding again for everyone else , therefore, if west
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wants to fight on the battlefield, as they say, please, the finnish president again spoke out in this regard the other day, so that the swiss conference says this is important, but we need to defeat russia in the war, weaken it so that it no longer poses a threat, well, you you know these horror stories that they came up with and constantly replicate them, but our readiness for negotiations, it is not only every time the president of this topic ...
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decided to still believe and show good will, they were deceived again, again forced to fight, well and most recently, in response to this issue, switzerland, no matter what is on the agenda, switzerland is no longer very suitable as a place for peace negotiations, before switzerland was indeed a neutral country, on its territory, as well
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as on the territory of other neutrals, austria, finland, sweden, were carried out. various conferences, since this neutral platform was comfortable for everyone, now switzerland has clearly sided with ukraine, and not only supports all western sanctions, but even acts as a leader on some issues, but i will note in parentheses that much earlier than the current ukrainian situation , switzerland began to drift away from its neutrality, in particular, the americans wringed their hands many, many years ago and the swiss significantly... opened up, now they have almost completely revealed all aspects related to banking secrecy, which, well, which is banking secrecy, when -that was such a symbol of this neutrality, that’s why our cause is right, and if they want it on the battlefield, it will be on the battlefield, look how they have now banned the sustainable broad
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advance of our armed forces, directly now. on our broadcast there is footage of andrei belousov, a candidate for the post of minister of defense, arriving for consultations at the federation council. his candidacy was also submitted to the upper house of parliament by vladimir putin. previously, this position was held by sergei shaigu; he himself moved to a new post, by order of the head of state, and was appointed secretary of the security council. nikolai patrushev, who held this post, was relieved of his position due to a transfer to another job. the second candidate to arrive for consultations at the federation council today was. let me remind you for the post of minister of defense andrey belousov, let's take a break for a short advertisement, then we'll continue, pain can be different, it doesn't matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy
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so, today the state duma is approving candidates for deputy prime ministers, including for the post of first deputy chairman of the government. each candidate speaks before parliamentarians and answer their questions. now in direct contact with okhotny ryad, our correspondent, natalya soloveva. natalya, greetings, we are waiting for you. yes, vera, hello, indeed, today the state duma for the first time approves the new composition of the government, the cabinet of ministers, its structure, 21 ministries, 10
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deputy prime ministers have not changed, and today all the candidates for these posts are here randomly, as the speaker of the lower house of parliament vyacheslav said volodin, there are no people here, the team is proven. all nominations submitted the chairman of the government on... it is well known that we have gone through a difficult time of challenges that the country has faced, the economy grew to 3.6% at the end of last year, we are overcoming the challenge, in fact , we probably should note that the chairman of the government did the right thing , having held consultations, discussing these issues with the state duma, that he proposed candidates for people who do not need to study.
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the most powerful in the world in terms of production volumes of main types of weapons and military equipment, at the same time, the geopolitical situation dictates the need to constantly improve the technical characteristics of products, meet the current needs of the army that have increased significantly and speed up work on promising models, one question was asked from the faction to each candidate today, but don’t let this mislead you , yesterday, at the committees, each candidate was discussed in great detail sorted out and bombarded, so to speak, with questions, about 200 of them were asked in total, some committee meetings, such as those concerning social issues, lasted for several hours, and despite the fact that the candidates are really people who have been working with deputies of the state duma for a long time, for example,
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like tatyana golikova, in fact,
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ivanovna, dear colleagues, we are starting a meeting of the federation council committee on security defense. we have a quorum. today we have to make up our committee together with others. committees to conduct consultations on eight candidates for the positions of heads of federal executive bodies in charge of issues of defense, state security, internal affairs, prevention of emergency situations, liquidation of consequences of natural disasters of public safety, in accordance with paragraph one of part one of article 102 of the constitution of the russian federation, paragraph
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one of part one of article 10 of the federal constitutional law on the government of the russian federation and article 1882 of the regulations of the federation council, we are starting to carry out consultations on the candidate proposed by the president of the russian federation for the post of minister of defense of the russian federation. in our meeting accepts participation of the chairman of the federation council. representative of the president of the russian federation the floor is given to the plenipotentiary in the federation council, artur alekseevich muravyov. please.


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