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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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the constitution of the russian federation, paragraph one of part one, article 10 of the federal constitutional law on the government of the russian federation and article 188.2 of the rules of procedure of the federation council, we are proceeding to consultations on the candidate for the post of minister of defense of the russian federation proposed by the president of the russian federation. participates in our meeting .
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constitution of the russian federation, i present, for the purpose of consultations, the candidacy of belousov, andrei removich, for the post of minister of defense of the russian federation federation. president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. thank you, please, what questions do you have for artur alekseevich? no questions. dear ivanovna, i give you the floor. dear colleagues, i think you will agree with me that belousov’s candidacy is well known to us. over the years, we have been very active in interacting with many issues.
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has more than doubled, this is about 6.7% of gross domestic product, everything that the ministry of defense orders for such large funds, and all this should to coordinate with the capabilities of the economy, all this needs to be organized in production so that it is at the right price, so that it is efficient, so that it is of high quality. products, and here the minister of defense needs to constantly interact with other ministries and departments in order to efficiently organize this process. secondly, colleagues, in modern wars the key thing, the determining thing, is technology, and of course, it is necessary to open the ministry of defense for the speedy introduction of innovations there. new technologies, our army
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must continue to arm itself with new modern types of weapons, this is again a matter of coordination with ministries and departments, andriyevich has extensive experience in this area, as the first deputy chairman of the government, he dealt with these issues at his previous place of work.
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the special military operation is commanded and directed by the general staff, under the leadership of the supreme commander-in-chief, so nothing changes here in this part, it works... it is carried out every day, it continues, and no one should have any worries here, speaking about the need for accelerated delivery of new modern weapons, new technologies, new innovations to the army, i would like to emphasize once again that i do not see a better candidate who could organize this work and achieve results.
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dear andrei rymovich, social protection of military personnel is a priority task; in the current conditions, a special military operation is underway, and to implement the rights of military personnel, both federal laws and organizations are being created. a year ago, a state support fund was created participants in a special military operation, and defenders of the fatherland, it has branches in all regions of the country. please tell me, do you think the measures taken for military personnel and combatants are sufficient ? thank you for this question, you yourself have just noted the creation of the fund, indeed
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we also have monetary pleasure from the military forces that participate in the north military district, all kinds of payments, they have raised the bar today... for personnel in military units, this especially applies to medical care, i think it’s absolutely a mess when fsvo participants who come on vacation are driven from civilian medical institutions and sent to hospitals, which are often simply overcrowded, this issue must be resolved, this
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also applies to excessive bureaucracy and paperwork associated with confirming benefits. in cases, in an amicable way, this should all be resolved within the framework of the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction without documentary possibilities; technologically , there is already a possibility for this now; it’s just that all things need to be worked out; this also applies to such things, for example questions when the participants of the svo are actually dependent on a minor. not only children, but also brothers and sisters, for example, they then actually find themselves outside the system of benefits that the regions provide, this is also wrong, this also needs to be resolved, and there are quite a lot of such issues, so there is something to work on. now we are returning to the broadcast from the state duma. for
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the creation of appropriate capacities for processing msw disposal. in addition, by the year thirty-six we must halve hazardous emissions. substances in cities with high very high levels of air pollution. another task is to eliminate at least 50 dangerous objects of accumulated harm by the year thirtieth. this is a very important topic, and it is sensitive not only from an environmental point of view, it is also sensitive for all the people who live in that area. an equally important area is the improvement of water bodies. starting from 25, a joint project “water of russia” will appear, which will also take into account regional issues and scientific recommendations. further, the president instructed. at two reduce the volume of untreated succulent water discharged into main water bodies by times.
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the construction and modernization of treatment facilities is planned in large cities with the greatest negative impact. in addition, work is underway to improve the health of lake baikal, as well as to restore forests, preserve biological diversity and develop specially protected natural areas. resolving issues is also a priority. regulatory regulation in the field of waste management, and finally, a separate issue - this, of course, subsoil use, requires updating tasks in the field of geology, including providing our country with scarce types of strategic resources. dear deputies, in accordance with the president’s message , the national ecology project is being developed. it is planned that it will be based on nine fet projects. which will unite all designated areas. as always, we will work and develop all these
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federal projects with your participation. dear colleagues, dear vyacheslav viktorovich, i have not touched on all areas, but i think that in interaction with industry organizations, with teams of local professionals, and, of course, with state duma committees, with state duma deputies, we will do everything to increase the results. and the full implementation of all the president’s instructions, i hope for your support, thank you for your attention, i am ready to answer the question. thank you, dmitry nikolaevich, please, nikolai ivanovich vasiliev faction of the communist party of the russian federation, prepare a stamp. nikolai ivanovich, please. dear dmitry. this was a live broadcast from the state duma, where the composition of the new government was being discussed for the second day. we will return to it later. and right now i ’m giving the floor to my colleague natalya solovyova, she’s on direct line from nizhnyaya polata. parliament natalya, yes, vera, once again, hello, we continue to monitor what is happening here on the willing row,
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we continue to present candidates for the post of deputy prime minister, we have already seen the presentation of denis manturov for the post of first deputy head of government, also to the deputy tatyana golkova spoke, she is planned to return to her work and smoke.
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nationalities who live in our country, family is, of course, a priority. the composition of the national family project will include measures to protect motherhood, preserve the health of children and adolescents, expand the network of antenatal clinics, modernize perinatal centers, children's clinics and hospitals. in 25-30 , we will allocate an additional 75 billion rubles to support the demographic programs of the regions, which. the total fertility rate in the twenty-third year is lower than in
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the russian federation as a whole. in the previous place of deputy prime minister in the new list is dmitry grigorenko, but his powers were also expanded in addition to financial and control and supervisory; he will oversee digital development and communications, despite sanctions pressure, the it industry is now very actively developing, and of course, issues of digital transformation will remain under his jurisdiction. and public administration, more than 2 million documents pass through our government apparatus annually, and we understand that in order to efficiently manage such... without loss of quality on these decisions. in the new one , this is an increase in the speed of decisions made
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alexander novak may remain in the government, but now he will oversee more than just that. realizing export potential is one of the priority tasks, as it will be solved today alexander novyk said that the development and strengthening of the economy is... one of the key tasks, the goal of russia becoming one of the four largest economies in the world by 2030 and achieving economic growth by level above the world average was designated by the president during his message to the federal assembly in the adopted may decree. for to achieve this goal, it is necessary not only to significantly increase the gross domestic product, but to form a fundamentally new
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model of economic growth. well, i’ll add that the presentation of candidates continues, alexey evrchuk. i’ve already been on the podium, now, if i’m not mistaken, dmitry patrushev is there, but after each of the candidates presents their approximate work program, a vote will be held, it will be open, after which all approved candidates will be able to take the floor and again, one can say, designate the main points of their work for the coming years. this is the information we have at this moment. faith. natalya, thank you, for consideration by the state duma. now we will pause for a short advertisement, then we will continue. children , we need new solutions, such as a children's sber card, limited design, free
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the opportunity to please those who may be difficult to please the first time , opportunities to get new impressions, a wave of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, apply for a loan with sberbank before june 10 and win money for repayment, it’s more profitable with sberim. coopersberg dishwasher with automatic opening coopersberg washing machine with discounts up to 40%. on yandex market. an air raid warning has been declared in belgorod. early in the morning, russian air defense shot down several air targets over the region. meanwhile, demolition work has been completed at the site of the collapsed entrance to a multi-story building.
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into a residential building, fortunately, none of its owners were injured, also the night before ukrainian militants attacked with rockets, as a result of one of the shells hitting an apartment building, three people were killed, five more were injured, now all the victims are receiving the necessary medical care, just during yesterday’s shelling. more than 20 people were injured in the region , and employees of federal medical centers also arrived to help local doctors; the building received serious damage;
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rescue work was carried out at the site of the partial collapse of an apartment building in belgorod, they were interrupted only during an air raid, and this work was completed by approximately 6:30, now the dangerous area has been cordoned off, there is a threat of collapse of the structure of a panel apartment building, all residents of the ten-story building have been provided with places in temporary accommodation centers, our expert organization will continue the work to inspect and study the technical condition of the damaged residential building, based on the results of this work we will make a further decision on its fate. we have a temporary accommodation center 36 people, we will discuss support measures. to these categories and we will make a decision on sending documents to the federal center for assistance in restoring or
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purchasing housing; repair and restoration work is being carried out in all areas affected by shelling; employees of municipal and utility enterprises are eliminating the consequences of attacks by ukrainian militants. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. the roar of powerful explosions was heard the night before in different regions of ukraine. already under morning message of a new series of strikes came from kharkov. where exactly this happened and what consequences the local media did not specify. explosions in the city also occurred closer to midnight; a little earlier, the same information was received about the situation in mirgorod, poltava region. and detonations were reported in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime. a new protest rally ended in tbilis; protesters spent the whole night near the parliament building demanding the withdrawal of the bill on foreign agents. people
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gathered to form barricades but the police gave a tough rebuff, they even cut off electricity in the city center, and security forces pushed the protesters back to rostovili avenue. an additional special forces unit is on duty near parliament; the georgian ministry of internal affairs reported the arrests of 20 people. let me remind you that tomorrow georgian legislators plan to consider the bill. on the transparency of foreign influence, the legal committee of parliament has already supported the initiative in the last reading. in three districts of the omsk region , a state of emergency was introduced due to the flood, about 800 houses were flooded, the most acute situation in the ustishimsky region, rescuers are evacuating residents of nine settlements at once, the water in local rivers is rapidly rising, for several days, the highest levels have already exceeded the critical level, movement in five areas is limited to... a group of rescuers is being strengthened in the region, a group of rescuers has been sent to the affected areas assistance, food, basic necessities and drinking water. children are growing up, we need new
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an alpha card is not just profitable, alpha is profitable. go to the sportmaster application and register in the sports event posters section. it is profitable to retire with a savings bank. for pensioners - a free sber card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone. will create comfort in the apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket, just grow with us, now we’ll return to broadcasting from state duma, we managed to do a lot with you, the transport industry, like the whole country, went
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through many trials and... and we went through a pandemic, when practically the blow to transport was such that we did not understand how to further interact, but we we went through this period, adapted, learned to work, and after that, you and i together felt these incredible sanctions after the start of our special military operation, when they rained down on our country like hail, and at first we were in manual control mode i had to build logistics, i want to tell you that for six months at exactly 15:00, including saturday, in mentrans, i held meetings with all the regions where response headquarters were organized, where we showed our business how to change logistics and ensure the transportation of their goods, their the range of goods and the components they receive, because europe is completely closed,


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