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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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to do, the transport industry, like the whole country, has gone through many trials, and we went through a pandemic, when the blow to transport was practically such that we did not understand how to further interact, but we went through this period, adapted, learned to work, well, after that, you and i together felt these incredible sanctions after the start of our special military operation, when they rained down on our country like hail, and at first... in manual control mode we had to build logistics, i want to tell you that for six months for exactly 15 hours, including saturday, in mentrans, i held meetings with all regions where response headquarters were organized, where we showed our businesses how to change logistics to ensure the transportation of their goods, their product range, cargo and those components that they receive, because europe has completely closed us down. we
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helped our business form new domestic and international routes, transport quickly adapted, i must say, and we are still working on logistics options on duty. i i am sure that the conditions in which we work would kill any economy of another country in the world, but we are russia, and you and i can find the strength to adapt to such conditions. let me remind you that one of the very first victims in the transport... it was civil aviation, our aviation industry, you remember, was preserved literally every month, i believe that we made an absolutely verified and wise decision, which was supported by russian president vladimir vladimirovich putin prime minister mikhail vladimirovich mishustin, we left everything planes in russia, and this gives us the opportunity to ensure the connectivity of the country, and we still fly with you, we fly well, for 2023 , we brought. more than 105 million passengers,
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this is comparable to the passenger flow of 2017, and i want to emphasize here that this is with eleven airports closed, i want to tell you that on may 28 we are opening one airport , regular flights begin twice a week to the airport in elista, so there remains we have 10 airports that are still closed, but a transport system has been developed and approved strategy for the period until 2030 with a forecast until 2035. of course, it now requires innovations in connection with the sanctions that have been introduced, in connection with changes in transport and logistics corridors, but still, you and i have already done a lot towards this, and we i think that we will resolve this issue with you in a working manner, but in no less time i just want to shorten it, i want to tell you that the decree of may 7, which evgenia sergeyovich moskvichev just recalled, is the may decree of vladimir vladivich putin. to number 309,
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in fact this is a road map for the whole transport industry, and it indicates not only a national project, an effective transport system, but we will also have to develop and offer options for increasing our development of our transport corridors by one and a half times due to the advantages that we have, we will also pay great attention to devote to the development of highways and bringing up to standard state both federal highways up to 85%, and the supporting network of highways, and we must bring regional roads to the level of 60-60%, all this is for us within our power, because we have already implemented all this with you, and i want to note that we are also developing the river component, we have 102.00 km of rivers that can support the movement of ships with cargo, and we...
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are doing a lot in order to solve these problems, and our port economy is also developing, we have 63 seaports together with berdbyansk and mariupol, and today the port capacity is 1.390 million tons, the turnover for last year was 884 million, this is significant groundwork for us, and we are now working on approaches to ports, which will allow them to be used more efficiently, i want to say that the capacity of the ports today is almost twice the capacity of soviet ports. union, and a lot has been done in terms of helping our motorists, because they also suffered, like everyone else when the border was closed, we managed to solve this problem together with the transport committee, we are now paying great attention to public transport, which we supply to the regions, this also the task that was set for us in the message of the president of the country, and we will certainly do everything it is up to us to decide, and we, together with the ministry... population mobility
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by at least 50%. in conclusion , i want to say that our railway is actively developing, we are developing the eastern range, i believe that a historic decision has been made to build the third stage of the eastern range, and you and i, if this year we are going to provide a carrying capacity of 180 million tons, then in 2000 there will already be 210 million tons, in 2032 270 million tons, and a decision has also been made. thank you for your attention, i am ready to answer question. thank you, let's move on to the questions,
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please, the communist party of the russian federation faction panteleev, sergei mikhailovich, prepare for the ddnk. russia. occupies almost a sixth of the land, today it is especially necessary to involve the entire territory, all residents of the country in solving global urgent problems, therefore , issues of transport infrastructure, the availability of a sufficient number of vehicles, cars, aircraft of various types, railway rolling stock, river and sea fleet vessels, renewal parking equipment, port modernization farms are standing. is very acute and requires a prompt solution, but these are all necessary conditions for fulfilling these tasks of preserving a single huge country. dear vitaly gennadievich, how do you assess the situation on these issues and what priority steps are necessary to
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resolve them. thank you. yes, you asked this question. of course, transport workers, the transport industry, we set the tone. our industry, in its development, and you see that many did not believe that we would rise with aviation, but we not only left aviation, we have preserved the aviation industry, we have become the main customers of aircraft for our aviation industry, now, together with dmitry valentinovich mancherov , we recently held a meeting together with aircraft manufacturers and airlines, where we are resolving these issues and determining what we need first. the same situation is happening with river water transport, you and i are deciding what and how we are now deepening our rivers, we are building gorodets, gorodets locks at the gorodets hydroelectric complex, the bogaevsky hydroelectric complex we we are expanding, the depth of the volga and don rivers
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will now be up to 4.5 m, and this will allow us to move, so this is an order for river vessels from our business, the same is connected with cars. the country is huge, the territories are large, here the chairman of the relevant committee correctly said that for the first time such attention is being paid to this direction, sphere, in this regard, vitali genich, do not forget
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about river transport, passenger transportation along our rivers, we have a lot of them, but there is practically no passenger traffic, is only just in its infancy in some regions, we need to ensure both communication between subject centers and within regions, it is important that you, having extensive experience working in the airflot, then in the ministry, use it so that we do not abandon this the problem to the regional level, because they alone cannot cope, there is a high cost of passenger...
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orders from our voters, this is exactly what the conversation is about, then ask, help, conduct a dialogue, come to a solution, just like that.
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thank you very much, this is very important for us, and we remember well your positive role in the issue of the adoption of a federal law on blacklists of passengers, airline passengers, debashirs, it was our initiative, and then at a meeting with the president we moved the issue forward and he was ultimately accepted, thank you very much, thank you, ldpr faction, fair russia faction for the truth yuri nakentievich grigoriev will prepare. hamito, dear vitaly gennadievich, recently the railway has sharply
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redirected cargo volumes from the west to east, the volume of cargo transportation in siberia and the far east has increased manifold, and therefore the time interval between the trans-siberian and bama trains has decreased. vostochny port, according to government plans, should increase its volumes by 50%, this will also lead to... residents of settlements cannot get to their place of work, transfer people, injuries and even serious cases have appeared. it is necessary to build pedestrian crossings and road crossings. currently, there is a government order from september the tenth. years that are not work,
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please, yes, i can, yes, yes, yes, the question is clear, yuri yaich, yesterday at the committee we spent a lot of time on this, in fact, he is very sensitive and difficult, he is such a question with a beard, if i may say so, it definitely needs to be resolved, because it is not the railway that, when it builds its tracks, does not have funds for construction in the investment program. loans, i think we need to look at the possibility of co-financing with the regions, because this problem has been brewing for a long time, and you are absolutely right,
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that the intensive development of the eastern range, especially bama, will now affect the fact that trains are already moving not at a frequency of 30 minutes, but 6 minutes, and for this it is necessary to build such structures, i think that together with the transport committee sergei sergeevich moskvichev we we agreed that we would meet and work through issues and proposals in order to find a permanent mechanism . not one-time, this mechanism should be used to eliminate these problems, thank you, thank you, dar genich, please, khamitov, amir makhsudovich, faction new people. let’s get ready, dear vitaly gennalievich, flight safety statistics in russia have not changed significantly, first a special military operation, at the same time, according to media reports , the number of flight delays has increased by 15-20%, which are associated not only with weather conditions, but with shortages spare parts and components. according to experts
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, it is wrong to say that in the future the shortage of components will not affect flight safety, please tell me how... the committee, we have been in the past for the last 17 years year had the smallest number of air accidents, from the point of view of providing spare parts and components, believe me, we have fully provided our fleets, this is monitored by our subordinate organization rosaviatsia, more than 3.00 inspections are carried out per year, we issue an order if something is wrong , in
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this statistics that you say, in fact, 15-20% is the correct statistics, but i want to tell you another statistics that is not published, last year we made 661 thousand commercial flights per year, 66100, there were 402 flights due to technical faults, when planes were suspended for technical faults, well , you can do the math for yourself, it’s less than that, probably about 0.5%. what does this mean, you and i were preparing for this, because it was a big business, for example, and aeroflot we 6 or 7 years ago i created aeroflot technics , an engineering company with 2,500 engineers, where full repair of aircraft is provided, there we have a total of 23 largest hangars where we can simultaneously in russia, this is all together our airline is s7 engineer, we have the vnukovo aircraft plant, and we can simultaneously provide 78 narrow-body
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aircraft, about 23 wide-body aircraft with repairs, in total we have 500. 43 organizations that are certified to service aircraft, because delays may vary, there are a lot of delays with watering in the winter, there is a system of refusal to register, so i will provide you with the safety part, and with spare parts, quite calmly, i am completely responsible for you i declare that we are monitoring this and for us the priority of passenger safety is the most important priority, thank you, here is tatyana.
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and here you can do whatever you want, traditional values, of course, the man is on his knees in front of the woman. we have been working with you for 3 hours 20 minutes, please, final question, deryabkin, viktor efimovich, dear vitaly gennadievich, at a meeting of the presidium of the state council in the area of ​​transport on august 17, 2023 and in
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the national presidential decree signed in may of this year. purposes and in the strategic objectives of the development of the russian federation for the period until 2030 and for the future until 2036, the president raised the issue of updating public transport in cities and regions of russia. there is an urgent issue about the lack of bus service in more than 1,400 settlements of our country. will measures to address public transport problems be included? the national project for an efficient transport system, which is now being prepared, thank you, yes, thank you for the question, in fact the question is very important, and you know that it has been accepted.
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of which in 5 months we have already delivered 4,200, and i want to tell you that within the framework of special loans that were issued, we delivered 6,000 buses, of which more than half went to regions where they are especially in need and where there is no opportunity to purchase these buses, so we will determine what kind of national project we will include in this development of public transport. at the government level, we have a project not only for an effective transport system, we also have an infrastructure for life, we will see then, that it will happen, that’s for sure, because you and i in the ministry of transport have a project that is so
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popular, beloved by everyone, these are safe and high-quality roads, a national project, it ends this year, and we are successfully implementing it, it’s sitting there one of the six federal programs is a program for the development of public transport, and we will simply decide where we will include it, but the fact that it will be... thank you, thank you, vitali gennadievich, questions for you, all of them were asked accordingly , let's give thanks, it was straight broadcast from the state duma, where is the second day. they are discussing the composition of the new government, we will return to it later, and now this is footage of the arrival
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of acting minister of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev for consultations at the federation council, vladimir putin offered to retain this position for him, vladimir klokoltsev walked into the hall, accompanied by the chairman of the federation council, valentin matvienko, he has headed the ministry of internal affairs longer than all the predecessors of modern russia. government of dmitry medvedev, replacing the bells, was appointed in may 2012 to rashidaleeva. it is profitable to retire with sberbank. for pensioners, a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at... the bank online or in a branch. midea robot vacuum cleaner with wet cleaning function at a 42% discount. and silver sokolov earrings with an 81% discount on
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the federation council committee is holding today consultations on candidates for the posts of heads of the security forces of russia, as well as the foreign ministry. the day before they were proposed by vladimir putin. our correspondent varvara nevskaya is in the upper house of parliament, she is in direct contact.


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