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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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committees of the federation council are holding consultations today on candidates for the posts of heads of the security forces of russia, as well as the ministry of foreign affairs. the day before they were proposed by vladimir putin. our correspondent, varvara nevskaya, is in the upper house of parliament, she is in direct contact. varvara, hello, how are the discussions going? alexander, good afternoon!
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the hearings began today at 11:00 a.m. in the international affairs committee, but acting foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived first for consultations, and after the official procedure presentation of the candidate, the speaker of the federation council said that the upper house of parliament was glad that lavrov’s candidacy was introduced by the president. valentina matvienko also recalled that he is a career diplomat who has worked his way up from attaché.
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senators during the hearing, the acting minister of foreign affairs also commented on the so-called peace summit on ukraine, which western countries are planning to hold in switzerland in june this year, and sergei lavrov expressed confidence that switzerland, alas, has lost its neutral status and talking about the impartiality of such a peaceful, so-called initiative, of course, is impossible. now switzerland is definitely up.
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on the side of ukraine, and not only supports all western sanctions, but even acts as a leader on some issues, but i note in parentheses that much earlier than the current ukrainian situation, switzerland began to drift away from its neutrality, in particular, the americans broke their hands many, many years ago and the swiss have significantly opened up, now they have almost completely disclosed all aspects related to banking secret, which well... already at 12 in the morning, the federation council defense committee held consultations on the candidacy of andrei belousov for the post of minister of defense of the russian federation. speaker soffeda called belousov's candidacy for the post of minister of defense an extremely successful election.
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organize production so that it is at the right price, so that it is efficient, so that there is a quality product, and here the minister of defense needs to constantly interact with other ministries and departments in order to ensure quality organize this process. valentina matvienko also stated that it is necessary to open the ministry of defense for the speedy introduction of innovations there. speaker soffeda noted that
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andriy belousov has extensive experience in these areas, as the first deputy chairman of the government, and he has already dealt with these areas, which means he will be able to as quickly as possible and without unnecessary...
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ivanovna, dear colleagues, we are holding a joint meeting committees of the federation council on defense and security and on constitutional legislation. state building, is there a quorum of the federation council committee on defense and security, andrey aleksandrovich, is there a quorum of the committee of the council of the committee , thank you, in accordance with paragraph one of part one of article 102 of the constitution
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of the russian federation, paragraph one of part one of article ten of the federal constitutional law to the government russian federation and article 18: thank you, the floor is given to the authorized representative of the president of the russian federation in the federation council, artur alekseevich muravyova, please, guided by clause dprim of article 83 of the constitution of the russian
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federation, i present a candidacy for the purpose of consultations. kolokoltsev vladimir aleksandrovich to the post of minister of internal affairs of the russian federation. president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. thank you, please, questions for artur alekseevich? no questions. dear valentin ivanovna, i give you the floor. ivanovich, dear senators, members of the defense committee, on constitutional legislation. today is our first time we are implementing our new constitutional powers and holding consultations.
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but, of course, there are many problems in the ministry, salaries are not very high, police, equipment, provision of transport, and others, i know how vladimir sanovich fights for his industry, how every time when considering the budget he defends the interests of his industry, fights for their employees, so i ask the budget committee, the defense committee when considering...
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well-known and today we have the opportunity to hold consultations, to hold a dialogue sladic and as required by the constitution, following the results tomorrow we will continue consultations and then we will send information about the consultations to the president, who will read it and make a decision on the appointment of a minister, that’s probably all, thank you.
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within the ministry, in order to achieve qualitative changes in the field of combating corruption, how can we defeat this evil? thanks for the question, i must immediately. it should be noted that 75% of corruption crimes are detected by employees of the ministry of internal affairs, for in the last year, our detection rate has increased by 3%, i am far from saying that more bribe-takers have appeared in our country, they just probably began to work more actively, and the fact of receiving bribes in
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our country has increased, they have been brought out more by 15. percent, so our department is actively working in this direction, of course, for citizens there is always the question of compensation for material damage of 50 billion rubles that was caused by corrupt officials, this damage was almost completely compensated as a result operational-search investigative measures in relation to these citizens who committed this crime, as for... tasks, tasks for us are, first of all , the preservation of budget funds, the fight against corruption among officials and other citizens, identifying and documenting facts of abuse, i have in view of malfeasance, and of course the fight against corruption in our own ranks, as for issues of impact on business, which we
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pay close attention to, here we keep this situation under strict control, have to accept. sometimes not only therapeutic, but also surgical methods, we get rid of managers, we get rid of employees who abuse their rights, and accordingly, damage both entrepreneurs and the image of our system, in general, in any case, we keep it under control, so we comply with the requirements the heads of state are reducing pressure on business and are trying to fully implement this, of course. there are results. thank you for your attention. robot
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duma, the government with the federal assembly and heads of regions, and we would like
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to say in a new... that over the past 4 years we have maintained these plans, over 4 years 388 million km of housing have been commissioned, we have accumulated simply unprecedented the pace, as a result of this work... our security by the year thirtieth will be 33 m2 per person, but the most important thing is to reach 120 million square m2 per year, then we must maintain this pace for another 6 years,
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then we will have security there will be 38 m per person, which will truly improve the quality of life of our citizens. the most important issue in this block is, of course, individual construction; we have a number of proposals on how to increase the volume of individual construction. in order to support this pace of construction, we need radical approaches to development, further continuation of mortgages, we see today the development of family mortgages, we see mortgages in new territories, in the far east, we believe that mortgages are one of the important levers and stimulators for the development of housing construction, the next a set of issues are related to landscaping, we have a task set by the president... by the thirtieth year, at least 30% of 30,000 public areas, about 25 thousand courtyard areas should be put in order, 1,600 projects all-russian competition should be involved, but in
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general, the quality of the urban environment should improve by one and a half times, we are moving well in this direction, our plans are all being fulfilled, more and more people are involved in this work, we recently finished online voting, 17 million people voted for improvement projects. the next most important block is the reduction of emergency housing; it is planned to be solved in conjunction with a program of major repairs and solving current problems of managing multi-apartment housing stock. sustainable a reduction in uninhabitable housing stock can only be achieved if the necessary funding is available, as well as if the rules for relocating housing are clarified. we also plan to implement a comprehensive program to modernize utility infrastructure to 4 and a half. drinking water supply facilities, which will improve the quality of life and services for millions of citizens, on the instructions of the president, we
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have worked out an infrastructure menu mechanism, which means we believe that a trillion has already entered our economy, up to 2 trillion more, using new investment budget loans and restructured ones, we plan to invest in the regions, and i emphasize that this will be the task primarily of the heads of regions. determine what to invest in. the next most important block is the reduction of the construction cycle, but i have already said that we , together with the duma, managed to reduce it by almost half. we set ourselves the task in the next 3 years so that in the country no objects will be built more than 3 years from idea to registration of ownership rights, except for complex, unique, and, well, some special ones special. this means that regarding roads, we believe that, of course, it is necessary to bring the roads in urban agglomerations and in our regions to the standard. the task is 65%, 85% to achieve the core network indicators, well, all our work will be linked to a comprehensive development plan, in
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a comprehensive plan for the development of transport, energy, telecommunications, social other infrastructure for the period until the thirty- sixth year, this is according to the presidential decree, which should be prepared using a unified digital cartographic basis, we plan to continue work on the presidium...
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cost as little as possible, and if it is of course important to us that every meter of housing is our contribution, then we will definitely take your words as compliments when we seem to have more meters, but the cost of housing is rising, this is where we calm down. they shouldn’t have anything to do with you, because today the key task is to make housing affordable, so colleagues, and our voters demand this, so this will be an issue under the control of the state duma, and we will constantly return to it, but the fact that changes in the industry is obvious , colleagues, we we must admit, we must say that... the most difficult situation was when kherzyanovich came to work as deputy prime minister, there were indeed a lot of legislative initiatives.
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quite effectively further leads to results, and today we say that they are significant, in comparison even with those times when in the soviet union this whole colossus worked, we reached large volumes, and this must be admitted, precisely thanks to the fact that people someone who cares has come and is doing everything possible for his part to solved problems, worked towards the end
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result. communist party faction, lyabekhov, roman mikhailovich, please, your question. dear maraz shakerzyanovich, we constantly receive requests from citizens, we ourselves see it in the territories, that during the construction of social facilities, which are built at the expense of budgets of various levels, the rise in cost during the construction process often occurs several times. we checked this information, we see hundreds and sometimes even thousands of percent increases in prices, well, here’s an example. school in chebaksary more than 1,000%. the school in the samara region is more than 200%. recently, when we were meeting, the ministry of health announced that the hospital in krasnogorsk, moscow region, has generally gone from 15 billion to 35 billion. the problem, as we see, is that an unqualified, corrupt customer follows the contractor’s lead. this problem needs to be solved, how do you plan
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to do it and how can we, as deputies, help? thank you very much, thank you, but i want to immediately clarify that comparable objects of hundreds or even 1.0% cannot have a difference in price, that is, most likely we are comparing incomparable objects, i am ready for all your the examples that exist, look at them personally , figure them out and report separately, this is the first thing. secondly, with regard to the rise in prices, today there is a lot of talk about this, due to what the rise in price is happening, i will say very simply what the cost of construction is made up of, from 30 to 70 percent of the cost of construction, on average 50 are building materials, materials from today, for objective reasons, they have become more expensive due to the foreign exchange component, due to logistics, due to shortages, due to imported components, so they really went up in price. the second part is the rise in price by about 25% - this is wages, well , we want it or not, colleagues, we now have a terrible shortage of builders and today builders have increased their salaries from 50 to 100%. and this also
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fell into the cost of the last 4 years, the third component, about 8%, is transport, our transportation costs have increased significantly, for railways, for example, i can say that here we are the last crushed stone on the m12 highway from the urals they brought it in by car, which means they didn’t have time to just finish the road, so this also almost increased from 30 to 50%, plus the financial component in housing construction, the cost of money in each meter from 5 to 12%, colleagues. therefore, miracles do not happen, everything, everything grows for certain reasons, this is the first thing that concerns the technical customer, an absolutely correct question, we have lost the culture, the institute of technical customers in the country, for some reason we believe that our doctors can build , but for some reason no one thinks that builders can be surgeons, colleagues, everyone should mind their own business when we are at today in a state-owned institution with a salary of 50-60 rubles per day...
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technical customers need to decide, first, to centralize as much as possible, we don’t have to decide this at the federal level, so i think that we have centralized it at the level, we have a single customer, who for 3 years of work, he has already completed many years of unfinished projects, such as the tretyakov gallery, such as the museum of oceanography in kaliningrad, and will complete hundreds more objects within the next few years.
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already in the examination, where do we need it?


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