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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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leaders of countries who set trends in the development of artificial intelligence, with your help we want to create a truly regulatory paradise for our developers to ensure the mass safe implementation of this technology. i am sure that together with you, dear deputies, all the tasks specified by the president will be completed in full, i count on your support, thank you, thank you, dmitry nikolaevich, please, questions from the communist party faction novikov, dmitry georovich will be prepared by chernushov. dear dmitry nikolaevich, in the coming years, education will inevitably be an area of ​​increased public attention, the president’s order to bring the level of teachers’ salaries to the average, to the regional average is important, but it often turned into a teacher working for two or more paychecks, this sweatshop system is exhausting and interferes with professional growth, what levers do you see to bring order here? the most important issue for the education system, educating a patriotic citizen
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, a single history textbook for high schools has merit, but there are also gaps that this textbook needs to be corrected, corrected; in the paragraphs devoted to the great patriotic war, there is not even a definition of fascism, nazism. how actively are you ready to use the capabilities of the state duma and the expert potential of political parties to develop school textbooks on history, literature and social studies? thanks in advance. thank you. teachers, of course, this is a key task, the government, i know, is forming unified approaches to the formation of wages for their gradual implementation, and the ministry of education is already working on comprehensive assessment of the existing systems, and the president gave exhaustive instructions to comply with the target indicators of wage levels, in principle, the budgetary sector, but also specifically mentioned teaching workers, therefore it is for... the task of developing measures that
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eliminate regional differences, and implementation is already beginning from the twenty-fifth year, when a new wage system will be approved for the entire public sector, but in particular for teachers, this concerns the second question, which is extremely important, because indeed, the presidential decree approved the foundations of state policy in the field of historical education, among others, the task was set to create...
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my question is about improving the targeted recruitment for training personnel for the constituent entities of the russian federation. today , the issue of providing conditions for the spatial development of the state is relevant for our country. to achieve this, it is first of all advisable to target personnel training aimed at covering professional deficits throughout the country. in this regard, i propose as part of the development of a new national project, personnel training will be consolidated as an indicative indicator. universities and secondary vocational education for territories, these are diverse cities, small towns, rural areas. in this regard, it is important to establish special quotas within the framework of targeted recruitment with an obligation for subsequent training in customer territories in a range of in-demand areas, such as engineering teaching staff, junior nursing staff, and highly specialized managers. it is important to encourage students to enroll in data specialties. in this regard, i would like to hear your, dmitry nikolaevich, attitude towards this initiative, thank you very much,
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thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich, i agree, we discussed at the committee that the issue of personnel training is of priority importance for the regions, and already this year on behalf of the prime minister , a new strategy for the spatial development of russia will be approved, which will take into account, among other things, these issues, regional and municipal priorities, and also in accordance with the updated strategy for scientific and technological... development in 80 regions has identified leaders, they are at the rank of deputy governors for scientific and technological development, their main task is to form, together with business, a qualified order from the region for personnel, taking into account this data that we we receive from the regions, the volume and structure of the ctc will be formed, as well as the admission quota for targeted training, yesterday at the committee we discussed this. of course, we will
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carry out the work with the deputy corps, in the event of my statement, i will be ready to support and work through this issue, including, by the way, with the presidential platform russia is a country of opportunities. please, kabyshev, sergei vladimirovich, the faction of fairly russia for the truth, prepare for the goryachevs. dear dmitry nikolaevich, currently, due to the unfriendly position of a number of foreign countries and organizations, the issue of a new model of international scientific and technical cooperation is urgent. the key issues that need to be addressed are the threat of isolation from the global scientific community and risk of losing highly qualified scientists. served the interests of their homeland. in this regard, as you see development priorities , we need to fight for our scientists so that they engage in international scientific and technical cooperation in the modern environment. thank you. dear sergei vladimirovich, you and i probably communicate every day. and
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of course, the role of international scientific and technical cooperation is already defined in the strategy for scientific and technological development, which the president approved by decree. according to strategy. research infrastructure , an international center for synchlotron, neutron and laser research has been created; this infrastructure has just allowed us to join the fight for the world's best scientific personnel, well, at least in the ias space, our friendly
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countries and to involve them in solving the technological problems facing us. but one example that was also important was the development of a strategy for the scientific and technological development of the union. state until 1935, yesterday at your committee i, in fact, received an order, and the need to create an additional specialized advisory body at the government level in this international area, we will form it, i propose, on the basis of the government commission on scientific and technological progress, and we will continue to work. thank you, nikolaevich, nikolaevich, i want to take a little break from such complex issues. propose one to discuss a simple one, look, in higher education we have both budget places and paid ones, everything is clear, but when we have paid departments in secondary vocational educational institutions
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institutions, in order for a person to get a profession, this is probably wrong, but perhaps this topic can still be brought up. for discussion, a discussion was brought up in order to decide on it together with colleagues whether a person graduates from school, wants to get a profession, a welder, an electrician, a cook, we must give this opportunity, today some of the specialties go only to the paid department, this is everywhere, on the one hand we have a shortage of personnel, a shortage of workers, kusnulin constantly talks about this, on the other on the other hand, we do nothing so that a person who wants to get a profession comes and gets it, and for free, we say, yes, go, pay, well, in the end
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we lose, we lose a young man who could become a skilled worker , here we have this topic, it exists, and if you look at other countries, i know that you have studied it. the experience of china, because in china, getting a working profession is free, but at the same time even high school there is paid, universities are all paid, but getting a working profession is free, we that we don’t notice this, that we need to at least adjust our position on these issues, kabyshev talks about space, but there’s a topic here? there is a theme, first, second, we have a shortage of not only doctors, but teachers at universities, former pedagogical institutes that either became universities or merged with universities, left
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pedagogy, left the specialty of a teacher, there is training in physics, mathematics , in chemistry, it’s all there. but there is no teacher, and how are we going to solve this problem? this is everywhere, and, as a rule, these were budget places that... were mastered and then fit into the market, and, again, if you look at the university’s enrollment, you will see the number of budget places, for example, for teacher training there are many times more physical education teachers than mathematics, physics, and computer science teachers, something that is lacking in schools, but physical education teachers, having received their education in budget places, go to fitness centers.
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than specialized medical universities, here are the universities under the ministry of health, tatyana alekseevna is present here, there are 46 of them, and faculties have already been opened at universities. in 117 we are again in favor, but then
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to ensure the quality of education there, because when these faculties were opened where there was no scientific school, where there was no foundation, laboratories, anatomical studies, they began to open in small regional centers, this was all included with legal disciplines, remember then against this yu... teacher we will not achieve the quality of knowledge,
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so we need, maybe colleagues, to talk about this, and we understand that you are for schools, we will not achieve any results, without us the key here is not only an interlocutor, but a partner in resolving this issue, we are planning to hold a hearing, which is being prepared by ivan ivanovich melnikov, dmitry nikolaevich, we hope, based on what you are listening, you are in dialogue and the reviews are positive, but... we just need to call a spade a spade and we need to start with guaranteeing that a young person who graduates from school, primary or secondary, if you want to get a working specialty, here’s the state for you guarantees, free of charge, choose any specialty, you can get it from us, then it will be a standard, but we refuse them here, they then go...
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funds, there is a priority of 20-30, which helps to change, but it has its own difficulties, oh which we all know, and the results that we want to achieve, among the measures that could improve the situation, according to the faction, could be the creation of a state marketplace for scientific organizations, businesses, another solution is for universities to be able to transfer mipom licenses for the invention of developments for the implementation of commercialization proposals, i would like to know your opinion, what are you betting on now in this matter and which ones: scientific developments. thank you. thank you, ksenia aleksandrovna, indeed, more than 50% of the total number of patent applications seems to come from universities and scientific organizations, and at the same time the level of their commercialization is extremely low. we understand this problem, which is why transfer technology centers were launched;
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today there are already 38 of them. and other projects, such as a platform. connect businesses with neo-blood performers, and company representatives will be able to actually place their orders on such a marketplace prototype to solve their technological problems, and researchers will immediately see this task in competition and will fight to make this order, i think that together it will work out, thank you,
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thank you, nikolaevich, please, mazhuga, alexander georgievich. thank you very much, vyacheslav viktorovich, deeply respected dmitry nikolaevich, you have already spoken about technological leadership as one of the goals national development about the sovereignty projects that are being launched today, but all these projects contain two key components: the first is the scientific and technological component, the second is the personnel component. how do you see the mechanisms for selecting priority areas today: scientific, scientific and technological work. if this is an applied topic, we understand that the very name of the national project determines its essence.
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approach to developing these lists, which will be approved by the president, now this list, which essentially forms the files, based on industry requests, are processed by the academy of sciences, since they represent the main expert center for us, and after that they will be submitted in accordance with the instructions of the president to a council meeting, where they will presumably be considered on june 15. after the approval of this list of high-tech priority technologies, the commission, together with the academy of sciences, will begin to implement them, including through the examination of the state budget.
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discussing the composition of the new government.
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the state has abolished commissions for transfers between your accounts in different banks. from may 1 , russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. translate. receive money for a free alpha card in rubles and a 16% rate on savings. not just profitable, alpha profitable. for back and joint pain. nice active gel is an active formula for accelerated penetration into the source of pain and inflammation. nice active. reducing pain is his goal. this have not happened before. russian cold. 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in... a glass, try the real russian cold ice cream, great, incredible taste! hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20
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dear. the federation council has begun consultations on candidates who were presented by the president for the position of head of executive authorities, and i propose to begin these consultations today within the framework of the committee meeting, the floor is given to the authorized representative of the president in the federation council, arturuvich murovyov.
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to the constitution of the russian federation, i present, for the purpose of consultations, the candidacy of konstantin anatolyevich chuychenko for the post of minister of justice of the russian federation. president of the russian federation, vladimir putin.
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takes part in this work that we we will bring this bill to its logical conclusion, and it will correspond, as expected, to the state structure, and not to a meeting of free artists, according to other laws, not only this one, we always find understanding, as well as in terms of the humanization of our criminal correctional system, our legislation. konstantin anatolyevich, a supporter of further humanization, something that completely coincides with the opinion of members of the federation council and senators. konstantin anatolyevich went through a large school, a leadership school, also with his biography, you know him, he was deputy chairman of the government, chief of staff, well, assistant to the president, he has one.
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propose for appointment to the post of minister of justice, this is a very significant position, they don’t give it to you, they take it, you could quietly go with the flow, and konstantin anatolyevich has more and more power in the good sense of the word, tidies up for himself, works proactively, creatively, professionally , so thank you very much, thank you very much, valentina ivanovna, so, colleagues, to the authorized representative
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the president has no questions, the kit that was given up.


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