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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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managerial experience, administrative experience, and most importantly, knowledge as a lawyer and professional qualities, as a lawyer, legal expert at the highest level, it is very pleasant that vladimir vladimirovich again proposed konstantin anatolyevich chuychenko, the business and professional qualities of konstantin anatolyvich, naturally, gave the basis for the president again propose it for...
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proposed in the federation council, you actively supported it, over the past year the portal worked in pilot mode, has established itself as a very popular information resource, this is truly a unique information system that should be extended to all regions of the russian federation, how do you see the prospects for the development of this work and what else needs to be done for this, thank you, dear, dear members of the federation, well...
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the territory of the russian federation and this internal circuit must already gain full strength and power. what is the outer contour? well, first of all, it contains information about life situations by category, today there are about 90 of them, but i hope that in the future this number will increase dramatically.
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deputy prime ministers, including the first deputy prime minister, were introduced into the lower house of parliament by the previously appointed prime minister mikhail mishustin. and now he’s joining us live.
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all the candidates submitted by the prime minister are well known to us; we went through the difficult time of challenges that the country faced. the economy grew to 3.6% at the end of last year. we have to it should be noted that the chairman of the government did the right thing by holding. consultation with the state duma, who proposed people who do not need to study, who do not need to start all over again, well , idenis mantarov will appear in the new composition of the cabinet of ministers, which is already in charge of industry, but
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now he can take the position of first deputy prime minister, today speaking to deputies, he spoke about achieving technological sovereignty. with a focus on machine tools, industrial robots and chemical products, also with a special focus will be focused on consolidating russia's position in space, but of course with an emphasis on our defense industry. we will direct even more efforts to increase the defense capability of our state. today, the russian defense industry is the most powerful in the world in terms of...
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the national family project includes measures to protect motherhood, preserve the health of children and adolescents, expand the network of antenatal clinics, modernize perinatal centers, children's clinics and hospitals. in 25-30 we will allocate
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an additional 75 billion rubles to support demographic programs of regions whose total fertility rate in the twenty -third year is lower than in russia as a whole. we annually process more than 2 million documents through the government apparatus, and we understand that in order to efficiently manage such a volume, it is necessary to introduce a digital model of management, public administration, which is used, among other things, for the implementation of national projects and state programs, in general one one of the main tasks facing the apparatus... the government today is to increase the speed decisions made without loss of quality on
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these decisions, well, about the expansion of powers, now we can actually talk about mentioning every name of the candidate, including alexander novak, his responsibility will now be the fuel and energy, as well as the economic bloc, in general, his candidacy the day before not just unanimously, but unanimously approved by the relevant committee, which in general is not surprising, right. but it’s a rather complex block, there are a lot of complex tasks, and this position is quite responsible, especially since those are 20% of our gdp, so alexander novyk spoke today in the state duma about how its export potential will be expanded. development and strengthening of the economy is one of the key tasks and goals.
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for the posts of deputy prime ministers, said natalya solovyova. by 2030, russia should become one of the four largest economies in the world. to do this, it is necessary not only to increase gdp, but to create a fundamentally new development model. this statement was made in the state duma by candidate for the post of deputy prime minister alexander novak. dmitry morocco found out what this new model will look like. new government. will rely on the development of priority industries, including projects of technological sovereignty,
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the military-industrial complex, the agricultural sector, and the manufacturing industry. despite external pressure, the manufacturing industry has shown growth of 35% over the past 10 years, said denis manturov, whose candidacy has been proposed for the post of first deputy prime minister. other sectors of the economy are also actively developing, so there is a basis for achieving all the national development goals set by the president. on proposed: i am ready to continue to coordinate the key directions of the technological sovereignty project, their implementation is envisaged in all sectors, the development of which affects the improvement of the quality of life of our citizens, meaning technological support for the production of innovative medicines, medical products, fertilizers and high-performance equipment for farmers, equipment for ... energy security and the availability of all types of reliable, comfortable, environmentally friendly
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transport. close attention will be paid to the development of shipbuilding, according to denis manturov, this year it is planned to deliver over 110 civilian ships. last year, 108 were built . several new space exploration programs are also starting, the main one of which is the construction of our own orbital station, funding will begin this year. the most important task is air support. the industry needs to increase the share of domestic aircraft in the fleets of russian carriers. to increase the territorial connectivity of the country, it is also necessary to continue development roads and railways. the candidate for the post stated this. we will also pay great attention to the development of highways and bringing both federal highways up to 85% and the supporting network of highways to standard conditions, and we must bring regional roads to the level of 60-60%. a historic decision was made on the construction of the third stage of the eastern landfill, and you and
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i, if this year we are going to provide a carrying capacity of 180 million tons, then... the deputy prime minister plans to focus on incentives for the formation of efficient and delivered housing. alexander novok, at the post of competitive economy of russia and ensure
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the influx of new investments. first of all, it is necessary to implement a national project to increase labor productivity. annual growth should be 2.8%. it is planned to involve at least 40% of large medium-sized enterprises in basic non-resource industries in the project. all this is necessary for russia to join the four largest economies in the world. development and strengthening of the economy is one of the key tasks. the goal of russia joining the top four largest economies in the world by 2030 and achieving economic growth at a level above the world average was outlined. president during his message to the federal assembly in the adopted may decree, to achieve this goal it is necessary not only to significantly increase the gross domestic product, but to form a fundamentally new model of economic growth, create additional conditions for the development of industry, new production, the development of technological and financial sovereignty, fair competition , private initiative and
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most importantly, the growth of citizens' incomes. it is planned to provide. with its own goods, not only domestic demand, but also to enter promising foreign markets, to do this, launch joint investment projects with friendly countries and increase transit along international corridors. among the priority areas are still the development of the fuel and energy complex and gasification of the country. now its level is already one of the highest in the world - 74%. more than a million contracts have been concluded under the social gasification program, of which 950,000 have already been completed to the boundaries of the plots. another task on the government’s agenda is the development of the it industry and digitalization of public administration, which was emphasized by the candidate for the post of deputy prime minister, dmitry grigorenko. one of the tasks facing us today is to increase the speed of movement of budget funds. we understand perfectly well that money is a tool; managing money
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greatly increases the efficiency of completing tasks and achieving achievements. goals, we have digitized and optimized the procedure for redistributing funds within the state program national projects. today, our money moves twice as fast as in 1919, while every ruble is tied to a specific event, among the priorities and development of the agricultural sector. dmitry patrushev, who was also nominated for the post of deputy prime minister, spoke about plans to increase its effectiveness. according to him , over the past 10 years, harvests in the country have increased significantly. they averaged 100 million tons. thanks to this, russia remains a reliable supplier on the world market. in the future, food exports are planned ramp up. the mechanisms that exist have shown their effectiveness. since 2000, our agricultural production has almost doubled, and the grain harvest in 10 years
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has already exceeded 100 million tons on average. our milk production volumes are growing accordingly. russian guard, in this department he was responsible for combat training of employees. in the donetsk
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people's republic, over the past 24 hours, the russian military has improved tactical positions near four settlements, including katerynivka and novopokrovskoye. at the same time, units of the ukrainian armed forces suffered defeat. our fighters also repelled seven enemy counterattacks. kiev troops lost. almost 400 militants, several prostrate armored vehicles and artillery pieces. in addition, the southern group of our army also achieved serious success. units of the southern group of forces improved the situation along the front line and defeated manpower and equipment, the seventy-ninth air assault brigade, the eighty-first airmobile brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of settlements, kleshcheevka, antonovka and grigorovka of the donetsk people's republic. per day repelled three counterattacks of the assault. groups tenth mountain assault, forty-first mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of spornoe and rozdolovka of the donetsk people's republic. enemy losses amounted to up to 540 military personnel,
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two tanks, including a leopard-2a1 made in germany, two armored fighting vehicles, 11 cars, a 150mm m-777 howitzer made in the usa, a 152mm d-20 howitzer, a 122mm gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount , 105 mm. us-made m119 gun and 105mm italian -made malara mod-56 howitzer. over the past 24 hours, more than 120 houses and 104 cars have been damaged in belgorod and the region due to shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. governor vyacheslav glotkov provided such data. residents of belgorod bring flowers and toys to the site of the tragedy, where a ukrainian missile hit an apartment building and killed 15 people. rescuers were also injured as a result of the repeated collapse. report by igor pikhanov. last night was difficult for residents of the belgorod region. ukrainian
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militants fired rockets at shells. most of them were shot down by air defense units. the air raid alarm sounded. as the head of the region vyacheslav glodkov reported in his telegram channel. in one of the villages of the belgogorod region there was a direct hit in a residential building, fortunately none of its owners were injured, also on the eve of the evening ukrainian militants fought off with the help of rockets, as a result of one of the shells hitting an apartment building, three people were killed, more five were injured, now all the victims are receiving the necessary medical assistance, in total, during yesterday's shelling, more than 20 people were injured in the region... to the aid of local doctors, employees of federal medical centers also arrived, the building received serious damage,
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rescue work was carried out at the site of a partial collapse of an apartment building in belgorod, they were interrupted only during an air raid, this work was completed at approximately 6:30, now the dangerous area has been cordoned off, there is a threat of collapse of the structure of a panel multi-apartment residential building, all residents ten-story buildings... places in temporary accommodation centers have been delivered, our expert organization will continue to work on inspecting and studying the technical condition of the damaged residential building, based on the results of this work we will make a further decision on its fate. we have 36 people at the temporary accommodation facility, we will discuss support measures for these categories and will make a decision. upon sending documents to the federal center for assistance in the restoration or purchase of housing. in all those affected by
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in shelled areas , repair and restoration work is being carried out; employees of municipal and utility companies are eliminating the consequences of attacks by ukrainian militants. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. one of the children of the victims. during the shelling of belgorod , a one and a half month old baby was taken to moscow for treatment along with his mother, she was also wounded, they were placed in the russian children's clinical hospital, they were brought by helicopter by air ambulance, the child survived the journey satisfactorily, the doctors are already doing everything necessary to it is possible to accurately assess the nature and severity of the injuries of the patient and his mother as soon as possible. in total, on behalf of the acting head of the ministry of health, mikhail murashk, he will be taken to moscow for treatment. victims of militant attacks on belgorod. the patient's condition upon admission is assessed as extremely serious. the baby is currently on artificial ventilation. heaviness.
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the condition is caused by a mine explosion injury, as well as burns of the upper respiratory tract and scalp. a full laboratory test is currently being planned. instrumental examination of the patient, consultations with specialists, the results of which will determine the further tactics of treating the patient. the ukrainian peace formula will not be the only peace plan that participants at the conference in switzerland will discuss on june 15. this was reported in the media of the european state; western media observers, in turn, write that a series of defeats in the ssu near kharkov increases pressure on the kiev regime and raises the question of the appropriateness of military assistance. artyom krosulin will tell you more. position of the armed forces of ukraine things are deplorable at the front, sky news reporters report that ukrainian troops are rapidly losing ground in the kharkov direction, saying that even the local military command admits that the situation there is very
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difficult. cnn experts argue in a similar vein; according to them, the success of the russian armed forces puts enormous pressure on the kiev regime. in march, president putin mentioned creating buffer zones to reduce the number of attacks on russian territory. perhaps the current offensive is precisely related to the fulfillment of this task. in fact, moscow has opened another front, which puts even more pressure on the ukrainian armed forces. the successful operations of russian troops affected the morale of the ukrainian military. the new york times writes that the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine. blame each other for failures in the defense of the kharkov region. they note that resources were already strained by delays in western aid deliveries. equipment shortages and personnel losses are causing western allies to doubt the effectiveness of assistance to ukraine. observers do not rule out that after the series defeats near kharkov, the united states and other nato countries can force the ukrainian authorities to sit down at the negotiating table, which the kiev regime is so zealously opposed to. signs of despair
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are visible in the behavior of zelensky himself. bloomberg writes that the president asks residents not to panic and not to succumb to emotions because of the advance of russian troops near kharkov, saying that the situation is difficult, but under control, however, the kiev regime may not wait for help due to the upcoming elections in the us and eu, according to opinion of the european commissioner on issues domestic market, tyri briton, politicians in the coming months will shift attention from ukraine to internal problems and the fight for the electorate. the truth is that a very dangerous period is beginning. for ukraine, because there is no need to be deceived, we in europe are in the process of elections, elections are coming soon in the usa, the election campaign is now underway, for russia this is an opportunity to move forward, so we, the europeans, have decided to very significantly increase our subsidies in the form of weapons defense for ukraine, including number of ammunition. in a conversation with french journalists, briton also noted that brussels has partially moved to the economy of war, while at the same time drawing
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its own european armies into the conflict. they don’t want to, germany and great britain rejected the proposal to protect the western part of ukrainian airspace with nato forces. london reasonably noted that interceptions of russian missiles with the help of alliance forces would take the conflict to a new level. artyom krosulin, alika komarova and evgenia zemtsova. news. meet the free children's sber card, limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of free communication, a payment sticker, a children's savings card - an adult approach, what is real football to you? is it to play one level higher, no, no, two levels, three?
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