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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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is guaranteed, if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. this year marks 79 years since the victory in the great patriotic war and 80 years since the date. liberation of belarus from hitler's germany. watch right now about the high price that the peoples of the union state paid, a special report from the places where the fascists committed their crimes against humanity. soviet. the sacred holiday of victory
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is great because of the price at which we got it. in every step of the ceremonial calculations, perseverance and courage, a symbol of the unbroken spirit of a great people. may 9 is the date that we went through, overcoming pain and suffering, no matter what, for the sake of this day, victory. there are two stories about the paths that russia and belarus went through: from bryansk region, and from the former village of maly trestenets near minsk, two pages that should not be forgotten, and which, rereading today, sound like edification. alexander gostiev, director of the cultural center for spiritual revival, helped us understand the crime against humanity in belarus. near bryansk, sergei kurakin, local historian, head of the khatsun memorial complex. in mid-august 1941, german
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troops invaded the territory of the bryansk region; in october , the entire region was occupied by the nazis for two long years of war. drove, they burned villages to the ground, from the houses of the occupation, and then, when the nazis were left here, perhaps only stove pipes, and this became a symbol, in this memorial complex there are 28 stoves, 27 districts of the bryansk region, bryansk itself, and here they remember very well
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the atrocities of the nazis, about how the russian people were killed in the thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds, millions, this place is called khatsun and... this is the first village in the country that was destroyed by the nazis, if you measure within the borders of modern russia. on october 24, 1941, a group of germans escorted captured red army soldiers. these were scouts from the 156th artillery regiment, fifty-sixth infantry division of the wehrmacht army. part of this group separated and went through the village of hatsun. at that moment there were several soviet soldiers there who decided to recapture the prisoners. three germans were killed, others managed to escape. propose to the command about an attack. a detachment of 180 people moves here in the direction of the village of khatsun at one in the morning on october 25, it is divided into three groups, it enters this village in the morning, we do not know exactly what time in the morning they entered, surrounded this village, surrounded
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neighboring settlements, during the combing, three killed germans were discovered, then let’s say, it was decided.
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nina egorovna yashin for the fact that the things of the killed german soldiers were not found in her house, that’s why. they took her out into the street, they drove long nails into her arms and legs, so she died, and one girl, six months old, ninutrievna, kandrashova, was pierced by a german with a bayonet right in her cradle, she was the youngest member of this village. khatsun is often called the elder sister of the belarusian khatyn, village, whose inhabitants were also exterminated by the germans. the wound of our peoples is unlikely to ever heal, therefore, on victory day, the festive fanfare seems to sound even more solemn, we proudly look at the parade crews, the heirs and successors of military affairs, at historical modern models of equipment, which, among other things, carry out tasks on the battlefield these days and understanding why they
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are there. revanchism, mockery of history, the desire to justify the current followers of the nazis, this is part of the general policy. western elites to incite everything containment of sovereign, independent, new regional conflicts, interethnic and interreligious hostility, and independent centers of world development. we reject the claim of exclusivity by any state or alliance. we know what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to. russia will do everything to prevent a global crisis.
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please show me the result. for, 431, against, no, abstaining no. colleagues, let's congratulate denis valentinovich on his confirmation as first deputy chairman of the government of the russian federation federation. denis valentinovich, congratulations . let's move on to voting on issue number
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three, on the approval of tatyana alekseevna golikova, deputy prime minister of the russian federation, please turn on the voting mode, who is in favor. please show me the result: 362 for, one against, 66 abstained. tatyana aleseyevna, we congratulate you on your confirmation as deputy prime minister , the decision has been made. let's move on to question number four. on the draft resolution of the state duma.
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378 for, one against, 55 abstained. colleagues, let's congratulate dmitry yuryevich on his confirmation to the post; deputy chairman of the government of the government of the russian federation, we congratulate dmitry. let's move on to consideration of issue number five about the approval of alexander valentinovich novyk as deputy chairman of the government of the russian federation. please turn on the voting mode, who is for, for, colleagues,
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please show the result, for 378, against - no, abstained 57. let's congratulate colleague novyk alexander valentinovich with confirmation as deputy chairman of the government. let's move on to consideration of issue number six about the approval of alexey logvinovich overchuk, deputy chairman of the government of the russian federation. please turn on voting mode to see who is in favor.
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please show the result, for 378, against, no, abstained 57. let's congratulate alexey logvinovich verchuk on his confirmation as deputy chairman of the government, we congratulate you, let's move on to consideration and voting on question. number 7 on the approval of dmitry nikolaevich patrushev, deputy chairman of the government of the russian federation, please turn on the voting mode, who is in favor? no, it’s okay, i ’m just looking to see who’s like this, show me. please result for 433 against no, abstaining,
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no, let's congratulate dmitry nikolaevich patrushev on his confirmation as deputy prime minister, congratulations, we move on to consideration of issue number 8, on the approval of vitaly gennadievich sovelev, deputy chairman of the government of the russian federation. enable voting mode, who is in favor, good, good, good.
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please show me the result. 376 for, no against, 58 deputies abstained. let's congratulate yuri petrovich trutnev on his confirmation of the post of deputy prime minister, plenipotentiary representative of the president in the far eastern federal district. let's move on to question number
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10 about the statements of ustnolin maratovich kerzyanovich, deputy. chairman of the government of the russian federation, please turn on voting mode, who 's in favor? please show me the result? for 374, against. let's move on to consideration of issue number 11 about the approval of dmitry nikolaevich chernyshenko as deputy chairman of the government of the russian federation. please enable voting mode. who agrees.
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show the result: 432 for, no against, no abstentions, the decision has been made. dear colleagues, let’s congratulate dmitry nikolaevich on his confirmation as deputy prime minister. colleagues, we have considered all the issues today's meeting, we're at this meeting for a minute, colleagues, no one is leaving yet, because we will definitely give the opportunity, this was a live broadcast from the state duma, where voting took place on candidates for the positions of deputy prime ministers,
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now we are returning to the special report of the union victory. including the permanent committee of the union state, while our countries, both russia and the republic of belarus, are doing everything to not let the courage of our soldiers and the crimes of the nazis be forgotten, others are consistently demolishing everything that would remind us of what the soldiers of the red army went through. the older generation supported and welcomed the erection of monuments on the soil of eastern europe and germany. who demolishes monuments?
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dmitry mezintsev, the son of a front-line soldier, for him preserving the legacy of the memory of the heroes of the great patriotic war is a personal matter; he gets books from the union state library series about joint achievements and facts of crimes of hitler’s germany and their henchmen. in this book, materials about genocide against the belarusian people, about the fact of the blockade as facts of genocide against the soviet people, here are very symbolic pictures. motherland in the peskokarsky cemetery, where hundreds of thousands of residents of the besieged city are buried, his brother. here is a photograph dedicated to the opening of the new khatyn memorial, which took place on march 22 of the past year on
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behalf of taking into account the position of respect for the feat of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war. alas, fewer and fewer of those who participated in the battles for our future remain with us. victor dmitrievich tsembal went to the front in 1943, when he was 16. participated in the liberation operation bagration, today he is 97 years old, and he lays flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier, talks about the challenge of time. what is happening now, and the vile things they are doing, cannot be left like this, this bandera thing must be ended once and for all, otherwise this fire will smolder near russia. all the time. 79 years since the victory in the great patriotic war of the soviet union. and this year is exactly 80, when the republic of belarus was liberated. in minsk
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ceremonial events are taking place, including in memory of those who were the first to take the blow of hitler’s germany, who suffered from the occupation, and who were deprived of their families. they took away almost everything, but could not break the spirit of the people, the spirit of a great nation. this history lesson is especially important in our time. the world is priceless to humanity, but not everyone liked its value. our former allies, the people of the sole victors of hitler's germany, saw only themselves. as in the early forties, the west is ready to make a deal with any evil in order to maintain dominance. the apologists of the defeated third reich have already found the terrifying experience. trostenets is the largest place of mass extermination of people on the territory of belarus. some of the prisoners here were kept in a concentration camp as living labor, most of
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whom had no future. others did not even end up in barracks, they were simply taken to slaughter. in memory of the victims, there is a memorial named urochishche blagovshchina. here we see such a symbolic waiting room, a station where people were brought to be sent. for relocation, then there are nazis deceiving people and saying that we are going to new lands, there will be work for you, a place to live, they don’t know their fate, they don’t know what awaits them, no, of course, but in the end it will be a road to one the end, they traveled with... hope, but they were brought by death. the path of the prisoner is symbolically reflected in the memorial complex. the square of life, the path moves to the square of paradoxes, where people only realized what awaited them. and the next
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square is death. nearby there are ditches where people were shot. memory of for thousands of victims, gravestones were installed without any inscriptions, because no one knows thoroughly the majority of those who are forever buried in this earth. this is about 150,000 people, according to data. so they started digging up these ditches again , trying to burn the corpses that were there in such numbers, there
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was a fire burning here for about two weeks, there was an unbearable smell in the area, as witnesses say. on the trees in the forest of blagovshchina hang foxes with the names and photographs of the victims buried here, many of them jews, whom trainloads of they were brought here from other countries, austria, poland, czechoslovakia, france. and germany itself, there were large lands, fertile land, nearby was the shashkovka tract, where a little later, after a year of the camp’s existence, a cremation pit-oven was built, primitive, like that, they simply dug a large hole, which was fenced off with a wooden fence, clean, and there were rails on which people were first shot in this pit and...
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the memory of the sacred victory over hitler’s germany in the great patriotic war is transitive so much so that we all carry it, through the decades, the ideology of nazism brought us so much pain, the sick idea of ​​​​the superiority of some over others, and today, in an era of defining challenges, which are based on the fight against the same principles, we must honor and remember the memory of those who once prevented this... infection from killing us, and we must not allow this to happen now. moreover, remembering very well how german tigers, and now leopards, walked through our historical lands. tanks may have changed their cat name, but they also burn brightly from the hits of our fighters. today this technique can be examined closely, right in moscow, on poklonnaya hill, so that there are no illusions about who is supplying weapons with the aim of killing our people. today we
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endlessly hear about... today this is a fact, we cannot come to terms with this and no one will come to terms with this, because there is a union state where they will preserve and preserve what is valuable that we have, this is a history full of victories won at a high price , history, without which there can be no future, history that defines us and makes us stronger.
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thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are the rubles. vtb, together everything will work out. this is russia 24, we continue, right now i give the floor to my colleague maria kudryavtseva, she joins us from the state duma. maria, hello, over to you. olga, hello, we continue to work on okhotnoy row, but next to me now is denis valentinovich. denis valentinovich, voting has just ended, your candidacy for the post of first deputy prime minister was unanimously supported, i congratulate you, and the first question, now everyone is talking about reformatting the economy, that after all, technological leadership, industrial production, what priority tasks do you now see in this new paradigm and what is changing? well the basic approach, it doesn't change, meaning.


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