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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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this is russia 24, we continue right now. i give the floor to my colleague maria kudryavtseva, she joins us from the state duma. maria, hello, over to you. olga, hello, we continue to work on okhotnoy row, but next to me now is denis valentinovich manturov. denis valentinovich, voting has just ended, your candidacy for the post of first deputy prime minister was unanimously supported, i congratulate you, and the first question: now everyone is talking about reformatting the economy, that after all, technological leadership and industrial production are at the forefront, what priority tasks do you now see in this new paradigm and what is changing?
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a large-scale task, bearing in mind intersectoral areas, this is microelectronics, these are fixed assets of means of production, today deputies spoke a lot yesterday at a meeting with the committee about the robotization of the introduction of modern means of production, this is small-scale chemistry, which is also...
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reusable rocket launchers, therefore we will work in all these directions implement through national projects, state programs, which today are filled with budgeting from the government. denis valentinovich, earlier you said that by the end of 2024, the growth of the manufacturing industry could be about 5%. now this is the focus that we see.
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this is not only the military-industrial complex, which has always been and especially today has become a powerful locomotive, in terms of technologies that are being transformed into the civilian sector, but it is also the workload of enterprises, enterprises not only the defense-industrial complex, but also the civilian sector, which carries out the tasks. for the enterprise, therefore this is
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a guarantee that this year it has already received orders, and we see demand is growing, despite the fairly high interest rate on loans, but we have damping mechanisms. at the expense of the industrial development fund, through compensation of interest rates on loans within the framework of support measures, such as comprehensive investment projects, industrial mortgages, neokra, this is certain a compensatory mechanism for enterprises who are interested in development, so i think that the results of this year will not take long.
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we meet, we met in his previous capacity, or until today, as the head of the region, and he worked for some time in the ministry of industry and tourism, was responsible for important segments, and throughout the entire time we constantly interacted and...
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yes, maria, thank you , from the state duma, maria kudryavtseva came out in touch, an exclusive interview with denis manturov, who was literally 15 minutes ago in the state duma. approved for the post of first deputy prime minister. what if the bank only provides banking services, without
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vouchers, food delivery, or tickets? someone will say, how dare they? like this. uralsip bank, nothing more. well, now i give the floor again to my colleague maria kudryavtseva, she joins us from the state duma. maria, we know you have a new guest, over to you. olga, hello, now next to me is marach sherzyanulin, marach sherzyanovich, the voting has already ended, your candidacy was supported by deputies, tell me, there’s a lot now they are talking about reformatting the economy, about the fact that... there will be new goals, well, if you take the construction complex, it is clear that there are groundworks there, it is impossible to reformat very quickly, after all, what are the main tasks for you for the next 6 years? , given that the investment and construction cycle in the country is quite long, we do not get
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quick victories, if we want to achieve results, we need to work systematically year after year, for example, last year we introduced 110 million km, but in order to succeed in the twenty-third year 110. we are in the twentieth year, we began to promote mortgages, we began to promote the reduction of the construction cycle, so the most important thing for us now is to steadily continue the plans that we have already begun, that is, we will not do anything global new, we will build housing, the task is to retain at least 100 million, now for the next 2-3 years and to prepare the capital to reach 120 million by the thirtieth year, for this we will need... to accurately determine the mortgage, we will definitely need to implement a program for modernizing the utility infrastructure, moreover, it will be collected from budgetary and non-budgetary funds, if we do not resolve the issue with communal services, this is not only the quality of services, but also further development, without resolving the issue of modernizing the communal infrastructure it will not
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be possible, we need to continue to improve settlements, we have positive changes in this direction, but there is still a lot of work, we need to coordinate... that indicator is the average russian level, taking into account the backlog that has accumulated over decades, this is an extremely difficult task. systematically, we will continue to shorten the investment and construction cycle, we managed to almost halve the number of requirements, certificates, approvals,
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but there is still something to work on, we still have a large amount of legislative work to do, so i think we will continue that the course that the president set for us, the course that we, the government... have been pursuing for the last 4 years, but we will continue to do so. and you will have an updated development strategy, presented at the end of may. development strategy construction industry, it was approved until the thirtieth. news agency alexander bortnikov arrived at the federation council, where consultations will be held on
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his candidacy for the post of director of the federal security service. on may 12, let me remind you, the president of russia proposed appointing him director of the fsb. we are still following the news, now there is a short advertisement. some impressions remain forever. it fights greasy stains at low temperatures on short washing cycles, there is a shine, no stains, just a couple of clicks in yandex food and your favorite dish is already rushing to you, with a 300 rubles discount on your first order, you smiled, it means you recognized it, you smiled, it means it’s real!
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will they find out? hmm, they love, remember, appreciate, truly. psb is the bank for the present. mvid and eldorado have a 50% discount on the second household appliance product. hotpoint built-in dishwasher. for only 16,500 rubles. in emvidio and eldorado. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - simple grow with us. it is profitable to retire with a savings bank. for pensioners - a free sber card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount. on loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. a big political day,
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the most important personnel decisions, the formation of the cabinet of ministers, right now we continue to follow the news from the federation council. the budget committee of the federation council supported the candidacy of boris kovalchuk for the post of head of the accounts chamber. to this news. we'll be back, well, right now we're moving to willingly joined the state duma, where my colleague maria kudryavtseva continues to work. maria, you have the floor. olga, hello, once again, we continue to work on the hot row right now, next to me is alexey logovinovich overchuk. alexey logvinovich, first question, there were a lot of thesis today during the speeches, questions from parliamentarians, in particular this related to integration building with friendly countries, what are the priority tasks here? well, priority tasks.
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with russia, naturally, language is what in fact, it allows us to build bridges and establish contacts with people, so we
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will increase the number of foreign students in russian universities, here, too , the president has very clearly set the task of reaching 5,000 foreign students by 2030, today we have 35,500, so there is a lot of work ahead, in addition we note this colossal interest... the cis in russian culture, especially in russian theater, we see this in tajikistan and turkmenistan, where we are now discussing issues of building russian theaters
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as a union state with belarus, we have implemented 28 union programs, today we are at the final stage of agreeing on new programs that will further advance our integration in the field of macroeconomics, industrial policy, agricultural policy, transport, and eac is our flagship economic
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association , here the work will be built on the basis of the declaration on... the eurasian economic path, it covers periods in detail until 2030 and sets goals for 2045, it is very important that this declaration was signed by the heads of state of the eurasian five last december in st. petersburg, and this is an already agreed upon document, which indicates that our countries today share a common vision for their future; first of all, of course, we will focus on security issues. energy security, thanks to the conditions that countries receive from
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cooperation with russia, they achieve very high rates of economic growth, which significantly exceed... the gdp growth rates that we see in other regions planet, today we are above the average level, and this is a direct result of the fact that these countries are very closely included in the same integration association with russia, this is exactly how everyone understands it, of course, you know, a new deputy prime minister is appearing in the government structure today , which will pay special attention to the development of transport and logistics corridors, and here it is very important... that we have agreed on a whole program of work in the eac to synchronize our actions in the field of transport development and logistics with access primarily to the market of the global south, these are growing markets, in fact , the center of the world economy has moved there today, it is very important to provide russian commodity producers
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with comfortable, convenient, affordable services related to the movement of goods from our countries to this region a world that wants to work with us, and of course, we will develop industrial cooperation, strengthen ties between our economies, so that our union becomes stronger and our people live better. you said the union should become stronger. alexey logvinovich, humanitarian track, other areas, and you said that these are the cis countries and other friendly countries, that is, what other ones, for example, you know, here... the events that are happening today on the african continent speak of rapprochement and very great interest of these countries in strengthening ties with russia. this was shown by the russia-africa forum, which took place last summer, this shows the contacts that we continue even after the forum, there is great interest in schools, there is great interest in centers for teaching the russian language, we
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work a lot there today and open these... centers at schools, at institutes, universities, many, many, many people want to run away with russia today. thank you very much, alexey logbinovich, i will remind you that alexey overchuk answered our questions. thank you. yes, maria, thank you, with the latest news from the state duma, maria kudryavtseva. well, now again, for information agency clients, national goals and projects defined by the president are the priority of the accounts chamber. stated this right now boris kovalchuk, a contender for the post of head of the accounts chamber, well, now we are again transported to the federation council, where the day before i arrived from...
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self-government and northern affairs, the quorum of the federation council committee on defense and security is andrei anatolyevichkai alexandrovich, this is, thank you, in accordance with paragraph one of part one of article 102 of the constitution of the russian federation, paragraph one of part one of article ten of the federal constitutional law on the government of the russian federation and article: 1882 of the regulations of the federation council, we proceed to holding consultations on the candidate proposed by the president of the russian federation
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for the post of minister of the russian federation for civil defense, emergencies and disaster relief. chairman of the federation council valentin ivanovna matvienko and deputies take part in the joint meeting of the committees. chairman of the federation council and alexander vyacheslavovich kremkov. it is proposed to consider the issue for 40 minutes. accepted. thank you. the floor is given to the authorized representative of the president of the russian federation in the federation council, artur alekseevich muraldev. i am guided. d. note article 83. for the purpose of consultation, i present to the russian federation a candidacy. alexander vyacheslavovich, to
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the post of minister of the russian federation for civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief. the president of the russian federation - served for a year in the security service, the federal security service, he is such a real proven combat officer, and
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for the last year and a half, yes, already 2 years, like time, yes, absolutely, it seems like we recently considered you already taking into account this procedure, alexandrovich minister of emergency situations for 2 years. dear colleagues, today we can say for sure that alexan vyacheslavovich passed such a combat test, in floods, fires, earthquakes, he proved himself to be a very responsible leader, uh, who - as we see, now in one place, now in another , then in the third they hold a meeting, organize rescue work and assistance. support to people and showed himself not only as a strong a leader, but a very sincere person, and he takes everything very close to his heart, we saw
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how he empathized with people who lost property, who found themselves in a difficult situation, he was close to these people, this is very important for the minister of emergency situations, not only as a military man, as a service man, but as a compassionate person, without this this... proved to be very effective, yes, trouble, yes, grief, yes, people found themselves without housing, but the elements and the elements, something is difficult here to do, it
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was important to minimize. flood damage, save people's lives, that's how they knock on wood, usually, thank god there were no casualties, the worst thing is the loss of human lives and victims, we see how it is in some other countries, what a huge number of victims in such natural disasters , we managed to avoid them, but of course we understand that people...
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they gave governors the right to take preventive measures in advance, before this there were no such opportunities for regional leaders, but you probably have other proposals, we are ready to listen to them carefully way to consider, promote in order to strengthen the legal framework the case of this kind of emergency, perhaps in some ways it is necessary to expand the powers of the ministry of emergency situations or give you
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some additional...
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in the performance of your duties, colleagues, you know, with such trepidation , with soul, with personal participation, and it seems to me that taking into account our contacts, our close interaction lately, today we will conduct such a dialogue.
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resolve issues locally, we, as the chamber of regions, alexander vyacheslavovich, support your aspirations, your the direction of your work to strengthen interaction with the constituent entities of the federation, we are a federal state, and our federal ministry is responsible not only for the subject of its jurisdiction and the subject of its competence, but they are responsible for russia as a whole, they are responsible for what is happening in
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the constituent entities of the russian federation . but i think that there is no need to be shy, and if the president is like that...


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