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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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now it’s 2124, it sounds plausible, this is from the future, 100 years in the future, we look to know everything about russia. the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. the kraken is losing
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its tentacles, ideological nazis, rtk terrorists and other evil spirits, who else is caught up in the kharkov direction? no money, no lines of defense, the gouleiters of the kharkov region seem to have stolen big. the militants accuse local authorities of corruption and complain about colossal losses due to the lack of fortifications. he dreamed of rising to the title of hero of russia, a gold star. awarded posthumously. sevastopol paid tribute to the drone operator, corporal niki mechtanov and vyacheslav pastukhov, who died in battle. how did the ukronazis hunt them? i did n’t go to bandera empty-handed. azov resident grenka was buried according to all the rules of a cargo cult. they put coke, legos and happy in the coffin, and cheeseburger cookies on the grave. this is why ukrainians are dying.
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regions, in addition, successfully repelled five counterattacks of the ukrainian assault detachments, which lost two tanks, a pair of armored combat vehicles of up to 250 manpower, as the russian mortars specify, the enemy was hit by fire from leptsy to volchansk, but practically along the entire line of active operations of our armed forces, well, there were quite a few among the dry forces those who cling to the last chance to survive, prudently calling the volga, that is, surrendering. this is, in principle, a familiar picture for... any direction of the north, but
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still specifically in the kherson section an interesting nuance strikes the eye, namely , that weapons are often laid down by ideological ukrainian nazis from the banned krakin, the brotherhood battalion and similar terrorist formations, and many of them have already been interrogated, and now nothing prevents them from, well, firstly, taking a closer look at them faces, and secondly, try to understand the motivation of what anton podkovenko actually did. anton, hello, well, it looks like their self-aware ambition has already been knocked off them. greetings, well, of course, it’s not like standing in barrage detachments and pushing yourself forward mobilized? in the kharkov direction there is a real menagerie, judging by the prisoners, all kinds of evil spirits there, krakin, banned in russia, and some pseudo-religious groups and traitors, erdekashniks, many have already fought back forever, but this terrorist from krakin was lucky to be captured, he says, their they were closely preparing for battles with the russians,
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units mobilized without combat experience are not taken, these captured soldiers, now they all, of course, look pathetic, and the most important thing is that these people really get what they deserve, so this is the most important task for me, because in my opinion, there should not be this crime without punishment, what is it, this krakin, banned in russia, punitive, in short, the official reconnaissance and sabotage unit of the guru ministry of defense of ukraine was formed in the spring of the 22nd.
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this is the same notorious rabble, who is ready to do anything for money, you have to kill, that means they will kill, you have to rape, that means they will rape, but for me, to be honest, there is no difference, this is a fighter of the so-called rdk, yes, or this is a fighter
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ukrainian kraken, these are all, well, let’s say, crumbs of one pie, there will not be a strong difference in the form in which they should be. this is in handcuffs and prisoners, this is a fresh selection of photographs of prisoners from the kharkov direction, they look, well , not very pitifully, rather puffed up, almost defiantly, many of them have unambiguous tattoos, that’s who is interesting they want to impress with their imaginary brovada, those who were ready to carry out terrorist attacks on russian territory were selected there, for this we need people people with certain brains - a well-known ultranationalist from karchi
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, some kind of brotherhood that was almost created by kiev, they are all somehow involved in pagan cults, here is an action movie of that same banned one... in russia the brotherhood is a special forces unit as part of the guru of the ministry of defense of ukraine, participants which call themselves supposedly a christian association, which, of course, is complete nonsense. the extremist brotherhood is the bloody brainchild of the odious nationalist karchinsky, included in the list of terrorists, the same one who threatened that crimea would be either ukrainian or deserted. the militant artyom from lugansk went to fight in the ranks of karchinsky in the twenty-third year, despite the fact that his parents moved to...
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and the flight of the ukranazis, well, in addition to the successes in the northern group, the more advantageous lines were occupied by fighters from the southern, central and eastern, that is, everyone who carry out tasks for the liberation of the donetsk people's republic. within 24 hours, they eliminated more than a thousand ukrainian militants, and also took out many enemy units.
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equipment from the german leopard tank and the us-made m-119 gun to the italian melara pigeon and the british briefhart sal. details in the material by denis alekseev. the fighters of our southern group again improved the situation along the front line. during the day, three counterattacks were repelled in the donetsk direction. losses in the ukrainian armed forces are more than 500 people, again minus a german tank. here is video confirmation: our artillerymen worked on the leopard, and a hit was recorded with a high-precision projectile from krasnopol. and this is a video from the life of our cats, pets, tank, badger, even a combat vehicle has a posability. the marines gave it, they say, so that they wouldn’t be bored, but they don’t feel bored anyway. not so, yes... but they took part in the liberation of novomikhailovka in the southern donetsk direction. the crews of t-80 tanks were in the vanguard, paving the way for the assault groups. but they were choosing the crews, so they decided to call it a leopard. and positive, and makes everyone smile. well, initially
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it was necessary to first advance there and bring in infantry so that the oporniki could take the assault. the first tank with trawls was driving. trawled the road so that there were no mines and so on. a... the improvement in the position of russian forces, and in general on all fronts, irritates the kiev command, the bloody regime can do nothing but respond. from under the civilian population, and therefore our air defense units divided the sky into squares , all attention to missiles, drones, and aerial bombs flying towards the russian borders. during the day , 33 ukrainian attack drones, six tactical missiles.uу, 39 rockets from systems such as alha, vampire, haimers, five cruise missiles, five guided bombs were destroyed, the scale explains much, the enemy is in hysteria. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, lead. well, in continuation of the front-line reports, epic footage from
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the kharkov region on the other side of the contact line, where the enemy seemed to be planning to gain a foothold on prepared defensive lines, instead, look for yourself. let's film, let's film, quickly, that's it! well, as it’s not difficult to notice, the vsushniki, as soon as they came under artillery fire, they abandoned the idea of ​​​​engaging with our troops in battle, here, perhaps, it cannot be ruled out that an important the factor was the banal lack of shelters, you clearly cannot hide behind the trees from such an intensity of arrivals, for some reason the trenches with pillboxes are not visible, although it would seem that the kiev regime should have strengthened the border zone, moreover, about the readiness of fortification work precisely... there at all recently zelensky personally said, they say on the map, he was shown deep trenches,
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firing points buried in the ground and dragon teeth, and in general everything looked, the quote is powerful, where did it suddenly go, a few weeks later evgeniy nipot tried to understand, evgeniy, hello, well, it seems that ukrainian propagandists are also very interested in the answer to this question. hello alexey, and the propagandists, actually the militants, who started a real howl on social networks. there is no money, no lines of defense, the predatory women are indignant, they accuse the gauleiters of the kharkov region of corruption due to theft, entire sections of the border were left without fortifications, they write about billions of hryvnias stolen from this very profitable business, they remember yatsenyuk’s impregnable wall from the rabitsa mesh and complain, that at the border over these years they should well-fortified bunkers appeared, in some areas there were not even mines... they are asking whether this is crazy theft or sabotage? to repel
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the information attack, the bank left one of the responsible officials, who said that there were fortifications, but along the way, quoting at a certain distance of 15 kilometers, they say that the russians would soon reach them. information about the feasibility of possession, information about building a fortification of the first line of defense at minus three floors under constant enemy fire, as one military man said today, this is absurd, because it is a great danger for military personnel, engineering units and civilian personnel who are building defensive lines. engineering departments. but a month ago, zelensky from the sun inspected the construction of defense lines in the kharkov region, in the picture of the trench there were the so-called dragon’s tooth and excavators, in the video they showed two. construction equipment says vradi is now almost in greater short supply than military equipment, and there simply isn’t enough of it. it turns out. kyiv
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the regime allocated about a billion dollars for the construction of fortifications; in april, this amount increased by another 201 million, which sank, including in the kharkov direction. judging by objective data, farsification is really in the category of imitation, money was spent somewhere, buildings were removed. no, this is completely obvious; out of habit, the ukrainian armed forces use populated areas and residential buildings for defensive battles, and the living considers the trauma immeasurable. judging by these publications of ukrainian bloggers, which demonstrate trenches half a human size, indeed square officials in quotation marks have mastered the art of fortification well. the militants themselves talk about how fortifications are being built in ukraine on social networks, using the example of pavlograd, that in...
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not only in pavlograd, this applies to dnieper, zaporozhye and other cities. and let me remind you, more than a billion dollars, about 38 billion hryvnia, were spent on this. one of the experts on air. 24-hour telethon made a very clear statement, saying that the money was stolen and invested in the business. publics of the kharkov region, where the situation for the regime zelensky is now the most acute, with bestial anger they attacked the local authorities installed by kiev. there are few censored words addressed to the head of the region, sinegubov, and his subordinates in publications. we can
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witness how these culprits, corrupt officials will talk about that after the victory. we did what we could; working under fire is very dangerous. zelensky is trying to stop the situation with the advance of russian troops in the kharkov region by personnel changes for the second time in 2 months, me as the commander of the group,
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instead of yuri galushkin, a man with a telling surname, mikhail dropaty, he threw it at the people. your armored personnel carrier on may 9, 2014 in mariupol. the moment was captured on video. the war criminal dropatoi is driving an armored vehicle. but will such changes help? it is clear that the armed formations of ukraine will offer the most serious resistance, and there is no need to talk about a complete absence of fortifications. but it’s good that, due to ukrainian corruption, there are far fewer of them than there could be, and this is reported by the militants themselves, who cannot stand it. zaporozhye region, units of the dnepr group of troops conducted a series of effective attacks against vysu’s manpower and equipment in the rabotino and orekhov areas. the enemy's losses count for dozens of personnel, and the surviving soldiers of the kiev junta have obvious problems with
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morale, stanislav vasilchenko will provide evidence. thousands of craters from mines and missiles, hundreds of houses destroyed to the ground and piles of burnt equipment. this is what the village of rabotina looks like today, where the fiercest battles are taking place in the zaporozhye direction. included grouping of troops dnieper fighters of the seventy- first motorized rifle regiment knock out the remaining ukranazis from their positions. the enemy has holed up in the surviving basements in the north of the village and from there, using komikaze drones, is conducting a remote hunt for our military personnel. however, lately it has suddenly become impossible to act... suddenly. this monitor clearly shows the rabotin territory, including the one that is still held by ukrainian neo-nazis. our soldiers quickly receive information about their actions and movements, this allows them to successfully carry out assigned combat missions and move forward while minimizing serious losses. each fighter is, as it were, equipped with radio stations, so he receives information
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directly from the commander, he is told by the enemy on the right to the left, turn there, move there. and so on and so forth. today , among the motorized rifle regiments of the seventy-first regiment , a fighter with the call sign white is well known. the soldier accomplished the almost impossible. the task was to advance as far as possible to the north of rabotin to gain a foothold. the fighter, remaining unnoticed, approached almost close to the enemy positions and held his own for 21 days. in 3 weeks, he managed to capture several radios, an electronic warfare station, mine the paths along which the ukrainian military was advancing and destroy at least twelve militants. the ukronazis had no idea that all this time they were being opposed by only one russian soldier. they had no idea at all where they were being shot from, who was holding them, who was blowing them up, they had no idea, on day 21, they didn’t know where they were being shot from, i mean i understood, because when i took the radio from them,
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i could hear everything on the radio, their conversations, their points, where and how they were moving, their position. the enemy still discovered bely and sent swarms of drones towards her, but the fighter managed to survive and return to his own. he is currently undergoing rehabilitation in the hospital. he has shrapnel wounds, concussion and dehydration, but the task is completed. thanks to bely’s actions, two enemy assault groups and a mortar were destroyed, and information received through the enemy radio helped to build new tactics to advance even further north. bely, while he was there, he was constantly in touch with us, not only that... the enemy was literally trampling on him, that is, he hid and transmitted their communications to us through the station, from him there was always: commander, there is some plan, there is something to be done, that is, there was constant initiative from him. smash the enemy. while liberating work, russian soldiers perform heroic deeds every day. the same cannot be said about the armed forces of ukraine. according to motorized riflemen, morale in the ukrainian army is falling. neo-nazis
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they began to surrender more often, abandoning their positions without a fight, and this, despite the fact that a strategically important settlement was opened for kiev, through which the road to takmak and melitopol opens. in any case , this behavior of the enemy only simplifies the work of russian units. meanwhile , the command on the local radio already knows about the fighter with the call sign white...
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this is exactly how the daughter of the russian hero nikita mechtanov looks at the gold star that her father earned in his zone, but will never be able to pin on... his dress uniform. this a touching and telling photo was taken in sevastopol in the open palm of a child, a medal that the governor of the city and the head of crimea entrusted to the wife of a soldier who died in the special operation zone. on the same day, during the solemn ceremony, the mother of another hero corporal vyacheslav pastukhov received a gold star instead of her son. both mechtanov and pastukhov died on the same day while performing tasks in the kherson direction. both were fpv drone operators, and were considered the best in their calculations. and for that very task, which became the last. they were sent together, the soldiers received the highest rank of the country posthumously, but their courage, courage and amazing combat results have already been recorded in military history, which will be supplemented by boris
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ivanin. boris, greetings, as i understand it, we are talking about, well, practically records, yes, good evening, alexey, but not only and not so much about records, but first of all, we are, of course, about feat, courage and self-sacrifice. at the cost of his life, he stopped the enemy who was trying to cross the dnieper. behind. for this feat, the ethereal operator with the call sign mechta was awarded the title of hero of russia forever. and so he, thirty-three-year-old corporal nikita mechtanov, followed in his father’s footsteps for military service. he died in donbass in 2015, so for his son, participation in a military special operation became a matter of honor in every sense. and his life was cut short last october under krynki in the kherson region. before the start of hostilities, he served under a contract for almost 5 years in sevastopol, where the award ceremony took place.
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they met their wife while studying at the talyatin military-technical institute, were in the same group, and so they went together life, in order to support her husband, elena became a volunteer from the first days of the ukrainian conflict, collecting parcels for the front, and he, as he recalls, was always eager to go to the front line, he said that he was needed there, but he was not afraid to take risks, he understood perfectly well that this is dangerous, since they were already being hunted. because indeed, for a long time he was a nightmare for the enemy on the dnieper, but he treated his profession, his service and
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duty, giving himself completely. he is worthy of this highest award, he walked confidently and courageously towards your goal. well, in peaceful life nikit worked as a firefighter, but in battles, he rushed into the thick of it, mastering control with burning eyes. to get and take away. nikita worked with such fpv drones that are sent from a first-person perspective, they transmit the image to the operator’s video glasses, and he then
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controls them using a joystick as if he were inside the drone. this is a jewelry job, and the dream turned out to be one of the most productive operators. over the course of several months, destroyed almost 20 high-speed boats of the ukrainian armed forces, six trucks, seven mortars crews and up to a hundred enemy manpower. the ukronazis knew about ifrey tramechtanov’s group, they were afraid like hell and tried to track him down. the operators are being hunted and identified by radio broadcasts. they must be very close to their target, that is, there, okay, 5 km. well, sometimes eight, if it’s great there, their remote control, which they have in their hands, that is, a radio transmitter, it glows very strongly in the radio broadcast, they start pouring in there with whatever they can, because it’s like a sniper, an operator, that is, a pilot, like i call them beer pilots, yes, they are the same terrible, yes, they look after them very much - they try very hard, they don’t really spare shells, in the last battle they were together, the dream is holy, this is the call of corporal vyacheslav pastukhov,
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under heavy artillery fire three love for the homeland - these are not empty words, they are higher in importance than their own life, than the feeling, the instinct of self-preservation, in fact, only thanks to this russia lives, will continue to prosper, so glory to our soldiers, in fact, long live russia, for ifreytor nikita mechetanov, this golden star was a dream, they remember native and loved ones, he strived to rise to the highest rank in russia, to truly deserve it, just like a man could. and her eight-year-old daughter
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angelina is very proud of her dad. the hero, however, of age, still does not quite understand at what cost this was achieved, but his mother tells her that other fighters are also defenders and heroes, to our fighters, defenders who are now in their zone, i would like to wish fortitude, strength, patience, courage, bravery. and so that they know perfectly well that we are their reliable rear, we support we help, we will support, help them in the future, but what mechtanov did will remain in history forever, and the dream is forever with us, marisa ivanina and the flight of dreams, white and seven wounded after today's shelling of ukrainian militants, the missile danger
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was announced several times during the day. of the dead residents of vysotka, a spontaneous memorial appeared at the site of the tragedy, but when visiting it, citizens are asked to be extremely careful. from belgorod, reporting by alexander revunov. the area around the tragedy site remains cordoned off by officers police, the threat of collapse of the surviving part of the building is still high. residents of neighboring entrances with all measures.
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this territory from the remaining concrete, glass and reinforcement, representatives of a special commission will soon appear here, they must conduct an examination and decide what will happen to this house next. as a result, rescuers pulled out the bodies of fifteen dead from under the rubble; together with the employees of the ministry of emergency situations , the guys from the local self-defense worked at the scene of the tragedy all night. it was hard, of course, it was more of a pestilence than physically, physically, they scattered the slabs, they cleaned everything up, it was hard when... there were rescuers and volunteers next to the rescue teams all this time, preparing food, distributing water and tea, for belgorod this terrible tragedy became a common grief. people need us, and people who find themselves in beta are waiting for help from others. at night , colleagues from the federal center came to help belgorod doctors. after examination and consultation, it was decided to send six victims to moscow, including by helicopter; air ambulance sent one and a half to the russian children's clinical hospital.


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