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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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she is unlikely to perform this complex aerobatics maneuver successfully, which means she will have to tighten the noose around her neck and israeli citizenship is unlikely to save evgeniy petrukhin from remorse and the shame of his family. in the upper house of the russian parliament today, as expected, consultations were held on candidates for the power bloc of the government, as well as for the posts of heads of the foreign ministry of the accounts chamber. each of those whom the president proposed for these positions presented the senators with his vision of current problems and shared options for solving them, but special attention was focused on andrei belousov, nominated for minister. defense,
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evgeniy reshitnev will talk about key statements. sergei lavrov arrived in the first building on bolshaya dmitrovka. valentina matvienko, along the way, explaining a new procedure for everyone, leads the acting minister of foreign affairs into the hall where the committee on international politics meets. i present a candidate for consultation purposes. lavrov, sergei viktorovich. sergei lavrov has headed the ministry for the last 20 years. the speaker of the upper house noted his colossal experience, his authority on the international stage. lavrov’s appointment, according to matvienko, will be a signal of the continuity of russia’s foreign policy and commitment to the chosen vector of building a multipolar world. at such a time , it is very important that at the head of our powerful ministry of foreign affairs there is a highly experienced, proven, reliable person, like this... a real patriot, the way sergei
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viktorovich masterfully knows how to defend national interests in dialogue with his foreign partners on other international platforms is impressive special respect. the consultation procedure involves answering questions from senators. the first concerned the so-called peace conference on ukraine, which is being prepared in switzerland. does it pose a threat to us and has the rhetoric of our opponents in the west changed somehow? if the west wants it.
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a sensation was the presentation of andrei belousov to the post of minister of defense, no one expected this, he arrived in the council . and just about the battlefield, really the federation at noon, the discussion took place in the committee on defense and security, first he is represented by the authorized representative of the president in the upper house, then the speaker takes the floor.
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andrei belousov, primarily an economist in this capacity, worked in the government in various positions, headed the ministry of development, was an assistant to the president for economics, and until recently served as first deputy prime minister, speaking before senators, he outlined the range of issues that would confront him in a new position, and not the least of them is the social security of svo participants and problems that relate to medical care. we are here there is still something to work on, i’ll just note a few things, this also applies to you. payments are related to the provision of fsv participants with housing, this especially applies to medical care, i think it is absolutely a mess when fsv participants who come on vacation are driven from civilian medical institutions, sent to hospitals, which are often simply overcrowded, this also needs to be resolved, and there are quite a lot of such questions, but why has the head of the defense department now been entrusted to a purely civilian person? presidential press secretary. a changed
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reality, in which the total budget of the security bloc reached 6.7% of gdp, this happened the last time in the ussr in the eighties, and the lion's share falls on defense orders.
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the leaders of the fso, fsb, and svr appeared before the senators. by the way, in these cases, consultations in the committees were mostly closed; only these personnel became public. acting minister of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev told senators about how corruption cases are being investigated. 75% of corruption crimes are detected by employees.
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throughout the entire territory of the russian federation. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, the last of the ministers, was represented on the committee. alexander kurenkov has been working in this position since may of twenty-two. the senators thanked him for his prompt actions in combating the floods and asked about what assistance was provided to the victims? from the point of view of forces
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, there were over 4 people working, both from the ministry of emergency situations of russia and from the constituent entities. the group was growing.
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joined the permanent meeting members of the security council, of which he is now secretary. the meeting was held via videoconference by vladimir putin; the main topic was reportedly russia’s relations with the states of the post-soviet space. and that’s how... the beginning of this meeting, we will talk on a topic that is always a priority for us in the foreign sphere, this is building relations with our closest neighbors, with independent states that have formed in the post-soviet space, the minister of finance and i talked about what's new in the political cycle in russia, we must pay even more attention to this and talk about how we will organize this work.
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well, today vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with bolivian president luis arce. according to the kremlin press service, the leaders discussed the prospects for bilateral cooperation, namely the implementation of joint projects in the economic and energy sectors. it was agreed to intensify contacts in this regard. and many pressing questions, details in the material by alexey petrov. 3 minutes of speech, 5
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minutes of presentation, then answers to questions, the rules are clearly written, the candidates arrived willingly in advance. the speaker of the lower house notes that the candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers are experienced people. together we went through the difficult time of challenges that the country faced. the economy grew last year. up to 3.6%, we are overcoming the challenge, the chairman of the government did the right thing by nominating people who do not need to study, who do not need to start all over again. candidates are being considered for the post of first deputy prime minister denis manturov, who will oversee the development of industry and ensuring technological sovereignty. the aviation industry, machine tool industry, defense industry, and many high-tech industries will be there. in his area of ​​responsibility, we will direct even more efforts to increase
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the defense capability of our state. today, the russian defense industry is the most powerful in the world in terms of production volume of the main types of weapons and military equipment. at the same time, the geopolitical situation dictates the need to cover current needs that have increased significantly and
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431 deputies supported manturov’s candidacy. some functions are being redistributed between deputy prime ministers, for example, tatyana golikova will now be responsible for the work of the agency for national affairs. social issues remain within her area of ​​responsibility. the first and main national goal is to preserve the population, strengthen the health and well-being of families, and support the family. and above all, this involves solving demographic problems, such as promotion. fertility increases life expectancy. the most important the task is to support participants in a special
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military operation and their families. we will continue to implement all social measures in full. everything should be provided without obstacles and red tape. and dmitry grigorenko’s responsibilities will include, in addition to the control and supervisory sphere, antimonopoly policy and digital development. more than 2 million documents pass through our government apparatus every year. and we understand that in order to efficiently manage such a volume, it is necessary to introduce a digital model of management, public administration, which is used, among other things, for... the implementation of national projects and state programs, one of the main tasks facing the government apparatus today is to increase the speed of decisions made without losing the quality of these decisions, i have repeatedly seen how it works from information , and if you were, maybe he had dashboards in his office, which are actually
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partly used to manage the processes for which he was responsible, this is a very digital person, he will be responsible for issues of economic development. entry target russia will become one of the four largest economies in the world by 2030. to achieve this goal, it is necessary not only to significantly increase the gross domestic product, but to form a fundamentally new model of economic growth, create additional conditions for the development of industry, new production, and the development of technological and financial sovereignty. new to him, that. if he can, he will take everything away and cope with everything, he is truly a professional, a high professional, a highly systematic person, devoid of personal ambitions, well, here he is alexander valentinovich plows from morning to evening, so he can handle it. candidate for the post of deputy prime minister alexey verchuk focuses on integration issues, including within the framework of brix, sco, and the au. we will form
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a new global architecture that includes efficient, secure transport and logistics. corridors, independent of political interference in the financial system, around which the efforts of the world majority will unite. strong economic and humanitarian cooperation with our closest neighbors, will contribute to the formation of a new contour, equal and indivisible security in eurasia and the peaceful development of our country. dmitry patryshev previously headed the ministry of agriculture; over the past years, russia has become one of the leaders in the global agricultural market. the mechanisms that exist have shown their effectiveness.
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the baikal plane is being built, we, together with the ministry of industry, are actively involved in this, we are trying to make it competitive in terms of configuration, in price, not everything is simple, but by the end of the twenty -fifth year, baikal should go on line, i want to say thank you to mikhail vladimirovich mishustin from the rostrum, now the ice
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has broken, we feel that we are not working with just one ministry, but with the entire russian government. federation thinks about the problems of the far east and the arctic. integrated development of the regions is the task facing marat khusnulin, and this requires the creation of new infrastructure. one of our specific tasks is to maintain the pace of housing commissioning; this will not be easy, because last year we had a record year. our task is to prepare and approve the program modernization of municipal infrastructure, and of course we still have work to do in new territories. we have a state program for new territories. its current task is to extend it until the thirtieth year and bring new territories to a level comparable to all regions of the russian federation. dmitry chernyshenko, now, in addition to science, sports and tourism, will oversee the work of the ministry of education and rosmolodezh. the chairman of the state duma drew the candidate's attention to problems in the field of training professional personnel. we have a shortage of doctors of 30.00 people, but no one
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says how long our deficit will be closed. regarding the personnel of doctors, no one talks about this, now in higher education there are more medical faculties open than specialized medical universities, these faculties are opened where there are no laboratories, anatomical departments, this all happened , including with legal disciplines, when in each gateway was not prepared by a lawyer , they were banned, the government ensured high growth dynamics. the volume of budget-funded places in universities is year-on-year, plus 16%, the last increase was, the majority of budget-funded places are aimed at training engineers, doctors and... teachers, unprecedented and largest projects in the modern history of our country have been launched for the development of russian universities, these are priority 2030 programs, advanced engineering schools,
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all 10 vice-premiers were approved by the lower house. our faction, the presidium, in any case, as expected, voted for this composition of deputies, we support and will work together, and we will, as i understand it, colleagues, we will...
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on the agents of the machinations of moscow, we still don’t understand obvious. a series of protests finally brought into their lives things familiar to any european. for example, walls of policemen who came out to guard parliament and are ready to use their batons at any moment. on monday , two dozen protesters were detained in tbilis, including a russian and citizens of moldova and the united states. those who call the law on foreign agents a threat to democracy. he has no plans to leave the streets. on monday, the reason for the meeting was a vote in the parliament's legal committee.
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dream tried to pass a law on foreign agents through parliament last year, but faced massive protests. they returned to consideration of the document, which would also oblige npos to report foreign funding, in april, but this time the dreamers decided to see the matter through. president zarabishvili again promised to veto the law; there seems to be no doubt in the country that the parliament will vote for it tomorrow. from the president, but also from our international partners and experts, if , of course, they want to get involved. strange, that no one comes forward and says what the essence of the problem is, if you want transparency, here
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you go, our reports, everything is clean here, and the fact that they oppose the bill with such bitterness, all this gives rise to very serious doubts. representatives of official brussels, as well as washington, where the law on nagents first appeared, urge tbilisi not to adopt this part of the world experience. the opposition is not happy with the fact that the speaker of the national parliament. did not bow to his colleagues from the european union. when shalovo papuvashvili refuses to meet with parliamentarians of the countries belonging to the european union, this confirms that he is carrying out ivanishvili’s order for the international isolation of georgia with syrabian obedience. and while international isolation did not happen, assistant secretary of state james o-bryan gathered in tbilisi. tomorrow he planned to meet with the founder and honorary chairman of the georgian dream, former prime minister and influential businessman benzina ivanishvili. but the oligarch, like the entire party, is on the defensive. a request was voiced in connection with the meeting with bedzina ivaneshvili, to which he responded refusal, what really connects the story around the law with russia is the threat
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of sanctions? the georgian dream has gone beyond all limits, beyond the law, beyond the constitution, restrictions must be introduced in relation to those 83 deputies who vote for the bill, these include visa restrictions and financial sanctions. in this sense, i understand that the european union has more... we act based on the interests of our people, accordingly, the truth is in our country, if someone wants to impose sanctions against someone for there is no problem that he acts in the interests of the country. tired of accusations of connections with moscow, the party in power launched a counter-offensive and now claims that the opposition’s activities are paid for from abroad. the georgian protest has even received a self-name as a movement. shame and its symbol, a molotov cocktail, surrounded by stars from the eu flag and made in yellow-blanket color, suggests not the most pleasant analogies to what such ideals led to one
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post-soviet... country that declared that it is europe, the world is good knows. elzaita khramtsov, to lead. the moskvich plant switched to full-cycle production technology. the new robotic line was launched today by the mayor of the capital, sergei sobyanin. now welding and painting of car bodies will be done at one enterprise, this will seriously reduce logistics costs. elizabeth of the sea with details. this one is gigantic and clumsy only at first glance. nism sets in motion by pressing one button, this is what the body welding process looks like at the moskvich plant, until recently it came to the plant ready-made, but from that day on welding, assembly and painting of the body will take place here. we are moving to a full-tech assembly cycle, perhaps the first in the country, among those factories that were stopped by western investors; in addition to welding, there will be body painting, and also
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probably for the first time in russia. ready-made elements were quickly set up in just six months, but the transition to the full cycle took almost 15 months. today we can say with confidence that the line is completely ready to reach the volume requested by the market. after it's launched literally within one and a half to two months we will reach the desired volume of 100 cars per shift, but this is far from the limits for the plant, maximum productivity fluctuates around 190-200,000 cars per year. after the departure of western companies, moskvich is still
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the only one. among car factories that switched to full-cycle production. this means savings for the plant; logistics costs will be reduced by four times. these are also jobs; almost 500 of them have appeared over the past month. the appearance of the car has changed. this the crossover is one of seventy tested. previously, the car came in one color, but now the roof can be made gray, and the body can be made in one of the five colors of the model line. but the interior and technical characteristics remain. the same, and more importantly, the quality of cars will improve, they will become resistant to the harsh russian climate. today, a car that is often exhibited in the country conditionally corresponds to our climatic conditions; in this car we solve all these problems. strong anti-corrosion coating, the vehicle's ability to operate in conditions low temperatures. next up is the third stage, by 2025 the plant will start producing tires, wheels and glass, this will allow production.
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