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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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since they were already being hunted, because indeed he had been a nightmare for the enemy on the dnieper for a long time, but he treated his profession, his service and duty, giving himself completely, he was worthy of this highest award, he confidently and courageously went to his goal, well, in peaceful life nikit worked as a fireman, but in battles, he rushed into the thick of it, mastering control with burning eyes.
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they destroyed boats in our direction, and the enemy also worked on the infantry. nikita worked with such fpv drones that are sent from the first person, they transmit image on the operator’s video glasses, and now... using a joystick, he controls them as if he were inside the drone. this is a jewelry job, and the dream turned out to be one of the most productive operators. over the course of several months, he destroyed almost 20 high-speed boats of the ukrainian armed forces, six trucks, seven mortar crews and up to a hundred enemy personnel. the ukronazis knew about ileitor mechtanov’s group, they were afraid like hell and tried to track him down. when operators hunt, they are identified by radio broadcast, they must be very close to their target, then there is there, well... at 5 km, okay, sometimes
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eight, if it’s great there, their remote control, which they have in their hands, that is, a radio transmitter, it glows very strongly on the radio, they start pouring in there with whatever they can, because it’s like a sniper, an operator, that is, a pilot, as i call pilots in beer gardens, yes, they are just as scary, but they are hunted very, very hard, they don’t really spare shells, in the last battle they were together, the dream is holy, this is the call sign of a gefreitor vyacheslav pastukhov, under heavy artillery fire they went to the front line three times, destroyed boats from saboteurs and about 20 enemy infantry fighters, but the forces turned out to be unequal, a nato excalibur shell flew straight into the basement, where they ran to pick up another drone. at the ceremony in crimea , a victory banner was also unfurled in memory of the heroes. saint vyacheslav pastukhov was born and raised in sevastopol, served there under contract since 2019, was a patriot of his country and the hero’s hometown. for our guys, the words honor, duty, conscience, in this case, love for the homeland are not empty ones. they are higher in importance than their
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own life, than feeling, instinct self-preservation, in fact, only thanks to this russia lives, prospers and will continue to live, so words to our soldiers: for ifreytor nikita mechtanov, this golden star was a dream, his family and friends remember, he strived to rise to the highest rank in russia, to earn it according to - truly, as a man could. his eight-year-old daughter angelina is very proud that her dad is a hero, however, due to her age, she still does not quite understand at what cost this was achieved. but her mother tells her that other fighters are also defenders and heroes. to our defender fighters, who are now in the sloo zone, i would like to wish them fortitude, strength, patience, courage, bravery, and so that they know perfectly well that we are their reliable rear, we support them, we will... support
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them in the future, but otherwise, what corporal mechtanov did will remain in history for centuries, and the dream is with us forever. the polish authorities turned it into a totalitarian country, maintaining only the appearance of democracy. this was stated today by judge from warsaw thomas schmit. he asked for political asylum in belarus because he began to seriously fear for his life at home. and all because he dared to criticize the way poland is following the lead of the usa and britain. moscow and minsk. with details from belarus, our correspondent anastasia sokhovskaya. a blow to the guts of the polish authorities, this is how the president of belarus called the act of the polish judge, which caused hysteria in warsaw, everyone. there was almost a fight between tusk and kaczynski, who accused each other of working for russia. and under this interview with judge schmitt on international radio about the secrets of polish politics, in the comments there are flags of poland, belarus and russia.
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had access to secret documents, is sure that the authorities, under the influence of the united states and great britain , are dragging poland into the war , went to belarus in protest and publicly resigned . a polish court stripped the judge of his immunity, and the prosecutor's office opened a criminal case for espionage. here is the official message: schmidt is charged with collaborating with foreign intelligence, punishable by up to life imprisonment. authorities. everything was decided in advance, although there was no evidence. having maintained the intrigue, schmidt published in his telegram channel the quote “the only secret document, postcard with a man with a revolver" and accused official warsaw of a witch hunt. he talks about bias in polish justice, contractual competitions for judges and verdicts under the influence of politicians. and as
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a lawyer working with international european law, he assesses the actions of the kiev regime. well then pretezh zbrodni military. these are war crimes. what the ukrainian army, the sbu is doing, it behaves like the gestapo, the way churches are persecuted in ukraine, the way a democratic country does not function, the way zelensky rules now, he does. extended his power, there are no elections, and whoever this bothers in the west, it bothers the americans, it doesn’t bother anyone at all. schmidt says that the attitude of the poles has changed towards the future of ukraine, towards ukrainian business, which is destroying polish farmers, towards refugees who waste money in poland, but those who, as he considers, are a matter of survival for russia. and is ready to openly protest against poland being drawn into the war, they are immediately denounced as agents of the kremlin. chile has a whole urahamian apparatus, where there is a whole agency that searches the houses of these people, they are looking for, fabricating evidence that should indicate receipt of money from the kremlin. this is a difficult situation in conditions where
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democracy in poland is a facade, it does not work. but the trend of weakening the eu and russophobic sentiments, according to schmit, is obvious. he himself wants to help bring poles and belarusians closer together. and would like to visit moscow. anastasia sokhovskaya, alexander alexandronits olek piletsky, news from minsk. the yellow blanket flag is adjacent to the bandera red and black rag, around synchronously doing push-ups, but at least three dozen lads. thus, seeing off the militant, the banned azov with the call sign good-natured, on his last journey. these are well known from numerous videos from ukraine, but this time it is a particularly large-scale cemetery ritual, the meaning of which was previously clear to few people. among the versions, for example, the careful compaction of earth for future own graves, or simply some kind of flash mob that someone once launched for unknown reasons, which became
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very popular. be that as it may, it is obvious constant substitution of traditional funerals, well , either an outright farce, or blasphemy, in the same piggy bank, a sensational story from vinnitsa, where another az... nazariy grintsevich with the call sign grenka, was put in the coffin almost a full set of products from the menu of the largest american fast food chains, and now they are bringing the same thing to his tombstone. for what? let's figure it out together with evgeniy tishkovets. i didn’t go to bandera empty-handed. ukraine continues to enthusiastically trample on its own traditions at the forefront, of course, nazis from the forbidden azov. memorial to one of the militants. residents of square. they lay flowers that were not brought to the monuments to the red army soldiers on may 9, and also cookies, coca-cola, savagery, not yet, this is savagery, so the azov man’s coffin was kept, like a garbage container, a bag from a restaurant, fast food, the same cola, milk and
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construction toys, people who call themselves priests calmly carry out rituals, nothing bothers them, those who plan these events have a good understanding of psychology. this is an appeal to the most primitive human feelings, this is the pleasure of eating, the pleasure of drinking, the pleasure of familiar products that... a person is predisposed, and this forms in those who observe this a generally positive attitude towards death towards the dead. in this way, with sweets and drinks , nazariy grintsevich was seen off on his last journey. he was 21 years old, a young nazi, but an experienced football fan. as soon as i turned 18, i joined azov, sat in the basements, azov became prisoner, was captured, didn’t do well in lessons, went back to school... the lad’s fate was a second chance no longer given: a warrior is buried with objects of foreign
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material culture: cheeseburgers, soda. fighting for the western unipolar world , they turn any funeral not only into a pagan whisper, but they show the commitment of the project itself to link the nazi project with these american sponsors and symbols of this american democracy in quotes, which has been killing ordinary ukrainians for already... . and it is not clear what is more here, blind admiration for a higher civilization or fierce hatred of one’s own culture. right before our eyes in ukraine , new funeral traditions are being created in a living, rude manner, while christians mourn for the dead, ukrainians sing joyful songs. while russian soldiers honor the dead in silence. slogans roar, imitating the third reich. let my soul be born in you. let my soul
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be born in you. strengthen yourself with your glory. while normal ukrainians greet the deceased standing, the so-called patriots fall to their knees. the task of the west and the leaders of the kiev regime is to reformat their people so much and further, so that not a single ukrainian remains on the territory of ukraine. on the abolition of everything russian and christian, the destruction. and the soviet past and history, and the reformatting has gone so far that now even children in ukraine do not play cossack robbers, but funerals, this is fun, in the land of the dead, burial is no longer a reason to be sad, but rather liberation from the harsh reality? there is nothing surprising in the fact that today we see how neo-nazis put unrelated ideas into the coffin of their late comrade to christianity, ukrainian integral nationalists are only masquerading as christians,
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and even more so as orthodox christians. i would like to note that azov resident grenka was lucky; he was an elite warrior from the highest caste. the graves of such people in primitive societies are always rich. but such burials are simpler for ukrainians: cannon fodder, who was unlucky enough to hang around ideological nazis from a young age, is simply thrown into pits. they have no cookies, no crosses with names, just cold earth. ukraine will be able to import its goods to ukraine for another year. the eu without quota duties, despite the protests of farmers, whom such a policy ruins. the eu council decided to support the kiev regime. meanwhile, the reaters agency reported that the european union is going to allocate another 5 billion euros to ukraine. this is discussed in the security agreement that kiev and brussels are discussing. well, the british prime minister, in turn , is trying to convince.
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frightened by failures, he is suspected of wanting to completely remove his boss, they are already openly compared, cameron in the sovereign interiors and chest with a bottle of milk. let's be honest, the first clip is on a completely different level than the second, why can't sunok do what you do? what i do is very important, we are trying to ensure our safety. in the logic of the british ministers , anything can get along, you can loudly refuse russian gas, and then behind...
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behind the cdu bloc, the csu, there is an opposition alternative for germany, even despite the scandals fanning up around this party. shamefully, accusations of espionage for china and collusion with russia have led to adh party figures fell to 15% nationwide . this is the worst figure since april 2023 . the numbers are numbers, but what they are afraid of is that the mood against the establishment in europe
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is growing everywhere. in the us, the american conservative warns of a systemic shock, like in 2016. when the brexit referendum coincided with the election of donald trump. europe doesn’t have its own trump, but there are plenty of political rebels here too, and if we move at the same pace in the same incomprehensible direction, then they will have an increasing chance of coming to a real authorities. the former prime minister of italy , giuseppe conte, is already saying that russia was dealt with incorrectly, isolation did not work out , and it was not possible to lead to hostilities in ukraine. a military-political strategy aimed at military escalation with russia, which follows... but those at the european helm stubbornly cling to completely exhausted mantras. if i had to name one thing it would be ukraine because it is vital for the european union and its existence in the future. i think there are many other issues, such as migration,
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the green deal, eu competitiveness. but ukraine is a determining factor for the upcoming term of office of the european parliament. political military experts constantly talk about this, it’s true, a dangerous period is beginning for ukraine, and we understand this, we ourselves have elections now, elections in the usa will also begin soon, naturally, for russia this is an opportunity to advance, for this reason we are in europe made a very significant decision increase our subsidies in terms of armament of shells. our goal now is to produce 2 million shells in the eu. supporters of escalation should listen more carefully to the secretary general’s latest statement.
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news, uk. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. she called for shooting at the kremlin and destroying moscow. lyutchik's great-granddaughter chikalova will answer for her words. daria bogdanova was put on the wanted list. where is she hiding now for how long has she already told herself. only at alfabank. spin the drum application and receive a supercake up to 100% every month, and up to 30% in categories
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apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. coopersberg dishwasher with automatic opening coopersberg washing machine with discounts up to 40%. on yandex market. woman , 36 years old, born in moscow, russian nationality. special signs are not indicated, this is how the great-granddaughter of the legendary pilot valery chkalov, daria bogdanova, is now identified in the ministry of internal affairs search database, who, judging by this card is wanted under an article of the criminal code of russia; the specific crime for which law enforcement agencies would like to communicate with the person involved is not indicated in the database, but it is not difficult to remember that there are several. ago bogdanova became the main suspect in the case of calls for terrorism, but however, this person renounced the ideals of her grandfather, the hero of the soviet union, long ago, left russia and does not hide either her cavernous
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hatred of everything russian, or her desire to physically destroy our country some kind of nuclear strike, an invoice that could form the basis of not one, but a whole series of criminal cases, was picked up by evgenia petrukhina, does chkalov need such a great-granddaughter? bogdanova reacted to the message that she was now on the federal wanted list with morbid joy; in one of the social networks she writes that it’s a pity that she wasn’t given such a gift on her birthday; in her telegram channel, bogdanova is glad that the media stopped call her chkalov's great-granddaughter. is it even possible after all that she she said that she was considered a relative of the legendary pilot, she actually called for a nuclear strike on russia, that’s daria.
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implies that she will not be in the capital at this moment, but what about the grandmother, and what about the mother, who, apparently, live in moscow with her grandmother, refused, well, this means that
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once again... the opener of air travel with america , but then all her life, according to her , she did nothing; she was definitely interested in the fate of her great-grandfather. connected the soviet union with america, he flew so that the two countries understood each other, and this, by the way, was largely successful, otherwise the second world war would have gone differently. he was a test pilot, he did a lot, he died during testing, yes, he was not involved in adventures, he worked hard and very dangerously for
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his country, but his great-granddaughters. but this is not interesting, he did not scold the soviet regime, despite the fact that bogdanova, as the media write, quite likely had or still has a business in russia, and the revenue of this company in the twenty-second year amounted to 12 million rubles. and according to the documents, it seems like a company providing some kind of consultations in the field of computer technology, apparently, she sent some part of this money to the ssu. and now on twitter, which is blocked in russia, she publishes another post: gathering for the armed forces of ukraine. but how aggressively bogdanova reacts to those who do not agree to finance the nazis of the kiev regime, even if they are ukrainians themselves, she immediately answers them in the comments, saying that a guy who does not support the ssu is a client for the sbu, end of quote: why? then bogdanova herself is holed up in israel, visiting ukraine, but it’s scary, apparently, justification for terrorism, committed on the internet for five to seven years, realizing that she is a citizen of another state and... i fully
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think that it is not excluded that international growth will be announced here. her statements about russia, her desire to destroy moscow, for her, it seems, could become a dead loop, but since she refused the legacy of her heroic great-grandfather bogdanova, she is unlikely to successfully perform this complex aerobatics, which means she will have to tighten the loop already your neck, and israeli citizenship is unlikely to save you from remorse.
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vladimir putin held an operational meeting with permanent members of the security council via videoconference. the president paid attention to the issue of russia's relations with the cis countries. the meeting was attended by the new and former
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secretaries... let me remind you that the day before the head of state appointed sergei shaiga to this position. as reported, the recesses occurred due to the fact that nikolai patrushev is moving to another job. well, we ’ll come back to this later, we’ll talk about a topic that our priority in the external sphere is always building relationships with our closest neighbors, with the independent states that have formed in the post-soviet space. the minister of finance and i talked about the fact that... in the new political cycle - in russia, we must pay even more attention to this and talk about how we will build this work from all points of view, including organizational. well, we’ll come back to this later, now, in fact, let’s start this conversation, this discussion. vladimir putin and the president bolivia's luis arza held telephone conversations today. the press service reports this.


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