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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

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shrapnel wounds, concussions, barotraumas, victims of ukrainian rocket attacks and drone attacks. the day before, after the tragedy on shchorsa street, three residents of the regional center died. ukrainian militants continue to fire indiscriminately into peaceful areas of belgorod. they are hitting schools, kindergartens, shops, multi-storey buildings. yesterday , an air raid alarm sounded over the city 15 times, usually from a vampire multiple launch rocket system. these are the consequences of one of these. after shelling , the regional authorities promised to start paying financial assistance to all affected residents of the high-rise building, relatives of those killed in the evening shelling of belgorod will also receive support, we will make a decision on sending documents to the federal center to receive assistance in restoring or purchasing housing for residents who have now lost their home. words of support and condolences, as well as offers of help.
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now it comes to belgorod residents from all over the country. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov, polina bykova, vyacheslav olinov and mikhail shum. news belgorod region. together with belgorod all russia is mourning. on the evening of may 13 , a huge banner was displayed on the facade of the stadium in rostov. on the running line, words of support: belgorod, we are with you. an action in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in belgorod was held near the russian embassy in cyprus. they accepted it at the rally. participation of our compatriots and caring cypriots. participants brought children's toys and flowers to the spontaneous memorial. activists called on the western community and the government of cyprus to stop supporting the terrorist regime of ukraine. the organizers of the rally are already preparing a corresponding appeal, which will soon be sent to the representation of western countries in the republic. the ukrainian peace formula will not be the only peace plan that participants will discuss on june 15. conference in
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switzerland, this was reported by the european ministry of foreign affairs. western media observers, in turn, write that a series of defeats in the ssu near kharkov increases pressure on the kiev regime and raises the question of the appropriateness of military assistance. artyom krosulin will tell you more. the situation of the ukrainian armed forces at the front is deplorable, sky news reporters it is reported that ukrainian troops are rapidly losing ground in the kharkov direction. they say even the local military command admits that the situation there is very difficult. cnn experts argue in a similar vein; according to them, the success of the russian armed forces puts enormous pressure on the kiev regime. in march, president putin mentioned creating buffer zones to reduce the number of attacks on russian territory. perhaps the current offensive is precisely related to the fulfillment of this task. in fact, moscow has opened another front, which puts even more pressure on the ukrainian armed forces. the successful operations of russian troops affected the morale of the ukrainian military. the new york times writes that the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine. blame
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each other for failures in the defense of the kharkov region. they note that resources were already strained by delays in western aid deliveries. equipment shortages and personnel losses are causing western allies to doubt the effectiveness of assistance to ukraine. observers do not rule out that after a series of defeats near kharkov, the united states and other countries nato can force the ukrainian authorities to sit down at the negotiating table, which the kiev regime so zealously opposes. signs of despair are visible in the behavior of zelensky himself. bloomberg writes that the president asks residents not to panic and not to succumb to emotions because of the advance of russian troops near kharkov, saying that the situation is difficult, but under control, however, the kiev regime may not wait for help due to the upcoming elections in the us and eu, according to in the opinion of the european commissioner for internal market affairs, teri briton, a politician in the coming months will shift attention from ukraine to internal problems and the fight for the electorate. the truth is that a very dangerous period is beginning. for ukraine, because
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there is no need to be deceived, we in europe are in the process of elections, elections are coming soon in the usa, the election campaign is now underway, for russia this is an opportunity to move forward, so we, the europeans, have decided to very significantly increase our subsidies in the form of weapons defense for ukraine, including ammunition. in conversation with french journalists briton also noted that brussels had partially switched to the economy of war, while at the same time drawing its own european armies into the conflict. they don’t want to, germany and great britain rejected the proposal to protect the western part of ukrainian airspace with nato forces. london reasonably noted that interceptions of russian missiles with the help of alliance forces would take the conflict to a new level. artyom krosulin, alika komarova and evgenia zemtsova. news. moskvich switched to a full cycle of car production. capital plant now provides not only welding and painting of machine parts, but also other basic operations.
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the start of the new stage was given by the mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin. all the details are in the report by elizaveta morskaya. this gigantic and clumsy mechanism, only at first glance, sets in motion the... coating of the body, taking into account our climatic conditions, and then, of course, we will deepen localization, and most importantly, create our own car. moskvich came to this plant in november 2022 to replace renault, russian market, french left the automaker in march, defiantly
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slamming the door, leaving neither technology nor components, muscovite production began from scratch, assembling the car, from large ready-made elements would be used for full-cycle production. this means savings for the plant; logistics costs will be reduced by four times. these are also jobs; almost 500 of them have appeared in the last month; the appearance of the car has changed. this crossover is one of seventy tested. previously, the car was in one color, now the roof
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can be made gray, and the body in one of five colors of the model line, but the interior and technical characteristics remain the same. what else is important? the quality of cars will not improve, they will become more resistant to the harsh russian climate. today, cars supplied to the country often conditionally correspond to our climatic conditions; in this car, we solve all these problems with a reinforced anti-corrosion coating, the ability of the car to operate in low temperatures. the third stage is next, by 2025 the plant will start producing tires, wheels and glass. this will allow us to release domestic electric car, key... this year marks 79 years since the victory in the great patriotic war and 80 years since the liberation of belarus from hitler's germany, and the high price that the people of the union state paid,
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a special report from the places where the nazis committed their crimes against humanity, watch now. the sacred holiday of victory is great because of the price at which we got it; in every step of the ceremonial calculations, perseverance and courage are a symbol of the unbroken spirit of the great people. 9 may. there are two stories about the path through which russia and belarus went: from the bryansk region and from the former village of maly trestenets near
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minsk, two pages that should not be forgotten and which, rereading today, sound like edification. alexander guest helped us understand the crime against humanity in belarus. director of the cultural center for spiritual revival near bryansk sergei kurakin, local historian, head of the khatsun memorial complex. in mid-august 1941, german troops invaded the territory of the bryansk region, in october for two long years of war , the entire region found itself under nazi occupation. the entire population was forbidden to leave their homes after 6 pm, and to move from another locality to another locality without special passes from the population.
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and this became a symbol in this memorial complex of 28 furnaces, 27 districts of the bryansk region, bryansk itself, and here the atrocities of the nazis are well remembered. about how the russian people were killed in thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds, millions, this place is called khatsun, and this is the first village in the country, which was destroyed by the nazis, if you measure within the borders of modern russia. on october 24, 1941, a group of germans escorted captured red army soldiers; these were scouts from the 156th artillery regiment, fifty-sixth infantry division of the wehrmacht army. part of this group separated and went through the village. haztsun. at that moment there were several soviet soldiers there who decided to recapture the prisoners. three germans were killed, others
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managed to escape and report to the command about the attack. here, in the direction of the village of khatsun, at one o'clock in the morning on october 25, a detachment of 180 people, it is divided into three groups. enters this village in the morning, we don’t know exactly what time in the morning they entered, surrounded this village, surrounded the neighboring populated area... during the combing, three dead germans were discovered, then, let’s say, it was decided by chief lieutenant eliman , this is the commander of a punitive detachment, one of the punitive detachments, to shoot civilians because they helped our soldiers. for several hours, the nazis, 10 people at a time, took people to the outskirts of the village to they shot in the ditch there too. at least 318 civilians were killed this way.
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in some houses people were not thrown out, so to speak , onto kanave street, some were shot in their own barns, some tried to escape and were killed. belarusian khatyn, a village whose inhabitants were also exterminated by the germans. the deep wound of our
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peoples is unlikely to ever heal, so on victory day the festive fanfare seems to sound even more solemn. we look with pride at the ceremonial crews, the heirs and successors of military affairs, at the historical modern models of equipment, including performing tasks on the battlefield today and understanding why they are there. revanchism, mockery of history, the desire to justify the current followers of the nazis, this is part of the general policy of western elites to incite more and more regional conflicts, interethnic and interreligious hostility, and to restrain sovereign, independent centers of world development. we reject the claim of exclusivity by any state or alliance. we know what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to. russia
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will do everything to prevent a global collision, but at the same time we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always in combat readiness. the memory of the great victory, the feat of the soviet soldier is the foundation of our education, morality and a guideline for new generations. in order to preserve and not allow history to be rewritten, the permanent committee of the union state is working, while our countries, both russia and the republic of belarus, are doing everything to not let the courage and bravery of our soldiers be forgotten crimes of the nazis, others consistently demolish everything that would remind of what the soldiers of the red army went through. the older generation supported and welcomed the erection of monuments on the soil of eastern europe and germany. who demolishes monuments? the heirs of those who fought on the side of nazism, those who are ready to support,
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flirt and want to join at any cost in the general chorus of the west against the practice of protecting historical truth and memory, who does this? people are cowardly, unmanly, because only such people can fight those who lies in these graves who cannot answer. dmitry mezintsev, the son of a front-line soldier, for him preserving the legacy of the memory of the heroes of the great patriotic war is a personal matter; on the table are books from the library of the union state series, about joint achievements and facts from
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his brother, his brother victor. and here is a photograph dedicated to the opening of the new khatyn memorial, which took place on march 22 of the past year, on behalf of, taking into account the position of respect for the feat of the belarusian people shown in the year of the great patriotic war. alas, but that's it fewer of those who participated in the battles for our future remain with us. viktor dmitrievich tsimbal went to the front in 1943, when he was 16. participated in...
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all the time. 79 years since the victory in the great patriotic war of the soviet union. and this year is exactly 80, when the republic of belarus was liberated. ceremonial events are being held in minsk, including in memory of those who were the first to take the blow of nazi germany, who suffered from the occupation, who were deprived of their families, who were taken away from almost everything, but could not break the spirit of the people, the spirit of the great people. this history lesson is especially important in our time. the victorious may of '45 brought humanity. a priceless world, but not everyone liked its value. our former allies, the people of the sole victors of hitler's germany, saw only themselves. as in the early forties, the west is ready to deal with any evil in order to maintain dominance.
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the terrifying experience of the apalagetes of the defeated third reich has already found its own there. that is, the nazis deceive people and say that we are going to new lands, there will be work for you, a place to live, they don’t know their fate, they don’t know what awaits them, no, of course, but in the end it will be a one-way road, they traveled with hope, but...
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they brought death. the path of the prisoner is symbolically reflected in the memorial complex. the square of life, the path goes to the square of paradox, where people were just realizing what awaited them. and the next square is death. nearby there are ditches where people were shot. in memory of thousands of victims , gravestones were installed without any inscriptions, because no one knows thoroughly the majority of them those who are forever buried in this land. this is about 150,000 people, according to data.
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back they began to dig up these ditches, tried to burn the corpses that were there in such numbers, there was a fire burning here for about two weeks, there was an unbearable smell in the area, as witnesses say, on the trees in the forest of blagovshchina there are foxes with the names and photographs of the victims buried here, many of them they were jews who were brought here in trains from other countries, austria, poland, czechoslovakia, france and germany itself. there were large lands here, fertile land, nearby was the shashkovka tract, where it was built a little later, after only a year of the camp’s existence,
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the memory of the sacred victory over hitler’s germany of the great patriotic war is so transitory that we all carry it, through the decades, the ideology of nazism brought us so much pain, the sick idea of ​​​​the superiority of some over others, and today, in an era of defining challenges, which are based on the struggle against the same principles, we must honor and remember the memory of those who once prevented this plague from infecting. and kill us and we shouldn't let it happen now. moreover, remembering very well how german tigers, and now leopards, walked through our historical lands. the tanks
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may have changed their cat name, but they burn just as brightly from the hits of our fighters. today this technique can be examined closely, right in moscow, on poklonnaya hill, so that there are no illusions about who is supplying weapons with the aim of killing our people. today we hear endlessly that... that we talk a lot about war, and this is said by those whose representatives of older generations themselves fought on the side of fascism. it is difficult to imagine the soldiers’ assessment of the victory by the fact of sending leopard tanks, which today are ironing their native land on the soil of the soviet union, essentially defending nazi ideals. at a high price, history, without which we cannot eat, this is a history full of victories, won
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear, clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give in general achieve what you have achieved? the world stood up, shook himself off, and went, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure?
12:00 am
the state duma approved 10 deputy prime ministers of the new government. deputies approved all the candidates proposed by mikhail mishustin. there are eight names from the previous lineup on this list. two more, vitaly savelyev and dmitry patrushev, were promoted from ministerial positions.


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