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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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vladimir putin held an operational meeting with permanent members of the security council via videoconference. the president paid attention to the issue of russia's relations with the cis countries. the meeting was attended by the new and former secretaries of the security council. let me remind you that the day before the head of state appointed sergei shaiga to this position. as reported, the reshuffle occurred due to the fact that nikolai patrushev is moving to another job. talk about
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how we will talk about a topic that is always a priority for us in the external sphere, this is building relationships with our closest neighbors, with the independent states formed in the post-soviet space. the minister of finance and i talked about the fact that in the new political cycle in russia we should pay even more attention to this and talk about how we will organize this work from all points of view. including organizational, well, we’ll come back to this, now, in fact, let’s start this conversation, this discussion, earlier vladimir putin had telephone conversations with the president of bolivia, about this the kremlin press service reports that the leaders of the two countries discussed the implementation of projects in the trade, economic and energy fields, and also agreed to intensify contacts at various levels. in addition, the bolivian leader congratulated vladimir putin and the entire russian people on the seventy-ninth anniversary. the state duma approved 10 deputy prime ministers
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of the new government. deputies approved all the candidates proposed by mikhail mishustin. there are eight names from the previous lineup on this list. two more - vitaly savelyev and dmitry patrushev were promoted from ministerial positions. speaker of the lower house vyacheslav volodin expressed hope that the dialogue between the new deputy prime ministers and deputies will be effective, especially given the experience. they all already have the ability to overcome new challenges. natalya solovyova will tell you how the voting went and what parliamentarians asked to pay special attention to. all these days, not only deputies, but also the entire apparatus of the state duma are working in a very busy schedule, almost 24x7, which is generally not surprising, since the lower house of the russian parliament for the first time it falls to form a new government. its structure, the structure of kabnin, i remind you, has not changed. 21 ministries, 10 deputy prime ministers. and these are exactly what
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the deputies approved today. there are only two new, but well-known names on the list - dmitry patrushev and vitaly savelev, who previously headed the ministry of agriculture and the ministry of transport. respectively. now they have to join a new professional team of deputy heads of government. and as the speaker of the lower house of the russian parliament, vyacheslav volodin, said today, this a team of truly professionals, in which there are no random people. all nominations submitted by the chairman. we know the government well, we went through a difficult time with the challenges that the country faced, the economy grew to 3.6% at the end of last year. we must note that the chairman of the government did the right thing by holding consultations with the state duma, which he proposed. people who don't have to learn,
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who don't have to start all over again. in the new composition of the cabin denis mantrov, in what vedeni already located industrial, will take the post of first deputy prime minister. among his priorities, he named achieving technological sovereignty, strengthening russia's position in space and increasing the country's defense capability. we will direct even more efforts to increase the defense capability of our state. today the russian defense industry. is the most powerful in the world in terms of production volumes of main types of weapons and military equipment. at the same time, the geopolitical situation dictates the need to constantly improve the technical characteristics of products, close the current needs of the army have increased significantly and speed up work on promising models.
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than for the russian federation as a whole. alexander novyk will remain in the cabinet, but his responsibilities will expand not only in fuel and energy.
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the candidacy of vitaly saveliva has already been proposed as deputy prime minister, he has already assured that the sanctions will not affect our air transportation, one of the very first victims in the transport industry was civil aviation, our aviation industry, you remember, was kept literally every month, i believe that we accepted with you absolutely a verified and wise decision, which was supported by the president of russia, vladimir vladimirovich putin, prime minister mikhail vladimirovich mishustin, we left all the planes in russia. and this gives us the opportunity to ensure the coherence of the country, and we are still flying with you, we are flying well, and dmitry patrushev will become deputy prime minister for agriculture and ecology, instead of victoria abramchenko. the key tasks of the agro-industrial complex remain maintaining stable production, increasing its
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efficiency, the profitability of farmers, as well as increasing import independence. an important step there will be a new national project for technological support of food security, which should start with 20. languages ​​abroad, we will strengthen the position of the russian language, also within the framework of the newly created international organization for the russian language. the government will continue to disseminate the experience of building russian schools both in the cis countries and in the countries of the world majority. the government will
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support branches of russian universities of slavic universities, as well as expand the admission of foreign students to russian universities yuri trutnev will continue to oversee our easternmost regions, where he is for the first time. the main driver of our program is housing construction; the goal is to increase the volume of construction by the thirtieth year, to build almost a billion square meters, which means that every fifth meter in the country
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will be new. the candidacy of dmitry chernyshenko, which was also remarkably approved by the entire relevant committee the day before, he will have to oversee, in addition to the science of higher education, sports, tourism, as well. posts of the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs, the accounting chamber and intelligence services were discussed in the federation council, so far at the committee level. the consultation will continue
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today in plenary session. the president will take its results into account when appointing ministers. the most discussed candidate in the senate, and not only, was, of course, andrei belousov, whom the head of state proposed for the post of minister of defense. varvara nevskaya found out what assessment questions were raised during the consultations. all day, literally every hour, advice. minister, and also a person who is known and respected not only in russia, but abroad,
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answering questions from senators, as part of the hearings, sergei lavrov himself commented on the so-called peace summit, which western countries, without the participation of russia, decided to hold in switzerland in june of this year. now switzerland has clearly sided with ukraine, and not only supports all western sanctions, but the leaders even speak out on some issues. but i will note in parentheses that much earlier than the current ukrainian situation, switzerland began to drift away from its neutrality, in particular the americans many, many years ago they wringed their hands and the swiss significantly opened up, now they have almost completely revealed all aspects related to banking secrecy, which, well, that banking secrecy was once such a symbol of this neutrality, that’s why...
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means, all this must be coordinated with the capabilities of the economy, this everything needs to be organized in production so that it is at the right price, so that it is effective, so that there is a quality product, and here the minister of defense needs to constantly interact with other ministries and departments in order to efficiently organize this process. beloosov stated the need to work on issues of social security for participants in a special military
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operation, well, there is still something to work on, i’ll just note a few things, this concerns payments for housing, this concerns the provision of fso participants with housing, this concerns payments to civilian personnel in military units, this regarding special... medical care, i think it is absolutely out of order when svo participants who come on vacation are driven out of civilian medical institutions, are sent to hospitals, which are often simply overcrowded, this issue must be resolved, this also applies to excessive bureaucracy, paperwork associated with confirming the benefits of military personnel. as part of the consultation on the candidacy of vladimir kolokoltsev.
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our tasks are, first of all , preserving budget funds, fighting corruption among officials and other citizens, identifying and documenting facts of abuse.
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the most important thing, which will probably become one of the main tools for implementation the law on free legal assistance, well , strictly speaking, the second open one, namely the outer contour of this system, it will operate for all our citizens, within the framework of a meeting of the relevant committee, the candidate for the post of minister of emergency situations spoke about what measures were taken for...
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consultations on the reappointment of the heads of the special services were also held in the upper house of parliament, all of them are held behind closed doors without access to the press; consultations have already taken place on the candidacy of alexander bortnikov for the post of director of the federal security service, consultations of the relevant committees on the reappointment to the position of director of the foreign intelligence service have been completed. on issues of approval for the position of head of the federal security service, the current director of the department, dmitry kochnev. the last federation council to arrive for consultation was alexander linets. the relevant committee held a hearing on his appointment to
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the post of head of the main department of special programs of the president. may 14 consultation. the north grouping of troops inflicted defeat on the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of volchansko, neskuchny, leptsov and vesyoly, kharkov region, the ministry of defense reported, five counterattacks were repelled, the enemy lost up to 250 militants, as well as two tanks and four rszz vehicles. denis alekseev has details. the north group is confidently advancing south
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of the russian border, clearing the north of the kharkov region from ukrainian formations. they're coming. immediately, on a broad front, gradually liberating those areas from where the ukrainian armed forces had been launching attacks on the border regions of russia for a long time. the kiev command was clearly not ready for so, suddenly, at one moment, russian troops tear open the defense line of the ukrainian armed forces in this direction, the militants lose several important settlements one after another, massive air strikes on ukrainian fortifications near volchansk do not stop. the units of the northern group of troops were improved this way. five counterattacks by assault groups of the ukrainian armed forces in deep and quiet areas. enemy losses amounted to up to 250 military personnel, two tanks, two
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armored combat vehicles, and 17 vehicles. here are some illustrative shots. forest in the promotion zone our northern group, the militants cannot raise their heads, they are looking for a moment to get out of the encirclement. the russian military covers the ukrainian unit with heavy fire. let's film, let's film, quickly, that's it! turn around quickly, while these masters of military affairs still manage to film everything on their phones, how can they give a tough rebuff, run away and show others, it may be the right decision, show the situation to the ukrainian viewer as it is, otherwise the pro-kiev media are silent again , the charge is full, load it, and our soldiers are ready to report the southern group again improved the situation along the front line, three counterattacks were repelled in one day...
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and this is a video from the life of our cats, pets, a tank, a badger, even a combat vehicle has a call, the marines gave it, they say so that you don’t have to get bored, yes and they are not bored anyway; not so long ago they took part in the liberation of novomikhailovka in the southern donetsk direction. the crews of t-80 tanks went to avangade. the first tank with trawls was driving, trawling the road so that there were no mines and so on, the infantry were already driving behind, rapid improvement position of the russian forces, and in general... the kiev command is irritating on all fronts, the bloody regime can do nothing except respond with blows from under the gun at the civilian population, and therefore our air defense units divided the sky into squares
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, all attention to those flying towards side of the russian borders, missiles, drones, aerial bombs. during the day , 33 ukrainian attack drones, six tactical missiles, 39 missiles from systems such as alha, vampire, hymers, and five cruise missiles were destroyed. five guided bombs, scale explains much, the enemy is in hysteria. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, lead. the village of novaya tavolzhanka in the belgorod region came under fire from the ukrainian armed forces. according to preliminary information , there were no casualties, governor vyacheslav glotkov announced this. six private residential buildings were damaged, and one car was also hit by shrapnel. over the past 24 hours , seven people were injured from ukrainian strikes on a residential area in belgorod. doctors evaluate. the condition is serious, search work and clearing of rubble at the site of the terrorist attack, where kiev militants demolished the entire entrance of a ten-story building houses are completed. 17 people were saved,
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15 died. all monday, despite the risk of the building collapsing , caring citizens brought flowers and soft toys to the site of the tragedy, where a spontaneous memorial unfolded. report by alexander rebunov. the perimeter of the dilapidated house is still behind the signal tape, into the courtyard of a high-rise building on shchorsa street. belgorod residents bring flowers. these soft toys were pulled out from under the rubble. among the fifteen killed in the ukrainian attack were children. i just came here, as if i don’t know how to express my condolences to the dead people, because we worry about it, about everything. the search and rescue operation ended at dawn, and all night the emergency situations ministry employees cleared each other from the rubble. work had to be stopped several times due to the threat of missiles. after the shelling, the ministry of emergency situations employees were replaced by utility services, they will clear this area of ​​the remaining concrete, glass and fittings, soon representatives of a special commission will appear here, they must conduct an examination
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and decide what will happen to this house next, risk the collapse of the surviving part of the building is still great, residents of the neighboring entrances, with all precautions, are being let into the apartments one by one to pick up documents and at least some essential things. i want to find my passport because i took all the documents out, but they are all in one folder. there was no passport, there were no whole windows left in almost the entire house, gas and electricity were turned off, the entrance doors were twisted from the blast wave, construction dust lay on things, territorial self-defense fighters were helping to remove bags, they did not leave this territory for the last 24 hours, of course it was more difficult morally than physically, physically, they were throwing slabs around, throwing everything, it was difficult when they extracted people, there were volunteers next to the rescue teams all this time. they prepared food, distributed water and tea, why are you here, why is this important to you, why are you not at home, where it’s warm? because people need us, and people who find themselves
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in beta, they are waiting for help for... others here are already like one family, it’s just that it’s not perceived differently, the grief of any person, with tears, just with a lump in my throat. most of the residents of the damaged house went to see friends and relatives; only a few families, 36 people, agreed to come to temporary accommodation centers. bed, hot meals, psychologist on duty. the doctors have already recorded our blood pressure, pulse, and medications, because we arrived without medications, without anything. in the first hours after the explosion caused by fragments of a ukrainian rocket. 17 people were rescued from the rubble. ambulance doctors took them to city hospitals. at night to the aid of belogorod doctors colleagues from the federal center arrived. after examination and consultations, it was decided to transfer six patients to moscow hospitals, including a one and a half month old baby, who was taken by air ambulance helicopter, accompanied by a team of resuscitators , to a russian children's clinical hospital. the patient's condition upon admission is assessed as extremely serious. the baby is currently on artificial
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ventilation. the condition is caused by a mine explosion injury, as well as burns of the upper respiratory tract and the skin heads. more than sixty people with shrapnel wounds, concussions, barotraumas, victims of ukrainian rocket attacks and drone attacks are still being treated in belgorod hospitals. the day before, after the tragedy on shchorsa street, three residents of the regional center died. ukrainian militants continue to fire indiscriminately into peaceful areas of belgorod and hit schools. kindergartens, shops, multi-storey buildings. yesterday , an air raid alarm sounded over the city 15 times, usually from a vampire multiple launch rocket system. these are the consequences of one of these attacks. the regional authorities promised to begin paying financial assistance to all affected residents of the high-rise building. relatives of those killed in the evening shelling in belgorod will also receive support. we will make a decision on sending documents to the federal center for receipt.
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assistance in restoring or purchasing housing for residents who have now lost their home. words of support and condolences, as well as offers of help, are now coming to belgorod residents from all over the country. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov, polina bykova, vyacheslav olinov and mikhail shun. news belgorod region.
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