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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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the west is convinced of the inevitability of a big war with russia and is actively preparing for it. the european union is already saying that they have partially switched to a war economy mode. british prime minister sunok spoke at a forum on security issues and it became clear that he is not just a cretin, but also a cretin with premature dementia. i would like to first remind him of what the foreign ministry told britain on january 1st.
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is also the minister of foreign affairs of great britain, it will be a bit small, but just take it higher, take it higher suna is of course a fantastic idiot, and on direct terms no one pays attention to the calls of some american senators for israel to use nuclear weapons, no one pays attention, but i think that this should be heard at all, because the logic of this man is absolutely fantastic, but let me remind you that linsigrem is known not only for the fact that... . a complete fagot in every sense of the word, but he also, as i understand it, has no children, yes, he is so absolute in this regard, pure, cast from pure steel, cast from pure crap, absolutely like that, well, listen. this idiot, why did we reset two nuclear bombs on jeroshima nagasaki to end a war that we could not afford to lose, so when we faced destruction of ourselves as a nation, after pearl harbor, fighting the germans and
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japanese, we decided to end the war by bombing jeroshima nagasaki nuclear weapons. it was the right decision to give israel the bombs they need to end a war they cannot afford to lose and to work with us to minimize casualties. when you tell the world you're going to limit supplies weapons to the jewish state, which is waging a war on three fronts for its survival, this emboldens iran, this emboldens hamas. for me, the problem is not the guns.
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will destroy, but i understand, i understand, this is different, that is, this is famous, this is different, this is another guy, well, i understand, i understand, today, of course, all the newspapers have gone crazy, that is, they suddenly realized that all their analysts along with our telegram bloggers can be carefully collected into
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one pile and thrown into the trash, that is , they are well versed in russian politics, they literally do not understand anything, western analysts are concerned about the formation of the russian government. commander-in-chief, so nothing changes here in this part, this work is carried out daily, continues, and no one should have any worries here, and speaking about the need for accelerated delivery
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of new modern weapons, new technologies, new innovations to the army, once again i’ll emphasize that i don’t see... but life doesn’t come down only to cash payments for monetary pleasure, we still have something to work on here, i’ll just note a few things, this applies to payments for provision of housing is associated with the provision of
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fsv participants with housing, this applies to payments to civilian personnel in military units, this especially applies to medical care. i think it is absolutely out of order when fsvo participants who come on vacation are driven from civilian medical institutions and sent to hospitals, which are often simply overcrowded, this issue must be resolved, this also applies to excessive bureaucracy and paperwork associated with confirming the benefits of military personnel, this should all be good be decided within the framework of the interdepartmental system...
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a fundamentally important governing body in our country, the security council, and this is not accidental, that is, its competence will include working with all security agencies; let me remind you that the security council is directly led by the president of the russian federation. the second thing that andrei removich belousov is known for is that he is a very systematic person, people related to the war know him because he was entrusted with the problem of drones, was involved and...
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in my unenlightened opinion, again, i the man is not a military man, so i’m not trying to appear, in our country, as i understand it, the ministry of defense has been run civilianly since the time of sergei borisovich ivanov, that is, further on with us, well, with us. this is how the structure in the country is built, yes, that our defense ministers are civilians, and the general staff is headed by military people. let me remind you that when sergei kozhige headed the ministry of defense, the number of troops was about 3000 after the reforms were carried out, many iconic military schools were practically destroyed, the attitude towards it was, politely speaking, completely unworthy for the people on the forum. great country, we went through a terrible stage of transformation, under
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sergei kazhugetovich the army grew to more than a million, the allowance of military personnel increased fundamentally, a large number of schools were restored, so that only in the twenty-first-twenty-second year did we have the first graduates, as i understand it , from the restored schools, by the way, the suvorov and nakhinovites returned to the parade, and there are really a lot of changes, i... understand that everyone wants ideal picture here, right now, but let's be objective: respect for people in uniform has returned, the country has realized the wrongness of its attitude since the time of the afghan war, when the country forgot about its army, and then said save it, and that now our guys at the front, they are heroes. and the officers who command and generals have gone through very different periods of our history, through very different ones, only
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recently they receive well-deserved love, respect and care from the state, and this is largely sergei kozhugetych and his team. now is the time for the next breakthrough, the next stage, when we understand that defense costs already occupy a significant part of the budget and must meet certain challenges of the time, because the war is long, which, by the way, is what westerners write about, so now some economic methods will be implemented, as far as the ministry of defense is concerned, but this shows that we are continuing this path of adapting our army to the conditions of modern life and confronting the entire nato bloc, which we must win. both military and and economic methods. therefore, by the way, it is very important what
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denis valentinovich mantarov said today during his speech in the state duma, which mikhail vladimirovich mishusin proposed for the post of first deputy prime minister. today, the russian defense industry is the most powerful in the world in terms of production volume of the main types of weapons and military equipment. at the same time. the geopolitical situation dictates the need to constantly improve the technical characteristics of products, meet the increased current needs of the army and speed up work on promising samples. well, the fact that they are going to butt heads with us does not raise the slightest doubt, and sergei viterovich lavrov very precisely said this at the meeting. committee of the federation council, let me remind you that our ministers are approved and now appointed by the state duma, here are
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consultations, a mini ministry with asterisks, which includes the ministry of strange affairs, consultations are taking place in the federation council. barel said that we are preparing for a conference in geneva, this event will be dedicated to zelensky’s formula, all other initiatives have disappeared.
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well, i don’t agree that you have complaints, as you said, against russian bloggers there, other bloggers, experts, what do they do, i started with the fact that you don’t care at all, only complaints about ours, to ours, why are you you call them russians, i don’t know, half of them are half, half, well, i’m not russian, there were russian bloggers, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, russian, russian, russian, big difference. the modern world was created by the internet, born in the usa, although there was every chance that it would have been born in the soviet union, and the corresponding tribune
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is gigantic, and the younger generation is poorly educated.
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in all countries they have leveled off, there are no longer such numbers, trilands of backward countries there, well, probably there are some, but in principle, gdp is a direct derivative, and the population size, it is clear that a country with no more than 1.5 billion people may have a gdp less than a country with 10 million people, well , just to ensure even the basic minimum, so russia, alas, today on the issue of demography, i hope have time to return, russia today is not like the soviet union, the third most populous country in the world, after china and india, and we are ahead of us and the united states. and alas, both brazil and indonesia, maybe someone else, that is, we are somewhere sixth and seventh there, if we have the fourth gdp, it means we
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are ahead of those who have a larger population, ninth, in my opinion, according to economic main indicator, which is expressed in particular in the level of material well-being of the population, so, of course, i would like more outstanding results here, but i understand what, what... these are interconnected figures, if we achieve this, then this, i believe, is a really great success of our economy, our economic policy, another matter is how it will be redistributed to the financial situation of specific people, segments of the population, and here i hope that the current government is new, since it has been formed with some new faces, somewhat restructured, it has become younger. younger, well, in general, this always happens sooner or later, so it will work better than the previous one, due to these are some of my wishes regarding
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international affairs, literally two phrases: first, europe, europe, europe, i don’t know what they are there, how they are, what kind of war they want to start with russia, but this is really funny in my opinion, it’s funny even to analyze theirs are these very claims. but it’s clear that europe is not a pity, politically it is no longer a pity, the question is whether it is a pity economically and civilizationally, there are also big questions here, so i would like to somehow bury europe, hopynki, it’s a pity, well, you’re suggesting from spingler 100 years ago, and did not come true, all predictions sooner or later. well, yes, yes, we just have to live to see this moment, that’s true, we’ve made it, the decline of europe manually, yes, i’m interested again, these are the closed reports that specialists give to
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the mia in particular, or even to the security council, that there it is written about europe, europe in the thirties, in the forties, in the fifties, what it will be like, that’s my forecast, not at all, nothing, yes, yes, this, this. not only the euro, the status of individual countries, so i said there that switzerland has lost its status a neutral country, minov ’s figures directly state this, well, the same
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finland, which was mentioned today, is also israel, which they talked about, israel from a country to which everyone owed their own, i don’t understand what policy he is pursuing, except for the policy of self-destruction, well, like european suicide too, but it’s losing. strives for its status here are countries where people are gathered - who once were - were once the most suffering, the most suffering people on this earth, there at least for the last 100 years, so many, many things need to be reconsidered here, but now to our russia, which people were the most suffering on earth over the last 100 years, well, what was the image of israel, and which one was holobo? i mean, no, well, as a jew, i understand as a jew, but just after what, for example, the belgians did in the congo, you begin to think, was it just that
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the congolese people suffered from pr? yes, while i am in no way noticing the suffering of my people, well, i am still forced to consider the broader picture, it is this image, how much it corresponds reality, this is separate. question, but the fact that they are losing this image rapidly, it completely drowns out everything in the whole world, in addition to the fact that it is usually present, which means that now russia is not a new government, but i will allow here, along with optimism , which i have already expressed that it will work, express a pessimist, better than the previous one in the economic block, it will probably be so. i have doubts about public opinion about the sign of a new person
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at the head of the department. it means something new politics, the same person - this is the old politics, well, deep, but it’s not deep, it ’s knowledge of life, but what could be deeper than knowledge of life, ignorance of it, yes, and its intuitive research, well, i don’t see it yet, the most pressing problem is demographic , i have said many times, and not only me, but i stood for the fact that there was a ministry of demographic policy.
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he is from luhansk, he already has three, and his wife is expecting a fourth, the guy is a hero of russia, he has been fighting since 1914, but there are a lot of guys who are doing this, that’s right here in the world carries out the president’s instructions, including in matters of demography, but the fact is that the majority of the young population are not there, which is good, not at war, so, but they have just about these very things - no, just a keen sense of life, maybe perhaps, this desire also gives rise to continuation, yes, continuation of offspring.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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here, but to carry out demographic policy through the participation of all youth, but through awakening like this...


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