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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

2:30 am
now, but i am in no way calling for the military to pursue demographic policy through the participation of all youth, but through the awakening of such an awareness of responsibility it would be good, this is what this awakening should be, but not in the american awakening, i am returning to the education of culture.
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further work, but not, not at that moment, therefore technology is technology, and what exactly, i think, is relative, we need to block, i affirm this word, the penetration of all new, so-called new pedagogical methods and techniques the west, if they want to kill us, they will destroy us, if they themselves behave suicidal, which we see in the example of europe , absolutely, and partly in the example of the usa.
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why do we continue to take or continue to use pedagogical methods that we did not create? this is one, second, this is a deep thought, that is, we prohibit montasque, why is montasque here, well, of the west, no, we prohibit zoom, yes, yes, we also prohibit zoom, as always, in case of a contradiction with the presenter, i always rely on the tv viewers, tv viewer us. will judge, if he judges accurately, two the main judges, the bosses and the tv viewer, sometimes it’s the same person, and the tv viewers, i won’t talk about montasque, it doesn’t bother us at all, the montasques don’t bother us in any way now, and the test system still interferes and much more, the next thing is, by the way, refers to popular culture, the biggest problem. for us, because it is not clear how
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to block it, how to block it, which means we need to come up with our own counterculture, a mass, mass counterculture, i also had to talk about this, i don’t see any changes in this side, i still see that the tolkovskys are not among us, that the same, that the same conductors of western mass culture are gradually returning, who fled somewhere, frightened patriots, and now it means that they want to eat. no, they want it, but we were not created to feed them and the corresponding structures think so, or the russian language is in a terrible state, which means now let’s look at the migration problem, on the other hand, behavior, there it is , here is crime, the linguistic aspect of this problem, this is where the dispute flares up, that’s all is it the population of these people who fled... uhilyarts,
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how is it possible to accept people from ukraine into russia, when or where their phones are partially checked, this is wonderful, what language do they use? in ukraine, swearing has become a common language of everyday communication, this is absolutely clear from the records, respectively, if we allow the most foul-mouthed people here to deprive them of citizenship. ask, who will you stay with, sir? by the way, they also love belarus, this is the same thing, to swear, i’ll tell you, when a brick falls on your foot, then an academician, a professor and even individual archpriests can it’s quite possible, without ukrainian and belarusian origin, to get into the same language, both small and large multiples, as you know, i was in minsk, in general , i visited belarus several times in recent years.
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chubais is creating in israel it’s a joke to squeeze his institute, but to squeeze it is a separate problem , it’s gone bankrupt, now he’s creating an institute to study what he did and russian history in 1991, and where we have the corresponding institute, what will they create there
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and what will it be propagated throughout all western centers, mass media information, there is no doubt, but he will create the question of history, he will create his own history. historical thinking is the thinking of a future understanding of oneself, i demand that in our country, with our money , half of what chubasa will collect for this office, here’s a similar one...
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you just suggested that all western pedagogical thoughts should not be allowed, and now we’d better launch, wait, pedagogical thoughts are all better minds, but without teachers, yes, absolutely, without teachers, advertising, it’s clear to everyone that russia is not a country of benzos, taking russian digital solutions to new heights, there is a prospect. ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are not comparable to the originals in your questions, but what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what kind of our product is it, well, with problems. we've figured it out,
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now let's move on to our sinful matters, please, no, due to my bad character, i can't get past what they said at the beginning of the program, i periodically advise all these experts to rewind what they wrote 36 hours ago, so they usually erase it quite quickly, sorry, but the most interesting thing is that short period of time when...
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it will catch up with you, and this hurts, especially
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when you don’t read people’s biographies and don’t understand the logic, according to which our state power is developing, and of course, i believe that if for more than 20 years you have not been able to understand the logic of vladim vladimirovich putin’s personnel decisions, then you definitely don’t need a political scientist, go to some creators here and there now it’s possible. just work like that, but let's get back to serious matters, i will still say that in the west there is indeed a very serious rethinking of what is happening in europe, and we must grasp this very clearly, yes, outwardly it looks like what if before they kept talking about the need to prepare for a long war, putin is preparing for a long war and... everything with russia is a confrontation for a long time, a positional impasse, what a positional
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impasse, now this is not a topic at all, but i liked dmitro gordon wrote, that's it, we they came to a counter-attack, we are participating in this russian thing, so i call, i say, check, please, they answer me, excuse me, in choice russian, they say that they are talking, we took tynts tynts tynts, we continue to move forward, well... in reality, they are preparing for a long war, they are really scared, i
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can tell you, the hysteria continues there, it is not connected, by the way, with the appointment of a new minister of defense, it began, which is interesting , before the personnel decisions on the presidential block of positions, and we must understand. what the heck i mean, when they told us that we needed to prepare for a long war, it was normal, when they saw that we were starting to prepare...
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and excuse the rude russian word blinkin, i read his last interview here, it hurt, i read it, you later watched it about friends, but still in the original i think, well , somehow i can’t, no, he was talking, so i didn’t understand anything at all that he was saying, that is, this is a man whose thoughts are racing , which is inside one fragment dedicated to the supply of weapons from... something
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now we need to quickly enter into negotiations, but this is what you really want - a person to enter into negotiations on some truly strategic agreements, because agreements on the political status of ukraine, how would we approach this or what will be left of it, yes, by the way, this is also blinkin’s phrase. no matter where the border of ukraine lies, he also said this, so these negotiations are not really about ukraine, they are actually about the regime... relations between russia and the west for the medium term, so what, you want enter into negotiations with a person who, within the framework of one, in reality short paragraph, has lost his thought several times, because he doesn’t have it, he’s panicking, yes, you’re really, richa sunok, he’s lying, but he’s not
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laughing, i think , that he knows very well, yes, and i think that he knows very well who cut off, who cut off the gas in britain, yes, they also did it themselves, well, okay, here we have , so to speak, a wonderful person sitting in moscow, yes, the representative of the european union, mr. stana, who in all seriousness announced what sergei velikovich said lavrov, about the fact that, so to speak, the european union has declared its readiness to solve problems with russia on the battlefield of disinformation and distortion. reality, well, i don’t read barel, i don’t understand something, yes, but barel, then who, oh no, well, sooner or later borel will be declared an agent of putin, i think that no one here has any doubts no, because everything will have to be blamed on someone, and , excuse me, we still have to look for such a fool as barel,
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but nevertheless, but nevertheless, and with these people. really says something these people cannot even talk about the color of their shirt, because they will also change the word, and lastly, i still want to say one very interesting thing, today the meeting of the security council was very interesting, it was interesting not only because this is the first meeting with sergei kozhugech as secretary of the security council, but its topic is primary. security council in its new composition, but there were relations with post-soviet states, and i think that those who still have clear ears in the post-soviet space, they should hear a hint, of course , behind closed doors, everything is just like our president’s already very delicate formulation, our president’s formulations generally include
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delicate decisions, tough ones, so uh, who’s ears are open? he should hear, but in general, of course, the priority of the post-soviet space, it is really starting to be very serious, because this is really either a source of threat for us in the future, or a source of our strength, we can show a small fragment of the soviet union, now we will talk on a topic that is always a priority for us in the external sphere is building relationships with our closest... neighbors, with independent states formed in the post-soviet space, the minister of finance and i talked about the fact that in the new political cycle of russia, we should pay it’s important to talk even more about how we will organize this work from all points of view, including organizational ones. who has
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ears, by the way, for those who call on us to negotiate, for some reason they are waiting for trump? tax on american companies doing business in france, you can't do it, oh, it's too late, you better call me sooner, it's too late, donald, i can't, i said yes, you have to do something, you have to do it, you will do it, i can't, i said, let me tell you something, emmanuel, are you ready, every bottle of wine and champagne brought into the united states, it was
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friday night, starting monday morning , will be subject to a 100% tariff, every bottle of wine and champagne... france will be subject to 100% tax. no, no, no, you can't do that. i said, i can’t do this, it’s done, i have an order in front of me, i sign it. you have 10 minutes. call me back. he calls me back in about 3 minutes. donald donald, we are pleased to inform you that we have succeeded in ending this terrible tax. i won. do you know how many deals i have concluded this way? to be the president of the united states, he will definitely pay all the space, everything is so about his successes they say, no, the simple fact is that a person who could not create his own administration in 4 years. shot down all the sanctions, was unable to achieve practically nothing, as if positioning the same program that he announced, what
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biden has to do now, to a certain extent continuing the policy pursued by trump, is exactly the person who can destroy everything , whatever, that’s why the europeans need it here, now they are very afraid, by the way. the arrival of this particular person, but that’s not what i’m talking about, in principle, of course, there were several questions that were raised here, i must say that we, of course, are in may, this may turned out to be not a very good month for the west, for us it is cold, in the west it is also, in general, probably not very warm, the first, of course, is that for the first time from the mouth of the president it was said that we are carrying out... torment - this is a very, very serious hint that if you you will introduce your troops, the troops that you plan to introduce there under national
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flag, some talk about nato, the americans deny it, all the leading, so to speak, talking heads in all american departments say that we will not do this, you are in vain attacking blinkin, the poor thing has to spin around, say anything, he doesn’t yet know what... his boss will blurt out, and the boss blurts out, in general he says different things, and it’s very difficult for blinken himself now, here’s graham, he’s a republican, listen, well, any republican immediately says: i’m loyal to israel, this this, this is just a priori for any republican, if you don’t say this, then you are silent about israel, with the democrats everything is a little wrong, but now it is also leaning in this direction, so they have to do it in a big way.
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they don’t take him anywhere anymore, if his boss, i mean ursula fondel , is counting on something else, she wants a second term, a second term, then barel, in my opinion, he doesn’t even qualify for that, so he leave, maybe he will...
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what i generally count on in the foreseeable future: the war against us will not end, this state will cease to exist, on the local conflict that they were waging will end, it may break out in another place, but not an economic war, nor a psychological war, nor an informational one, none of this will end, it will continue to continue, so they will play, i don’t know, for sure here at one time, nsc-68 was a secret directive. therefore, no one knew what plan they were introducing there, i think that such a secret directive now exists for the further continuation of this cold
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war game for... several, maybe even decades, in fact, kenan proposed 35 years, gave to the soviet union, i don’t know how much they give to russia, quite possibly until the middle of the century, i hear a voice from the beautiful yes, awesome, very cool, energizing, fun, downright funny. i haven’t experienced such emotions, the actors are simply gorgeous, mom, this is alisa, i liked alisa and her boyfriend, and sasha petrov, in general, he really, really made this film, i see everything, i’m a fan of konstantin khovensky, the indicators are normal, we can start, kira i liked it the most, yuri
2:57 am
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2:58 am
2:59 am
i propose to change the call sign of the passenger to the call sign of rebin, no, my brother’s affectionate one, you remain a passenger, that’s right, an affectionate passenger.
3:00 am
the question is how much do we allocate to them, yes, the window of opportunity is narrowing, then it was much wider, now it is narrowing for them, especially for the united states, because you mean the window of opportunity, the window of opportunity, that is, posedon or sarmat, and now the avant-garde is being added? no, i think in the long term 1.5 billion chinese will be added here, that's why.


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