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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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there is one very big but, the window of opportunity, that's how much we give them, yes, their window of opportunity is narrowing, then it was much wider, now it is narrowing for them, especially for the united states, because you mean the window opportunities, a window of opportunity, that is, posedun or sarmat, and now the avant-garde is being added, no, i think in the future 1.5 billion chinese will be added here, that ’s why.
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soldiers will go and so on, so for the united states, and biden understands this, trump understands this. there is still a growing threat which cannot be neutralized by europe, because there is no europe in the far east, there is no one to oppose there, and we need to intervene ourselves, intervene ourselves, meaning russia, so to speak, the fact that russia, strictly speaking, is already in essence with europe , well, how would we survive without europe. they
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were counting on the fact that if the main partner, the trading partner of russia, was removed, then russia would collapse, russia would not be able to advance anywhere, that’s it, russia wouldn’t even have money, that’s all, everything was eliminated, moreover, they wanted russia not to be one of the - in the equation, one of the numbers in the far eastern equations, they did the exact opposite, russia switched to asia, that is.
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we have our president, he is an optimist, so he gave a development program, so to speak, until the thirtieth year, then until the thirty-sixth year, and there this is paradise, wait, well, it doesn’t say there that there will be america, no, it doesn’t say, you see, regarding the personnel changes, well, i really hope, or rather i’m even sure, that they will benefit both the country and business in particular, if we talk about the ministry of defense, then the army, as it were, and the ministry of defense, our defense-industrial complex. and here,
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of course, it is clear that there are a huge number of tasks, but nevertheless, yes, the point is not what we suggest there or not, but the point is that, yes, we discuss these things, of course, our own production . well , maximum localization of everything that is needed, we can do here, or rather we must do here, we must do here, because we must understand that, of course, this is growth gdp, it is largely determined by the production of weapons and ammunition, you need to understand that ammunition is burned up in war, yes, so here the military-industrial complex, defense-industrial complex, whatever you want, must pull other sectors of the economy with it, there are drones, of course, we really talk about them a lot has been said, and indeed, as if a year ago, belousov also spoke about this and... true, much of what is considered, so to speak, domestic, is in fact chinese kits, i am constantly with this through the work of my foundation so to speak, i come across, but besides all this, electronic warfare equipment, communications equipment, the element base to a large extent are imported parts, even if it’s all done here, so in my opinion, the first thing is the maximum growth
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of our own production and not products, but factories are needed, yes, factories, and here we cannot do without the state, here too, this is what we talked about more than once last year, maybe it is necessary to change the system. but there is a task, for this task, so to speak, and tools are selected that allow it to be carried out, and not vice versa, here we have the tools, so let’s try to put it this way, and from these , to put together the word happiness, so to speak, from these four letters, so to speak, f, o, p, a, to put together the word happiness, yes, no it will work out , because, as it were, we have such tools, we agreed that they would be like this back in the 90s or there in the 2000s, as it were, let’s do it, it didn’t work out, ah-ah-ah, it’s a pity, no, task first, so to speak. is placed, and the most optimal tools are selected for it, where such are needed instruments, that means they work, where others, that means others, that is, the principles of economic management in certain, at least, so to speak, places must definitely change flexibly, otherwise we, so to speak, with some kind of market dogmatism from the nineties of the 2000s, yes we it’s just that many things
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cannot be accomplished, so our own production, which, despite all this, will draw on other sectors of the economy, because again , one day war is war, so to speak, but it’s impossible to live only during this period, there are big tasks ahead. yes so to speak it should tighten up everything, education and production , everything else, and here it’s really like , yes, large production is not the same, again , let us have a medium-sized small business do everything, well, it will do something, yes, but there are tasks that are simply impossible to accomplish with the help there these little ones are, so to speak , a caricature of installing offices and so on, and so i think i think that this task is, as it were, one of the most important, well, again , it’s clear that the people who have been appointed know the priorities perfectly well, and so on, the second thing? again, who’s talking about what in shevna, well, it just so happened, but for these 2 years i’ve been working there with my own fund, helping our armed forces soldiers in hospitals, so to speak, and on the front line there, or as they say now, lbs , well, the front line, that’s what they call it , by and large yes, during this time
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we were able to provide more than 2 billion rubles in assistance, but i personally believe that there are a very large number of such people, so to speak, and such organizations, so to speak, they provide enormous assistance if... hands on and not we should be ashamed of this, and we shouldn’t say that we have everything, so to speak, no one needs it, pretend that this is so to speak, well , there are some kind of amateur activities, this is really a huge help, i mean what i mean is that, in fact, i am against bureaucratization, so to speak, putting someone in charge, but coordination of actions is needed here, in my personal opinion, because especially in the first year, let’s say, it was very difficult to advance, to advance , yes, it was very difficult to understand, so to speak, where, what, and of course, i came across a huge number of scoundrels, outright, swindlers, some are at war, and some are... their mother, so to speak, yes, this, this is also a reality, yes, but here this is people's help, and this has always been the case, at all times, people helps his soldiers, his army, yes, and this help, it should fall into the hands of those to whom it should go, and not just dissolve, you know, then on the vastness
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of the darknet boxes pop up with these humanitarian aid stickers, in short, what -they are scum, so to speak, yes, they sell it there, and so on and so forth, because it seems to me that here, too, maybe, i don’t know, maybe belousov, so to speak, will think about it or something. i don’t know, here , in my opinion, coordination is also needed, because independent, independent initiative is good, but some things seem to be yes, again, so to speak, purely on mistakes, on these in the ditches we also had to master all these things, and this is quite difficult, and this is important, this is important from a political point of view, from the point of view of real help, so to speak, and so on so on and so forth, and regarding the - so to speak , topic that was touched upon about the countries of the post-soviet space, you know , i’ve been doing this for many years. i worked to one degree or another in all former soviet post-soviet states, including the same ukraine, so to speak, i can tell you that here sergei viktorovich lavrov, just talking with senators, says that we will no longer allow ourselves to deceive, i ’ll tell you what, my friends, we are deceived not only in the west, i am responsible for this
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i declare that all post-soviet countries, maybe except belarus, although with them this relationship is also painfully difficult at some times, they are trying to deceive us all, including some of those faces... that we see on the screens, everyone, therefore to think that you know, so to speak, that’s where we won’t allow ourselves to be deceived now, but here it’s something else, this is a naive mistake, i’m absolutely sure that with the post-soviet ones... because in the east you will be cheated no worse, but even better than in the west, they know how
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to do it, and i’m completely, so to speak, kind of all this talk about how, well , how can it be, so to speak, this is our common space, after all, they are others, as if yes, don’t deceive yourself, then others won’t deceive you, don’t deceive yourself, then you will not be deceived by others, the third topic that i would like to say, if you allow me to go a little back a few days, in particular to that day of inauguration and that prayer service that took place... on the day of the inauguration, just after this civil procedure , yes, where the patriarch prayed for our leader vladimir putin, where putin received an icon as a gift, participated in this prayer service, in my opinion, this is a very important event, symbolic and very important, firstly, as a believer , i believe that in general for any matter, especially such an important one, as a leader of a country, one must approach with prayer, without prayer, without understanding that there is, so to speak, some higher truth, but in my opinion... there will be no luck, and we’re not even talking about luck, yes, here we’re talking about awareness then that level
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of responsibility, awareness of what, so to speak, is happening to you around you, with those people for whom you are responsible, for whom you are responsible, for whose fate you are responsible, yes, this is the first, second, i believe that it is correct that the president openly, which means in this case, professes his own faith and his commitment to the orthodox christianity, it is important for our country, it is important for our people, it is important for understanding. many problems associated with the fundamental values ​​of our people, because these fundamental values, they are all the same, even for those who consider themselves an atheist and so on, so forth, they are based on values orthodox christianity, i mean, so to speak, yes, at least, at least the russian people, the russian majority, without which, like a backbone, yes, well, nothing will happen, this is my personally deep conviction, yes, and i i think that the fact that putin took part in molev and accepted this icon is extremely important, if you like, from a metaphysical point of view. from a historical point of view, yes, it seems to me that this moment was really
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very correct, although the only thing i would say to many here is also not here, and in general, to many, so to speak, who suddenly began to talk about the fact that, you know, this is generally the anointed one there, this anointing for the kingdom and so on, so on, first, listen, don’t make a fool of us, first of all, don’t throw it at our opponents, yes, some stupid propaganda theses that they will use against... us, second, but if you consider yourself to be believers, immerse yourself in the material, read about what god’s anointed is, what anointing for the kingdom is, and so on and so forth on and on and on, and you will see that you are, to put it mildly, so to speak, you are mistaken, and the third thing, which is also extremely important, is that such conversations are not useful either for business or for vladimir vladimirovich putin as a person, because we are all people, we will all have to answer to the almighty, regardless of positions, ranks and so on and so forth yeah. therefore, it is precisely his sober and honest faith that is the guarantee without any
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of these illusions, is the guarantee of historical success, so it’s like when some people begin, either without understanding or also trying to run ahead of the locomotive, so that again, to praise, so to speak, to say something pleasant, as if to the boss, and so on and so forth, begins to talk about these topics, i’ll stop, because you are causing harm. advertising.
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malik, well, today it was indeed correctly noted that the current confrontation between russia and the west, russia and nato, can continue for a very long time, yes, and the cold war, even after it is possible, and the end of the hot phase of the conflict in ukraine, it will not go away, most likely, here too, of course, we shouldn’t there, so some of us, yes, among the expert community, continue to place hopes on certain elections that may take place. yes, in the near future they will change everything, well, of course there will be certain changes, and after the elections to the european parliament, perhaps the elections in the united states of america, but, in my opinion, we certainly shouldn’t expect any kind of radicalism here. yes, today you have already noted a topic related to europe, what will await europe in the future, well, obviously, yes, everything there indicates that in the upcoming, in fact, about less than a month is left before the elections to the european parliament, well , they will greatly strengthen their positions, there are various right-wing parties, well, there is also a nuance here, yes, because we often hear about the european right-wingers, and with
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some even yes, quite normal relationships, at least we had in the past, but we still need to understand that
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the defense industry is going to continue the creation of some kind of unified european military-industrial complex. by the way, the idea that macron is actively promoting, and some of the european hawkish elites who are not fully committed to purchasing weapons from the united states. again, the big question is, yes, it will work out, something won’t work out, because we see two-year efforts, now, for example, yes, the representative of france, the european commission tri breton declares that
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he wants to produce 2 million by the end of the year shells, well, i think that if in reality. perhaps an increasing number of countries will elect, well, no longer soft eurosceptics, as these people call themselves and representatives of this bloc of conservatives and reformists, and more rigid eurosceptics, there and after hungary , all austria in september and this year elections, those who just belong to the other, to the other bloc, national identity and democracy, and there really are a lot of
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isolationists, that is those who oppose the continuation of all this militaristic madness, but of course no one will take them into the coalition now. this is the first story, and, of course, yes, the europeans understand perfectly well that if trump is re-elected for a second term, they will be the one one of the main targets for the administration in washington, because with china, in fact, by the way, i fully admit that donald trump will even be able to come to an agreement on some aspects, because he is now selecting a team, and there are many billionaires there who, well have significant business assets in china, yes, they are already somehow trying to pull trump a little away from the idea of ​​starting a full-scale trade war with china there. it is quite possible that here somehow we will still see, perhaps some escalation, but perhaps, again, it will do without radicalism, but europe, of course, yes, trump will put the squeeze, and, as we already know, yes, trump there plans to introduce tariffs of 15% on all european products, and so on. here, of course, yes, the europeans find themselves between three fires, they themselves staged a confrontation with russia, broke off all
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relations with sanctions, there, no matter what richa sunok says, yes, now they are trying to somehow come to an agreement with china, but it’s not very successful, here. well, with the americans, if i can only wish good luck, and european economy, that this is how, in my opinion , a third front is opening, well, here of course are the ladies of the wife of rad kosyakorsky, and the europeans will fight with three so-called autocracies, russia, china and the united states under the rule of trump, well, i think that of course, that europeans don’t have cars, they’ll simply overstrain themselves in this one, they’re just europeans who. shells, yes, yes, for what period of time, well, it seems like they have already found these shells, although again, yes, yes, well, they are planning them for...
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the possibility of the entire world industry, no one i haven’t counted, but how many military-industrial complexes of the whole world can even theoretically produce shells per year, yes, given the intensity of modern military
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operations, how much is it really possible to hold out, people don’t even come close to understanding, well, yes, yes, but you also need to understand that these are shells that have not been produced, shells from warehouses that seem to have been found there either in southeast asia or in south korea, shells from warehouses, because of what quality. give if they were produced in the seventies, yeah, it’s necessary, and most importantly you need to understand, and what gun will you pull them to, well, yes, that is, you need to look from the nose of the barrels, you need to look at each batch in what condition we are in, so that these shells don’t explode in your breech, that is, there are a million nuances , well, of course, so when right now somewhere it’s not an ideal world, yes, when you took one shell and it came up, yes, the same nato has a problem, and there’s such a variety of 155 mm that you can just go crazy. we don’t know, i fully assume 4-5
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months, so this is of course a drop more, but this just shows that yes, they have not yet been able to disperse the european military-industrial complex, yes, they can pour in as much money as they want, yes, they have a new brilliant idea, to use the very fund that was created during covid, there’s more there are several tens of billions of euros left, which should be poured into the defense industry. well, but you can pour in money, yes, but you need to build everything first, find personnel, engineers, and so on, which is what i talked about, what all funds face, you run around the market and compete with each other for the same product, it’s just that the prices for it keep rising, it would seem that the whole world produces drones, but we see that now our fighters are shooting down there, some things are simply made on the wrong side, although it would seem , well, why print there, that’s a good thing to say,
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here’s a few words about the united states of america, because we too, and sometimes there are such statements that maybe trump will come, and somehow we’ll be able to come to an agreement with him , well, actually, that’s just funny, of course, but it was his speech in new jersey, yes, where he gathered this big rally for 80,000 people, as for his relationship with macron, there are still many unopened pages, because as we know, even trump seemed to have kept some incriminating evidence on macron, yes, which was found on him, but this is what he took from him. well, maybe he stayed with trump, maybe he didn’t, we don’t know, well, really, i think that
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, of course, we remember all these 4 years of trump, but he had very good relations there with macron, they deteriorated, then were restored again, so this bromance lasted for quite a long time, and well, if we actually look at the team that trump is forming around himself now, well, to be honest , there, of course. he has a certain number of realists, but there are no less hawks, for example, at this rally and in new jersey , one of the possible vice-presidential candidates for trump, governor of south dakota burgum, spoke at the moment, he is also a businessman, like trump, too a billionaire, and at the same time he is very, very hawkish in foreign policy , including in relation to russia, that is , burgom constantly makes these statements, once every few months, about the need to allocate money to ukraine, this is the best investment, you see, we are at war with...
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trump is understandably still trying to maneuver, understanding the mood of the electorate, especially the republican electorate, which is already tired of the war, but there are still a lot of hawks around him, for example, whom we mentioned today, a person who, for a second, also hopes to get some kind of place in the trump administration, i admit that he will get there, he , of course, will definitely have a better position, i think that after all they won’t give him a secretary of state, but they will give him some kind of prosecutor general quite possible. that’s why, well, if we try to negotiate with lancegram, i , of course, propose not to negotiate anything with him, well, there are even others and some career apparatchiks who remain around trump, there is john radcliffe, for example, yes, what who will probably be thrown at intelligence community, or richard grenell, the former ambassador to germany under trump, who tried to lie there with his bones so that nord stream 2 would not be completed, or robert obryantal with us
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there, we have no friends there. with russia in the balkans, and so on, that is , there really seems to be a very large number of hawks there, not all, but a lot of them, and trump doesn’t listen, so of course you shouldn’t pin any hopes on trump in his possible future administration , even if they don’t come to power, although trump will certainly have some advantages overall for all our hopes are only on poseidon, well , including, here are certain advantages, there may also be benefits from the trump presidency if all these centrifugal processes are already inside america. it will speed up, and of course, my last topic is about britain rishisunoka, i’ll say a few words after all, but rishisunoka yes, you need to understand that the man is, of course, already a downed pilot, but literally he has about 5 months left to sit as prime minister -minister of the united kingdom, that’s why the conservatives are losing the elections devastatingly, that’s richa sunok goes to do what he really wants to do now, and goes to silicon valley to develop his startup in the field of artificial intelligence, because when he doesn’t have his own...
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he needed an artificial one, well, in case of emergency, well, of course, that is for this reason, he is now conducting artificial intelligence in the world on artificial intelligence, even this speech, that is, it is clear that for us , of course, the most important thing was what he said about the third world war and so on, but most of the speeches were him was connected with the fact that you see, new technologies pose a threat to us, we need to respond to this challenge and there is some kind of large-scale international program to regulate artificial intelligence, he seems to be talking about... he’s not just talking about this, because in the future he will work exactly in this, especially since he has a green card, he doesn’t even need to get any visas there, he goes back to his native america, in fact, where he worked there even more than in britain, will do all this there, uh, so for him, this is the last final part of the whole example, which was, of course, as disastrous as possible.
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