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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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ukrainian oligarchs have already stolen, well, don’t be shy, tell me, your assessment of what ’s happening in our internal affairs, is this a complete demolition or just partial, this is a severe crisis of the management system at the state level, i don’t see a single chance for that , so that the situation will improve, because the same people will make the same decisions within the same strategy until they bring it to full crisis by...
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they will already show their catastrophic face by that time, it is now catastrophic, then it will be very difficult, cool, if you knew how much they steal, it’s just a disaster, it’s just a disaster, and how much soldier’s blood is from 40 to 70 % of a weak deal, this is already some transparency international data you have this is the data that the data that is shared here is shared by knowledgeable people, they. in horror, europeans and
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americans are holding their heads when the report will be published after the world summit, not i know for sure, but it will happen, they will write everything there, well, not only there, in many places they will write, so not only do they steal, they still don’t manage effectively, if only they managed effectively, they stole, as this same one said , they stole from profit, well even this is not a disaster, but what?
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this is fine? today, people specifically commit petty crimes in order to avoid being drafted into the army. where did these crowds go that vasily dmitrovich told us about? i remember how vasilich was there so philosophically, with his finger wave, i say: “you don’t understand, now there are new advertising campaigns, now all ukrainians want to go, and it’s effective, they go voluntarily, where are they, well, where are they? the shopping center acts with terrible methods for money, but where are the volunteers? no , now there are a large number of prisoners, moreover, near kharikov they surrender and such, well , it’s already clear who they can, are being rushed to the front, no longer prepared, nothing, that is, of course, there are, of course
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, highly motivated and trained nazis by the west, but there are not enough of them, this does not mean that the enemy is fleeing, that... they want to somehow organize themselves and send troops to the emirates, i want you to have no illusions, i will repeat the phrase to you, deputies of the state duma pyotr tolsov, we will kill you all, and it doesn’t matter where you send them, it doesn’t matter at what point ukraine they will be, they will be target number one, it will be simply
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fundamentally important to kill them all, you think that you have a large population, the balts, well, what will they think?
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it will be clear very soon, for now there is only a bench that goes according to the russian criminal code, and there is already somewhere, now i’ll say, well, somewhere around 400 people have already received theirs and their sentences, as it were, they give well, from twelve to up to life, it’s important to scatter them among different colonies and strictly control them so that their ability to communicate is limited, well, you know, among ukrainians there must still be sugar, sugar. the conclusion should not be sugar, and among the three ukrainians there will definitely be a traitor, so he will work for those who will be told, well, the ukrainian government is making itself felt, you know, there is still something to kill for, yes there is something to punish for, there is something to judge for, you named the numbers 19 people, and i will give the number
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for the week, 237, 237 people were injured, of which 50 people died, that’s the point including these 19 that we are talking about in belgorod, because these days. we had days, we had may 9, we had 10 years of the dpr, 10 years of the lpr, there were 10 years of the referendum, the ukrainians did not miss any of these holidays, that is, all these holidays are obligatory, that is, there were blows to center of donetsk paradise, there were strikes on a residential building, on the kharikovsky district in belgorod, there were shellings of equals, today it hit krasnodon, that is, all this happened, it was all strikes everywhere, today about a percent by...
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yes, not bakhmuta aremovskaya, now they have something called a meat grinder, the name was quite human, so their value there is overwhelmingly becoming less, less, cheaper, of course there are no throws, of course there are no these ones, too , knows how on november 7 i need to take this one urgently city, there is none of this, no, that’s why in ukrainian public pages now something like this is happening , you know, such a glug-glug glug-glug, everyone began to actively discuss together, he says, how is this so, we don’t...
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where did they steal, here are the ukrainians how they stole everything, it’s normal, they came, there is nothing, as it should be, yes, that’s why there is movement, so if you look carefully at the maps, there are already very small distances, that is, it’s very close to kharkov, to the nearest cities, it’s really very 40 km from the border, there it’s now less than 30 to kharkov, less than 30 km, these are the positions where our troops are now, so everything is very close, really, if for them, for them, what’s scary, it’s like
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the devil, while we have so many birds hanging there now, we see everything has changed the situation, in reality we have already moved on now, everyone is there, those who are closely following the events, they say: listen, but it went, went, went, went step by step, went and came, in fact , today a qualitative change has happened, and a qualitative apology is not only is that russian troops marched several kilometers or captured some area on the territory of ukraine, drove them away from some fortification positions , took 160 square km - yes, but...
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11. and how many didn’t make it, and how many froze in the carpathians, and how many drowned in this yew, and
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how many more simply went there in transit, so when the europeans see this, they say: listen, wait, how many brigades passed here, yes, that is, how can this be, why, we all knew, we they gave them money because they are such warriors, they are cossacks and knights, yes, but it turns out, no, it turns out that the law on mobilization has now only led to the fact that they are now just starting to run, some into the zone, yes, that is, they went, stole something, some through tisa, some, someone...
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materials over these couple of days about what they write about our operation in the kharkov region, complete misunderstanding, complete panic, but you know, a bunch of experts suddenly began to pronounce this complex word kharkiv, and there too they ukrainized it, and i ... you know, remember clearly, i studied the period of the civil war, right at this means, this piece of land, it ’s as if i was reading all these reports from the british press in 1919, remember, this is not an anecdote, that is, it really happened, that is , the british western press praised general kharkov for a long time, that is general
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denikin, general krasnov, general kharkov, there are exploits about this general. with the bolshevik order, that’s when they arrived, it means they were busy just everywhere on the front pages, the king of britain awarded general kharkov a volunteer army kharkov to the capital of the south then to russia, and the british came to present the order from the king, it suddenly turned out that kharkov is a city, and not a general, that is, you understand, yes, that is , the level of analytics then was this fake news about the great general kharkov... this is roughly how they now describe the same thing, only they have ukrainized it, they now have general kharkiv, yes, who is fighting against the russians there, that is, this is the analytics that flows in quotes, but at first they convinced themselves, no, no, it won't be russians take kharkov yourself, because the forces are advancing too small, and admiral kirby comes out, which means this is definitely an american, so
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he comes out and says, well, no way... the ribs are laid out there one after another, a german propagandist, so who doesn’t know , julian röbki from belg, he puts out a bunch of tweets, posts, ukrainian crap that scream, and where, where are all the fortifications, nothing at all, an open field under this volchansky, moreover, soldiers are locked there who can neither retreat nor evacuate. just abandoned for slaughter, it is very significant that today general dropatoy was appointed commander of the kharkov group of the ukrainian armed forces, draped, from the word scurry,
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svetlana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank, just a moment more and moshenko would have access to the money suspicious transaction on your account , but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the count went on for seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that they can transfer the money to a secure account, i called the bank, she hung up , whoever they say they are scammers trying to get money out of you, hang up without talking, where are you from 11b? i’m from the eleventh b, we’re also for...
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so don’t get into trouble yet, wait, i hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask, how could you even end up here, what meeting, sometimes you want to cry, sometimes you want to laugh, super, oh, this is the situation, yes, this is the situation, we will meet in the future, 100 years from now, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions. bring it to a new height, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more, what exactly does digital help with, are you incomparably original?
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their questions, what’s going on with production, raw materials and exports in general, what kind of product is it? i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to
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meet you. finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.
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your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he’s alive, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i don’t have a ration or a weapon for you, get ready to go to moscow, so we’ll write it down as missing , no, that won’t work, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope, he looks very much like him.
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sergey gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, that means there’s hope there is still hope, there is always hope, the call sign passenger, militia, passenger, becomes full-fledged. soldiers of the aurora battalion.
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hello, there is a legal program on air , hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. vologda region police detained a group of possible cyber fraudsters.


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