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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the parliamentary hour is on the air, hello, we’ll tell you about the work of the state duma for the week right now. the inauguration ceremony after the historic election victory. i swear, when exercising the powers of the president of the russian federation, to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. the president officially took office. they know him. in action and greets with applause. for the first time in the history of modern russia, the state duma is forming the composition of the government. the duma, having received powers, is responsible for personnel decisions, for the work of the prime minister, for the work of his deputy, ministers. the demand is high, the tasks are large-scale, the socio-economic development program is basic.
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in the center are veterans of the great patriotic war and heroes of the northern military district. russia has never yielded to anyone, every soldier has never yielded to anyone. a day that unites generations. more than 9.00 people are taking part in the main military parade on red square today. the mood and chronology of the military parade from the heart of the capital. they introduced medicinal sleep because the wounds there were heavy, manually operated cars.
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we will talk about additional conditions for restoring a return to normal life in the story. more about the register of malicious alimony defaulters, bankruptcy in a new way, protection from utility companies and other laws of the week. you will see this and more in our program. the inauguration of president vladimir putin took place this week. the main action took place in the large kremlin palace. the ceremony was attended by members of the government, state duma deputies and senators, representatives of religious confessions, public organizations, presidential confidants, heroes of russia and other honored guests. vyacheslav volodin called vladimir putin’s accession to the post of head of state a triumph of justice for the whole world. the topic will be continued by my colleague alexander laktionov. moscow, kremlin -
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inauguration ceremony. after his historic election victory, vladimir putin officially takes office as president. the russian tricolor, the standard of the head of state, the constitution of russia and the sign are being brought into the st. andrew's hall of the grand kremlin palace president. in the hall, leaders of factions, deputies, representatives of all branches of government, members of the council of defense, honored guests, separately invite the leadership of parliament. chairman of the state duma of the federal assembly of the russian federation, vyacheslav viktorovich volodin. together with them on stage, the chairman of the constitutional court of russia at that moment, vladimir putin, was still in his office. respect
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, protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, comply with, protect the constitution of the russian federation, protect the sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the state, faithfully serve the people.
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russia is a strong sovereign state that is respected throughout the world, noted vyacheslav volodin. consolidation around the national leader is the key to future victories, the deputies said after the inauguration ceremony. putin has a strategy. absolutely on all key issues, he always goes into all the details. you and i will still witness planetary victories and outstanding achievements. we are dealing with a great outstanding politician of the 21st century. and we are happy to be contemporaries
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this man. the president of russia has already entered world history. his ideas and approaches... today, i repeat, are supported in dozens of countries on different continents; this is truly the creation of a new global majority. ahead of us is not only victory on the front of a special military operation, but victory on the social front, because people are really looking forward to it, they really want it, and today we must all rally around our national leader, we... russia is lucky, we have a strategic advantage in face our president in front of all other countries, and i am sure that all the tasks assigned to the shakedown will be completed. to be russia, to be great russia. the country will become even stronger, all development goals will be achieved,
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the president said at the ceremony. vladimir putin calls the main task of the state to save people. i am confident that support for centuries-old family values,
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vladimir putin won the presidential elections with a record result, which means with a huge level of trust from citizens, and this is an increased responsibility to those who supported him candidate, noted communist leader gennady zyuganov. this year's inauguration is a special event; the whole world watched vladimir putin take office. this is
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a significant phenomenon, because the country is a sovereign, in russia a lot has always depended on the first person, and today, when it is against the russians... we oblige a lot. vladimir putin began a new six-year term of office, many have already dubbed this period the start of a new political era in russia. alexander laktionov, anna melikyan, sergey vergunov, marina morozova, duma tv, parliamentary hour. immediately after the inauguration , the government resigned. the ministers
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left their posts in accordance with the country's constitution. the chairman of the state duma thanked the cabinet of ministers for their joint work over the previous years. during this time , it was possible to build a constructive dialogue based on the country’s development agenda. vyacheslav volodin noted that problems were always discussed openly. this approach helped to come up with balanced decisions. the formation of the cabinet of ministers began with... the appointment of its chairman, the president introduced the candidacy of mikhail mishustin to the state duma. at a plenary meeting on friday , deputies approved him for the post of prime minister. the discussion lasted more than 2 hours. maria burkova observed the process. there is no free space on the balcony for journalists. the event is historical. the state duma approves the country's prime minister for the first time. deputies acquired this right after it was introduced. when discussing amendments to the constitution, our president proposed transferring
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part of his powers, the powers of the head of state, citizens of our country, and now residents of russia have the opportunity, through their representatives in the state duma , to form the government of the russian federation, to participate in the approval of the chairman of the government, deputy chairmen of the government, and ministers of the russian federation. simple task, why? because he has already repeatedly spoken before the eighth convocation
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of the state duma with annual government reports. and before the meeting , mikhail mishustin personally met with representatives of all factions of the state duma. in fact, deputies know him and welcome the candidate for the position of prime minister with applause. deputies are responsible for all decisions made, and the chairman of the state duma encourages their colleagues to work. there were stages in our activities when they criticized and said: “we are not responsible for what the government does, or everything bad is theirs, everything good is ours, but now we can’t say that anymore, because the duma, having received powers , is responsible for personnel decisions, for the work of the chairman of the government, for
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the work of his deputies, ministers, and this is us. obliges me to a lot. mikhail mishustin presents the country's development program for the next 6 years. i consider the president’s message to the federal assembly to be the basis for the government’s work in the next 6 years. these are key priorities and, of course, a large-scale socio-economic development program for us. dear deputies, we have to implement it together. the key areas of work of the future government will be strengthening the economy, ensuring technological sovereignty, digital transformation, as well as saving people and support for families with children, improving the well-being of citizens, balanced development of regions and infrastructure. the president has given instructions to determine a list of 2,000 settlements for the formation of programs for their development and 200 cities for...
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new hospitals are being built, a large amount of equipment is being supplied, but mikhail vladimevich, a problem that is becoming more and more glaring today is the lack of medical workers, doctors there are 30,000 people missing, so it’s possible, considering that later you will decide to nominate to the post of minister of health, we
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address this question to him from the point of view of how much time it takes to close it. this problem and eliminate the personnel shortage, just a year, two, three, how long? the chairman of the state duma was supported by deputies, because well, this is impossible, it turns out that the president has enormous support, large funds are allocated, we understand that this is the responsibility of the regions, we understand that higher schools have a responsibility here, but people tell us: we come to the hospital , the walls are new, there is an apparatus that... was installed, and there is no one to work on it. the issue of housing and communal services remains acute. vyacheslav volodin noted that now the responsibilities for solving problems in this area lie with municipalities and regions. obviously they can't cope. this means we need government help. we need to help the relevant ministry, housing and communal services construction, so that they have specialized institutions to solve this problem, but also,
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of course, formalize all this so that there is a responsible person. because the communal problem is the problem of each of our citizens, it comes to the apartment person, so we hope that you will hear us, this, if you like, is a general order. in general, the faction leaders highly praised the candidacy of mikhail mishustin. his first term was extremely difficult, he suffered from a pandemic, a special military operation, and unprecedented sanctions. how many of you were confident that the government would work under such difficult conditions again?
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very crisis issues, and of course, we see that on the whole the government under the leadership of mikhailovich mishustin has coped. four people announced their support for mikhail mishustin’s candidacy from five factions. today, dear colleagues, we really need to support the government in order to solve for the people the global and complex tasks that the country faces today, including those that have been set. in the presidential decree of may 7, in the decree on national goals, in your report on april 3, that the government has made a great deal of groundwork, holding many strategic sessions, drawing up plans for the development of entire industries from several social spheres, it is very good that you are not just passing on this groundwork a completely
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different government. the communist party faction wished the government led by mishustin succeeds in its work, but from voting. abstained, the mishustino government takes office in extremely difficult, dramatic conditions, which will require maximum mobilization of all forces and resources, because we will all have to be responsible for these results, because the new form of appointing the government requires personal responsibility from each deputy, after the speech of representatives of the faction on deputies make a choice and compliance with the regulations. with the constitution received a proposal for a candidacy from our president vladimir vladimirovich putin, question number two is being put to a vote on the approval of mikhail vladimirovich mishustin as chairman of the government of the russian federation. voting is by name, open, please turn on
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voting mode. who agrees? show me, please. parliamentary hour. currently, state duma committees are considering candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers and ministers. mikhail mishustin
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recommended denis manturov for the post of first deputy prime minister. most deputy heads of government proposed to be reassigned. dmitry patrushev and vitaly sovelyev are also vying for vice-premiership. most ministers retain their posts. sergei sovelev has been proposed for the position of head of mines. roman sterovoyd is the minister of transport and anton alikhanov is the head of the ministry of industry and trade, and mikhail dekserev is the minister of sports. first deputy head of the ministry of agriculture oksana lut may become a minister. at the beginning of next week , deputies will discuss the new composition of the government at plenary sessions. a victory parade took place on red square in moscow. more than 9 people gathered in the center of the capital on may 9, and across the square.
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the great patriotic war of the soviet people established that may 9 is a day of national celebration, a holiday of victory, the president called this holiday the most important, truly national sacred. those who are accustomed to building their colonial policy on hypocrisy and lies are trying to distort the truth about world war ii, said vladimir putin. however, the west’s attempts to rewrite history
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are met with steady resistance in russia, where the heads of nine came to victory day states the kremlins were met by president vladimir putin. red square: 10:00 am. the honor guard brings out the russian flag and the victory banner, which means it’s time. in honor of the seventy- ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war began. next to the president are veterans of the great patriotic war, participants in special operations and leaders of foreign countries. here in the stands is state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin, deputies, senators and members of the cabinet of ministers. the supreme commander-in-chief congratulates us on our main sacred holiday. vladimir putin
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notes that on this day we honor our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who defended their native land, crushed nazism, liberated the peoples of europe, reached the heights of military and labor valor, and revanchism, a mockery of history, the desire to justify the current followers of the nazis is part of the general policy with we reject the claim of any state or alliance to exclusivity, we know what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to. russia will do everything to prevent a global conflict, but at the same time, no one will let us be threatened. our strategic forces are always in combat readiness. victory day unites all generations and emphasizes. putin: we are moving forward, relying on our centuries-old traditions and are confident that together we will ensure a free and safe future for russia, our united people. glory
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to the valiant armed forces for russia, for victory. hooray! hooray! hooray! more than 9,000 people are taking part in the main military parade on red square today, more than a thousand of whom are participants in a special military operation about 70 units of military equipment, consisting of foot... columns traditionally consisting of battalions, companies and regiments, divided by groups and branches of the army, as well as crews of cadet, suvorov, nakhimov and music schools. participants
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in a special military operation walk along the paving stones in a separate box, among these men in uniform are seven heroes of russia and 24 holders of the order of courage. some soldiers watch the parade from the stands. victory day is a special holiday for them. ilya egorov was serving under contract when the president announced beginning.
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during the last, hopefully, extreme battle with nazism in human history, which is now taking place in ukraine. the veterans shared their parting words for those who, without sparing themselves, are again fighting the brown plague. at the moment, at the moment, this is what is happening now in ukraine, fascism has been revived, this is very bad, we wish the guys victory, what happened?
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i would like to believe that the next generation is still in the burial places, in memorial places, for our warrior-liberators still, they will wipe away a tear of gratitude from their eyes. i involuntarily always give the example of a tree with strong roots. chairman of the committee on security and anti-corruption vasily piskarev emphasized that may 9 once again proves that we cannot be defeated as one. it’s no coincidence that the president said this. that we are strong because we remember, we do not forget our heroes and heroes not only of the great patriotic war, but also the heroes of current, modern heroes, heroes who fight on the fields of a special military operation, we will unite even stronger, we we will win and the enemy will not pass. the memory of the bloody battles and the great victory of 1945 runs like a red thread through the history of every
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russian family. eyes, we evaluate differently how we probably look at our victory differently , it was a difficult period, now, how valuable it is for us to finally establish the victory over nazism, i am very glad that today here are our heroes, veterans who ...
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those alive who remember this war, they probably conveyed...


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