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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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we probably look at our victory with different eyes, we evaluate differently how difficult it was a period, and now, how valuable it is for us to finally establish the victory over nazism, i am very not glad that today here are our heroes, veterans those who are alive, who remember this war, they probably passed on to us, as they say, by inheritance, probably this kind of core. today on
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the podium there are veterans, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, this is truly a holiday with tears in our eyes. the parade on red square continued in just over 50 minutes, mechanized columns of modern military equipment, from armored personnel carriers to strategic mobile missile systems, drove along the paving stones. the climax was the long-awaited one. air unit. pilots of the russian knights and swifts aerobatic teams flew over moscow on su-30 sm and mig-29 combat aircraft in a unique cuban diamond formation. and six su-25 attack aircraft painted the sky over red square with the russian tricolor. at the end of the victory parade, vladimir putin, together with foreign leaders laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier. alexander shavrin, maria
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burkova, anna melikyan, nikita kharaskin, sergey gordeev and elena bogdan. duma tv. parliamentary hour. watch the second part of our program. transport for svo participants. which cars are available to whom? bans on foreign agents, protection from public utilities, expansion of the free economic zone, register of alimony defaulters. the laws adopted by the deputies on...
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it’s just that everything was done very cool, it really went well, i don’t know if it will really be like that in 100 years, but i would like it to be like this, you are so sensory, hands, we will meet in the future, 100 years in the future, i thought a lot during these, i got used to watching videos, everything stopped working, we install, open, watch, russian channels, all series. movies and
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cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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the parliamentary hour is on the air and we continue. state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin, on behalf of russian president vladimir putin , awarded the order of friendship. to the moldovan mp marine tauber. “she has done a lot to ensure that relations between our countries develop and strengthen,” the speaker of parliament noted. marina tauber is a member of the group “friendship of the parliaments of russia and moldova”. in difficult conditions, one has to work as a member of the parliament of moldova, who advocate friendship with our country, with the state duma, and are subject to outright pressure. blackmail, threats, given that they defend the interests of their country, its independence, because only an independent state, only its citizens can plan for the future. deputies welcomed marina tauber at a meeting of the state duma council. the most important thing
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is that we have always had and still have friendship. no matter how much the current government in moldova, which is led by western curators, wants it. to destroy this friendship, they can’t do anything. svo participants who find it difficult to move independently after a serious injury will receive manually controlled vehicles. at the beginning of the week , the state duma adopted such a law. my colleague, maria burkova, met with the heroes. in the fall of 2022, igor was mobilized to the zone is, recalls that he received the summons with a smile and even thanked the military registration and enlistment office for it. he says that if it weren’t for mobilization, then...
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social adaptation. now the fighter needs more independent mobility. for a driver with thirteen years of experience, being without a car is unbearable. for igor and for other svo participants who find it difficult to move independently due to injury, the state duma adopted a law allowing them to obtain cars with
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manual controls. today we adopted a federal law that concerns those who participate in a special military operation and those who received a disability when he himself... cannot move, assistance such as the allocation of a manually controlled car will be an opportunity for self-realization, this is a very important right decision, a proposal to expand the list of means of technical rehabilitation, vyacheslav volodin previously discussed with the head of the defenders of the fatherland foundation anna tseveleva. of course, we will do everything to ensure that our legislation is more adapted to solving those problems. what you are doing will increase your efficiency to provide assistance, we propose to simply give us the opportunity to make a car as a technical means of rehabilitation and it will be issued exclusively for medical reasons, when no other possibilities
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will allow a person to be socialized. vyacheslav volodin recalled that the proposal to provide seriously wounded svo participants with special means of transportation was supported by russian president vladimir putin. the chairman of the state duma instructed the committee on labor, social policy and veterans affairs. as a matter of priority , the amendments were adopted in three readings. these amendments were signed by deputies representing all factions in the state duma. we found legal structures in order to give legal grounds to the fatherland defenders foundation, created by decree of the president, to make a collegial decision, and to provide additional measures of social support. and allocate technical means of rehabilitation; there is a large list of them, there are various kinds of strollers, there are now electric scooters for disabled people, there are bicycles for disabled people , including cars, this is an important addition, the amendments give the defenders of
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the fatherland foundation the right to distribute such special means of transportation, to create all the conditions for restoring a return to normal life. along a given route, the convoy came under mortar fire; my neighboring crew's
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car was hit, so i, that is , i need to act quickly and decisively; at that moment i made the decision to block the car and evacuate the crew that was hit car. an explosion, a shrapnel wound to the spine, and victor finds himself in a wheelchair; he says he managed only thanks to his wife. first. will bring them in his own car.
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thanks to the new law, we are getting closer to our dream. victor, they dream of a dacha, where the head of the family , who previously only drove a tank, received a license to drive a manually driven car. i had the experience of driving a tank, of course, the controls are completely different, but i don’t know how to drive a car, for some reason it seemed to me much easier with manual controls, that is, the legs are not involved at all, that is, you control it with your hands. what is easier to control a tank or a car? simpler machines, wounded soldiers will receive absolutely free. the next solution should be accessible education, the deputies note. at the same time, it is very important to think through the learning process; it should also be free and absolutely accessible. negotiations have already been held with dsaf, we met here with the new leadership of dsaf and discussed with him the possibility of training on the basis of dosaf to drive such vehicles. will help hundreds of former military personnel of the northern military district, who after wounded, they were confined to
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a wheelchair and could not walk independently, noted the head of the defenders of the fatherland foundation. i want to thank you for this prompt decision, because the provision of manually controlled cars as a means of special transportation and rehabilitation for our wards is very important. no additional funding will be required. special vehicles will be issued at the expense of the fund. maria burkova, nikita kharaskin, anna melikyan, elena bogdan, duma tv, parliamentary hour. about other laws adopted this week, see our review. foreign agents will not be able to participate in elections. the law was adopted by the state duma, until now they had the right to be elected by indicating their status. we are with you, especially in today's situation.
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or cannot represent residents in government bodies, anyone who has already recognized this meaning of the law as foreign agents, he cannot participate in elections. currently , 10 foreign agents are deputies at various levels, but they are not automatically deprived of their powers and are given 180 days to withdraw from their status. housing and communal services will increase for poor quality services liability, fines for resource supply organizations for shutdowns. this bill was adopted in the second reading. by the way, the current
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fines for resource supply companies have not changed since 2007. so, for violating the norms , officials are punished with a maximum of 1.0 rubles. ayur persons per 10,000. the threshold for initiating bankruptcy proceedings has been increased. the changes apply to legal entities. the minimum amount of creditors' claims upon reaching which the process begins may increase from... we are talking about belgogorod, kursk and bryansk areas. the bill was adopted in the first reading. investors who invest in the development of such territories in their industry, logistics, will receive benefits on income tax on property, land, and privileges when paying insurance premiums. another law of the week will protect children; it will help create an open register of malicious
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child support defaulters. it will include information about debtors brought to administrative criminal liability. also wanted for non-payment of funds for the maintenance of children or disabled parents, as explained chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin, it is necessary to create conditions so that fathers, no matter how they treat their ex-wives, do not run away from their children. and that’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you on air.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a gas station country, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps with, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production and raw materials in general and export? what is he like our product.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on may 14, 1501
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, the italian amerigavchi, one of the most famous discoverers, set sail. geographical discoveries. before that, he participated in spanish expeditions across the atlantic ocean, this time the ships were equipped by the king of portugal. ameriga was the navigator, but then, for unknown reasons, took command himself. i explored the coast of brazil and discovered a convenient beautiful bay, which i called “rio de janeiro”, which means january river. because that it was january. but most importantly, amiriga understood that what was in front of him was not the shores of asia, as he had previously believed. the newest discovery. these letters were then published by german cartographers matthias ringmann and martin waldseller, who named the fourth continent america in honor
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of amerigo. of course, this was unfair to columbus, after all , he was the first, but the name stuck and nothing could be changed. on may 14 , 1948, a new state appeared on the world map - israel. declaration regardless. announced on this day one of its founders david bengurion. this step followed the decision of the un general assembly to create two states, jewish and arab, in the territory of palestine, which was ruled by great britain under a league of nations mandate. but the arab one never appeared, and the arab countries began military operations with the aim of destroying israel. the ussr helped him survive, which was the first to recognize israel. deyura helped with the supply of weapons. in moscow, efforts were calculated in this way. soviet influence in the middle east, but tel aviv began to focus on the united states and the west. then the soviet leadership decided to support the arabs, and after the six-day war
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of 1967, relations with israel were severed. they were restored only in ninety- one. and yet, despite all the political changes, moscow did not deviate from its principled position. the need to implement all un resolutions on the palestinian-israeli conflict, including the creation of a sovereign palestinian state. with its capital in east jerusalem. on may 14, 1955, europe was finally divided into two camps. as a counterweight to the north atlantic alliance , the warsaw pact organization, or warsaw pact, was created. the agreement was signed in warsaw. the ovd included socialist countries - albania, bulgaria, hungary, east germany, poland, romania and czechoslovakia. nato appeared back in '49, but in moscow. they hesitated in organizing their bloc, did not want to aggravate the situation, even soviet participation in nato was proposed, the trigger was the admission of the federal republic of germany to the alliance, after which the soviet
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leadership did not hesitate. in warsaw the treaty emphasized the need to resolve conflicts by peaceful means, but created a unified armed force and guaranteed assistance to any member of the bloc that was attacked. by the end of the eighties, the number of troops. reached almost 6.5 million people. both blocs were instruments of the cold war, but after the soviet perestroika collapse of the socialist system, the internal affairs directorate was dissolved, unlike nato. the united states and its allies, contrary to their promises , began to strengthen and expand the north atlantic alliance to the detriment of national interests of russia. on may 14 , 1973, the united states launched its first and only... orbital station skylab into space. at that time, we had already launched the salyut orbital station; the americans wanted to surpass the ussr. they made their station more spacious, but
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it also weighed almost four times more - 77 tons. skylab was visited by only three expeditions. from the very beginning there were system failures and emergency situations. the third crew was already having difficulty maintaining the equipment in working order. the astronauts were so tired that they even went on strike, turned off communications and the whole rested for a day. nevertheless, many important scientific experiments were carried out on skylab, but the americans still refused to use it further. there were plans to save the station and raise it to a higher orbit, but they didn’t. skyleb operated for 7 months and remained in orbit for more than 5 years while they decided what to do with it. as a result, the fall of such a colossus to the ground caused panic. it could not burn up entirely in the atmosphere, but fortunately the debris , weighing 18 tons, mostly fell into the indian ocean. the rest to the territory australia without hurting anyone. this is what this day in history was like.
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your brother is there in donbass, in short, you have to go there, call sign passenger. i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him.
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the federation council today at a plenary meeting will sum up the results of meetings with candidates from the government's power bloc, as well as.


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