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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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the federation council today at a plenary meeting will sum up the results of meetings with candidates from the government's power bloc, as well as. to
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the accounting chamber. vladimir putin will take into account the senators’ conclusions when deciding on the appointment. the state duma will consider candidates for ministers of the new government. deputies will have to discuss candidates for 16 positions. the day before, parliamentarians approved all deputy prime ministers. russian artillerymen destroyed the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov region with a precise strike of rockets. 20 militants and four lightly armored vehicles were eliminated. a major fire occurred at night in arkhangelsk. the lomonosov motor ship caught fire in the ship repair dock, the fire covered more than 900 km, it is known that the flame broke out after welding work, the prosecutor's office is investigating. the federation council will today sum up the results of consultations with candidates for the leadership of law enforcement agencies, as well as the ministry of the accounts chamber. vladimir putin will take into account the work of senators when deciding on appointments. the day before, during conversations with applicants for these positions , andrei belousov, the president, aroused the greatest interest.
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invited him to become minister of defense, one belousov himself named the most important tasks as the need to more quickly resolve issues of social support for participants in the special operation. well, there is still something to work on, i’ll just note a few things, this concerns payments for housing, this concerns the provision of participants with housing, this concerns payments to civilian personnel. this especially applies to medical care; i think it is absolutely out of order when fso members who come on vacation are driven from civilian medical institutions and sent to hospitals, which are often simply overcrowded, this issue must be resolved, this also applies to excessive bureaucracy and paperwork associated with confirming the benefits of military personnel.
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valentin matvienko considers the nomination of andrei belousov for the post of head of the ministry of defense successful. according to her, this decision fully meets the need to correlate the needs of the military department with the capabilities of the economy. in recent years , the budget of the ministry of defense has more than doubled. this is about 6.7% of the domestic product, everything that is ordered ministry. in order for production to be at the right price, it must be coordinated with the capabilities of the economy, all this needs to be organized so that it is efficient, so that there are high-quality products, and here the minister of defense with such large funds, all this defense needs to be constantly in interaction with other ministries and departments for in order to efficiently organize this process. well
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, today the state duma will discuss the candidacies of ministers for the new government; on the list of 16 names yesterday , deputies approved deputy prime ministers, all 10 applicants proposed by mikhail mishustin were approved. natalya solovyova will tell you who occupied the key positions in the new cabinet of ministers, which deputies paid special attention to during the meeting. all these days, not only deputies, but the entire apparatus of the state duma has been working on a very busy schedule, almost 24x7, which is generally not surprising. since the lower house of the russian parliament for the first time falls to form a new government, its structure, the structure of the kabnin, i remind you, has not changed, 21 ministries, 10 deputy prime ministers, they were the ones the deputies approved today; there are only two new, but well-known names on the list: dmitry patrushev and vitaly savelev, who previously headed the ministry of agriculture and the ministry of transport, respectively, and now they will have to join the new professional team of government deputies. as the speaker
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of the lower house of the russian parliament, vyacheslav volodin, said today, this is a team of truly professionals, in which there are no random people. all the candidacies submitted by the prime minister are good for us known. will take the post of first deputy prime minister; among his priorities, he named achieving technological sovereignty, strengthening russia’s position in space, and increasing the country’s defense capability.
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we will direct even more efforts to increase the defense capability of our state. today the russian defense industry is the most. survey, but the day before they had to answer 200 similar questions, the discussion of candidates dragged on for a long time and took place in specialized committees, for a record 4 hours they discussed the social block to be supervised, which will still be tatyana golikova. in the field its responsibility, not only the ministry of health, the ministry of labor, social protection, the ministry of culture, but also now
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the agency for national affairs. there are many problems, the tasks are even greater, these are demographics, this is labor resources, this is assistance to the disabled, participants of the svo, but of course. there are also priorities, including, for example, the new national project “family”. the national project "family" includes measures to protect motherhood, preserve the health of children and adolescents, expand the network of antenatal clinics, modernize prenatal centers, children's clinics and hospitals. in 25-30 , we will allocate an additional 75 billion rubles to support the demographic programs of the regions, which the total coefficient gives birth to.
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one of the main tasks facing the government apparatus today is to increase the speed of decisions made without losing the quality of these decisions. the candidacy of vitaly savelyev has been proposed as transport deputy prime minister, and he has already assured that the sanctions will not affect our air transportation. well, one of the very first victims in
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the transport industry was a civilian aviation. and our aviation industry, you remember, was preserved literally every month. i believe that we have accepted you absolutely. a verified and wise decision, which was supported by the president of russia, vladimir vladimirovich putin , prime minister mikhail vladimirovich mishustin, we left all the planes in russia, and this gives us the opportunity to ensure the connectivity of the country, and we still fly with you, we fly well, and dmitry patrushev will become deputy prime minister for agriculture and ecology instead of victoria abramchenko. the key tasks of the agro-industrial complex remain the preservation stable production, increasing its efficiency and profitability.
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to supervise this block, today he spoke in detail about how the work on international issues will be structured, which he will have to do within the framework of the eac, the cis and other associations in which russia participates, and where we and our partners literally speak the same language, and of course, how... we will strengthen the position of the russian language, also within the framework of the newly created international organization for the russian language. the government will continue to disseminate construction experience russian schools both in the cis countries and in the countries of the world majority. the government will support branches of russian universities of slavic universities, as well as expand the admission of foreign students to russian universities. yuri trudnev will continue to oversee our easternmost regions, where the influx was first recorded. and not an outflow of population, all thanks to the programs already being implemented. the most important task for us is
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to attract people to the far east. to solve this problem, the far eastern mortgage at 2% and the 1 hectare program are working, providing affordable rental housing, and a number of other tools. a similar support system has been created in the arctic zone. marat khusnulin outlined how the construction industry will develop further; the priorities are the modernization of infrastructure, of course, a new square. to each region. the main driver of our program is housing construction. the goal is to increase the volume of construction by the thirtieth year, to build almost a billion square meters, which means that every fifth meter in the country will be new. the candidacy of dmitry chernyshenko, what is also noteworthy was approved by the entire relevant committee the day before; in addition to science, higher education, he will have to oversee sports, tourism, as well as the ministry of education and the russian youth agency. separately, in his report today, he touched upon the topic of the development of artificial intelligence: we
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are focusing on ensuring that the country remains among the leaders of countries that set trends in the development of artificial intelligence, with your help we want to create a truly regulatory paradise for our developers to ensure mass safety implementation of this technology. well, by open vote, all 10 candidates were approved for denis mantarov, and they voted unanimously, approving him for the post of first deputy prime minister, however... the last word, of course, belongs to the president. natalya solovyova, dmitry dunaev, nikolai portnykh and valeria borovikova, lead. powerful explosions occurred late last night in ukraine last night. the roar was heard by residents of uman, in the cherkasy region. around midnight, reports of an attack in dnepropetrovsk appeared. and a little earlier in kievskaya region, ukrainian media wrote about the work of air defense. explosions thundered in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime. information about damage is being clarified. the air raid warning in ukraine was announced several times during the night, all the sirens were heard, in total the sirens were heard by residents
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of fourteen regions and the territory of the kherson region, where militants are now in control. in the area of ​​the special operation, the crew members of the santsepiok flamethrower systems struck the fortified strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces. this allowed the group of ivanovo paratroopers to take enemy positions with minimal losses and clean up. in the dark, it is invisible to the enemy. specks go to the firing point and use thermobaric shells to burn out the fortifications and equipment of the nationalists. targets are adjusted using drones; they transmit the results of strikes to the command post in real time. in the belgorod region, russian artillerymen carried out a precise strike on the enemy’s position. the rockets hit a concentration of troops and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces, 20 militants and four vehicles were destroyed. the multiple launch rocket system coped with the task. hail, its crew consists entirely of local residents. our correspondent igor pikhanov
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will tell you the details. a signal was received from scouts that an enemy position had been detected in the kharkov region. equipped with high-explosive fragmentation shells, the vehicle enters the firing line. now the hail operates in the mode of a pumping mortar, which means that the combat vehicle can arrive at any point specified by the command and strike ... the enemy in places unexpected for him. a truck with a powerful engine easily makes its way through the dense forest. off-road, black soil is no obstacle for hail. it takes only a few minutes to aim at the target; the crew works in a well-coordinated manner. rocket artillery fire helps the assault units of the northern group of troops move forward. a large caliber shell hits enemy positions.
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peaceful in the ssu, suppress any resistance, also the jet fighters suppress the enemy’s attempts to attack the populated areas of the belgorod region, work on the enemy’s manpower and military equipment is carried out around the clock, when i’m behind my back, all my loved ones and my father and two
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sons, how can i give up something? or not finish your work, rest assured that my calculations, by the way, my calculations are entirely made up of all belogorod residents, we will complete any task, for courage and professionalism, every fighter of the crew of the rocket launcher was awarded medals for courage, the soldiers say, the armed forces did not come for orders, their main task is a peaceful sky. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. and now the footage that is coming at this moment from belgorod, there. shot down several targets, according to preliminary information, one local resident was injured, she received shrapnel wounds to the spine, governor vyacheslav glodkov reported this in his telegram channel, well, it is noted, here is the first video of eyewitnesses, now on your screen from the scene of the incident, the glazing is damaged in nine apartment buildings, houses, in total 21 apartments, the roofs of
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three private residential buildings were cut, windows were broken, public facades were cut... i’ll show you one video of the incident, the roof was also cut commercial building, look, there’s smoke coming out, there’s also a short video from the place of service being connected to the reserve, right now in belgorod, this action in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in belgorod was held near the russian building...
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it broke out late in the evening on the upper deck, the fire area exceeded 900 m2, the ship is being repaired in milking, the day before welding work was carried out there, immediately after its completion a fire started, at that time there were no people on the ship, no one was injured, the fire was assigned the second rank difficulties, the circumstances of the incident are now being established; the northwestern transport prosecutor's office has begun an investigation. now economic news, the issue will be presented by maria filippova. mash, good morning, the ruble is noticeably strengthening. good morning, roman, yes, now i’ll tell you what influenced this. the ruble strengthened significantly during the first full trading session after the may holidays. market participants attribute this to a reduction in political risks. during these days , the president took office and the composition of the new russian government became known. for monday
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the dollar fell against the ruble by 90 kopecks. the euro is at 95. the yuan exchange rate has dropped by 11 kopecks. in addition to purely political factors, the ruble continues to be supported by the requirement for the mandatory sale of foreign currency earnings for the largest exporters, which has been extended immediately for a year until april 25. another positive point is the execution of the budget within the framework of the plan: the deficit did not exceed 0.8% of gdp. annual inflation in russia at the end of the second quarter will be 7.7%, remaining at the level of the first. such figures are given in the center's commentary. bank to according to the macro forecast, in a quarterly comparison , price growth will decrease by one percentage point to 4.6%. as the regulator explained, the persistence of inflation at a high level is associated with active growth in demand, which exceeds the possibility of expanding supply. in addition, the bank of russia raised its inflation forecast for the current year, which indicates a more gradual slowdown in price growth than
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previously expected, the regulator noted. for next year, the forecast remains the same, the same target 4%. the ex-head of the world bank believes that america is in for a financial crisis. disaster next year. david malpas is responsible for the monstrous us national debt, the volume of which is approaching $35 trillion. at the same time, expenses will only grow, taxes will also have to be increased in order to ensure at least somewhat comparable replenishment of the treasury. all this is aggravated by the fact that the federal reserve is unable to defeat the so -called sticky inflation, which the former head of the regional office draws attention to.
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the united states threatens india with sanctions over plans to develop a port in iran. as one of them stated representatives of the state department, by the way, are themselves an ethnic indian, washington knows new delhi’s plans regarding cooperation with tehran, but if the states, when it is in their interests, are allowed to do this, then others are not. any organization, anyone who is considering doing business with iran needs to be aware of the potential risk that they are exposed to, the potential risk of sanctions. newdeli signed a ten-year contract with tehran for the development of the chabahar port. through iran, the gulf of oman, india will gain access to afghanistan and central asia, and more importantly, newley can direct cargo flows bypassing the ports of pakistan, its historical rival. the situation is delicate. on the one hand, the united states is developing relations with india in the field of high technology and defense, creating a counterbalance to china. on the other hand, washington really does not want to allow iran to gain strength. in conclusion
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, the dollar exchange rate today is 91 rubles 63 kopecks. euro 98 rub. 84 kopecks novel. mash, thank you. now to the most recent messages. today the federation council will complete its consideration of candidates for the ministers of the security bloc and the ministry of defense. results consultations will be sent. president, discussions took place in committees the day before. candidates for ministerial posts in the new cabinet of ministers will be discussed today in the state duma, in the names of deputy prime ministers, deputies approved the list proposed by mikhail mishustin 16 the day before. in the omsk region they are preparing for the peak of the flood, which is expected in the coming days. the most difficult situation is in the ustishimsky district, about a thousand people were evacuated from there, hundreds of houses and roads were flooded, additional rescue teams were sent to the area. the georgian parliament is preparing to accept scandalous law on foreign agents, the document can be approved today, as the country's prime minister said, the opposition will not be able to repeat the maidan scenario, the day before
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the next rally attracted several thousand people, there are detainees, why the star of the parisian football team psgbappe fought with the president of the club, more on that in a couple of minutes . attacked by credit card debt? i ’ll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts onto one halva card from the parent bank, refinance them for 24 months, conveniently pay them off, and also with halva from sovcombank we effectively buy in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. say no to silicone ? and yes, shaoma shampoo, 90% of the ingredients are of natural origin. take care of your family with shauma. shauma - care from roots to ends. sportmaster presents the outventure brand - reliable travel equipment.
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fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer your money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card. we collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs (emfreshness) from the garden to the shelf at the speed of freshness, only a magnet on the network, attack credit card debts, i will show you a couple of tricks, collect all credit card debts for one day, conveniently pay off in 24 months and
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withdraw rubles for all purchases for free cash, not just profitable, alpha profitable! professional coloring sios, long-lasting cream dye, rich color, no gray hair, protection against damage, strong shine of dyed hair, sios, hair like after a salon, the state abolished fees for transfers between your accounts in different banks, from may 1. russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive super cashback in rubles and a 16% rate on savings. not just profitable, alpha profitable. now sports news, the issue
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will be presented by danila makhalin. good morning. the star of the paris football team gilane mbapé, according to local media, got into a fight with the club president before the game with toulouse. what happened there? good morning, it’s hard to say exactly, but the luporizien publication writes that president nasser alkhilaifi did not like that mbappe specifically did not mention him in the farewell video, according to eyewitnesses, after such a complaint against football player, a fight just started between them. we start the issue with tennis. daniil medvedev beat serbia's hamad medjedovic in the third round of the masters in rome. twenty-year-old medjedovic is ranked 121 in the world rankings and has not won a single match in the main draw of a grand slam tournament. however, he was still able to take one of medvedev’s games, with a score of 6:2. but seeded number two at this tournament and being the reigning winner of this competition , medvedev won the first third set against the serbian
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7-5 and 7-6. eventually making it to the fourth round, next danila is waiting for tommy paul, the masters in rome will end with a prize fund of almost 8 million euros on may 19. another russian andrei rublev, who recently became a triumphant madrid masters, stumbled at the same stage, and rublev lost to the 109th racket of the world to the frenchman alexander muller in 1 hour and 47 minutes. andrei lost in three sets 6:3, 3:6, 2:6. kazan unix players beat krasnodar lokomotiv-kuban in the fourth match of the semi-final playoff series of the vtb united league, thereby equalizing the overall score in the confrontation 2:2. meeting in krasnodar ended with an advantage of almost 20 points in favor of the team from kazan 85-68, although at the beginning it was lokomotiv who tried to take the lead, making the starting rogue at 8:00. the guests quickly adapted to the attacks of the hosts, taking the first
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quarter to the end. the score is 21:12. by the big break, kazan was already leading by +16. lokomotiv tried to get back into the game, but the guests never let the opponent get closer than eight points. confident victory for unix. the next match of the series will take place in kazan on may 16. today in the russian football cup there will be the final of the rpl route, in which spartak and baltika will play. there will only be one game in this part of the bracket. everything will be decided exclusively in the match, which will be held in kaliningrad; if spartak or baltika are successful, one of the teams will qualify for the russian cup superfinal against the winner of the zenit cska pair. here the first match in moscow has already taken place and ended with the score 1:1. the return game is scheduled for the 15th in st. petersburg, the film crew of our channel will go to both meetings along with my colleague alexander abramov. until the end
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season in russian football.


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