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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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news mid-hour, briefly: the federation council today at a plenary meeting will sum up the results of meetings with candidates from the power bloc of the government, as well as the ministry of the accounts chamber. vladimir putin will take into account the senators’ conclusions when deciding on the appointment. the state duma will consider ministerial candidates for the new government. deputies will have to discuss candidates for 16 positions. the day before, parliamentarians approved all deputy prime ministers. russian air defense repelled a new air attack. to belgorod, as reported regional authorities, several drones were shot down, hitting a local resident with shrapnel, she was hospitalized, glass in nine high-rise buildings was destroyed, and a power line was damaged. a major fire occurred at night in arkhangelsk, the lomonosov motor ship caught fire in the ship repair dock, the fire covered more than 900 km, it is known that the flame broke out after welding work, the prosecutor's office is investigating. in the south donetsk direction. russian
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artillerymen launched an information strike on the enemy, a powerful multiple launch rocket system, hurricane fired rockets stuffed with leaflets, 10 thousand in each ammunition. our military correspondent, eduard punigov, will tell you how such trips to the firing line take place. before each departure for a combat mission, the commander personally checks the technical condition of the hurricane. you can go out normally on one trip, even 100 times, but the 10th time can do something.
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this rocket launcher is now working on targets that are hidden behind enemy lines, they also often shoot at hurricanes in response, but the main danger is posed by kamikaze drones, there is an anti-drone operator who is standing, if he sees a bird or something, he jams it, takes it to the side, shoots it down. at this moment we immediately turn up, maneuver, and leave. rszzo hurricane can cover an area of ​​several football fields. artillerymen from buryatia are constantly maneuvering, working day and night. as a rule, the first shot is a sighting shot, the rest are to kill. this rocket seems to be no different from a regular one. in fact, there is not a fight inside from 10,000 leaflets. this is what the leaflets that are dropped on enemy positions look like, not stylized. under
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bills, dollars, euros, but the most important thing is that a telegram channel is indicated here, i want to live, where i can write from. ukrainian soldier yevgeny pogrebnyak found one of these leaflets and surrendered at the first opportunity. we suffer normal losses, as if the officers don’t go to positions with us at all, we don’t have armored vehicles, we throw in salaries for cars so that we can get to the landing site, artillerymen from buryat work along the entire line, the southern donetsk front, consistently squeeze the enemy out of fortified positions, we believe, even during the second world war, when the soldiers went to war, according to the buryad tradition, they took with them the grief of the earth. this means that the spirit of the land where you took it from, that is, your native spirit, will protect you. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. last night in the central region was the last with frosts; then the weather will take a course for summer. when twenty-degree warmth returns to moscow, we will tell you
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all credit card debts in one holva card from sofcombank, we refinance them for 24 months we repay conveniently, and with kholva fathers of kombank we effectively buy in installments. halva - simple techniques, installments. some regions experience february snowstorms, while others experience gradual warming. may again throws you either hot or cold, how much snow did the stormy cyclone bring to the urals, when in moscow the thermometers rise to +20, why will this happen in the capital even earlier than in the south? this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel. i'm anna volkova, hello, winter has fled to the urals, but the temperature in the european part of the country will not immediately reach may levels condition. this is what moving the new year holidays to may looks like, perhaps the most popular joke about the weather from chelyabinsk public pages. what happened the day before in the region
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cannot be called anything other than a cold collapse. even on sunday , the thermometer in the capital of the southern urals rose to +200, and on monday they did not even reach plus one and a half. a real snowstorm raged on the m5 federal highway, motorists had to remember their winter driving habits, and in some places even temporary snow cover was restored, for example. its height was 7 cm, our cherry blossoms are already blooming all in the snow, the cherry is already gaining color, tulips, tulips really like it, the sverdlovsk region was spared snowfalls, but the wind here accelerated to storm levels, in yekaterinburg a hurricane almost led to a tragedy, on one of the streets , a rotten poplar was broken in half, and it collapsed on the place where literally... a couple of seconds ago a woman and a child had stood. today the cyclone, which brought winter back to the ural region, and before that, by the way,
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to european russia, will already go north siberia, but from taimyr to the shores of the black sea a ridge of rain clouds, its cold front, will stretch. another massif of clouds will appear in the north-west of the russian plain , after which warm atlantic air masses will begin to arrive here. this course of atmospheric processes explains the very peculiar temperature regime at this time. look, at midday in the foothills of the caucasus, thermometers will show only +10- +15, it will be a little warmer in the kuban and the lower reaches of the volga and don, but in the middle latitudes the cold anomaly, on the contrary, will begin to decrease, and during the day in the west of the region +12 +17. in the following days , the situation will change little, the atlantic flow will continue to warm the center and northwestern european russia, and here the temperature background will gradually return to the may climate. eastern winds will carry cool air from siberia along with rain clouds to the spurs of the caucasus, so the region
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will experience more april weather. for example, in stavropol it will rain until saturday, due to dense clouds, today and tomorrow in the city it will only be +11-13, instead of the usual +20 at this time of year. in subsequent days , the sun will appear more often through the breaks in the clouds, the temperature will warm up to +14-16. in central russia, on the contrary, most of the working week. sunny weather will prevail and it will rain only on friday, in this situation the air will warm up well, today in moscow it is still about +14 - this is 4° colder than expected, and from thursday the thermometer readings will rise to quite may +17 +20. that's all for me, goodbye.
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now economic news, mazh the united states has now officially abandoned russian low-enriched uranium. roman joe biden signed the document, but to what extent is this a refusal? the question remains. us president joe biden signed a law passed by congress banning the import of low-enriched uranium from
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russia, while the largest american company that resells nuclear fuel has already announced that it will apply to the relevant departments for permission to purchase. here it is necessary to recall that the new law is specific, it allows the united states to bypass its own sanctions without gray schemes, it will come into force only after 90 days. and more importantly, mintorka and the state debt can issue permits until 2027 inclusive. if this corresponds to the national interests of the united states, or countries other than russia cannot provide the required volumes, rosatom is the number one supplier for the united states, and immediate refusal is not possible. gazprom reports a significant increase in supplies to china via the power of siberia gas pipeline. in its telegram channel, the company notes the dynamics, in particular, from january 1 to may 12 of this year , the volume of supplies exceeded by more than a third the figure for the same period in 2023. if we take april separately, the growth compared to last year was over 57%. daily
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supplies to china are also growing. since the beginning of the year , the historical record for their volume has been updated six times. the buyer is the state-owned company cnpc, on which the united states is constantly trying to put pressure. the european union must change its business model due to the lack of russian energy resources. this was stated by french president emmanul macron at a business conference in versailles. he called on europe produce its own energy, which will be based on nuclear energy and renewable sources. in the meantime, the european union cannot withstand competition with china and the united states, which, moreover, macron complained, that’s all. moving away more from the countries of the old world. if we compare europe with china or the usa, the situation is not so good. our business model needs to change. our business was built on cheap energy from russia, an excellent export market in china and the organization of production in central europe under the geopolitical umbrella of the united states. these pillars
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the european model ceases to exist. requirements for transparency. the largest american airlines did not like education, they decided to challenge the new rules in court, a lawsuit has already been filed, reuters reports. the fact is that since april, states have prohibited luring passengers with low ticket prices without specifying the mandatory fees that will be added to it. in addition, such information should be placed directly next to the price, and not in extraneous hyperlinks. unaccustomed to playing openly, airlines accused the authorities of abuse of power when trying to regulate commercial activities. completion of exchange rates, the dollar today is 91 rubles, 63 kopecks, the euro is 98.84 kopecks. roman, thank you, i’ll briefly talk about some of the central themes of the hour. at a plenary meeting in the federation council today , the results of consultations with applicants for the posts of heads of law enforcement agencies of the ministry of accounts chamber will be summed up. the president will take into account the senators' findings when
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deciding on appointments to these positions. the state duma will today discuss candidates for ministerial positions. deputies will have to consider applicants for 16 positions in the new government, deputy prime ministers, parliamentarians approved the day before. the peak of the flood in the omsk region is expected in the coming days. the most difficult situation is in the ustishimsky region. hundreds of houses, garden plots, roads were flooded, about a thousand people were evacuated. an additional group of rescuers has been sent to the disaster zone. a ban on uranium imports from russia to the united states will hit the american economy the hardest. this was stated by our country's ambassador to washington, anato. antonov. earlier, joe biden signed a decree banning the purchase of russian uranium. let's break for commercials now. afterwards, in the program , we will tell you why a separate mark on citizenship is placed on a child’s birth certificate and is it necessary when traveling abroad? what are men silent about? painful
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extinguish, and i get heartburn from your food, with this it already gives me heartburn, let’s keep it simple, heartburn from eating, take it, it extinguishes, fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, is active from the first minutes, extinguishes heartburn, extinguishes, not all. there is one classic that people like more and more, classic grand burgers and a new one, grand picant with spicy tomato sauce, delicious and full stop, catching the firebird pie is not easy. anyone can get a rate on a deposit at gazprom bank. interest rate up to 17% per annum on deposit for 6 months. get
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real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit at gasproombank. this have not happened before. russian cold. 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass. try this real russian ice cream. great, incredible taste. a note on citizenship on a child’s birth certificate is now required for crossing the border, with which countries, in what other situations it will be required. where and how you can get it, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. so, in march , new rules for the departure of children began to apply. up to 14 years of age abroad, they relate to the birth certificate, it must contain a mark of citizenship with a red official seal, this will be needed to travel to a number
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of states that accept russians with national documents, these are abkhazia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and south ossetia . this concerns the lists of countries with which the russian federation has signed interstate agreements and interstate treaties. these are belarus, abkhazia, south ossetia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and armenia, but armenia with a reservation. unfortunately, in the interstate agreement between the russian federation and armenia, a birth certificate does not appear as a document by which a child can cross the border; accordingly, a child needs a foreign passport to visit the republic of armenia. if the child has his own passport, there are no problems with proof of citizenship will not arise. if.
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with the corresponding mark, one of the child’s parents can contact directly the territorial body of the ministry of internal affairs of russia; for this, you will need to present the form of the birth certificate and the parents’ passports. it must be said that in itself a birth certificate issued in russia does not confirm citizenship, because the document looks the same for a child whose parents are russian, and for a child whose, for example, one of the parents is a foreigner, when issued... certificates of the birth of a child on the territory of the russian federation, and there is a need to clarify what citizenship he has, the citizenship of a foreigner’s parent, or
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the citizenship of the russian federation, in which case, the parents will have to submit a document, a notification of citizenship to the territorial body of the ministry of internal affairs , either about the absence of russian citizenship, or that they are accepting russian citizenship - asks to grant citizenship to their child, by birth, because the pope is also a citizen of the russian federation. so, you can put a mark on citizenship at the territorial division of the ministry of internal affairs for migration issues at your place of residence. in some regions, such an opportunity is available at the mfc. the queue is either live or online. if citizens of the russian federation are abroad, they can contact our diplomatic missions. foreign institutions, respectively, they will be helped in registration there. please note that the service is free, there are no commission fees. let us repeat the most important thing, the mark on citizenship.
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for the stamp to appear, you must submit application, this can be done at the territorial division of the ministry of internal affairs for migration issues or the mfc. a citizenship stamp will be useful not only when traveling abroad, but also for receiving government services and social support. still have questions, want to know more? how to obtain certain necessary documents or take advantage of benefits, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask questions, we will learn from specialists and tell you about everything in one of the next episodes of the instructions program.
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educational... programs and documentaries. let's see. we look in the application or on the website.
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the state duma will approve 16 ministers of the new government today; our correspondent will tell you live who is applying for which positions? the federation council is completing consultations on the candidacies of the power bloc and mida. who gets special attention? ukrainian militants struck again. in belgorod, the attack was repulsed, but there was destruction, a civilian was injured. an unannounced visit, why did the us secretary of state come to kiev, who will he meet with and what will he promise? when can we expect the peak of the flood in the omsk region? about 1.00 people have already been evacuated there; in yakutia , were people taken out by helicopters and boats? the ruble is noticeable.


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