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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the state duma will approve 16 ministers of the new government today; our correspondent will tell you live who is applying for which positions. the federation council is completing consultations on the candidacies of the imida power bloc. who gets special attention? ukrainian militants struck belgorod again. the attack was repulsed, but there was destruction. a civilian was injured. unannounced visit. why did the us secretary of state come to kiev, who will he meet with and what will he promise? when to expect the peak of flood in the omsk region, there is already about a thousand people were evacuated in yakutia.
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they were taken out by helicopters and boats. the ruble is noticeably strengthening; what factors, besides political ones, are supporting our currency. the federation council today will sum up the results of consultations with candidates for the leadership of security forces, as well as the ministry of accounting chamber. vladimir putin will take into account the work of senators when deciding on appointments. the day before , during conversations with applicants for these.
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concerns payments to civilian personnel in military units, this applies especially to medical care, i think absolutely it’s not orderly when fsvo participants who come on vacation are driven from civilian medical institutions and sent to hospitals, which are often simply overcrowded, this issue must be resolved, this also applies to excessive bureaucracy and paperwork.
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everything that the ministry of defense orders for such large funds, and all this must be coordinated with the capabilities of the economy, it all needs to organize production so that it is at the right price, so that it is effective, so that there are quality products, and here the minister of defense needs constantly interact with other ministries. the state duma will today discuss the candidacies of ministers for the new government on a list of 16 names; they were proposed by mikhail mishustin; the day before , deputies approved deputy prime ministers. all 10 applicants, who were also nominated by the head of the cabinet of ministers, were approved. parliamentarians have worked with them before; speaker of the lower house vyacheslav polodin expressed hope that the productive dialogue will continue. all candidates. introduced by
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the prime minister, we feel good it is known that we and they went through a difficult time of challenges that the country faced: the economy grew to 3.6% at the end of last year. we must note that the prime minister did the right thing by holding consultations with the state duma. that he proposed people who do not need to learn, who do not need to start all over again. the post of first deputy chairman of the government was taken by denis manturov; previously he combined the positions of deputy prime minister and chief minister. the state duma noted that the increase indicates the increased importance of the country’s industrial block of importance financial stability of defense enterprises. the domestic defense industry is the most powerful. the russian defense industry
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is the most powerful in the world in terms of production volumes of the main types of weapons and military equipment. at the same time, the geopolitical situation dictates the need to constantly improve the technical characteristics of products, meet the increased current needs of the army and accelerate work on promising ones. two new names appeared on the list of deputy prime ministers: vitaly savelyev and dmitry patrushev. they were promoted from ministerial positions. in the new location , saveliev transport and patrushev agriculture will continue to oversee environmental issues. the remaining eight deputy chairmen retained their
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posts: alexander novok, he will be responsible for the economic bloc, dmitry grigorenko, will oversee digital development, communications, as well as the front office. during a new air attack by the ukrainian armed forces, a woman was hit by shrapnel, according to the ministry of defense, our air defense shot down 25 enemy missiles, high-rise buildings and private houses were damaged. our correspondent, igor pikhanov, is monitoring the situation; he is live connection with the studio. igor, greetings, what is known about the condition of the wounded woman and what is the extent
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of the damage? oh, hello, roman, ah, the victim is seriously injured, as they report on their telegram channel. vyacheslav glodkov, she is now hospitalized, she is receiving all the necessary medical care, there are specialists and the necessary equipment for this, today at about 5 am ukrainian militants attacked belgorod again, hit with rockets, all the shells hit the residential sector, this is a densely populated area of ​​the city, here place of one of shells hit, it hit the playground directly, after the explosion it was... destroyed, here lies a metal part of this shell, it’s a fragment, these destructive elements scattered hundreds of meters, only by luck at that moment there was no one on this playground , there was no one on the walkway
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, no one was hurt in this yard, but i’ll ask the operator now to show the force of such an impact from about such a fragment, that is, it pierces even such a thick sheet. the blow was carried out today by ukrainian militants in 5:00 in the morning in the neighboring houses, a blast wave broke out the windows with shrapnel, a woman was injured during the morning shelling, she was hospitalized, let's give the floor to an eyewitness, the situation is alarming, of course, all people are tense on their nerves, mostly flies to...
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during the morning shelling nine multi-apartment residential buildings were damaged, local authorities reported, this was glazing, balconies were damaged, in addition , the roofs of private estates were cut, there was also damage to the fifteenth city school, six cars were damaged by shrapnel shells, the power line was also damaged, but employees of the power grid company quickly arrived on the scene. the power supply was restored, there was also damage in the suburbs of the regional center, damage to a residential private house, and damage to a car. in addition, tonight ukrainian militants attacked the shevekinsky urban district, it is located right on the border, as a result there is
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damage to residential buildings, damage to the power line, one street remains without light, as soon as operational intelligence allows the situation there... employees of the energy network company will move forward and the light supply will also be restored. roman, igor, thank you, our correspondent, igor pikhanov, was in direct communication from belgorod. powerful explosions have occurred in ukraine in recent hours. early in the morning, residents of kharkov heard the roar. before this, the same messages came from uman in the cherkasy region. around midnight , information appeared about an attack in dnepropetrovsk. a little earlier, explosions occurred in the kiev region. ukrainian media report on the work of air defense. the sounds of detonation were heard in kherson, controlled by the kyiv regime. information about damage is being clarified. the air raid alert in ukraine was announced several times during the night. just heard the sirens. residents of 14 regions and the territory of the kherson region, where militants are now in control.
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russian military in the kharkov region captured militants in the formation of the kraken brotherhood. the ministry of defense reported this. neo-nazis said that recruiting volunteers had become much more difficult. morale in units is falling. the reason is the difficult situation at the front, heavy losses. in addition, the command hides the real state of affairs from the militants; they are often sent on missions blindly. it was announced that there was a dome there, there was a rap, everything else, in the end this was not the case, there were no prepared firing points in those positions, plus they were constantly covering us with drones, there were skids and artillery was deliberately hitting us, that is, in the morning the tank was working on us , there was a mortar and it laid everything, well, not just close, but flew straight in, we fought with foreigners, that’s right,
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because many of my good friends died in this war. this morning in kyiv with us secretary of state antony blinken arrived on an unannounced visit. the state department clarified that he will meet with zelensky, the prime minister and the head of the foreign ministry. they will discuss the situation on the battlefield and the new american aid package for ukraine. the topic will be continued by victoria koroleva. in the united states, they started talking about another package of military assistance for kiev, as the adviser explained.
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size of supplies their sequence. i won't say that we will do this every week. i want to say that the level of intensity in this issue is already great. true, the new american tranches are unlikely to help the ukrainian armed forces improve its position in the short term. this was stated by military experts in the french newspaper mont. nevertheless, washington continues to demand that its allies supply patriot systems to kiev. germany has already given three of its installations to the ukrainians. with a creaky heart, german chancellor olaf. admitted that it’s hard for berlin, but kiev needs the missile system more. justifications were also made
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by serbian president aleksandar vucic for trying to reach an agreement with ukraine. he declared, that belgrade faces certain tasks, so meetings with ukrainian representatives are simply necessary. what do you want from me? what do you want from your president? don't talk to a country with a population of forty million that has never done anything wrong. serbia and which did not recognize kosovo, i have the task and obligation to ask ukraine not to be on the other side when voting in the council of europe on the admission of kosovo, not to be against belgrade in the un general assembly. explain to me what 's wrong here? do you want to say now that i will a russian hire? i am not a russian hirer, neither european nor american. meanwhile, the situation on the battlefield for the ukrainian armed forces is getting worse, even the american media admits this. western supplies. are not able to fill the gaps in ukrainian defense, civilian infrastructure is of no interest to anyone,
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because, as the nato secretary general said, in the event of defeat, it is pointless to restore the country. en stoltenberg again noted a strange logic: the more weapons kiev has, the less destruction for some reason. future recovery is important, but only if ukraine will win, otherwise there will be nothing to restore. and it will also cost a lot. but prevention is cheaper than repair, each of our supplies of weapons for defense means a reduction in damage and destruction, which means the scale of recovery after will decrease. the wars also responded to this statement in the russian foreign ministry. diplomats emphasized that for the west, kiev is only a tool for implementing a course against russia. ukraine itself is not at all interesting to nato countries. victoria koroleva, olga panomareva, lead. the estonian government is discussing the possibility of sending troops to the west ukraine, the advisor to the country's president said. according to his information, if the decision
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is made, estonian soldiers will take on logistical tasks in western ukraine and thereby liberate them. take such a step as part of a full nato mission. now economic news, maria filippova joins me. mash, good morning, the ruble is noticeably strengthening. roman, good morning, yes, now i’ll tell you what influenced this. the ruble strengthened noticeably during the first full trading session after the may holidays. market participants attribute this to a decline in political risks. during these days, the president took office. the composition of the new russian government became known. on monday, the dollar fell against the ruble by 90 kopecks. the euro is at 95. the yuan exchange rate has dropped by 11 kopecks. today's trading opened without significant fluctuations. in addition to purely political factors, the ruble continues to be supported by the requirement for the mandatory sale of foreign currency earnings for the largest exporters, which
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has been extended immediately for a year until april 2025. another positive point is the execution of the budget within the framework of the deficit plan. did not exceed 0.8% of gdp. annual inflation in russia at the end of the second quarter will be 7.7%, remaining at the level of the first. such figures are given in the central bank's commentary on the macro forecast. and in a quarterly comparison, price growth will decrease by one percentage point to 4.6%. as the regulator explained, the persistence of inflation at a high level is associated with active growth in demand, which exceeds the possibility of expanding supply. in addition, the bank of russia raised its inflation forecast for the current year, which indicates a more gradual slowdown in price growth than previously expected, he noted. regulator for next year, the forecast remains the same, the same target 4%. the former head of the world bank believes that america will face a financial disaster next year. david malpas referred to the monstrous
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us national debt, which is approaching $35 trillion. at the same time, costs will only increase. and taxes. will also have to be increased to ensure at least somewhat comparable replenishment of the treasury. all this is aggravated by the fact that the federal reserve is unable to defeat the so -called sticky inflation, which it points out attention former head of the regional branch of the federal reserve? the so-called last mile of inflation to get inflation down from 3% to 2% is proving more difficult than expected, so we'll have to keep an eye on that and see how the situation develops, but...
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anyone considering doing business with iran must be aware of the potential risk it is exposed to regarding the potential risk of sanctions. newdeli signed a ten-year contract with tehran for the development of the chabahar port. through iran gulf of oman india will gain access to afghanistan and central asia. more importantly, newdeli will be able to divert cargo flows bypassing the ports of pakistan, its historical rival. the situation is delicate. on the one hand, the usa.
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a historical event, since for the first time the lower house of parliament will approve the composition of the new government, and i would like to remind you that the structure of the cabinet of ministers itself has not changed, 21 ministers.
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provision of democracy, which is called separation of powers, the president quite consciously shared part of his powers with parliament, and parliament today takes a significant share of responsibility for the quality of those officials who will become ministers and deputy prime ministers; for the quality of the work of the russian government, we are responsible today.
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anton alikhanov was called to the region, he was offered the position of minister of industry and trade, he is not new here, he previously worked in the ministry of industry and trade, of course, the experience that he acquired both during his federal service and in his work in the region will be useful to him in his new position. to post the candidacy of the governor of the kursk region, roman storavoit, was proposed for the minister of transport, here he is... also not a new person, from 2012 to 2018 he headed rosavtodor, for the post of minister of energy,
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the candidacy of the governor of the kemerovo region was called, and sergei tsevelev, the man who leads, perhaps the largest coal-mining regions of our country, well , finally, another governor who most likely... will move to work in the federal center, this time from the khabarovsk territory, of course, and its governor mikhail dekterev, he was offered the post of minister of sports instead of the departed oleg matytsin, in general, the person here is also not new, i will remind you that before heading the region, mikhail dekterev here in the state duma, as a deputy, headed the committee on physical education, sports and... mm and tourism, well, by the way, he himself is a master of sports in fencing, another new name, but this is no longer a person from the governor’s gender, but
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oksana lut has been proposed for the post of minister of agriculture, she has been working in the ministry of agriculture since 2018 and since 21 is deputy minister, but before that she held a senior position in the specialized rosselkhozbank, so a person who also knew the industry first-hand, but as for the main core of ministers, it remains the same: mikhail mishustin proposed leaving what is called the old guard in place , literally in name order, anton kotyakov, he was offered the position of minister of labor, alexander kozlov - ministry of natural resources, sergei krovtsov - ministry of education, olga lyubimova will remain the head of the ministry of culture, maxim reshetnikov, ministry of economic development, anton silouan. the ministry of finance, mikhail murashka will also head the ministry of health, iraq faizulin - the ministry of construction, valery falkov, the ministry of education and science, alexey chikunkov, i apologize, and the ministry
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of east development and maksud shadayev, these are min-figures, let's see how the deputies will vote upon completion of the presentation of all candidates, how this vote is expected to be open, roman, natalya, thank you, we will continue to wait for news from you from the state duma, where the new government will continue to be approved today. in the third round of the masters in rome. twenty-year-old mededovich is located on 121st place in the world rankings and did not win a single match in the main draw of grand slam tournaments, however
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, i was able to take one of medvedev’s games... and with a score of 6:2, well, being seeded in this tournament as number two and being the current the winner of this competition, medvedev, won the first third set using 75 and 76, eventually advancing to the fourth round. next up for daniel is the american tomi pool, the masters will end in rome with a prize fund of almost 8 million euros on may 19. kazan unics basketball players beat krasnodar lokomotiv-kuban in the fourth match of the semi-final series of the vtb united league, the score of the confrontation was 2:2. the meeting in krasnodar ended with an advantage of almost 20 points in favor of the team from kazan 85-68, although at the beginning it was lokomotiv that tried to take the lead, making an 8:0 starting spurt. the guests quickly adapted to the hosts' attacks, taking the first quarter with a final score of 21:12. by the big break, kazan was already leading by +16. lokomotiv tried to return to the game.
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but the opponent's guests are closer than eight points they didn’t let us in, a confident victory for unix. the next match of the series will take place in kazan on may 16. today in the russian football cup the regional final will take place, in which spartak and baltika will play. there is only one game in this part of the bracket, so everything will be decided exclusively in the match, which will be held in kaliningrad. if spartak or baltika are successful, one of the teams will qualify for the russian cup superfinal on the winner. here the first match in moscow has already taken place and ended with the score 1:1. the return game is scheduled for the fifteenth in st. petersburg. until the end there are only two rounds left in the russian football premier league season. dynamo is sensationally in the lead, ahead of zenit and krasnodar. in an interview with my colleague ilya kazakov , the famous former football player and now coach vadim
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evseev, who became a guest, spoke about the intrigues of the ending of the championship. some players say, if only one coach had come, they would have been removed, another coach would have come, the team would still have played, because apparently the coach who has been on the team for a long time or they know his requirements, but is either already boring, or some kind of negative goes together, there is no symbiosis, that’s why there are such cases, then... no matter what kind of coach came or as we see, too many remained or if a new coach came, the team would still start gaining points i would start playing. colorado forward valery nechushkin was disqualified for at least six months by decision of the national hockey league. official nhl sources report that nechushkin has been transferred to the third stage of the player assistance program and will be suspended from the match
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at a minimum. for 6 months without saving wages. after this period , the russian striker will have the right to apply for reinstatement. according to unconfirmed information from north american journalists, nichushkin failed a test for the presence of prohibited drugs in his body. thus, valery will not be able to help his team in the remaining playoff matches, although before that he scored nine goals in nine meetings in the knockout games. at the same time, evgeniy kuznetsov scored a goal. dmitry orlov's assist helped the queen win over the rangers are 4-1 in the second round of the playoffs. now artemy ponarin’s team leads carolina 3:2 in the series. the next match will take place on may 17. that's all about sports for now.
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